Can a domain have multiple email addresses?
If you're the owner of your own web-based business or website, chances are you've already considered adding an additional eMail account to handle tasks like customer support emails. But what if we told you that it's possible to create as many eMail addresses on a single domain as you want? This article will walk you through how to setup new eMail addresses for your existing domains. It won't cost you anything extra either!
When someone types in "" into their browser they'll automatically end up at your primary Outlook Webmail inbox. If you wanted them to also receive messages sent to "," there would be no way to tell which mailbox they'd arrive in. That means you'd need to configure both email settings separately -- meaning double work -- and hope neither gets confused about where to send future correspondence.
Fortunately, DynaBot Email (dba) is here to help. It allows you to manage all incoming and outgoing email from any number of different providers such as Google Apps/GSuite, Yahoo!, AOL, iCloud, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange Server, Postbox, Thunderbird etc. dba supports hundreds of popular services today. In addition, you could even choose not to host your emails altogether using Amazon SES, Rackspace, Zoho, Office365 SMTP relay, SendGrid, or other third party solutions.
So why should you consider hosting your emails with dba? Let's take a look:
1.) Unlimited free email accounts per user with automatic forwarding between each provider
2.) Choose whether users get access via POP3 / IMAP4 / SMTP
3.) Manage spam filters and whitelists
4.) Create custom signatures, change fonts & colors, upload images
5.) Set up forwarders so that people don't ever have to remember long complicated URLs
6.) Allow for multi-level subscriptions within your organization
7.) Auto-detect mobile devices
8.) Automatically detect duplicate mails when sending out replies
9.) Automatic message scheduling
10.) Easily integrate all of your online tools together
11.) Control who has permission to view certain folders
12.) Schedule recurring events
13.) Track time spent by employees on specific projects
14.) Find out exactly how much disk space you're using
15.) Quickly find files based upon keyword searches
16.) Integrate with Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, SugarSync, Copy, ShareFile, GoDaddy File Transfer, MediaTemple, DudaCloud etc.
17.) Use SSL security certificates
18.) Turn off logging for selected folder(s)
19.) Customize the footer text, logo, signature, font style, background color and image size
20.) Setup rules for managing your inboxes
21.) Block junk faxes, telemarketers and call centers
22.) Forward calls directly to your cell phone
23.) Add attachments without being prompted for file names
24.) Enable auto-reload for your inboxes
25.) Get notified when important emails come in
26.) Keep track of your company contacts' birthdays
27.) View detailed stats for every folder you subscribe too
28.) Create subfolders inside your main inbox
29.) Filter out specific words, phrases and characters from subject lines
30.) Sort emails according to sender, keywords, date received, importance level, priority etc.
31.) Hide certain folders from search engines
32.) Configure folder permissions
33.) Disable showing deleted items
34.) Change the default language
35.) Support over 300 languages
36.) Sync with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Facebook Events and LinkedIn Connections
37.) Upload photos to Picasa
38.) Access your calendar anywhere
39.) Save documents to cloud storage sites
40.) Back up your data to secure locations
41.) Protect sensitive information with passwords
42.) Secure FTP server
43.) Encrypt your communication
44.) Search content inside PDF documents
45.) Run scripts on messages before doing something else
46.) Download images straight to your desktop
47.) Export entire databases
48.) Show current weather conditions next to map links
49.) Identify unknown numbers right away
50.) Install Chrome extensions
51.) More features coming soon...
Now that you know just how powerful this service really is, let's discuss some simple ways to start setting up your first few email accounts. First things first, you'll need to register your desired username and password combination. You may opt to purchase a dedicated IP address instead of renting one from a 3rd party site. Once you've done that go ahead and signup for Dynabot under our developer program. Then log into dynabot and click on "Settings." Click on "Domain Management" then select "Create New Domain". From there just follow the instructions to complete the process. When you finish, you'll see your newly created domain listed underneath Account Domains.
