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Can you tag contacts in HubSpot?

Can you tag contacts in HubSpot?

I'm new to HubSpot and have been trying to figure out how to use the Contact management features for tagging contacts that work across multiple platforms (outlook, android) but can't seem to get it working properly.  This is what I've done so far...

Here's an outline of steps I took to try this feature out with no luck:

Create a contact entry.

Tag the contact using "Add Tags" option under "Contact Management".

Create a second contact entry and assign the same contact name as above without any tags added.

Delete the first tagged entry.

Now when I search for "John Smith", both entries show up on the results page. If I click on either one of them, they go back to their respective lists and don't change anything else about each other or move anywhere else on the screen. They're not linked together at all. Also, if I save changes, neither shows up on the list anymore. Not sure why this happened - maybe there was something wrong with the export file? Any ideas would help! Thanks much, guys!

Hi Rob, thanks for your question. First off, good job adding the correct information to your account setup form -- making HubSpot more robust by following our best practices!

In order to understand how tagging works within HubSpot, we'll need to take a closer look at how tagging works in general. In essence, tagging allows users to organize contacts based on specific criteria. This helps companies better manage large volumes of data.

HubSpot provides its customers with two ways to tag contacts: manually and programmatically through API calls. The manual approach takes place when creating a contact record while the automated process happens whenever you update existing records. With these methods, you may also choose to apply several tags simultaneously. That way you can group like items together.

Manually Adding Tags To Your Contacts

When manually setting tags on a contact record, you will see three boxes appear side-by-side on the right hand column. You should select the box next to Apply All Three from the dropdown menu. Then enter additional details such as Name, Phone number, Email address etc., then hit Save.

The result will be three separate rows showing the details listed in the previous section. Each row represents a single tag applied to the selected contact which means they will now be grouped together for easy identification later on.

Automatically Applying Tags On Existing Contacts

If you want to set a tag automatically after updating a contact record, you must enable the Auto Update Feature. When doing so, the platform will check your contact database every time you make updates to existing records. It will only perform the task once per day though. Once enabled, follow the below instructions to set tags on existing contacts.

1.) Go to the contact record where you wish to apply a tag.

2.) Click Edit Details.

3.) Select Add Tags.

4.) Choose Manually or Automated Updates.

5.) Enter all required fields including description and select whether to include custom fields.

6.) Hit Save Changes.

7.) Review the updated contact record(s).

8.) Remove unwanted tags.

Now let's talk about creating tags. We recommend keeping things simple and avoid overloading yourself with too many tags. Most businesses shouldn't exceed six tags per contact. If you find yourself needing to tag hundreds, consider upgrading your plan.

Creating A Tag Within An Entry

Once you create an entry, tags become available immediately. However, in order to view those tags, you'll need to open that particular entry and navigate to the Tagging tab. From there, simply hover over the desired tag and press the pencil icon.

Tags Are Only Available On Certain Fields

You won't be able to access tags until certain fields are populated. Therefore, before proceeding further, verify that the appropriate fields exist for applying tags. Below is a quick summary of the fields used for tagging purposes.



Phone Number


Mobile Number



Department/Job Role


Additional Information

With all fields complete, proceed ahead assigning a tag.

How Do You Create A Tag?

As mentioned earlier, tags can be created manually or automatically via API call. Let us start by taking a closer look at how to create tags manually.

1.) Hover over the field where you wish to apply a tag.

2.) Pressing the pencil button creates a new text field called Additional Info.

3.) Type in the tag.

For instance, type “Sales” in the Additional Info field for John Smith who works in sales department.

After completing the step above, select Add Tags. At this point you should receive a pop-up window asking you to confirm the action.

If you prefer not to, you can skip the confirmation message and continue onto the next step.

4.) After clicking OK, another window pops up asking again to confirm the creation of a tag. Again, if you'd rather skip this stage, keep going forward.

A few extra points to note:

Tagged Items Can Be Edited Or Deleted Later On

To delete a tag, return to the Tagging Tab and drag the item to trashcan located at the bottom left corner.

Multiple Users May Assign Different Tags To Same Item

Users can also assign different tags to the same item.

Note: Multiple users cannot assign the same tag to the same item.

How Do I Set Up Tags In Outlook Desktop Client

Let's say you just finished building a pipeline for a client and now you want to send emails inviting prospects to join the mailing list. Before sending out the email invites, you could easily filter down the leads by selecting relevant attributes such as company, title, geographic location, etc. And yes, this applies to mobile devices too.

