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Can I have 2 email addresses on Outlook?

Can I have 2 email addresses on Outlook?

Outlook has a built-in feature that allows users to create more than one mailbox within their single profile so they can use different email addresses while still managing all emails through Outlook. This is great if you want to keep your personal and professional inboxes completely separated or if you need to share information between them.

In this article we'll show you how to set up multiple mailboxes in Outlook 2010 as well as provide several handy tricks to help make using these additional boxes easier.

Let's start by looking at what it means to add another address to a particular profile (this will also apply when adding more than one profile). To open the Mail Setup window select File " Options " Trust Center " Privacy tab " Manage my Email Addresses. You should see five fields labeled Primary Address, Additional Address(es), Personal Name, Organization Name, and Reply Address. The first three are self explanatory. If there are any other additional email addresses you would like to receive from Outlook, then enter those here. For instance, maybe you're working at home but want to access your company's calendar and tasks without getting mixed up with your personal correspondence. In this case, you would include both your primary business address and additional private address. Once finished click OK.

Now let's look at how to actually manage all of these new mailboxes under one umbrella. Select Tools " Accounts " Other Folders. Under Mailbox Locations you will find four checkboxes labeled Default Account, Multiple Sources, Use Separate Application Windows, and Send As Different User Profiles. Check off each box according to which type of email you'd prefer to send out of each specific mailbox. So for example, if you only ever wanted to forward messages sent to your secondary address to clients, uncheck Send Messages From Both Users. Then go ahead and give your profiles unique names and descriptions. Click Apply followed by Ok.

While in this view, right click on either of your existing profiles and choose Properties. Now head back over to Mailbox locations and repeat steps 1 & 3 above for whichever profile you wish to rename. Finally, click Advanced Settings " Compose With dropdown menu and pick Create New Profile. This action creates a brand new profile where you can configure everything else about how you use it. Head back into the main setup window, scroll down until you reach Mailboxes again, and drag your newly created profile onto the screen to complete the process.

One last thing to note -- be sure to save changes after making any edits! Otherwise, when you try to change anything later, such as changing whether or not replies should come directly to the sender, Outlook may revert back to default settings because no profile was selected before saving.

If you made any customizations to the way outlook works, always remember to save changes once you've made them. It could result in lost time trying to fix things later.

With all of this said, sometimes having multiple sources for sending out certain types of messages isn't enough. There are times when you really need to treat two different groups differently. Let's say you run a small eCommerce store and you offer free shipping on orders totaling $25 or greater. However, you don't want customers who order something less expensive to pay extra just to get free shipping. Or perhaps you're a freelancer and you charge hourly rates based on experience level. But you don't want junior professionals charged higher fees simply because they haven't yet reached associate status. Luckily, Outlook makes separating these two scenarios very easy.

To enable this functionality, go to Start " All Programs " Office 2007 Suite " Access Database Engine " Data Files " [YourDatabaseName].[DBN].accdb. Here you will see options to Change the View Mode and Set Field Level Security. First, change the field security level to Customize Only. Next, switch the View Mode option to Form or Report. When done, you can now easily distinguish between items based upon criteria you define. If you were charging senior associates higher fees, you could assign lower prices to junior associates. And vice versa if you wished to offer discounts to people spending large amounts of money. Just think of ways to classify your employees and categories accordingly.

This functionality becomes even more useful if you decide to implement rules based filtering in Outlook. Simply put, rules allow you to automatically filter incoming data based upon various conditions you establish. This is especially helpful when dealing with large databases containing hundreds of thousands of records. By applying filters, you can quickly sort through masses of information to identify potential issues. Rules are also flexible enough to adjust depending on the situation, unlike many prebuilt reports you may already have seen elsewhere.

So why bother setting up multiple mailboxes in Outlook? Well, besides giving you better control over exactly what gets filtered out, creating multiple mailboxes lets you take advantage of features natively available in Outlook designed specifically for businesses. One quick example is the ability to schedule meetings directly from Outlook Calendar. While you can certainly accomplish this feat yourself, doing so requires opening up a second copy of Outlook. What happens if someone sends you an important message late at night? Do you leave it sitting in your meeting request folder forever? No thanks. Instead, if you have both your office and home email accounts set up in Outlook, you can immediately reply to that person with a link to your calendar invite without worrying about missing out on precious seconds due to slow Internet connections.

Another benefit of enabling multiple mailboxes is that it helps ensure that you never miss deadlines or lose opportunities due to mix ups caused by misdirected messages. Imagine receiving a response via email saying "Thanks for reaching out earlier today regarding our upcoming project." How annoying would that be? Fortunately, with multiple mailboxes enabled, you won't have to worry about accidentally leaving out crucial details whenever someone reaches out to discuss a matter.

Lastly, being able to monitor messages coming in from two different domains gives you peace of mind knowing that you aren't going to miss critical client interactions because you weren't paying attention during lunch. That's true freedom!

