How do I align image with text in Gmail signature?
If you want to send emails that look more like newsletters, then there are plenty of options out there -- Gmail is just one of them! You can use images as signatures or add a photo next to the message field. But if you're using Gmail, here’s what you need to know about adding photos, logos, etc., to your signature.
You may have seen people doing this on LinkedIn profiles. It looks really great. How do they achieve such results? The key lies within making sure the text fits inside the box. In other words, when you set up your signature, don't forget to allow room for both the image and the text. This will help ensure that everything works as expected without any surprises.
Here's some simple tips on how to format your signature so that it looks good while still fitting all elements together comfortably.
Can you wrap text in an email?
Yes, you can. However, before we start working on how to customize your signature, let us first ask ourselves whether it is possible at all. If you've been following our previous articles, you should already be aware that yes, you can indeed place an image inside an Outlook email body. We showed you how to insert an Excel spreadsheet into an Outlook template via VBA scripting. And even how to create custom HTML code templates for your Outlook messages. Now imagine inserting an image instead of a’s not the same thing but you might get creative anyway.
So now you know you can put anything inside an email body including images and audio files. So why bother putting together a signature? What’s the point? Well, maybe because it makes things easier for you by providing quick access to certain tools that you otherwise would probably end up typing manually. Or perhaps you simply want to show off your expertise through images, icons, colors, fonts, etc. Whatever reason, this article shows you how to go about creating a clean yet attractive Gmail signature.
To begin, head over to Gmail Labs and enable "Enable Rich Snippets". Click Settings (gear icon) and choose Labels & Filters from the dropdown menu under Headers & Signatures. Then scroll down until you see “Rich Snippet Support” checkbox. Check the box and click Save Changes.
Now open another tab/window and sign in to Google Drive. Go ahead and download the free Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 software. Open the program and select File -" Import -" Image Files. Browse to where you saved the file and import it. Once done, right-click anywhere on the canvas area and select View -" New Guide –" Horizontal Guides. Change its orientation to Vertical and drag the left edge of the canvas to the center of the screen. Repeat this process once again to stretch the top edge of the workspace to the bottom of the page. Finally, press Ctrl + T to resize the document horizontally. Set Width = 100% and Height = 100%.
Go back to Gmail and refresh all tabs. A new window called rich snippets editor should pop up. On the left side, click Create snippet…and type in something meaningful. For example, I chose to write “My name”. Under Customize content:, change Text to My Name and enter your desired information. Next, move onto the section labeled Media. Select Insert media, upload your image, adjust size according to the dimensions which appear below, and hit Upload. At last, save changes and test your creation. Don't worry if nothing happens after hitting Run Code. Just close the preview pane and reopen it. Your signature should now be ready to be used.
For those who prefer Microsoft Word, here's a similar tutorial on how to add an image to Word 2007 documents.
How do I wrap an image in outlook?
First off, since we discussed wrapping text above, let us focus on placing images in your Gmail inbox. There are many ways to do this. One way is to insert the image via HTML editing. Another method involves uploading the image directly to Google Drive or Dropbox. Still others include copying and pasting the image from external sources or attaching the image itself via email.
The best option however, is to embed the image using CSS codes. To accomplish this task, copy and paste the following line of code into Notepad++:
img src="" style="width:100%; height:auto;" /
Replace whatever URL address you'd like to replace with yours. Make sure to remove the quotation marks, spaces, and double quotes. Hit Enter and save the file as.css. That's it! All you have to do is load the css file into your browser. Refresh Gmail and voila! An embedded image will take form.
Alternatively, you could try downloading these two scripts [No Longer Available] and add them to your own website. When uploaded, visitors can easily share your profile pictures with their friends. Unfortunately, only users with admin rights can view the source code. Thus, unless you plan on changing the script yourself, this solution isn't ideal for most folks.
How do I get text to wrap around a picture?
This is actually quite tricky, especially if you aren't familiar with coding languages. As long as you're careful though, the result should come out looking acceptable. First, you'll need to find a nice background photo. Since it has to contain white space, choose a high resolution PNG image. Ideally, it shouldn't be too large either. Remember, you won't be able to crop it later.
