Are Lynda certificates worth anything?
LinkedIn has over 500 million users worldwide. It's one of the most popular professional networks with an extensive set of features that can be used by anyone looking to improve their online presence. The network also includes dozens of different types of Certificates as well as Courses. If you're trying to figure out if these certificates will benefit your career or not then read this article. We'll talk about what they look like, where you can find them, whether they're worth getting, and even if they're needed at all.
Certified training from Lynda offers new ways to learn and teach yourself something new. With hundreds of thousands of video tutorials covering everything from data science and software development to web design and photography, there’s always some type of learning material available to those who want to take advantage of it. However, with so many choices available, how should you decide which ones to spend time learning? Let us explain why it might make sense to invest in some sort of certified education.
Can I put Lynda courses on my resume?
It depends! While we encourage people to post information about any skills learned through Lynda, we don't recommend using it as the primary way to describe your qualifications in your resume because it lacks credibility. In addition, while LinkedIn provides tools to check if someone else has seen a particular credential, it doesn't provide similar functionality for its own credentials. So, if you see someone posting a Lynda Certificate on their profile, it may just mean that they've taken the class but haven't yet posted it publicly. That said, if you have access to a recruiter, they probably won't mind seeing your Lynda account when searching resumes.
Although a lot of companies require employees to pass certain tests before moving into a position, there isn't really a standard definition of what constitutes "certification." For instance, LinkedIn doesn't define what makes up a Certified Professional, and neither does Microsoft. This means that no matter what company you work for, you could technically be considered certified without having received formal recognition from the employer.
The question remains though - are certificates created via Lynda actually legitimate and useful? There are two main reasons why you would consider investing in a Lynda Certification:
1) You believe that the course content is valuable and relevant to your current career goals. These courses cover topics such as accounting, marketing, programming languages, etc., and often include case studies or other real-world scenarios that can be applied to your day-to-day tasks. When you complete a course, you receive a certificate that shows off your knowledge of that subject.
2) You plan to move onto a higher level of skill within a given industry, e.g. becoming a senior developer instead of junior. By taking a course and earning a certificate, you show potential employers that you've already completed several projects in the field of study.
If you choose to pursue either option above, you need to understand that these certificates aren't official or recognized by the organization that developed the course itself. They simply act as proof that you successfully took the course and passed a test related to the topic covered within. As long as you keep up with the required hours, you're likely safe. The only downside here is that you must pay for each course individually unless you sign up for a monthly subscription. If you opt for the latter, you can save money overall since you won't need to buy multiple courses per month.
Are LinkedIn certificates credible?
While LinkedIn profiles come across as more personal than traditional resumes, they still lack the same kind of credibility that most professions demand. To prove your expertise in a specific area, you typically need to earn a degree, obtain a license, or acquire an award. LinkedIn certificates fall short of this criteria, making them less reliable sources than other forms of verification.
On top of that, LinkedIn accounts tend to be public by default. Anyone who views your profile can easily determine your educational background and experience based upon what you tell them. Even worse, once you upload a photo to your profile, any potential future employers can see it too.
This isn't to say that LinkedIn certs shouldn't exist. People are increasingly recognizing the importance of showing off their accomplishments and achievements in order to promote themselves professionally. But, without proper standards in place, it becomes difficult to differentiate between fake and authentic certifications. Until then, LinkedIn is best left alone unless you know that you can trust the source.
Can I use LinkedIn certificate in my resume?
There's nothing wrong with including a link to your LinkedIn page in your resume. After all, everyone knows that LinkedIn is the go-to social platform for professionals seeking employment opportunities. Still, it's important to remember that your LinkedIn profile is meant to represent you in a positive light. Employers view your LinkedIn page as a window into your personality, so it's vital that you avoid sharing sensitive details that could potentially cause problems down the line.
In fact, it's possible to remove links to your LinkedIn profile altogether, especially if you have very little contact with co-workers and friends outside of the workplace. Instead, focus on showcasing your professional experience and demonstrating your abilities to solve complex business issues. Your LinkedIn page is supposed to reflect the person you truly are, not the person you think prospective employers want to hire.
Doing this also helps to ensure that you never end up being blacklisted due to poor judgment or questionable behavior. If your employer sees fit to terminate your contract, it's better to be able to point directly at your LinkedIn page rather than having to defend yourself after the fact.
