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Can you get LinkedIn email address?

Can you get LinkedIn email address?

If you're looking to grow your business through social media marketing then there are few better tools than LinkedIn. It has over 2 million users and 500 million connections worldwide making it an excellent source of potential clients or partners. Whether you're selling products online or services offline, chances are good that at least some of those people will be connected to each other on LinkedIn.

Although LinkedIn doesn't provide any direct way to link up and make sales (yet), its platform makes it easy to connect with prospects. The question is where do these prospects come from? When you build a profile on LinkedIn, you've got the option to choose which networks you want to include in your search results. These networks could be industry-specific like finance or accounting, job searches, education, etc., or they could be more general like sports, music, art, politics, etc. Once you have selected your network(s) and filled out all the relevant information about yourself, this will help LinkedIn know what type of content you post most often so it can return similar posts when you go searching for contacts again.

You also might notice that some of the links on your profile lead back to sites outside of LinkedIn itself. You may see ads for third party companies offering to sell you their stuff, but you'll probably also see offers for webinar registrations, software downloads, and even business opportunities. If you don't mind clicking them, you'll likely end up on websites that offer paid membership or a monthly subscription fee. However, many of these offers actually come from LinkedIn as well since they rely on LinkedIn advertising revenue.

While connecting with new people isn't necessarily required to succeed at building your business, having access to their personal details is certainly helpful. This article discusses how you can obtain contact information from LinkedIn accounts, including email addresses. But first let's talk about why you should care about getting email addresses from LinkedIn.

How do I extract Email addresses from LinkedIn?

There are two ways to get LinkedIn emails: by using a Chrome extension called, or by going directly into your Profile settings page and extracting the data manually. While both methods work fine, we recommend the latter because it provides greater control over exactly who gets their email addresses removed. Plus this method lets you grab multiple email addresses per user. Let's take a look at both options below.

Extracting Emails From Your Profiles Using A Chrome Extension Called

The easiest way to get email addresses from LinkedIn is to use a Chrome extension called With this extension installed, whenever you click a person's name on a LinkedIn profile, their email address pops right up. To install, open Google Chrome and navigate to the official website. Click Add to Chrome on the top left corner. Then scroll down until you find "LinkedEmail" and click Install Now. That's it! Whenever you click a person's name on a LinkedIn profile, their email address will pop up automatically in the browser window.

Here's a screenshot showing me grabbing my own email address after installing Note that I clicked on my name twice before the second time worked. There was no error message either, so you don't need to worry about breaking anything while trying to pull off this trick. This method works great if you only need to download one email address per user. If you need to get several different email addresses, however, you'll need to follow the next step instead.

Using Manual Methods For Extracting Contact Information On LinkedIn

To extract more than one email address, you'll need to visit LinkedIn's Settings page and enter the correct URL. Here's how you'd accomplish this task for a single individual:

Open Chrome and head to

Enter your username and password.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Edit My Data & Privacy.

Select the People tab and change the dropdown menu under Where Should We Search to All Networks.

Click Save Changes.

Now that you've changed the setting, simply repeat steps 1-3 for every contact you wish to add.

Once you complete all of these steps, save the changes and logout of LinkedIn. Go back to your browser and refresh the page. After logging back in, you should now see your newly added email address listed as available for extraction.

Note that you cannot remove these additional emails once you've saved the changes and logged out. Therefore, if you decide later that you want to stop receiving these emails, you'll need to delete them individually. Also note that if you're using a mobile device, you won't be able to view the entire page unless you've made sure to turn off the auto-refresh feature.

Can I get email addresses from LinkedIn?

Yes, you absolutely can. Just remember that doing so requires changing certain settings within your LinkedIn account. In order to get the full benefit of being able to send messages, you'll need to enable Messages for Everyone.

However, keep in mind that turning this feature on means anyone can reply to your messages. So if you plan on sending bulk emails to your list, you'll definitely want to disable Messages for Everyone beforehand. Otherwise, you risk running afoul of spam laws and losing your ability to communicate with LinkedIn members altogether.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn?

No, you can't export your contact lists from LinkedIn. As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn can track whether or not your messages were opened and responded to. They can also determine which contacts received your replies. This allows LinkedIn to learn more about your audience. Because of this, LinkedIn is unlikely to ever allow you to export your contact list.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Premium?