There are tons of options available to customize your domain but unless you plan on spending hours fiddling around with DNS records, we recommend sticking with the defaults. However, feel free to play around with those settings later after you've added some initial email accounts.
Can I use my domain name for email address?
You betcha. Simply type in whatever name you desire for your email. For instance, if you registered a domain called "" then you could simply type in "myblogger[at]" and voila - instant email address. The only thing you might run into problems with is having 2 email boxes associated with the same domain name. So make sure you pick unique usernames for all of your email addresses otherwise your subscribers will become confused.
Can a domain have multiple mail servers?
Absolutely. A good example would be if you owned a small blog that was hosted on WordPress. Your contact form might require that visitors fill in their name AND email address. Without proper MX record management, your visitor's inputted fields would often end up getting mixed up with your mailing list database. With Dynadot Email, you can designate separate mailboxes for each field of info and prevent your subscriber's details from becoming corrupted. Nowadays most companies offer autoresponders which allow you to filter out unwanted messages before anyone receives them. Dynadot Email makes it easy to build these kinds of systems because we provide you with the ability to categorize messages according to criteria such as Recipient Name, Subject Line, Message Type and Date Received. This gives you great control over what appears in your client's email clients. We also give you the option to block spammers entirely. All in all, it takes a lot less time to deal with spam complaints than it does trying to sort through endless messages manually.
Let's say you were asked to write a press release about your latest product launch. You wouldn't want to flood everyone's inbox with dozens of emails announcing the exact same news item, would you? Not only is it annoying to your readers, it wastes valuable resources for your editorial staff as well. Instead, you can schedule the press releases to automatically appear whenever necessary. Just head over to "My Settings", scroll down past the header menu until you reach the "Scheduler" section, check the box labeled "Automated Messages" and hit save changes. Don't forget to delete the word "manually" from your scheduled event title. Next, open up "Press Releases" and enter the following code: [header] How To Write Press Releases And Syndicate Them Virtually Instantly [title] Select a category. [step] Typically, categories include Technology, Education, Business, Health, Entertainment, Politics, Sports and Weather. Only select 1 category though, since this system uses the category tag to determine who will receive the press release. Also, try to limit yourself to 5 categories maximum. Why? Because this feature works best when you keep the amount of recipients low. Otherwise, your automated emails can turn into full blown Spam messages pretty quickly. [substeps] As far as titles go, avoid using generic terms like "press release" or "newsworthy announcement". These terms aren't helpful enough. They should contain key points that describe the content contained in the release. Think along the lines of "Apple Product Launch 2009 Edition" rather than "New Hardware Release". An editor needs to understand immediately what kind of material he/she's dealing with. [title] Enter the appropriate recipient email address. [step] Make sure that you always use the format "[First Last].CompanyName.[City State Province Country]." Example: "[John Doe].BogusCo.CA."[Canada]" If you're unsure how to locate your particular company's email address, check its official website. Alternatively, you can ask somebody who knows. Or better yet, ask the person responsible for creating your press release. He/She probably wrote the script themselves. Be aware that if you fail to use the correct recipient formatting, the whole automation feature goes haywire. You'll begin receiving error reports and unsubscribe requests galore. Try again! [title] Write the actual body of the press release. [step] This is going to sound very basic, but it's actually quite hard to explain. Basically, think of the press release as a short story.
If you're new to the world of web hosting and looking for affordable options, one of your first questions may be if it's possible to register domains with multiple email addresses associated with them. This is something we've covered in our guide about what exactly "domain" means when used as part of internet terms like e-mail address or website URL. You might also want to read this article from 2013 where we discussed how popular websites use subdomains -- which are essentially aliases of different parts of their site (e.g., could host both and But there's another type of alias called a vanity domain that has nothing to do with content distribution but instead allows people who don't get much traffic to register a free domain name and attach whatever they like. If you aren't familiar yet, check out these examples of great vanity domain names before deciding whether having multiple emails attached to one domain name is right for you.