Whether you decide to enroll in a Lynda course or create your own certificate, make sure to follow these tips first to ensure maximum success.
Coursera is another great resource for self-directed learners, offering almost 700 full-time classes taught by professors around the world. Some courses offer free trials, while others have a paid membership fee attached. Many of these courses feature hands-on assignments as part of the curriculum, meaning that students who finish early can turn those lessons into tangible results in their careers.
You might also be interested in checking out our list of free coding bootcamps that can help you learn how to code regardless of prior experience. Or, if you prefer to watch videos over reading text, try watching these YouTube channels for beginners to gain inspiration and guidance.
Are Linkedin certificates worth it?
Linkedin certificates are essentially digital versions of diplomas and degrees. They demonstrate that you've earned certain levels of competency in areas of interest, thereby giving you added credibility as an employee. Depending on the nature of the certificate, it may allow you to:
• Apply for jobs faster • Land promotions quicker • Get hired for better positions (e.g. Sales Manager vs Associate Accountant). -- See more questions regarding LinkedIn here:
LinkedIn certification programs may seem appealing, but there are plenty of things to consider before diving headfirst into a major investment. Before signing up for a program, ask yourself the following questions:
What am I going to learn from this course? Is it applicable to my current situation? Will this help me advance further in my career?
How much will it cost me? Can I afford to lose the opportunity to learn a new skill now?
Is it worthwhile to continue pursuing this path? Do I enjoy working on this project? Am I excited about completing the final product? Does it align with my values?
Have other experts reviewed this service? How do I feel about the instructor? Has anyone ever had negative experiences with this provider?
Does the certificate meet requirements for hiring/promotions? Have I worked in similar roles and achieved comparable outcomes?
After answering all of these questions honestly, you'll be ready to make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with your plans. Take note that certifications offered by Lynda and other providers vary wildly depending on the individual course. Also, many employers may frown upon obtaining a certificate from a third party. Make sure to consult with HR personnel before committing yourself to a single provider.
LinkedIn has its own training service called Lynda. It offers a range of video-based courses that aim to increase your skills in different areas like programming languages, marketing and business management. The company also provides certificates as an added benefit for completing each course. These certificates can be used on your resume to show off your achievements.
Many people wonder if these certificates are actually worth something, and whether they should even bother with them. We'll answer all those questions here.
What Is Lynda?
Lynda was founded by Michael Gerber back in 1999. He started out as a web designer before turning his attention to online education. His vision was simple - make high quality, affordable eLearning available to anyone who wanted access to it.
Since then, he's grown the platform into one of the largest providers of online educational resources across many industries. Today, there are more than 1,000 courses available through Lynda. They're broken down into seven main categories: Business & Management, Programming Languages (C#, Java), Data Science, Design & Development, User Experience, Salesforce, and Marketing Automation. There are also several other smaller niche areas within those main ones.
The courses themselves have been created by industry experts from around the globe. Some come from companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, Oracle, Adobe, Deloitte, and others. Others come from universities including Stanford University, Harvard University, MIT, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Berkeley University, Georgia Tech, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell University, and others.
If you want to take advantage of this massive library of knowledge, you need to sign up first. You'll get unlimited access for 30 days at no cost. After that, you will pay $99 per month. If you decide not to renew after three months, you won't lose any content but you won't be able to use it again until next year.
How Do I Get My Certificate From Lynda?
Once you've signed up for Lynda, you can begin taking their classes right away. Each class comes with a completion guide which walks you through every step of the way so you don't miss out on important information along the way. The guides explain what you'll learn in each lesson, when you'll finish it, and provide tips and tricks throughout.
You can follow along with the videos using either YouTube or Vimeo. When you complete a class, you'll receive a certificate automatically once you reach the end. This makes sure you never forget your hard work! To see exactly where you stand on each topic, click "My Certificates" at the top of the page. Here you can view your progress over time and compare yourself against others who took the same course at the same time.
As mentioned earlier, you can add these certificates to your resume as proof of achievement. That said, you shouldn't put too much emphasis on getting certificates just because someone else did. Your accomplishments matter far more than any piece of paper ever could. And if you feel comfortable doing so, why would you hide your success behind a meaningless document?
Which LinkedIn certificate is best?