Whether you're running a small business or own a larger enterprise, hopefully the ideas shared in this article helped explain how creating multiple Outlook mailboxes comes in handy. Remember, every little bit counts towards streamlining efficiency and productivity.

Have any questions? Comments? Concerns? Post away below and let us know!

Whether you're using an old school Hotmail or Gmail inbox, managing your emails can be tricky when dealing with more than one email address. You might need to keep two separate email accounts straightened out—one for each specific job role or employer. Or maybe you want to use different email clients entirely within Windows 10.

Whatever the reason, we've got all the information you'll ever need about how to configure Outlook if it's going to become part of your day-to-day routine. Here are our top tips for adding extra mailboxes into your existing inbox. If this is something that has been holding you back from getting started then read on!

How do I create a second email address in Outlook?

One way to get around having only one primary mailbox is by creating additional email addresses. This allows you to maintain two distinct sets of contacts in one single location without needing access to both services at once (e.g., checking your work address versus your private address). To create a secondary email address, follow these steps:

Open Outlook 2016 or 2019 and click Start " Settings " Mail " Accounts. Alternatively, open File Explorer right-click My Computer and select Properties " System Tools " Account Manager. In either case, scroll down until you see Other Email Addresses under [Account Name] " Send & receive tabs. Click New Email Address. A pop-up window will appear asking what type of SMTP server you'd like to use, so choose Internet Site With Password. Enter a name for your new address and enter whatever password you prefer. Then click Next followed by Finish. Your new address should now show up here.

If you don't already have another email client installed, you may wish to try setting up your new address via Google Apps instead as it offers better support for custom domains. However, bear in mind that there may also be reasons why Microsoft does not offer such functionality natively. For example, they could potentially block third party applications from accessing their servers for security purposes. As such, proceed with caution regarding any sensitive data stored on those accounts, particularly passwords.

Note that while you probably won't need to worry about syncing anything between them, make sure you take care with which folders you sync across too. Otherwise, you could end up sending messages over to the wrong person.

How do I add a new email account to Outlook?

In order to send an email to someone who uses a non-Microsoft service, you must first allow it through Exchange. Once done, follow these instructions to add a new email address to Outlook:

First, click Create New E-Mail Message above the ribbon menu. Select Compose from the dropdown box beside Folder and hit OK. Now input details for your new contact including name, company, department etc. Finally, check the box next to Include Recipient Details with Attachments before clicking Save.

Once saved, go to More Options " Rules and Actions " Move Messages From " Find matching rules automatically. Check Do nothing and leave everything else unchecked. Hit Apply Changes and close the wizard. That's it! You should find that you no longer see duplicate entries in your main inbox anymore.

However, note that since this method doesn't actually link your new address directly to your default outlook profile, you still won't be able to sign into your other email address from the desktop application itself. Instead, you would have to logout of your current session and login again. Fortunately, you can avoid doing this altogether thanks to the following workaround.

How do I add a second email account to Outlook online?

If you're looking to connect Outlook to your own domain rather than a free webhosting solution, things get slightly more complicated. The good news is that because Office 365 subscribers already have full control over their MX records, this task becomes much easier. All you need to do is head over to https://www.office365com and look for the Support tab. Click Domain Management Center if you aren't familiar with this feature yet. Under Domains, expand Custom Domains and click Edit Record. Input the relevant info, ensure Show Advanced Features is ticked, then hit Submit. Afterward, wait a few minutes for DNS changes to propagate, then return to Outlook Online. Sign in normally but this time navigate to Home " Calendar " Gear icon " Manage Calendars. Browse to where you registered your domain then double-check that your incoming settings match those found elsewhere. Switch back to your regular browser tab and verify whether your new email works correctly.

Finally, if your domain isn't supported by Office 365, you'll need to perform a manual change yourself. Head over to GoDaddy or similar provider and register a TXT record pointing to Ensure that the hostname matches exactly what appears in your domain registration. Set Contact Points to 1 (the most important option) and Change Type to Permanent. Wait for the update to complete then repeat the process outlined earlier. Note that although this seems straightforward enough, sometimes even changing your MX Records manually can fail due to misconfigured nameservers. Unfortunately, there's little you can do except attempt the procedure again.

How do I set up 2 email addresses?

To achieve this, you'll need to modify your Outlook profiles accordingly. First off, go to Home " Info " About Outlook. Scroll down to Profiles and uncheck Sync my e-mails, calendar, tasks, notes… only when necessary. This ensures that you retain access to your original inbox whenever required. Secondly, open Outlook " Home " Preferences " Startup. Uncheck Automatically detect network connection and switch to Manual Setup. Lastly, click Connections " Protocols. By default, Outlook shows five options: POP3, IMAP4rev1, WebDAV, NNTP and Newsfeed. Highlight whichever suits your needs. When finished, save changes and exit. If desired, you can disable certain protocols using same dialog, though this is not needed for basic setups.