Below are detailed instructions on how to set up tags in Outlook desktop client.

1.) Open your lead's info card.

2.) Navigate to Tools & Options.

3.) Expand Mail Setup options.

4.) Choose Signatures & Follow Ups.

5.) Scroll down and expand General settings.

6.) Under Following up preferences, scroll down and locate Send Email Invite Preference.

7.) Check the box labeled Include Lead Tags.

8.) Leave the Default Message blank.

9.) Confirm the preferred language preference and click ok.

10.) Return back to the main panel.

11.) Click Ok to close the popup window.

12.) Next, head over to the Compose windows pane.

13.) Find the contact whose profile matches the lead you intend to invite.

14.) Right mouse click on the contact and select Get Address Book Entry.

15.) Pick Yes from the prompt.

16.) Finally, compose the email invitation by typing in the subject and body.

17.) Click on Insert Attachment.

18.) Browse to the attachment file and select it.

19.) Click on File & Save As.

20.) Give the document a meaningful name.

21.) Make sure to tick on the radio button beside Encrypt Document.

22.) Ensure that the checkbox beside Copy People Field Names Is Unchecked.

23.) Click on Finish.

24.) Preview the final product and download the.emlx file.

25.) Repeat the procedure for all leads that match similar characteristics.

26.) Donate to support HubSpot development efforts:

Next Steps:

We hope this guide has helped to explain how to create and edit tags in HubSpot. While there isn't a dedicated app for managing contacts outside of Microsoft Office, it does sync seamlessly with Windows 10. Keep in mind that you should always double check your actions before closing any application windows.

Finally, remember that it's crucial to maintain a healthy relationship between people and technology. By taking advantage of automation tools, you'll be well equipped to handle future expansion needs. Happy tagging!

Hi everyone! I'm new to using the HubSpot CRM and was wondering if there's a way that we can use tags so that when someone searches for "pizza" they will also see results from "Papa John's," or that if an email is sent out at one company it shows up under another company as well.

Here are my questions:

1) Is this possible with HubSpot? If not, what other kind of software would work better?

2) Can you create multiple deal types within HubSpot like "Birthday Party," "Fundraiser," etc.?

3) Do clients have access to their own accounts? Or do they only see others' data?

Thanks in advance for your help!

You can find answers to these questions below.

Can I tag companies in HubSpot?

No. Companies cannot be tagged in HubSpot currently. There may come a time where tagging companies makes sense but right now, it does not. The reason being is because each client has his/her own dashboard which allows them to view information specific to their account. When looking through clients' dashboards, seeing two separate tabs (one per company), just doesn't make sense. Also, think about how many people you'd need to tag vs. how much time it takes to update those records every time something changes. It could take hours upon hours just to get everything updated properly.

That said, I highly recommend finding a good contact manager system such as Zoho Contacts or Microsoft Outlook. These programs allow users to enter in all sorts of details about their customers including phone numbers, addresses, and personal notes. They then automatically categorize contacts by department or industry. This helps tremendously when trying to sort through large amounts of customer info. Another great benefit is that most offer integration capabilities between various services. In addition, some even let users export data directly into spreadsheets making sure all of your important information stays organized.

The best part is that most cost very little money compared to HubSpot. However, note that some charge monthly fees whereas others require annual contracts. As far as ease-of-use goes, both systems are pretty similar. You'll probably find yourself getting used to either fairly quickly...

Can you link deals in HubSpot? No. Again, this feature isn't available yet. We hope to release it soon but in order to do that, our developers must build this functionality first. Once built, however, linking deals should be extremely easy since you simply type in the name of the linked product(s). Here's a sample screenshot showing how easy it will be once released:

As stated above, HubSpot is actually really nice in terms of its ability to filter down your leads based on certain criteria. So instead of having to search through hundreds of potential prospects, you narrow your list down to 25 candidates who match your specified parameters.

In addition, our application offers features geared towards small businesses such as split testing and automation tools. See more examples of these features in action below:

Can you bulk Create deals in HubSpot? Yes. Our app provides several ways in which you can easily add new deals. First off, whenever adding a lead, you can select whether you want to create a single deal or multiple ones. Then choose an option such as Birthday party, Team building event, Fundraiser, Super Bowl party, Cruise, etc.. From there, you can click on the green button labeled "Create Deal."