Now we know what Lynda is and what it offers, let's look at some specific types of certificates you might find useful. As mentioned above, there are two major categories: Programming Courses and Non-Programming Courses. Within those categories, there are subcategories that cover topics like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, UX Design, Digital Marketing, etc. Let's go ahead and break it down further.
Machine Learning Certification Course
This includes courses that teach you everything from basic concepts like algorithms to advanced techniques like reinforcement learning. In fact, this particular category contains four separate courses: ML Fundamentals, Deep Learning Basics, Advanced Machine Learning, and AI Principles.
UX Design Certification Course
Here you'll learn everything from human factors studies to user research methods. In addition, you'll delve deeper into things like usability testing, visual design principles, cognitive psychology, and more.
Data Analytics Certification Course
Learn how to collect data, cleanse it, analyze it, visualize it, and turn it into actionable insights.
Digital Marketing Certification Course
From social media strategies to search engine optimization tactics, this course covers it all.
Non-Programming Courses
These include courses that aren't necessarily designed to boost your technical skill set. Instead, you'll learn how to improve your communication skills and build relationships, among other things.
User Experience Certification Course
In this section, you'll focus on improving your ability to create great experiences for your users. For example, you'll explore things like customer experience analytics, user onboarding processes, mobile app development, and more.
Sales & Customer Service Certification Course
With this course, you'll become familiar with sales basics, cold calling, closing deals, managing accounts, and more.
Marketing Certification Course
This course will help you develop new ways of thinking about marketing, brand strategy, advertising, PR, influencer marketing, digital marketing, etc.
Business Strategy Certification Course
It's always beneficial to understand how businesses operate and grow. With this course, you'll learn about macroeconomics, competition analysis, financial statements, international trade, supply chain management, and more.
Design Certification Course
When designing products, websites, apps, logos, etc., you need to consider both aesthetics and functionality. Learn how to identify problems, solve them, and implement solutions.
Sales Certification Course
To succeed in today's competitive environment, you must be prepared to think outside the box. This course teaches you all about selling, prospecting, negotiation, and more.
Other Certifications
Besides the aforementioned programs offered by Lynda, other companies offer similar services. Udacity has taken a strong stance on open source software and recently announced a partnership with GitHub. So if you'd rather pursue a coding course, check it out. Meanwhile, Pluralsight offers a wide variety of courses ranging from cloud computing to software engineering. So if you'd prefer to study computer science instead, that may be a better fit.
Is Lynda better than coursera?
While Lynda certainly isn't perfect, it's definitely comparable to Coursera. Both platforms offer tons of courses and thousands upon thousands of hours of content. However, Coursera has a bigger selection overall. Plus, it focuses only on university-level material whereas Lynda offers more general education classes. Lynda also has a lot more specialized courses covering technology and jobs while Coursera doesn't really offer anything related to tech. Lastly, Lynda is cheaper. While Coursera costs $100/month, Lynda charges $10 less ($90).
Both have pros and cons. But if you're looking for a place to get certified in certain fields without paying hundreds of dollars upfront, Lynda is probably the better option.
Which is better Lynda or udemy?
There's no doubt that Lynda is superior to Udemy since it offers a larger collection of courses. On the flip side, Udemy caters specifically towards self-taught learners. If you already possess a degree in a subject area, you may find that Lynda isn't quite as relevant to you.
Udemy vs Lynda
LinkedIn's certification program has become one of its most popular programs. It lets you earn your own credentials that can be used as proof of expertise in certain fields or positions. And while there have been some questions from skeptical people regarding whether these certificates actually matter when applying for jobs, they're still an interesting option if you want to bolster your resume.
But what exactly is a LinkedIn certification? Can you really use them on your résumé? How will they benefit your work experience? We'll explain everything you need to know about LinkedIn certificates below!
There were over 50 million LinkedIn users by 2016, making up nearly 20% of all active internet users worldwide. This makes it the world’s largest professional social network. The platform is also home to many different business-related features including networking opportunities, job listings, skills assessments, etc., so anyone who wants to pursue a new career or improve their current position could find something useful here.
In fact, LinkedIn offers more than just a place to post your CV and contact information. You can connect with other professionals across the globe and even build relationships with companies looking for talent. If this sounds like something you might enjoy, then read further down our article to learn more about LinkedIn’s various features.
Are LinkedIn Certificates Worth It?