Next, search online for free stock photography sites such as Unsplash or Pixabay. Search specifically for backgrounds containing empty areas and also keep an eye out for themes that match your logo or branding color scheme. Copy the entire background image along with its original width and height measurements. Paste them into Paint and trim away unnecessary parts. Keep the rest of the details intact.
Finally, open up a separate tab/window and install the free Chrome extension Advanced Photo Editing. Load the background image into the app and apply filters to enhance contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc. Use Filter>Adjustments>Sharpen to sharpen edges slightly. Adjust Colors > Color Balance > Midtones to brighten midtones. Lastly, use Edit>Select Tool to highlight the portion of the image you wish to convert to black. Press Shift+Ctrl+T simultaneously to duplicate the layer. Using Edit>Fill tool, fill in the remaining part of the image with white. Right-click the duplicated layer and select Convert to Smart Object. From the dropdown menu, select Fill. Choose Black as the foreground color and hit OK. Close the dialog and save changes.
Once your work is complete, switch back to the main tab/window and reload Gmail. After refreshing, you should notice that the text wraps nicely around the image.
How do I get my Gmail to Fit to Page?
At times, your signature may extend beyond the page length. When this occurs, Gmail will automatically expand the signature to fit the available space. Although this feature helps prevent misalignments, it does cause problems sometimes. Fortunately, there's a way to override this behavior and force Gmail to display your signature neatly on each individual page.
Head over to Gmail labs and enable "Show me advanced features." Click Settings (Gear icon), and select General Controls. Scroll down until you see Show full header fields. Double-check whether this setting is enabled or disabled. If it's turned on, disable it by clicking the toggle button located beneath the relevant row. Reload, and you should no longer encounter this problem.
Have additional questions about formatting your signature? Feel free to contact us.
Gmail has been a great tool for me, but there are some things about it that annoy me. One of those annoying little issues has always bugged me since using it years ago - I can't figure out where to put my email address at the end of my emails so people know who they're from. I'm not alone here. If this sounds like something you've also struggled with, then read on! We'll show you how to create custom signatures for yourself or others, including instructions on how to get rid of any unnecessary formatting that may be included by default when sending mail through Google Apps accounts (like indenting).
The first thing we need to cover is how you format messages sent via Gmail itself. You already have everything set up. This should take no more than 10 minutes if you have used Gmail before. It doesn't matter what kind of computer/device/operating system you use. These steps work whether you send them over IMAP or POP3.
For those unfamiliar with these terms, let's quickly go over the difference between the two methods of accessing your inboxes. When you connect to someone else's account, such as Hotmail or Yahoo Mail, the message will download their entire inbox into yours. That means the person who owns the account sends whatever they want directly to your mailbox without having to forward anything to you. With IMAP, however, you usually choose which files you want to save locally rather than downloading everything. In other words, if you receive a file attachment from another user, you won't see its contents unless you open it. But once you click "Save," you will still keep the original copy.
Now that we got our basics down, let's move onto creating your own customized signature. First off, log into Gmail normally. Then visit Settings & General Controls. Click Signatures. On the next page, scroll down until you find the box labeled Show signatures at the bottom of outgoing mails. Check the box below, and hit Save Changes. Now when you compose new emails, you will see your signature appear after your name automatically.
If you don't check the above option, you might notice that your signature isn't appearing correctly in your latest drafts. The reason why is because most web hosts' servers aren't configured to handle images properly within the body of HTML code. So even though you wrote the best email ever, Gmail will cut out the rest of your information due to server error. To fix this problem, right click anywhere on your signature. Go to Properties&"Image options. Make sure Horizontal tab alignment=left and Vertical Tab Alignment =center. Hit OK. Your signature should now look exactly like the one shown below.
So far we've covered setting up your signature manually. Next we're going to take care of all the messy stuff like putting in links and uploading photos.
How do you wrap text in GMail?
When adding links, try inserting a space before the link, just like I did in this example. Also remember to include as part of the URL (without quotes) instead of Otherwise, whenever anyone clicks the link inside the subject line, they will be taken straight to instead of your personal site.