Also, don't forget that you're able to import existing deals via CSV files. This means that you can upload Excel spreadsheets containing all of your current deals and then pull them into HubSpot seamlessly.

Hope this helped answer your question! Feel free to post back any further concerns you may have.

To elaborate on my previous comment regarding tagging companies, we've created custom fields specifically for our clients and have gone ahead and set default values for those fields. That way, anytime anyone adds a new prospect, they fill in whatever applicable information already exists in their profile.

One thing worth noting is that our application won't show duplicate entries unless you go into your settings and manually delete them.

On the subject of links, yes, you can definitely link deals together. Just keep in mind that doing so requires us to send you an API request before creating the links. After receiving this request, you can then follow the instructions outlined in the message we send you to obtain the necessary URLs.

Yes, clients do have full access to their own accounts.

If you ever run across trouble while navigating around, feel free to give me a shout.



Let me explain further. Let's say a Client wants to look at his Dashboard. He logs into his account. Now he sees himself listed as a Prospect and his Dashboard looks completely blank. How would he know what products he signed up for or what projects he needs to complete? Unless he went into Settings & Default View & Client Accounts, he wouldn't. And again, going into those options is only for clients.

Is it easier than having clients log in separately? Absolutely. But we believe it's ultimately beneficial to our clients to stay logged in as a client. Think of it this way: What happens if a client calls support asking why their Dashboard is empty after logging in as a prospect? It's MUCH easier for support personnel to address problems this way rather than requiring clients to call in for assistance. By keeping clients logged in, we reduce the number of times support staff need to jump over between screens to assist them. Plus, for those clients who aren't tech savvy enough to navigate away from the client screen, we provide simple steps to exit the session without needing to close the entire program.

We chose to implement this method partially because of security reasons. Most importantly, we wanted to ensure no unauthorized parties were able to gain access to sensitive financial information or client data. Having clients log in as a client keeps the risk low. Should anything happen, we can always temporarily disable login sessions for clients until things stabilize. Since we never store passwords, cookies, or IP addresses associated with clients' accounts, there's nothing else for hackers to target except for the actual login page itself.

Please keep in mind that we can change this policy at ANY TIME. We reserve the right to do so if warranted.

For future reference, please remember that there are 3 levels of Users in HubSpot. Prospects, Partnerships, and Customers. Each level differs slightly in regards to permissions. All three levels can edit Lead Fields, Invoices, Leads, Deals, Projects, Opportunities, Notes, and Calendar events.

Thank you for reaching out! Please bear in mind that we do not share account credentials nor do we ask account holders to input their password into third-party apps. Doing so opens ourselves up to unnecessary risks.

This e-mail came straight from the source. I am unable to reply personally.

Are you planning on sharing account credentials?

How often are you updating your database? Are you sending out periodic updates?

Does the person responding to this thread understand that we don't share account credentials, nor do we ask account owners to input their password into third-party applications?

Our team understands that this issue comes straight from the source. Unfortunately, we cannot control this behavior.

If you wish to continue working with HubSpot, please reach out to our Customer Success team. Our goal is to continue providing exceptional service to our partners and our community. Regardless of your technical expertise, we encourage you to reach out to our CS team. Our engineers will gladly walk you through any issues you may be facing.

I just started using the new version of HubSpot and am loving it so far! However, one thing is holding me back from fully diving into this software package. It's not that I'm having problems with functionality or anything like that - HubSpot has been awesome thus far - but rather my inability to figure out how to tag people in HubSpot...or can you even "tag" someone as being part of your prospect list in HubSpot?  It seems like an unnecessary step when most other contact management softwares (e.g., AWeber) have such easy tagging features built-in. Is there any way around this problem? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

How do I create Tags in HubSpot?

You don't need tags for everything. Just use them wisely. You'll see why later. First we're going to discuss how to create tags within HubSpot itself. In order to add a tag to a person in HubSpot, go over their profile page and click edit next to "Tags." Then type in whatever name you want to give to each category. Make sure you keep things simple because they only show up if someone searches by those specific tags. If you make something too complicated, then search engines will ignore it and never index these names. Here are two examples of what NOT to do: "Salesperson" & "Account Manager".

Don't try to put every single detail about yourself under "tags", either. Your first few should probably contain very basic details like company name, position, etc. Don't worry though, once you get more comfortable creating profiles, you can start adding detailed information about who you work for, projects you've worked on, skills, certifications, awards, personal interests, hobbies, etc. The sky is really the limit. Once again, remember to keep things clean and simple. Also note that you cannot delete existing tags after you've created them, which could prove useful down the road if you ever decide to change jobs/companies.

