Can you email a single worksheet from Google Sheets?
Google Sheets are the best spreadsheet tools around — they're powerful enough for most users but simple enough for anyone. And if you use them often, it's easy to forget that there is more than one way to perform common tasks like sharing your spreadsheets with others (or sending yourself emails) or even printing out copies of documents. So let's take a look at some lesser-known functions and features.
We'll start off by looking at how we might send Google Sheets as attachments to other people via email. Then we'll move onto another function where you can actually embed a full document within a message itself. Finally, we'll consider what happens when you try to email a file instead of just a sheet. We'll also check out why you cannot just simply "attach" a sheet to an email message.
Let's get started!
Can you insert a Google sheet into an email?
Yes, you can. You probably already know this because Gmail offers the ability to open up any embedded.docx file in Word Online without issue. But did you know that Google Drive supports opening all sorts of files via Microsoft Office products too including Powerpoint presentations? The same applies to opening up Google Docs files.
To be clear, however, you will not see every type of file that you have access to on Google Drive through Microsoft applications. For example, you won’t find PNG images here—only JPEG and JPG image formats. If you want to save a picture from Google Drive, then you need to go back to Google Photos first.
But yes, you can import data directly into an existing Google Sheet using these methods. Just note that you may experience issues if you attempt to run macros inside of those files. It's usually better to avoid doing so anyway since many online services block macro functionality by default.
As long as you don't mind waiting a few minutes while the content imports, it should only take a couple of seconds. As far as formatting goes, everything from font size to cell colors to borders remains intact once imported. This makes working with preformatted formulas a breeze.
You could potentially use this method to create custom templates for new clients who signup for business accounts with you. Or maybe you've got a bunch of data to sort through and would rather spend less time copying over ranges and manually pasting values instead. In short, it's handy whenever you need to share something quickly without having to export anything before hand.
If you'd prefer, though, you can always opt to download the data using either menu options found under File & Download -- as well as right clicking on the table header row(s). That said, downloading multiple tables in bulk isn't possible unless you pay for premium storage space via G Suite.
This means that you can technically send someone else hundreds or thousands of rows worth of information if needed, but it doesn't make much sense unless you're a big company trying to streamline customer support processes.
In our testing, importing several thousand rows took about five minutes on average. However, depending upon which version of Chrome you were using, it was sometimes faster and slower at times respectively. Regardless, this should still cut down on the amount of time you typically waste moving between different tabs in order to switch between windows.
So now you know how to upload data to Google Sheets, but what about creating the actual email messages themselves? Let's next turn our attention towards seeing whether you can embed a sheet within an email.
Can you embed a Google sheet into an email?
It turns out the answer is no...but thanks to the magic behind Google Scripts, there is a workaround. Essentially, it involves writing scripts that allow you to execute certain actions based on inputted criteria. For instance, perhaps you want to automatically generate an email report each week showing metrics across various teams. To do so, you can write code that runs in response to a particular event happening elsewhere.
For our purposes, we'll focus specifically on creating a script that pulls together data from two separate Google Sheets on a daily basis. Here's how it looks:
Now that you have the basic structure set up, all that's left to do is fill in the blanks. First things first, pull the names of the relevant managers from whatever list you created earlier. Next, loop over their entries and pull the corresponding team ID numbers from Team A. Lastly, grab the ID number for Team B and append both sets of IDs to a variable called managerIDs.
Next, add a reference to your targetSheet that contains all the necessary info. Once you're ready, hit Run Code in the toolbar to kick off the process. Your browser window should immediately refresh to display the results. Now, you can easily modify the script above to suit your needs.
Say, for example, you want to update the status column with a true/false value indicating whether a task has been completed for a given day. Simply replace the line that reads totalCompleted = 2 with the following statement: totalCompleted = true. Afterward, adjust the rest of the logic accordingly.
The key takeaway here is to remember that the formula syntax used throughout the script must match exactly what you intend to accomplish. Therefore, if you plan on adding additional columns to the end of your target sheet, ensure that you place equal signs ("=") after the last column name. Otherwise, you'll wind up pushing extra data beyond the boundaries of the sheet.
Note: Keep in mind that the below screenshots aren't fully functional due to technical limitations. To test this feature, head over to your own personal workspace and click New project then select JavaScript from the sidebar menu. Name it something sensible like "EmbedTest". Hit Save and then call up the editor pane located beneath Sources. Click Menu Items, scroll down until you reach Utilities, and then select Document Object Model. Under References, locate XHRMenuItem.js and drag it into the main panel area.