Unfortunately, you can't export your contact list from LinkedIn Premium. However, you can export your contacts' names and photos. And yes, you can send personalized messages via LinkedIn Premium.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Business Pro?

Businesses can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Business Pro. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts businesses can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 5,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Education?

Educational institutions can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Education. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts educational organizations can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 10,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Talent Solutions?

Talent solutions providers can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Talent Solutions. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts talent agencies can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 20,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Government?

Government entities can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Government. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts government bodies can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 50,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Professional Services?

Professional service firms can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Professional Services. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts professional services firms can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 25,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Media?

Media companies can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Media. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts media outlets can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 100,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Research?

Research institutes can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Research. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts research institutes can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 200,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Finance?

Financial institutions can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Finance. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts financial organizations can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 150,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Technology?

Technology companies can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Technology. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts technology organizations can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 250,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Health Care?

Healthcare professionals can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Health Care. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts healthcare organizations can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 750,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Engineering?

Engineering organizations can export their whole contact lists from LinkedIn Engineering. However, there are limits placed upon the number of contacts engineering organizations can import. According to LinkedIn, you can upload 300,000 contacts at a time.

Can you export contact list from LinkedIn Legal?

What’s your first thought when you open up a new email message? It may be something like “Oh no! Did my spouse just send me this link? Or maybe it was an ad promoting a product or service and now I have to read through all those words again because I missed the point.” It happens to everyone at some point in time (unless you're tech-savvy). And for many people, their inboxes are filled with spam emails they don't want to receive. What if there were a way to make sure these messages never reached your inbox? That would save you tons of time and energy – especially during work hours.

You probably know that you should start blocking junk mail as soon as possible so you don't waste more precious time than necessary reading them. But what about other types of unwanted communications? Can you get email addresses from LinkedIn Sales Navigator? How about finding someone's email address on LinkedIn? These two questions might sound strange but we'll explain why they're important. Let’s take a look...

In 2019 alone, over 2 million professionals joined LinkedIn. The platform has grown tremendously since its launch in 2003, becoming one of the most popular social networking sites today. So much so that businesses use it to promote themselves and reach out to prospective clients. If you've been using LinkedIn long enough, then you've definitely seen ads popping up while browsing the site. They appear right below your profile picture and ask you to visit specific websites where you can sign up for newsletters or check out deals. In fact, you could even be receiving offers via email every day -- which means you need to block them immediately before they end up getting buried in your inbox.

So let’s say you decide to ignore the sales pitches coming across your screen. You click on one of the links and land on yet another website trying to sell you products and services. Now, imagine having to dig into each page and scroll down to locate information about the company behind it. This process takes forever and it seems like a lot of wasted effort to go back to LinkedIn and search for the same thing once again. A better solution would be to download the company’s email list directly from LinkedIn itself.

If you’re planning on signing up for any kind of newsletter or deal, you’ll need to connect your accounts on LinkedIn. Once connected, you can access the details of anyone who signed up for the same offer. Here’s how you can figure out whether someone sent you an email with a special promotion or not. First, head to the person’s LinkedIn Profile page. Then, under Settings " Email Addresses & Links, click on Get More Info. There you will see the name of the sender and also the number of times he/she shared the email with others.

Can I find someone's email on LinkedIn?

Of course! Just follow our steps above and you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for. After connecting your accounts, you can easily track all the emails related to any given offer by clicking on the View All Emails button. From here, you can sort them by Date Sent, Number Of Views, Clicked On, etc., making it easier for you to filter the data if needed.

But did you notice the last option? When you hover over it, you’ll see three options available: Send To Everyone, Share With Others, and Unfollow. By default, it’s set to Follow. However, you can change the setting to either Send To Everyone or Share With Others depending on what type of message you received. For example, if you got an invitation to join a mailing group, then you can choose to share the message with only members of the group (Send To Members) instead of sending it to everyone.

By unchecking the box next to Send To Everyone, you won’t accidentally invite strangers to your personal network. You could still view the entire thread of conversation, though. Plus, you can always click on the arrow icon next to it and select Hide Messages From Sender if you want to stop seeing future notifications from that individual.

On top of that, you can also add additional filters so you don’t miss anything relevant to your interests. For instance, you can apply the label Filter By Company Name to hide messages containing certain keywords. This makes it easy to spot messages from companies you haven’t heard of before.