Adding hyperlinks works similarly to linking to websites. Just type [] followed by your desired keyword phrase. For instance, typing "[]" followed by "Google Docs" would bring up a search result listing links related to Google Docs. Try doing this with different phrases to explore various keywords.
To insert an image, highlight the word you wish to replace with your picture, press Ctrl+C (Command + C), choose File-"Download attached image, browse to your photo folder, select the photo you want, and hit Open. Once inserted, simply drag it around wherever you'd like. Don't forget to change the properties of the image under Image Options described earlier.
Here's a sample signature created with all these tips in mind. Notice how all the important information appears at the top while unimportant items, such as my phone number, are positioned towards the bottom. There are many ways to customize your signature further, but let's focus on making it easier for recipients to identify who sent an email.
In the following screenshots, you can see how each item was placed. My full signature starts with my contact info, followed by my website, social media pages, blog, etc. You can add multiple versions of each section depending on how much detail you want to give. Below is an example of only showing my title, contact info, and website sections.
You can easily swap out the background color in either Photoshop Elements or Paint Shop Pro. Simply delete the existing layer containing your logo and colors, and paste in your new design. After saving, it should update itself immediately. Keep in mind that the transparency settings will vary according to the program you use.
Why is my signature indented in Outlook?
Outlook 2007 users were unfortunately forced to deal with this issue. Microsoft said that it couldn't possibly remove the feature since it had been implemented by companies large enough to afford expensive programmers. However, starting with Office 2010, they finally decided to allow people to disable the autoindent function. Unfortunately, you have to edit your registry to enable this option. Head to Control Panel\Registry Editor\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\General\AutoCorrect Values\TextEditor\Options\Indenting. Double-click AutoFormatAsYouType and change Value data from 0 to 1. Restart Word and Outlook, and you should be good to go.
How do I align in Outlook?
First, make sure your document contains tabs at the beginning of every paragraph. Second, head back to Tools-"Tabs-"Align Tabs. Third, select all text using Edit-"Select All Text". Fourth, head back to Home-"Paragraph Setup-"Tab stops and enter 8.5 into the field for Spacing Between Center and Right justifying paragraphs. Finally, select each individual tab and adjust the spacing accordingly. Note that you cannot position each tab individually. Instead, place them together on the screen horizontally, and the software will decide placement based on the surrounding paragraphs.
How do I make all my pictures the same size in outlook?
This is a difficult question to answer without knowing exactly what you mean by the exact dimensions. Most likely, you're trying to resize them to fit perfectly on a single column. This is impossible to achieve in Outlook without altering the width of the columns themselves.
All you really need to worry about is ensuring that your images are saved with high quality resolution. They shouldn't be blurry or pixelated at all. Pictures tend to shrink slightly during upload anyway, so this shouldn't pose too much trouble. And yes, you can crop pictures later in Photoshop.
Do you run into problems with special characters, spaces, and other symbols messing up your carefully crafted signatures? Let us know in the comments!
Have you ever had a client or someone else ask you, "What font are those letters?" when they see your signature at the bottom of their emails? If so, then you may have been wondering why your Gmail signature isn't aligned properly.
You should know that most people don't take the time to check signatures because there are dozens—sometimes hundreds!—of messages each day. So if your message doesn't look like everyone else's, you can expect them to be confused about what kind of person you are (or aren't).
If this sounds familiar, today we'll show you how to set up a custom Gmail signature that looks just right every single time. And even better, it only takes a few minutes to do.
Here's our simple step-by-step guide to setting up the perfect Gmail signature for your business:
1) Create a new Gmail account for your domain, if you haven't already done so. It will need to match the name of your company, as well as include ".com" if applicable. For example, if you run a blog called The Unofficial Blog Of Awesome Things, create a username such as This makes sure that all future correspondence from Google gets sent directly to your inbox instead of being forwarded elsewhere.
2) Select Gmail Customize as your preferred layout on the left side panel. You'll notice it says Manage Layouts next to it. That means you're able to select which type of mail composition tool you want your signature to appear within (e.g., HTML vs. Plain Text).
3) Click on Manage Layouts. There will be two options available to choose from immediately after selecting Gmail Customize: Standard & Compact. We recommend choosing Standard because it has more features than the compact version does. However, if you prefer using the latter one, go ahead and proceed forward.