From there, you can begin typing Javascript statements and commands into the console. Eventually, you'll realize that you can manipulate objects and arrays using regular old HTML buttons. One such button that you can utilize is labeled "send_email", so try experimenting with the sample code provided in the link above. When done, close out the editor pane and return to the web page. Try pressing the Embed Test button again. Assuming everything went smoothly, you should receive a confirmation notification that includes everything from the subject line and body text to the complete URL of the embedded document.
Once you're done, you can delete the temporary Workspace folder that's associated with this project. Alternatively, you can keep the folder locally on your computer and rerun the script whenever desired.
How do I copy and paste a Google sheet into an email?
What happened? Did you accidentally overwrite an important spreadsheet entry? No worries, we'll address this shortly. Before we continue, let's cover one final problem that might prevent us from getting anywhere near this solution. Specifically, we cannot seem to copy and paste any part of a sheet. When we highlight parts of a cell, nothing happens. On top of that, selecting whole rows or columns does absolutely nothing.
That explains why we had zero luck inserting sheets into emails---it seems that you cannot simply copy and paste portions of the document as needed. Instead, you'll need to resort to dragging and dropping sections of cells around in order to edit them individually. That said, it's still quite useful to have this option available if you frequently deal with large chunks of data.
Just remember that you can never guarantee 100 percent accuracy when dealing with data pulled in from outside sources. Although most of the time, errors shouldn't cause serious problems. Plus, you can always employ error checking mechanisms to weed out problematic records.
Why can't I attach a Google sheet to an email?
There are three reasons why you might encounter this limitation. First, you don't currently have permission to send emails on behalf of the account that owns the document. Second, you likely forgot to enable attachment viewing capabilities in Settings. Thirdly, the recipient's email service might not properly handle the incoming file.
Fortunately, you can resolve all of these potential problems by enabling the Allow Attachments setting under Settings. Also, bear in mind that you can only apply this capability to public Google Sheets. By default, private spreadsheets remain locked away from external viewers.
Here's how to change the settings: Go to Tools & Preferences and navigate to the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the bottom portion of the screen and expand the section labelled Security. Check Enable attachment viewing and Apply security settings. Doing so grants everyone capable access to view attached files regardless of ownership restrictions.
Alternatively, you can choose to disable attachment viewing altogether. Simply toggle the box next to Disable attachment viewer to reflect your preferences.
Google's spreadsheet services are a powerful tool for creating custom spreadsheets with the data that matters most to your business. You can embed them into websites, make presentations using Slides, and even create professional graphics like infographics using Canva. But what if you need to send an important document via email without cluttering up your inbox? How would you go about sending it out as a standalone file instead of linking to an embedded chart or dashboard within its own page?
Well luckily there is actually a way! In this article we'll show you how to export any sheet from Google Sheets (including those containing sensitive information) as either a separate.xls or.csv file, or as a linked reference to another sheet in the same spreadsheet.
How do I email just one sheet in Google Sheets?
If you have created a standard report which contains multiple tabs but needs to be sent by email, all you need to do is select the required tab(s). Then click File " Download " Export Range As... and choose whether you want to save the results as a regular XLS or CSV file.
The next step will vary depending upon where you're saving the files. If you've opted to save the file locally then simply navigate to C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default_URL and open the downloaded file using Notepad or TextEdit. Alternatively, right-click the file and select Open With followed by Notepad or TextEdit. Once inside these text editors you should see something similar to the following code snippet:
Once copied over, paste the contents inside the relevant cell, press enter, and hit Ctrl + S to refresh the screen. This new code will now appear at the top of your current sheet and when clicked will launch a pop-up window asking you to confirm the action before exporting the selected content. Click OK once done. The resulting file will display alongside whatever other documents are currently saved in the Downloads folder.
In terms of security, note that anything pasted directly into the above field will not be encrypted. It’s also worth remembering that anyone who has access to the computer could potentially view the contents of such files, so always keep them away from prying eyes.
How do I share only one sheet in Google Sheets?
For sharing more than one sheet, say between colleagues, you may wish to use the default Share option available under File " Share / Embed menu options. Simply highlight whichever elements you want to share and click Publish. A URL will automatically be generated and displayed underneath along with a preview image displaying the shared element.