As far as general communication goes, LinkedIn is great for keeping tabs on coworkers and friends. Since it's such a vast resource, however, you need to be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing focus on projects and tasks at hand. As a result, you’d spend less time working on things that matter and more time chasing after random ideas that come to mind.

One simple strategy is to limit the amount of time you spend on Facebook and Twitter. While these platforms allow you to stay updated with colleagues and friends, they often become distractions that prevent you from focusing on real life matters. Instead, try scheduling regular meetings with your team members so you can discuss current challenges and brainstorm ways to overcome them together.

How do I find someone else’s email on LinkedIn?

Well, that depends on the context of the question. Is it regarding business contacts or simply casual acquaintances? Are you asking for help tracking down someone’s email address?

For the latter case, we recommend checking out the following tools:

Best Linkedin email finder

Email Extractor Pro

Linkedin Contact Finder

Extracting email addresses from LinkedIn is pretty straightforward. We mentioned earlier that you can quickly browse through the full threads of conversations related to a particular subject by hovering over the arrow next to the Send To Everyone option. Click on the thread title and you will see a pop-up window showing all the names involved. Below that, you’ll see several options including Reply, Mark Read, and Delete Message. Choose whichever works best for you and hit Enter. Your reply will automatically be included in the thread.

To learn more, check out these helpful tips on how to delete your LinkedIn account.

The good news is that you don’t necessarily need to pay money to find email addresses from LinkedIn. Some of the best apps listed above cost nothing and give you fast results. Other paid solutions provide additional features and advanced functionality. You can compare different providers side-by-side to determine which tool suits your needs best.

Once you've found the perfect provider, you can install the app on multiple devices to keep everything organized. Alternatively, you can download the Chrome Extension version and manage all your saved searches from within Google Drive.

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't trust anyone with your sensitive data. One reason being that hackers can steal passwords and logins from various online stores. Another issue is that cyber criminals can impersonate users and trick them into giving away private information. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to protect yourself against scammers, phishers, and identity thieves.

First off, avoid sharing your password and login credentials anywhere (including on social media). Keep all your usernames and passwords safe and secure somewhere offline, preferably stored in LastPass. Next, create strong complex passwords for all of your accounts. Don’t reuse common phrases or dictionary words, and pick unique combinations of letters, numbers, symbols, and punctuation marks. Finally, enable Two Factor Authentication whenever possible. These security settings require you to enter a code generated by your phone or tablet before logging into your account.

Another way to ensure safety is to regularly scan your computer for malware. Most modern antivirus programs include built-in protection against malicious software, so you don't really need to worry about installing third-party ones. Still, you should perform regular scans of your system to detect any issues.

And finally, consider adding extra layers of security by enabling VPNs. Using virtual private networks allows you to bypass restrictions imposed by your internet service provider and access blocked content. Plus, if you plan on using public Wi-Fi frequently, you should invest in a reliable VPN service to minimize exposure.

When it comes to LinkedIn, you have lots of choices. Whether you're interested in learning more about professional connections or searching for information about your job prospects, chances are you'll find something useful here.

If you're trying to grow your business by targeting people who have an interest in what you sell, then using LinkedIn as part of your lead generation strategy makes sense. You'll be able to reach out directly to them and offer your expertise.

But there are some downsides. One downside is that it's hard to know whether or not someone has actually signed up for LinkedIn (and therefore given their consent). So while you might think you've got access to their personal details such as name, phone number, and even location, they may still choose to keep those private.

And, while it's easy enough to see which social media platforms someone uses, finding the email address isn't always so straightforward. Especially when we consider the fact that many people use multiple accounts. But don't worry – this article will help you find anyone’s email address on LinkedIn easily. Let's take a look at how!

How do I extract email addresses from LinkedIn?

The first thing to remember about getting email addresses from LinkedIn is that you need permission. If you want to get email addresses from other users, then you either need to sign into their profile page and request access to their contact information, or ask them for explicit approval via direct message.

However, once you've requested access to someone's contact list, you won't necessarily receive all relevant data. For example, you won't get any emails sent through third-party services like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, etc., and you probably also won't get messages containing links. The only exception here would be if the person had opted in to receive these types of messages.

So how do you go about requesting access to someone else's contact lists?