4) Next, click on Edit Layout. A pop-up window will open containing several different tabs. These tabs contain information related to various parts of your signature, including boxes, images, tables, etc.
5) In order to add any content into your signature, first decide whether you'd rather use either the HTML box or Plain Text box. Then scroll down until you find the section titled Signature Boxes. On the far right column, under Content Type, you'll see three types of boxes:
Paragraph - A paragraph consists of multiple lines of copy. To insert a new line, simply highlight where you would like to place the cursor, hit Shift + Enter, and continue writing. Once finished adding paragraphs, press Ctrl + E to embed everything in a block quote.
Image/Link - Images and links function similarly to how they work in Word documents. Simply double click anywhere inside the box and drag across whatever you wish to display. When you release the mouse button, the file will automatically open in a new tab. Additionally, by clicking on the link icon located above the picture, you can navigate away from the current page without having to leave the document itself.
Table - Table formatting works much like inserting rows and columns in Excel spreadsheets. Highlight the table cell(s) you intend to fill, and press Tab once again to complete. Afterward, highlight the entire row or column you intend to populate, and repeat the same process. Remember, unlike other elements, you cannot resize these cells manually. They must remain square.
6) Now, scroll back over to the main screen. At the top of the screen, you should now see a list of dropdown menus labeled Header 1 through Header 3. Each menu contains a slew of icons that represent different styles of headers. Double click on whichever header suits your needs best. Some examples include Company Name, Contact Information, References, Goals, Mission Statement, Logo Image, Phone Number, and Website Address.
7) Make sure there is enough space between each element of your signature. Don't worry too much about making the spacing equal throughout the entirety of your design; however, keep in mind that elements closer together require less white spaces separating them. Also, remember that certain items will likely overlap others. As long as nothing is cut off due to another object blocking its view, your logo shouldn't suffer from alignment issues.
8) Now, let's get to actually creating the signature itself. First, head over to the Header 1 dropdown menu. From here, you can change the title of your personal profile by typing something in the field provided. Be mindful that you won't always have room for both your full legal name and initials. Therefore, try keeping titles short but relevant.
9) Underneath Personal Profile, you can also edit the description of your role in relation to your industry. Keep things concise and straightforward.
10) Finally, you can also customize your social media profiles from this area. Feel free to enter anything pertaining to yourself that you might share publicly, such as your LinkedIn URL, Twitter handle, Facebook Page address, Instagram Username, website, phone number, e-mail address, and mailing addresses.
11) While you're still hovering over this part of the screen, pay attention to the little preview pane below. It shows exactly how your signature will look once completed. Adjusting the margin settings could potentially improve the quality of your final product. Plus, by altering the size of fonts within the editing environment, you can ensure that none of your carefully crafted graphics get lost during conversion.
12) Just before hitting OK, take note of the following instructions listed near the bottom of this page:
Select the radio buttons corresponding to the format in which you’d like your signature to render: plain text or html.
Under Format Options, please indicate whether you’d like to enable automatic linking of external websites via hyperlinks, and whether you’d like to disable inline styling.
13) Scroll down slightly further to reach the last option in the popup window. Check the box beside Enable Automatic Linking.
14) Depending on what system you use, some companies allow users to download copies of signatures online while others supply clients with physical hardcopies upon request. Regardless of whether the former applies to you or not, make sure that you've saved a local copy of your finalized signature whenever possible. Otherwise, you'll probably receive errors saying that files were corrupt or unavailable to upload later.
15) If you plan to send out signatures regularly, consider investing in a program such as Adobe Photoshop Elements to help manage large batches of signatures. Alternatively, you can opt to print your own signatures using services such as Zazzle, CafePress, Etsy, Cafepress, Printfection, and Shutterfly. Most of these sites offer templates for you to modify according to your preferences, though many charge a fee for doing so.
16) Lastly, when designing signatures for colleagues who frequently correspond with customers, it's advisable to put them through a test period beforehand. Send them a handful of sample signatures to determine which style resonates with them the most. It's worth noting that not everyone views signatures in the same way. Your goal is to come up with a signature that fits the personality of your company and reflects the tone of communication you want to convey.