Now test your setup by opening up your preferred email client. Usually this means switching back to your normal browser tab and logging into the appropriate account. If you made any mistakes along the way, feel free to delete the problematic ones from Outlook's list. Remember that duplicates will continue showing up until you apply these changes, so just ignore them for now. If you're happy with your configuration, go ahead and restart Outlook. Open up its interface again and voila—you should now have two active mailboxes ready to go.

If you're juggling several different email accounts or managing your workplace emails from outside your organization's network, then it can be difficult keeping track of all those inboxes. You may also need access to both work and personal emails at any given time.

Fortunately, there are many ways to achieve this without having to create new mailboxes in each service. Here we'll look specifically at how you can set up Outlook as an internal tool that will allow you to access your various email services via its own interface.

We've broken down our guide into three sections so you know exactly what setup you want: One where you receive and send emails using only one external address (the primary), another where you receive and send messages using more than one external address (secondary) and finally how to get a secondary email account working within Outlook itself.

Note: If you don't already have a Microsoft Account, first check out these reasons why you should start using Gmail with Google Calendar & Chrome now!

Can Outlook use two email addresses?

Yes, if you have been following along, you would think by now that it is possible to set up Outlook as an email client that uses two separate emails instead of just one. In fact, it has been done before!

The key here is creating a special "mail" folder on your computer which acts like a gateway between the internet-based email clients and your local mailbox. This way, when you log onto, it looks like you're accessing your normal desktop mailbox but really, the connection is being made via the website.

This means it doesn't count against your data usage since it isn't actually downloading anything locally. As long as you have unlimited bandwidth, you shouldn't ever notice a difference between logging onto vs opening outlook.exe directly on Windows 10.

To make sure everything appears correctly, open Control Panel -& Mail Setup Wizard and choose Create New Folder under Folders. Give it a name such as MailBox2 and click Next. Then select Internet Email Accounts and pick Exchange Server 5. Click Finish.

Now, whenever you go to login to your original email provider, point your browser to Once logged in, follow the steps above again to enter your Office 365 credentials and enable IMAP access. Afterward, head back to the web portal and navigate to Settings -& Forwarding and POP /IMAP. Check mark Enable IMAP Access and hit OK. Your settings should now show up in Outlook Web App.

From here, you can edit them however you see fit. For example, you could change the Primary Mailbox dropdown menu to Mail Box 1 and the Secondary Mail box to Mail Box 2. Now, everytime you log into, you won't see any other options besides selecting either Mail Box 1 or Mail Box 2.

How do I use multiple email addresses in Outlook with one account?

In case you missed it earlier, let's recap how to set up Outlook to accept additional incoming connections. To do this, simply repeat step #1 above, making sure to set the Mail Client Type field to Other Protocols. Now, browse through the list of available protocols until you find Postfix SMTP and configure it accordingly.

Alternatively, you can skip the whole process and manually type in the information yourself. However, ensure that your server details match the ones listed in your email provider's security certificate. Otherwise, you risk getting rejected by your email provider because they believe you are trying to impersonate their servers. Also note that most providers require you specify port 25 while others may not.

Lastly, make sure that your authentication method matches whatever protocol you chose. So, if you used SSL/TLS with TLS enabled, make sure to input user id and password properly. The default values are usually fine though. And remember, you must always double check whether you entered the correct domain names.

Once you've successfully created the extra email entry, try sending an email to your newly added address. It should arrive immediately after hitting Send in your regular email client.

How do I add a second email to my Outlook account?

As mentioned previously, you can only link to one email account per profile. Therefore, if you wanted to add a second email address to your existing account, you'd have no choice but to ask your employer to give you a second dedicated email address. Alternatively, you can purchase a premium subscription called Office 365 Personal [Broken URL Removed] ($4.99 per month). With this package, you can connect two additional email addresses to your account.

On top of that, you can even switch out one of your linked email accounts for a free alternative. Head over to Outlook Support Centre and sign in with your current username. Under Preferences heading, scroll down to My Account Info and click Change next to Additional Options. From here, select Manage Addresses and you'll see a list of all your connected email accounts. Simply drag the one you wish to replace to the left side and swap it out for something else.

Can multiple users use the same Outlook account?

For public computers, it's often easy enough to share a single account amongst multiple people. Just ask whoever wants to use it to register themselves beforehand and grant them permission to view certain folders. Or, perhaps someone forgot to delete their old calendar events. In that scenario, it helps to assign individual calendars to particular users.

However, if you're sharing a private PC among coworkers, things get much more complicated. First off, you cannot share a single account across multiple devices. Secondly, you cannot force everyone who shares said device to register an email address. Lastly, unlike Office 2016, there is no built-in option to share an entire company's mail infrastructure.

So, unless you plan to implement strict policies about who can use whose laptop, you'll probably have to resort to setting up multiple profiles. When doing so, ensure that they aren't accidentally linking to the wrong account, especially if they're unfamiliar with

Microsoft does offer shared resources where employees can collectively download documents, images, videos, etc. But sadly, there's currently no system-wide collaboration feature similar to SharePoint.

Still confused? Try our helpful article detailing how to sync your and G Suite accounts together.



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