Let's say you want to get an email address from a specific user, but you can't figure out their username. Then you could try searching for "username," where you replace the word username with whatever you suspect the correct name should be. This method will work pretty well most of the time, although it doesn't guarantee success every single time.

Another way to search for a particular username is to simply type "/" followed by the string you wish to search for. In our case, we'd enter /username.

You can filter results based on the following criteria:


Email Address

First Name

Last Name

Profile Type


Age Range

Education Level

Job Titles

Company Size

Industry Sector

We'll focus on extracting email addresses specifically because it's a fairly common scenario. To start off, just open up the search bar and type /email. This is going to return a long list of people who have used LinkedIn to send out emails before you. Now select the ones whose names include, and check under each result to make sure that the email address field contains something more than "@linkedin".

In addition, if the person has added another email address to his/her profile, you'll notice that it appears next to the email address listed above. It looks similar to the format below.


That being said, if you're looking for someone's primary email address, rather than an additional email address, then you'll need to click on the icon labeled Get More Info. On the resulting screen, scroll down until you see the option called Email Addresses. Clicking on this will allow you to view the full list of the user's emails.

Once you've selected several people, you can copy and paste their entire listing into a spreadsheet program like Excel. There are two columns available -- First Name and Last Name. Simply highlight both columns and right-click anywhere within the selection area to copy everything. Paste into the appropriate column depending on what kind of information you want.

There is no limit to the amount of people you can search for using this technique. However, you might run into problems if the person you're interested in hasn't yet been approved by LinkedIn. As mentioned earlier, you can't get certain kinds of content unless you're logged in. And since it takes quite awhile to approve new members, it's possible that you won't be able to find everyone's email addresses immediately.

Can I extract email addresses from LinkedIn?

It depends on the platform. While you can usually pull up an individual's email address from LinkedIn, doing so requires logging into the site itself. Once inside, if you hover over the top menu button and click Profile & Settings, you can scroll down to Contacts Information and select View Profile Data. From here, you can retrieve the user's email address.

On mobile devices, however, this process works slightly differently. Instead of clicking on Profile & Settings, you must tap on Account Settings instead. Scroll down to the section titled Contact Preferences, and then select Edit My Contact Preferences. Here you can change settings related to viewing your own profile, among others. Finally, scroll back up again and locate the setting labelled Personal Contact Information. Select View Only to reveal the corresponding email address.

Unfortunately, this is one of the few places on LinkedIn where you can actually find someone's email address without having to log in. Otherwise, you'll need to browse around until you stumble across someone's email address elsewhere.

Can you get someone's email address from LinkedIn?

Yes, but you have to follow the steps outlined above. Of course, if you manage to successfully obtain the contact email address, then you'll need to verify the validity of that information. After all, you wouldn’t want to send spam emails to random people, would you? That wouldn't exactly reflect very well on your company.

To confirm a valid email address, you can visit the website provided at the end of the link in the original message. Enter the recipient's name, along with the subject line and body text that was included in the email. A green tick means that the email address is legitimate, whereas a red cross indicates otherwise.

For example, let's say that I'm curious about my friend John Smith's email address. I can head over to the official LinkedIn verification webpage and input John Smith in the form provided. I receive an instant response indicating that the email address is indeed legitimate.

Of course, you can also use Google to do the same job. Just add johnsmith + "" to the search engine and hit Search. When you're presented with the results, you'll be able to tell whether or not the email address belongs to John Smith.

Similarly, you can also use Google to perform a reverse lookup of an existing email address. All you have to do is replace the domain name with "", and voila – you now have the sender's real name attached to the email address.

Can you extract LinkedIn contacts?

No. Well, technically yes, but it involves signing up for a paid service. We strongly recommend against it. Not only is it expensive ($12 per month), but it's also unnecessary. Why pay $12 every month for nothing?

Instead, why not build relationships with your target audience? Send engaging emails that are tailored to their interests. These emails will give you valuable insights into the needs and wants of your market, allowing you to create better targeted marketing campaigns moving forward.

Plus, you'll get much more value out of your efforts if you spend your money wisely on things like web design, professional photography, writing, video production, etc.

With that being said, there are times when you might really struggle to come up with ideas for a great piece of content that engages with your prospect. Or maybe you're struggling to come up with compelling headlines to capture attention on Facebook ads. What happens then? Do you resort to buying traffic? Sure, you might buy some cheap clicks, but don't forget that quality beats quantity.



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