However, if you're looking to limit who can see certain parts of a particular sheet then there is an alternative method of doing so. While you won't be able to prevent people viewing the rest of the sheet, you can block sections of it based upon their permissions. To do so, first locate the section you want to lock down (i.e. a particular column), head back to View " Protect Sheet and enable Locked Rows and Columns, ensuring that both boxes are ticked. Next, draw around the area you'd like to protect by clicking Format " Drawing Tools " Rectangle Selection Tool (or pressing Shift+F10). Finally, ensure the Protection dropdown box reads Hidden Items Only and click OK.
Note: By locking rows/columns, users are unable to sort columns alphabetically. However, they still can scroll through each row individually and edit values.
Can I link to a specific sheet in Google Sheets?
Yes you can! When publishing a single sheet online, there are two ways of referencing it. Firstly, you can include the name of the sheet ("Sheet1") within quotation marks, e.g. "'My Report'!" Secondly, you can add the unique ID number assigned to that sheet. For example, "#sheetID" refers to the id associated with your chosen sheet rather than its title.
To find the unique identifier number for a given sheet, head to File " Info " Properties. Look towards the bottom of the properties pane for the Unique ID entry. Note that while some IDs start with 1, others start with 2. Some are 3 digit numbers while some are 4 digit numbers. If you don't know the exact figure, input the letter 'G', i.e. #Global ID.
And remember, if you ever decide to delete your spreadsheet entirely, you can recover the links used to refer to individual pages by selecting Find & Replace " Advanced Search.... Within this menu you can search for every instance of sheet names and global IDs mentioned previously.
How do I download a single sheet from Google Sheets?
As alluded to earlier, downloading a single sheet from Google Sheets is relatively straightforward thanks to the ability to copy-paste the necessary details. First, select the header/title bar of the desired sheet. Next, hold CTRL and drag across the remaining empty space until highlighted cells are visible. Right-click the selection and choose Copy Link Address. Now switch focus to wherever you plan to store the file, right-click again and select Paste Special. Choose Values (this assumes you're copying a normal non-contented sheet -- otherwise Content Settings might apply instead.) From here you can set a filename and location for the file, and finally hit Save.
Alternatively, you can opt to download the whole workbook as either an XLS or CSV file. To begin, click File " Options " General. Scroll down to Workbooks and check Include radio buttons and checkboxes. Then, beneath Comments, uncheck Enable comments and untick Hide comment icon. Hit Apply and close the settings dialogue. Next, return to the main dialog and look towards the lower left corner. Here you'll spot several hyperlinks labelled Select All, Unselect All, etc., each leading to different actions depending upon the state of the various controls. Each time you change the status of a control, the corresponding hyperlink changes accordingly. So if you have three copies of the same sheet, holding Control B will lead to the appropriate button changing from greyed out to active.
After clicking the correct hyperlink, you'll get a prompt allowing you to specify a file type. There are two choices: Normal (.xls) and Delimited (.csv). We recommend choosing the latter since it allows us to retain our original formatting and layout. Lastly, you can also adjust the destination directory to suit your preferences. After making all appropriate adjustments you can hit Close and wait patiently for the file to generate. Congratulations! Your file should now be sitting pretty in its new home.
We hope you found this guide useful. And remember that although we focused on the basics today, there is plenty more functionality waiting to be explored elsewhere in the menus and tools palette. Take care, happy exploring!
Google Sheets is an incredibly powerful spreadsheet program that has been used to create everything from budgets to data visualizations for thousands of businesses around the world. The program's flexibility also makes it difficult to know where exactly your business stands at any given time.
If you're looking to take control over how important information gets shared between teams, consider using Google Drive as a way to share spreadsheets with colleagues who aren't necessarily located near you.
You may be wondering why would anyone want to email their own company's internal financial documents to clients or competitors. Well, if you have ever tried exporting a chart or dashboard made in Google Sheets, then perhaps you can understand what we mean when we say this is "painful."
In order to export a full document like a table, chart or even just a single page from a larger document (like a master budget), there are several different ways to go about doing so. One method requires you to use multiple tabs within the same file, while another uses separate files altogether. We'll look at each method below.
