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Can you bulk upload contacts to HubSpot?

Can you bulk upload contacts to HubSpot?

Whether you're migrating from another CRM or need to quickly build out your contact database, importing contacts is an essential part of any data migration process. It's also one of the most frustrating parts because it can be time-intensive if done manually — especially when dealing with hundreds or thousands of entries! Luckily, HubSpot has made this task much easier by providing a built-in file upload feature that allows for fast and easy bulk imports of contacts and other information like phone numbers and email addresses.  In this article we'll show you how to make those transfers happen as well as some popular uses for doing so.

HubSpot was created specifically to solve many enterprise problems including customer service, marketing campaigns, lead management, sales tracking, eCommerce, etc. That means whether you are sending emails, creating newsletters, managing leads, building landing pages, launching social media accounts, uploading videos, setting up auto responders, or trying to stay organized while keeping track of all these tasks, HubSpot will help simplify the whole experience for you.

If you've never heard about HubSpot before, check out our overview on what HubSpot does and why people love it (or hate it). For now though, let's talk through how you can upload large batches of contacts using their own tools and how to take advantage of HubSpot's features to streamline your entire workflow.

First off, there are three different ways to add contacts to HubSpot: One at a time, one batch, or both simultaneously. Let's go over each method below.

How do I add multiple contacts to HubSpot?

One way to add contacts to HubSpot is just like adding them individually. This is useful if you only want to change one record per step. You simply click +Add Contact under Contacts " New Contact Record, type in required fields, then select the source of where they came from (eMail address, website, Facebook profile) and click Save. Repeat until all contacts have been added.

Another way is to create a single spreadsheet containing all your contacts' details and save that as a CSV file. Then open up the Import Data tab located within Tools & Utilities and choose either Browse Files... or Choose Spreadsheet.... Select your file and wait a few seconds while it processes. After HubSpot finishes processing the files, you should see new Contacts appear under Contacts " All Contacts. Just double-click the ones you want to edit, enter additional info, such as first name or last name, and hit Save Changes. The same procedure applies for connecting existing users together via HubSpot.

Lastly, you could insert your contacts directly into HubSpot's system using the Bulk Insert Tool which comes preloaded with every account. To access this option, head back to Tools & Utilities and click the Batch Importer button next to Browse Files. From here, select Create Your Own Customized List and fill out the form field names for your custom column headers. Next, pick your Source Type from Email Address, Website URL, Social Network Profile, Phone Number, or none of the above. Finally, input your values and press Submit. Once complete, click Add to Lists and find the newly generated lists under My Lists " All Lists. Double-clicking individual rows adds them to your current hub. Click Done once you finish editing all desired columns.

How do you bulk add contacts to a list in HubSpot?

The easiest way to create a massive list of contacts is to download a public LinkedIn export (.csv), available here. If you don't know how to properly navigate around LinkedIn, read our guide on downloading LinkedIn profiles. Now, after opening up the aforementioned file in Excel, copy/paste all your contacts into a separate sheet. Make sure to include everything, even email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, job titles, and more. When finished, close Excel without saving changes, making sure not to apply any macros.

Now launch Microsoft Word and create a document called Mass_Upload. In this document, paste all your copied contacts into several sections separated by tabs. Each section represents a specific category of data such as First Name, Last Name, Company, Job Title, Street 1, City, State, Zip Code, Phones Numbers, Emails, Birth Dates, and Notes. For example, pasting your contacts into one long line would look something like this: John Doe | 123 Main St., Anytown USA 99999, 555-555-5555.

Next, locate the Tools menu inside Word and click Export Text… Find the More Options dropdown box and select Other. Under Format, select Comma Separated Values and click OK. Now return to your main Windows Explorer window, right-click the text file you just created, and select Send to " Desktop" followed by Print Preview. Ensure to set Page Setup to Landscape Orientation. Press CTRL+P to print, place the printed page face down on top of your computer screen, and cut out your labels. Paste your contacts onto each label according to the categories listed in your Word document.

Once completed, cut out all labels and stick them wherever you'd like. Labels work best if placed near filing cabinets or desktops. Feel free to stack them vertically or horizontally and arrange them however makes sense to you. However, keep in mind that cutting out labels creates extra space between each row, thus limiting how many items you can fit on a particular piece of paper. On the plus side, labels are very cheap ($0.50 for 5 sheets!) compared to regular printer ink cartridges.

Finally, grab a clean white index card and write down each entry along the left margin. Continue writing until you reach the end of the card. Label each section according to its corresponding section in your Word document. By placing blank cards in between rows, you can easily skip certain contacts until later stages. Also, note that you may encounter errors during printing due to formatting issues.