Here are some ideas for great tags: Sales Rep, Marketing Director, Project Manager, VP Sales, CEO, CFO, Secretary, IT Tech Support, Executive Assistant, Accountant, Administrator, Customer Service Representative, Human Resources, Consultant, Trainer, Owner, Founder, Freelancer, Intern, Client, Subscription, Order, Prospect, Referral, Proposal, Invoice, Negotiator, Vendor, Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Broker, Auctioneer, Merchant, Reseller, Seller, Investor, Lender, Borrower, Banker, Attorney, Realtor, Real Estate Agent, Solicitor, Architect, Photographer, Writer, Volunteer, Student, Teacher, Parent, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin.

Is there a way to tag contacts in HubSpot?

Unfortunately, no. When talking to customer service reps at various companies, however, I was told that sometimes they manually enter people onto lists based upon certain criteria. So while I wouldn't count on doing this myself, maybe others may find this helpful.

For instance, say you had an attorney whose practice included divorce cases, bankruptcy cases, real estate transactions, commercial litigation, corporate law, etc. He also did criminal defense work occasionally. Using his own words, he said he'd simply put him into a "divorce lawyer" bucket. This is exactly what I plan to do for many prospects, including account executives, sales managers, project managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, freelancers, investors, inventors, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, distributors, brokers, auctioneers, attorneys, architects, photographers, writers, teachers, students, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, etc. Again, please understand that I wouldn't recommend actually doing this unless you were working for a large firm that used HubSpot already. There are plenty of ways to categorize folks without resorting to this method.

This is especially true considering the fact that HubSpot doesn't support multiple client accounts per email address. Meaning, if you wanted to send out separate marketing campaigns to 5 different clients using the same email address, you couldn't. That makes sense given HubSpot's focus on building businesses instead of individual relationships, but still sucks when you think about it. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

How do I tag emails in HubSpot?

When sending out mass emails, you won't be able to select a particular tag. Instead, you'll have to choose one for everyone. Luckily, there are several tools available online that allow you to build mailing lists quickly. One popular tool is called InfusionSoft. They offer both free plans and paid ones that cost anywhere between $9-$50 monthly. Another option is Constant Contacts. Both services allow you to upload your file, pick your labels, set filters, and schedule recurring messages. As long as you stick to a handful of categories, you shouldn't run into much trouble. Plus, since you can organize your customers' data offline before uploading them to HubSpot, you'll save time overall.

Also, as mentioned earlier, HubSpot doesn't support bulk importing files. Therefore, if you plan to import thousands of records, you better make sure you know where the holes are beforehand. To avoid getting stuck, always test your export file against another piece of software (iContact, MailChimp, Constant Contact, et al.) before submitting it to HubSpot.

Finally, consider exporting your entire database in CSV format so that you can easily move it elsewhere. This way, you won't lose access to your current customer base if HubSpot goes belly up someday.

Can you tag deals in HubSpot?

Yes, you can. Like I mentioned above, I highly suggest creating custom fields for your products and services. Then, whenever you receive a lead request, fill out the form accordingly. This will speed up your response times immensely.

If you're looking for a quick solution, however, check out Zapier. With Zapier, you can connect hundreds of apps together. Basically, you can hook almost any program together through Zapier. Now, let's take a look at some common uses for Zapier:

Send leads via Gmail to Google Sheets

Send leads via Hotmail to Excel spreadsheets

Send leads via Yahoo! mail to Dropbox folders

Automatically log leads into Trello boards

Create forms automatically using Formstack

Integrate social media platforms directly into Hootsuite

Share content from LinkedIn Pulse to Buffer

Add Facebook posts to TweetDeck

Upload videos from YouTube to DailyMotion

Schedule tweets from Twitter Search to Buffer

Post comments from Tumblr blog to WordPress

Import product feeds from Shopify into Evernote

Connect Feedly to Todoist

Sync Google Calendar events to RememberTheMilk

Export events from Outlook to Daylio

Backup your Twitter followers to CSV

Publish articles straight to Medium

Push RSS feed updates to Buffer

Get notifications from Github issues to Slack channels

Email alerts from Zendesk tickets

Exporting JotForm entries to Slack

Update Stripe orders to Square Cash receipts

Run scheduled reports to Summarize Everything

Integrate Harvest with ClickUp

Track expenses in Xero



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