First up, let's talk about sending emails containing a single sheet instead of downloading them into a new folder on your computer. You might think it wouldn't make much difference whether you send a few hundred rows or hundreds of thousand rows but believe us -- it does!
Can you download a single tab from Google Sheets?
The first thing worth mentioning here is that it isn't possible to simply open a particular cell in Google Sheets, right click on it and choose "Download"—this feature doesn't exist. However, you can drag-and-drop a row onto another sheet, which will copy all values contained across those two sheets. This means that you could technically email a single Tab from Google Sheets by dragging and dropping its contents into an email body.
This process is not ideal because every column header will get copied along with all the rest of the non-header columns. If you wanted to avoid copying these headers, you'd need to manually delete them before adding them to the other sheet via email. It also won't work well if you've got many large tables or arrays.
Instead, try creating multiple Tabs in Google Docs and then moving content between them. For example, you can move a group of rows from Sheet 1 directly into an email without having to add them to a second sheet or reorder anything. Then once they arrive, remove the original tab entirely. Now you can send out a simple message saying something like “Here's our latest sales report! Please find attached...”
Unfortunately, this solution still relies upon you having access to both sheets simultaneously, meaning that if someone else opens the file after you receive it, they'll see whatever was last saved. That said, since this workaround involves only two sheets rather than dozens, it's probably enough for most users' needs.
How do I extract a sheet from Google Sheets?
A better option is to actually extract a sheet from a Google Sheets file and place it elsewhere on your hard drive. There are three main methods of doing so depending on what type of output you're trying to achieve. The simplest method is to select the whole sheet and press Ctrl + C on Windows or Cmd + C on Mac. A pop-up menu will appear asking you where you'd like to put the extracted file.
For more complex outputs such as pivot tables, however, you'll need to use either of the following options. In either case, you should note that extracting a sheet in Google Sheets will result in a.CSV file.
Extracting a Pivot Table From Google Sheets
To extract a pivot table from Google Sheets, highlight the desired text inside of the table itself. Once selected, hit Alt+C on Windows or Option+Cmd+C on Mac.
Once again, a pop-up window will ask you where you'd like to store the resulting file. Choose File and Save As. Select Comma Separated Values (.csv) under Format and give the exported file a name. Click OK.
Now whenever you wish to import your pivot table back into Google Sheets, all you need to do is head over to Insert " Other " Upload Data. Navigate to the location where you stored your newly created CSV file and upload it. Your pivot table will now reappear in the center pane of the relevant sheet.
Extracting Multiple Charts Within Google Sheets
Another popular choice among users is to extract and save multiple charts independently of one another. To do this, select all of the charts you wish to keep together using Shift + Drag and drop them somewhere on your desktop. Next, right-click anywhere on the screen and choose Export Chart Area as Image.
Choose JPEG as the image type. Give the image a descriptive name and set Include Labels to No. Under Options, check Ignore hidden series and tick Create legend box if applicable. Finally, uncheck Embed the chart area, Set height to 100%, width to Auto, and Orientation to Landscape. Hit Print and wait until the images finish saving.
When finished, you'll end up with a ZIP archive filled with PNG copies of each chart. Extract these images wherever you wish. These files contain the actual graphics themselves, rather than a link to the underlying source material, making them much smaller in size.
These archives often come in handy if you need to include lots of small pictures in reports or presentations. They don't require people to install additional software or plug-ins, nor do they require extra storage space due to high resolution.
How do I download only certain pages in Google Sheets?
Lastly, you can download a subset of a Google Sheets file based on some sort of criteria. Most commonly, users will decide to download a specific section of a chart or table.
To accomplish this task, all you must do is select the portion of the chart or table you wish to capture and run the same steps outlined above. Only this time, change the Output Type to Web Page. By default, this setting will generate HTML code for viewing online.
However, if you're interested in printing a web page version of your selection, set the Output Type to Web Page (Print). Doing this will allow you to print a webpage with no hassle whatsoever. When done, double-click on the generated URL to view it in your browser.
How do I save one Google sheet?
Hopefully, one of these solutions fits your needs perfectly. Hopefully, too, we helped clear up any confusion surrounding how to export/download a single sheet from Google Sheets.
It shouldn't surprise you that Google Sheets offers plenty of advanced functionality beyond what we discussed here. If you're interested in learning more, check out our beginner tips for working with Google Sheets. And remember to always stay safe when sharing sensitive data with others.