But let's say you already own a domain and would like to see if adding a secondary account will work without paying additional fees. In general, most providers allow you to create as many email accounts as you'd like within the same plan, depending upon the provider. This isn't always true though, so it helps to know some of the rules regarding creating multiple email addresses under one domain. We'll start by taking a look at what's legally allowed.
Can a domain have multiple servers?
The short answer here is yes, however certain countries impose restrictions on the number of email accounts you can open per server. For instance, according to this list provided by Dynadot (one company offering a $6/month service), China does not permit companies registered in its territory to run any form of business online. As such, you cannot register a domain directly with multiple email services at once. However, this doesn't apply to everyone since other countries have less stringent policies in place. It should still be noted that even in places where opening too many email addresses is allowed, doing so could result in extra charges due to spamming practices.
So while technically you could register a domain with five email addresses at once, doing so probably won't yield very good results. Instead, focus on registering separate domains with each inbox containing only relevant information. That way you can avoid running into issues later down the road with regard to spam filters.
Another thing worth noting is that Google Apps customers often receive limits placed on the number of total user profiles they can maintain. These vary based on plans purchased, but if you find yourself hitting a wall around 500+ users then it's time to upgrade! The best solution is usually to take advantage of Google's multi-user support feature which lets you share resources across various apps and devices, allowing for hundreds of users no problem.
Can an email be hosted on two servers?
Let's say you've got a pretty large audience and need to send out newsletters to thousands of people every week. Some newsletter tools offer basic functionality, but others go above and beyond. One of those sites is Dynadot Email, which gives users access to a full suite of features designed to make sending newsletters easy. With Dynadot, you can choose between three pricing packages starting at just over $5/month, making it an excellent option for small businesses. There are plenty of reasons why Dynadot is well suited for mailing lists, but perhaps the biggest reason is because it offers 100% uptime guarantees. So rest assured knowing that your data is safe during all times when your recipients aren't able to log in to view messages sent through the platform.
There's no question that using a tool like Dynadot makes things easier than ever for anyone dealing with regular e-mails. However, what happens if you decide to move away from your current provider and wish to keep multiple copies of your e-mails? Is it possible to transfer your inboxes from one provider to another without losing control of your correspondence? Yes again!
In fact, we've written extensively about moving your email accounts from one provider to another. Check out our guide on How To Transfer Your Emails From A Previous Provider To Outlook For Windows Or Mac for instructions on setting everything up. Moving e-mails back and forth works similarly, although sometimes the process requires manual steps. Fortunately, it shouldn't take long unless you're talking about dozens of gigabytes worth of files.
One note: While transferring your e-mails from one provider to another is generally straightforward, unfortunately it isn't quite as simple with mobile device management solutions. Those require special software installed to manage your iOS or Android phones properly. Luckily, there are ways to migrate your settings and contacts from one app to another. Read our guide on Migrating Mobile Device Management Solutions Before Switching Providers for tips on getting started.
How many email addresses can a domain name have?
That depends entirely on your particular situation. Since the whole point of owning a domain is to give readers somewhere to direct their e-mail inquiries, the amount of inboxes available should match your intended purpose. Just remember that you don't necessarily need to stick to a single domain when setting up email accounts either. Sometimes it's beneficial to split your main inbox off into smaller groups in order to better organize incoming correspondence.
For example, say you own a photography blog that gets tons of comments and questions via e-mail. Splitting your primary inbox into sections for photos, tutorials, events, etc. can help streamline your workflow without cluttering up your main inbox with unrelated material. Another strategy is to simply label folders accordingly, grouping similar types of e-mails together so finding specific pieces becomes quicker after the initial setup phase ends.
You might consider splitting your inbox further by assigning individual memberships to each person who wants to contribute to your blog. This approach works particularly well alongside social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which can act as an outlet for communication with followers. Afterward, it's important to monitor activity closely so you can respond quickly to any problems or concerns raised by visitors.