After completing Step 2, it takes approximately 6 hours for HubSpot to sync and transfer your imported data into your account. During this period, you might notice your device battery running low. Don't worry, it happens often but HubSpot automatically pauses the transfer to preserve power during peak usage times.

How do I import contacts into HubSpot?

To speed up the manual process of transferring contacts from your old CRM to HubSpot, consider leveraging the File Transfer Feature found in the Manage Accounts area. Simply log in to your old CRM, hover over Account Settings and expand the Advanced Features header, scroll down to File Transfer, and enable the switch. This feature allows you to upload documents like spreadsheets, presentations, ZIP archives, XML files, etc. You can upload your.csv file from earlier and send it to HubSpot as shown below. Or alternatively, you can drag and drop contacts from another program into the HubSpot interface itself.

Remember, HubSpot won't actually store your.csv file locally like Google Drive would normally. Instead, it merely acts as intermediary, allowing you to move your data from outside sources to HubSpot. So instead of copying/pasting data into a Word document, you can simply open the.csv file and begin entering your new contacts. Once you're ready, select Update Lists and continue with whatever else you were planning to do.

How do I connect two contacts in HubSpot?

You can link two contacts together in HubSpot by selecting Connect Two People. Log in to your original CRM, open up your user dashboard, hover over User Relationships and select Related Users. A pop-up window will display asking you to choose who you wish to connect to whom. Enter the username and password of whichever relationship you chose and hit Finish. Return to HubSpot, select Update Lists, then choose the linked users from the dropdown menu.

Hopefully, this short tutorial helps clear up any confusion surrounding the topic of bulk importing contacts. And remember, HubSpot isn't meant to replace human interaction — it simply aims to provide a streamlined solution for automating repetitive tasks. With that being said, feel free to get creative with your design scheme. Whether you prefer a minimalist approach or colorful graphics, HubSpot gives you full reign to customize your app exactly how you want it. Have questions regarding the steps mentioned in this post? Check out HubSpot's Help Center or give us a shout Happy customization!

Whether you're migrating from another CRM or just want a better way to manage your contact database in HubSpot, there are some basic things that need to be done before importing hundreds of new entries at once.

HubSpot's built-in file uploading tools make it easy to transfer files between applications for large batches of records. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about using these features to bulk upload contacts, properties, and records directly to HubSpot's system.

In addition to sharing our own personal experience with these processes, we've also included the most common types of uses for batch imports. You can find some sample data sets below to help get started.

How do I bulk upload on HubSpot?

Bulk transfers are available through both desktop and mobile apps (Android/iOS). The process is very similar across platforms, but each has specific advantages depending on what you plan to do after completing them.

Before beginning any bulk actions, ensure that all fields have been populated properly. This will allow HubSpot to pull the right information out of those fields during your import operation. If you're not sure how to set up a field correctly, check out our guide here.

Once you have the proper data entered, follow these steps to initiate bulk uploads:

Open the app on your computer and select Bulk Actions " Import Contacts & Properties.

Selecting Save Changes will save changes made to existing records as well as create new ones. Select Create New Records if you don't wish to modify existing entities.

Enter a name for the new record type and click Next when complete. Choose whether you'd like to add contacts only or include other data such as property notes and lead sources.

Click Continue when ready.

Choose which type of entity you would like to import by selecting either Individual Contacts or Multiple Entities. For example, if you choose Multiple Entities, then you must first pick one individual entity to start adding more than one instance of. If you simply want to add several instances of the same entity, leave Single Entity selected.

Next, decide whether you want to merge duplicate names. Depending on your needs, you may opt to keep duplicates separate or remove identical entries altogether. Click Merge Duplicate Names if so.

When finished, enter your password and accept the terms of service. Then, hit Start Batch Transfer.

A progress bar will show you exactly how many records you plan to upload at one time. When completed, the results page will display the number of rows updated, total row count, and success rate. Your records should now appear under the newly created category!

If you run into issues while transferring your contacts, see our troubleshooting tips here.

How do I import multiple objects into HubSpot?

The easiest method for bulk importing multiple items is by creating a spreadsheet containing all related details, including phone numbers, email addresses, etc., then sending it via e-mail to yourself. Once received, open the attachment, select All Contact Fields, and begin filling in values for all required fields. Afterward, go back to the main screen and continue following these instructions above until you reach step 8.

Alternatively, you could send the excel file itself over to HubSpot instead. To do so, download the attached document and open it. Select All Contact Field Types and fill in all fields accordingly. Again, proceed through the rest of the instructions until step eight.