LinkedIn recently announced that it would be offering a variety of training resources through its Learn page. These include online courses such as “How To Be A Better Networker” or “Writing Your Resume For Success”, which are designed to teach individuals specific skills in order to help them advance professionally. But unlike traditional education systems, LinkedIn doesn't offer degrees or associate degrees. Instead, each course teaches a skill, usually at a beginner level, but can eventually lead to mastery. In addition, some courses require completion of short quizzes before moving onto another section of the content.
The courses themselves come with certificates upon completion. However, to receive those certificates, you must take a quiz after completing the lessons. Those who pass the test will receive a link to download the certificate directly into your profile. Other courses provide certificates via email for people who complete the entire lesson without taking any tests.
While LinkedIn may not necessarily encourage students to pursue higher education, it certainly provides ample opportunity to gain knowledge and expand your personal networks. That said, we don’t think LinkedIn is the best way to go about earning a degree. Not only does it lack a clear pathway to graduation, but it isn't accredited either, meaning you won't be able to transfer credits between schools. So if you plan to move forward with your studies, we recommend signing up for a college class instead.
However, if you simply want to brush up on existing skills or add a few new ones, LinkedIn is definitely a great resource. Courses range in price from $19 USD to around $99 USD depending on the length and complexity of the material. Most courses last anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours, although certain topics are available in shorter bursts too. Some classes are offered exclusively on mobile devices, whereas others are completely web based.
Whether or not LinkedIn certificates should replace actual school credit is debatable. While they may seem like a convenient alternative to attending real campus lectures, it depends entirely on your goals. Do you want to enhance your professional portfolio with additional qualifications? Or are you hoping to land a better paid position somewhere else? Either way, we say check out the courses first and see if they fit your needs. Then decide from there!
Are LinkedIn certificates legit?
Most importantly, make sure the courses you choose are legitimate. There are plenty of sites dedicated solely to ripping off aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses alike. They promise easy access to money, instant success, and even a secret formula to create wealth overnight - but don’t end up wasting time and money trying to follow it.
If you’re going to invest your hard earned cash into learning a new skill set, make sure the site is reputable. Check reviews and ratings and look for mentions of positive feedback from previous customers. Also, avoid paying upfront fees because once you start working through the curriculum, it becomes very difficult to stop and cancel your subscription. Finally, you should always verify that the course teaches the same thing as a university classroom lecture.
Many courses claim to be equivalent to a university class. However, because the majority of materials are self paced, you aren't guaranteed to finish the full course within the advertised timeframe. Therefore, unless you've got unlimited time to dedicate to learning, you shouldn't expect to graduate with a degree in hand.
And if you think that’s bad, consider that some courses contain plagiarized content. This means instructors took someone else’s words and turned it into their own presentation. Because this practice is illegal both legally and ethically, it leaves no room for doubt that you could face serious legal repercussions for using pirated educational materials.
That being said, if you want to try your luck with LinkedIn courses, we suggest starting with the basics. Even though you might feel confident right now, you never know where life takes you. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to boost your chances of landing a promotion or getting hired at a company with solid hiring practices. After all, you probably already have tons of relevant experience under your belt.
Can you get a job with a LinkedIn certificate?
As mentioned above, LinkedIn certificates are nothing more than digital versions of your diplomas. As long as you meet basic requirements, you could potentially show off your newly acquired credential on your Résumé. But remember, your future employer is likely to ask for official transcripts from every institution you attended. That means you’ll have to send them copies of each letter of recommendation and transcript along with your LinkedIn certificate.
It's possible that your old professors might not be willing to write letters of recommendation anymore since they haven't seen you in years. However, if you had previously graduated with honors or received recognition for exemplary performance during your tenure at their university, you might be able to convince them otherwise.
Also keep in mind that having a LinkedIn certificate won’t automatically guarantee you a spot in the interview process. If the person conducting the phone screen asks why you didn’t attend school, you’ll need to explain yourself accordingly.
Do recruiters care about LinkedIn certs?
Recruiters don’t typically care about your academic background. However, they will appreciate knowing that you completed a given course and have relevant industry experience (whether gained online or through internships). Having a LinkedIn Certificate gives you an extra edge, especially if you completed the course prior to graduating college.
For example, if you took a marketing course before graduating, you’d stand out among candidates who didn’t yet have any formal schooling in the field. On top of that, you’ve taken initiative to develop your knowledge outside of a classroom setting, which shows potential employers that you’re committed to continuing your education.