How do I add a second email to my domain?
Adding an extra address to your existing domain comes down to contacting your registrar and explaining your needs. Most likely you'll be asked to pay a higher price for the privilege, but it's certainly not impossible to do without breaking the bank. Here's a quick breakdown of common procedures for adding more inboxes to your domain:
Contact GoDaddy customer service to request permission for your desired changes. Explain that you currently have X number of email addresses tied to your domain and would like Y additional ones added. Be sure to include the cost involved in changing your current records for reference purposes. Once approved, follow the next step listed below.
Create backup MX Records. This refers to DNS entries that specify how your domain responds to requests made by clients wishing to connect to your server. When you change the configuration of these records, you must update your backups to reflect the new information. Otherwise, old connections will fail. According to experts at SitePoint, you can safely delete old records until you feel confident enough to replace them with updated versions.
Set Up New Account. Create a new email account using your domain as the username. Make sure that you provide accurate contact information so the recipient knows whom to forward your message to. Also, be aware that there are limitations on the number of outgoing mails you can send daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Depending upon your usage requirements, consider purchasing a dedicated IP address.
When done correctly, adding a second mailbox to your domain shouldn't cause any major complications. Of course, you should test everything thoroughly beforehand to ensure that everything functions smoothly. And lastly, don't forget that there are plenty of free alternatives to paid service providers like NameCheap or GoDaddy. Why spend money unnecessarily? Many of these cheap providers come equipped with useful extras like 24/7 live tech support, automatic security updates, cloud storage space for documents, and even discounts on premium products like Microsoft Office 365.
The internet is full of questions about the most popular web hosts like Bluehost or HostGator, but one question that often comes to mind when thinking about these sites is whether they support shared hosting plans where domains get their own unique email address for each user account. The answer is yes, but not every host supports this feature in all countries.
An additional concern people may have when it comes to setting up an email on your website is how much space will your email take up? If you're looking to receive hundreds of thousands of messages per day, then there are plenty of options out there for larger business setups, but what if you just want to start small and build into something bigger later? It's important to consider how far your budget allows before diving deep into the world of email services.
There are two main types of webmail providers, which include traditional mail servers as well as cloud-based solutions. Traditional methods require you to download software onto your computer while cloud-based services allow access via any device connected to the Internet. One benefit to using a cloud-based service is that they offer free storage space without worrying about limits. In addition, some companies specialize exclusively in providing such features to businesses rather than individuals. We'll explore both below.
Can a domain have multiple emails?
When we talk about having "multiple" e-mails through a single domain name our brains automatically jump to images of different employees logging into separate portals, but that isn't always necessary. While it might appear true at first glance, sometimes only one person needs to handle everything from managing social media profiles to sending newsletters. This makes sense because even though everyone has individual roles within a company, they still need to communicate with others who aren't part of their immediate team.
Email is no exception and doesn't matter if you use a personal domain (i.e.,yourname@gmail) or professional one (i.e.,yourname+work@gmail). As long as your recipients know what to expect -- i.e., a specific mailbox instead of generic inboxes -- they should still find your information helpful. When you send them an email, they shouldn't think twice about opening it since it looks exactly like other correspondence coming from the same source.
However, if you plan on creating more than one email address associated with your domain, then make sure you also set up spam filters so those extra addresses don't fall victim to junk mails. For example, let's say you've created an email address for work purposes called and another one for personal reasons called You could end up receiving promotional emails sent specifically to either of those aliases if you haven't enabled filtering between the two. That said, it's best to avoid situations like this altogether by limiting yourself to one alias per domain.
If you do decide to go ahead with adding new email addresses, keep in mind that Google Apps for Business customers typically have five total email accounts per domain regardless of the number of subdomains you add. However, if you're running a custom domain and would prefer to change things around, head over to your Domain Management page, select Manage Domains, choose Settings & Add Subdomain(s), and type your desired username after selecting Create New Username.