Finally, note that HubSpot allows users to drag-and-drop entire columns rather than single cells within a column. While useful for moving certain columns around, dragging cells individually might be faster.

After doing so, head back to the previous menu and select Mass Update Data Source. From there, you can specify a particular source where you intend to update all records simultaneously. Now, all you need to do is hit Start Mass Action, and HubSpot will take care of the rest.

For best performance, try to maintain a stable Internet connection throughout the action. Otherwise, the sync feature mentioned earlier will kick in automatically. On completion, you should receive an alert informing you that updates were successful. At last, you can view the updated records in their respective categories.

How do you upload data to HubSpot?

You can easily access various data types by clicking My Content. Within the dropdown box, choose Account Settings. Here, you can toggle the visibility of different content types. By default, they are hidden unless you manually enable them.

One important aspect to consider is security settings. As part of its privacy policy, HubSpot requires users to log in whenever making changes to account preferences. Therefore, we recommend setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) for your user profile. It adds additional layers of protection that further improve overall security.

To learn more, read our full explanation of 2FA methods here. Alternatively, you can also visit HubSpot Support Portal to request temporary credentials for testing purposes without having to sign up yet.

Also, remember that HubSpot provides three tiers of storage capacity based on the amount of data imported daily. Each tier comes with a corresponding price point per month.

As far as exporting goes, HubSpot does support export functions. However, since you already uploaded your data, you won't require any special permissions. Simply navigate to the exported report and select Export Report. A pop-up window will ask you to sign in. Enter login credentials again, then click Download. That's it!

How do I import an Excel list into HubSpot?

Importing a CSV file is fairly simple. Just browse to the desired location and click +Add Item…; however, HubSpot offers native functionality for working with spreadsheets too.

First, prepare a table with all relevant information and save it as an.xls format. Make sure that every cell contains unique identifiers. These shouldn't repeat anywhere else outside of the sheet. Also, avoid non alphanumeric characters. They cause errors later on.

Then, copy-paste the table onto a new tab in Microsoft Office, rename the tabs appropriately, and switch to the second tab. Switch back to the original tab and delete unnecessary text. Keep only the necessary data and labels, such as Name and Phone Number.

Now, open the HubSpot Mobile App and tap Menu " More Apps " Shelf " Edit Queries. Then, search for the query associated with your spreadsheet. Tap Add Query, scroll down to Find Data, and select Existing Spreadsheet.

On the next screen, you can input a title for your query and tap Advanced Options. Select Load Only Selected Columns and tick Include Headers. Hit Done when satisfied.

Now, return to the Desktop Application and select Tools " Database Utilities. Scroll down to Databases and click Launch SQL Editor. Copy-pasted queries should work fine.

Make sure that you replace all placeholder variables with actual values. Remember that every variable begins with $ followed by a string enclosed inside double quotes.

Lastly, press Run. Upon completion, the program will output the final result. Go ahead and save the file somewhere accessible.

That concludes our tutorial on how to bulk upload contacts, properties, and records into HubSpot. Hopefully, it was helpful enough to give you a good overview of the capabilities offered by these utilities.

We hope you never encounter problems due to misconfigured accounts or missing passwords ever again! And if you still have questions, feel free to post comments below. Thanks for reading, folks!

You have an email marketing campaign or event coming up that requires you add hundreds of new subscribers to your contact database. You’re using HubSpot—but what if you can't manually input all those phone numbers yourself? How are you going to get this done without breaking anything? Well, luckily for you there is a way. It involves uploading contacts from one system (like Gmail) directly into another (HubSpot).

This article will walk through how to bulk import contacts using the file transfer feature available within HubSpot CRM. And we'll also show you why it's important to know about this option so you don't break any systems while doing things like adding mailing lists, events, or newsletters.

If you're not familiar with HubSpot yet, check out our beginner guide to learn more about setting up accounts, modules, features, etc., as well as some basic account management tips. If you've used other cloud-based software before, such as Salesforce, then most of these concepts should be fairly easy to pick up. Now let's talk specifics!

How do I do a mass update on HubSpot?

First off, here's how to create a bulk action in HubSpot via the web app:

Click Add Action.

Select Create New List/Event/Newsletter.

Enter the name of the list you want to create. This must be unique because it essentially becomes a "folder" inside HubSpot where you can store various content types. For example, you might have separate folders for Contacts Lists, Events, Newsletters, etc.

Choose whether you want to create a new list or event. The options include Contacts Lists, Event Registrations, Newsletter Subscribers, Appointment Reminders, Invoices, Leads, Accounts Receivable Items, Opportunities, Mailings, Coupons & Promos, Survey Responses, and Transactional Messages. In addition, you may choose to create multiple instances of each type of item by checking Multiple items per row. Click Save when ready.

Now that you've created the list, click Show next steps at the bottom of the screen under Actions. Make sure to select Update Contact Data and Check All Fields. From here, just follow the wizard until you reach the Finish page. At this point, you can either save the data locally or sync it right back to HubSpot. Once saved, go ahead and repeat the above process for additional lists and their respective actions.

Note: Bulk importing contacts works exactly the same way no matter which version of HubSpot you're running. However, if you need help getting started, see below for instructions on creating a new contact form template in older versions of HubSpot.

How do I import contacts into a list in HubSpot?

Once you finish making all your lists, now comes the fun part: connecting them together. To start, open Menu " Lists " Your Lists. Right underneath your list title, locate its icon and hover over it. A small menu box will pop up showing several different ways to link two lists together. Use whichever method makes sense for your situation.

For instance, let's say you decided to make Account Receivable Items 1st Party Vendors as your first party vendor folder. Then, you would simply drag and drop this folder onto the icons for all future invoices. Or maybe you wanted to set up your own custom lead flow in terms of who gets sent emails versus leads generated automatically. So, if someone clicks on a particular URL that takes them to your website instead of generating a lead record, they could immediately opt in to receive your newsletter. That's where the Lead Capture Forms module comes in handy. As long as you provide users with instructions for filling out forms, they shouldn't run afoul of HubSpot rules and policies.

The best thing about bulk importing contacts is that it allows you to keep everything organized. Plus, since it's integrated with HubSpot, you won't even notice that you were working outside the platform itself. When it comes time to send out those promotional messages, you can pull information straight from HubSpot.

As mentioned earlier, however, this functionality only exists in newer versions of HubSpot. Those prior to v8.5 had very limited capabilities for bulk exporting or updating contacts. Luckily, if you still haven't upgraded, but you'd prefer to use the latest and greatest features, try downloading and installing the free extension called HubSpot Connector. With this plugin installed, you can easily manage your entire customer base, including contacts, customers, opportunities, and more, right from your browser window. Even better, you can access this info anywhere you have internet access thanks to mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. Just search Google Play Store or Apple iTunes Store for HubSpot Mobile Apps.

How do I connect contacts to HubSpot?

In order to link your external contacts with HubSpot, you must first enable connection sharing between both platforms. Head to Settings " Integrations and find the External Sharing tab. Here, look for Share My Existing Customers and turn it On. Don't forget to grant permission to HubSpot by clicking Authorize Access.

Next, head back to your list settings. Under Customization Options, scroll down to Email Templates. Choose Send Email Automatically and hit Edit Template. Fill in the appropriate fields based on your preferred layout. Be sure to give every user a specific ID number to prevent duplicates. Also, ensure to fill in the First Name field with your desired name format (e.g. Mr./Mrs.) followed by First Initial + Last Name (Mr./Mrs.). Lastly, enter a valid email address in the Primary Address field for each person. Set it to No Reply with Auto Response so the message goes directly to voicemail. Click Submit. Every member of your team should receive an automated response welcoming them to HubSpot.

Lastly, take note of the Importing Contacts section in the sidebar navigation bar. By default, this says Temporary Import. What does temporary mean? Basically, once you complete the initial setup process, HubSpot deletes the imported data after 24 hours. Thus, you should always change it to Permanent unless you plan on deleting the data later on. Otherwise, you risk losing certain members' details due to frequent changes or syncs. Click Apply Changes.

How do I export CSV contacts to HubSpot?

To download a CSV file containing your contacts, navigate to Tools " Export / Download Files. Enter your criteria for selecting contacts you wish to export. These filters include Date Created, Status, and Region. Next, click Select File Format. Browse to your computer and select Comma Separated Value (.csv). Finally, proceed to Get Linked Records. Hit Yes in the prompt to continue, and HubSpot will generate the necessary links for you. Afterward, click OK. This will bring up a popup asking you where you want to save the file. Simply select Local Drive and click Open.

When you come across a file like this, it's tempting to think you can just cut and paste it into your existing HubSpot profile. Unfortunately, that isn't recommended. Since HubSpot cleans up old files after 24 hours, it doesn't recognize newly added contacts. Instead, you should export them separately and reimport them later with a fresh copy. Additionally, if you ever decide to delete your exported CSV file, HubSpot will ask you to confirm deletion. Therefore, you should never remove it accidentally.

That said, HubSpot offers many great tools for dealing with bulk updates, integrations, and exports. Whether you're looking for something simple or complex, you can rest assured knowing HubSpot has got you covered.



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