Subsequently, click Edit User Permissions to view the list of available privileges. There, scroll down until you see Accounts - Allowed To Send Emails and expand the menu next to it. Here, you should check off Allow Users to Use @YourDomainName E-Mail Address. Once done, enter the details needed to verify ownership. Click Save Changes once you finish.
As mentioned previously, not every provider allows you to register for multiple aliases under a single domain, but DynaDot Email does. They provide users with unlimited email addresses that can be easily set up with several email platforms including Gmail, Apple Mail, Microsoft Office 365, etc. Using Dynadot Email also gives you a wide range of templates to pick from depending on the industry you operate in. After signing up, simply visit and log in with the credentials provided. From here, you can manage existing users or sign up for a fresh account.
Once logged in, click on My Account located towards the top right corner followed by Preferences. Select Global Admin Features and click Enable Multi Aliases. Now, input the admin details required and confirm ownership. Afterwards, hit Save Changes.
By default, Dynadot Email keeps track of incoming emails based on the subject line. However, you can edit the settings to sort them however you'd like using the General tab. On this screen, you can modify various aspects of outgoing message formats. For instance, you can adjust the font size, color scheme, link shortening length, HTML code, and more. Also, be aware that you cannot disable image embedding due to technical limitations.
Finally, in order to enable email forwarding, navigate to Forwarding Options and toggle Set Up Auto Responder accordingly. By doing so, whenever someone sends you a message, you won't be notified directly. Instead, Dynadot Email will forward it to your preconfigured auto responder.
How many emails can you create with a domain?
One major perk of owning a private domain is being able to control its branding without relying on third parties. With this in mind, it's understandable why some people might feel uncomfortable when seeing advertisements related to unrelated products pop up throughout your browser during everyday usage. Thankfully, Google Ads Manager provides you with the ability to advertise affiliate links to websites hosted under your domain.
To begin, open the Dashboard section and click on Control Your AdWords Advertising. Next, look for Signup now button and follow the prompts to complete setup. Since you're already paying for the domain itself, you only pay $5 monthly fee for advertising opportunities. Of course, this depends on your country and advertiser requirements. Some advertisers charge higher rates, but you can opt to skip the step entirely if you'd rather place ads elsewhere.
Afterward, you can continue browsing content as usual and enjoy ad revenue generated by your site visitors. Keep in mind that ads displayed through Google Ads Manager differ slightly from those delivered via search engines. For example, certain keywords will trigger relevant sponsored results whereas nonkeyword terms usually show standard banners.
Another way to generate income from your domain is to sell it. Popular alternatives include Flippa, Sedo, NameCheap, and Dotster. These firms give buyers access to purchase domains directly from approved sellers. Alternatively, you can try selling your domain directly to interested parties through Flippa. Simply visit the marketplace, browse listings, and wait for inquiries. Be warned that the process involves submitting public disclosure documents and verifying your identity.
On the downside, it takes time to reach potential buyers unless you already have a lot of traffic. Otherwise, you could also auction your domain off to raise money for charity. Just visit Charity Miles and fill out the form found on the homepage. Then, submit proof of payment along with a copy of your ID. Proceed to locate your URL and proceed with the steps listed on the confirmation page.
It's worth noting that if you sold your domain recently, you probably wouldn't notice significant gains considering the price drop caused by increased competition. Therefore, it's better to hold on to your domain for awhile before trying to trade it. Additionally, you can ask current subscribers to renew their subscriptions by offering discounts on annual renewal fees. Alternatively, you can redirect them to your alternative email provider. However, bear in mind that this strategy can backfire if it causes your subscriber base to dwindle. Lastly, if you're really desperate to cash in your domain, you might want to contact your registrar regarding redemption rights. Unfortunately, most of us don't realize that we actually retain the option to redeem our domains for years to come.