How do I change my contact status on HubSpot?
If you are using HubSpot's cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for personal or business purposes, it would be helpful if you could add the names of some people who may be interested in what you have to offer to a list of prospects and customers that HubSpot already has data about. This way you can automatically send these individuals emails offering special deals when appropriate, and also track their responses from within the same system without having to manually input this information into another tool.
This feature is called "Marketing Profiles" and allows users to create lists of people based upon certain criteria so that HubSpot knows whom to follow up with via email. It works like an opt-in form where you provide those people with more details about yourself and what you're selling. Thereafter HubSpot sends out automatic emails based on specific rules established for each person. If someone responds positively to your initial message, they'll get sent through to another step which involves additional questions designed to better qualify whether or not they are actually going to become a customer.
The goal here is to make sure that only qualified leads go forward -- ones that are likely to buy whatever product or service you are trying to sell. HubSpot takes care of all this behind the scenes, while giving you complete control over the process. What happens after someone clicks through and becomes part of your list depends entirely on your own setup. Some companies choose to take further action right away and others prefer to wait until later stages before making any sort of decision regarding whether to proceed with the deal at hand. That said, there are many ways one might want to approach lead qualification, depending on how much time and effort one wants to put toward getting new clients.
In order to start creating Marketing Profiles, first log into your HubSpot account. Then click on Contacts & People tab at the top menu bar. From here select Manage Lead Scoring Settings. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to access this section of the platform. Click Yes.
Next, under Contact Management, select Create/Edit Contact List(s). Under Select Your Data Source Type, select None. In our example we will be selecting Personal Info. The next screen asks us to enter our name, phone number, address, etc. We should fill this out however according to whichever source type we chose above. For now let’s just say that we don't need anything other than a basic entry such as “Name.” Once we hit Next, the page changes to reflect our newly entered info. At this point we must decide exactly what kind of information we want HubSpot to pull together for each individual prospect. Let’s keep things simple and leave everything else blank except for First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Birthdate, Gender, Interests, Website URL, Notes, Additional Information, Social Media URLs and Preferred Language. Hit Save Changes and then Finish.
Once you've submitted your list, HubSpot will begin collecting relevant information from various sources such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Yelp, App Store reviews, Foursquare, Venmo, Uber, eBay, Amazon, Apple Music, Netflix, Spotify, Ebay Marketplace, AirBnB, Groupon, Etsy, Shopify, Quora and many other online marketplaces. Using this method gives you full flexibility since you aren't limited to adding just those people whose profiles match your own. Instead, you can search for anyone who fits a particular category or description. Here's a quick look at some sample categories:
As mentioned earlier, once you find someone you'd like to work with, you'll see their profile along with options to add them to a Marketing Profile. Simply hover over the Add button and check off the box labeled Marketer. They will receive a confirmation email stating that they have been added to your Marketing Profile. Now let's talk about why you would ever choose not to include them.
What is HubSpot lead scoring?
HubSpot uses its proprietary algorithm to determine whether or not you should pursue a potential client. Each lead receives a score between 1 - 10 (or 0% to 100%) based upon several factors including social proof, credibility, engagement level and activity history. These scores help indicate how well qualified a given lead is relative to your overall campaign goals. So if you have two equally matched leads who both receive identical scores, you will know immediately which lead was worth pursuing. And conversely, if one gets a higher score than the other, you can assume that the latter isn't really worthy of your attention.
Lead scoring helps you understand which leads are most serious about buying something from you and which ones aren't. As long as everyone involved understands what the final outcome will be prior to beginning the process, everybody wins -- especially you!
How is HubSpot score built?
Your lead score consists of five primary components which are weighted differently depending on the situation. To learn more about those components, please read How Does Hubspot Score Work? HubSpot's blog post provides a detailed breakdown of each component and the math used to calculate them. Below are the main points highlighted in the article.
Social Proof: This is essentially the amount of trustworthiness and popularity your brand enjoys among prospective buyers. Higher numbers generally translate into greater perceived value. More money spent on advertising means less reliance placed on word-of-mouth recommendations.
Engagement Level: Also known as loyalty, this factor reflects how often consumers engage with your content across platforms such as websites, apps, blogs, newsletters, videos, images, etc. Engaged consumers tend to convert better because they recognize the value your offerings bring them. Therefore, an engaged consumer is far more likely to purchase something from you than someone who doesn't spend nearly as much energy interacting with your material.
Credibility: Consumers place great importance on knowing who recommends products and services like yours. Credibility refers to how trustworthy you seem to be. Think of it as the difference between paying $100 for an item and paying $150 for the exact same thing with no proven record of quality.
Activity History: This is simply the frequency and consistency with which a buyer interacts with you or your offers. When someone buys a product or service multiple times, they demonstrate a strong commitment to doing so. Conversely, frequent purchases represent less reliable indicators of future behavior.
Brand Experience: When considering the best possible price, consumers typically weigh different elements of value. One of the biggest determining factors is how easy it is to use your services or merchandise. Consumers who encounter problems or challenges during transactions are likely to abandon plans altogether.
It's important to note that every single lead scored against HubSpot's standard parameters comes with an accompanying report. This tells you exactly how they scored, and includes comments made by the reviewer indicating why he or she gave that rating.
What do you mean by lead scoring?
Just because somebody didn't end up purchasing something from you doesn't necessarily imply that they won't eventually come around. But in terms of cost effectiveness, spending too much time chasing down low-value leads is counterintuitive. According to HubSpot founder Dharmesh Shah, "A lot of entrepreneurs focus solely on conversion rates, which measures success as sales divided by unique visitors. However, focusing exclusively on conversions does little to improve ROI."
For example, consider a company wishing to launch a pilot program involving e-commerce. Perhaps they were looking for 20 participants, but ended up recruiting 30 instead due to poor planning. Even though the results weren't ideal, perhaps the experience gained helped prepare them for subsequent launches. Or maybe they learned they needed to refine their marketing strategy to increase visibility. Either way, the extra costs incurred for acquiring these unnecessary leads are wasted opportunities.
One alternative is to assign lower values to leads that fall below a certain threshold. For instance, suppose you had three prospects who received scores of 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Those with scores of 3 and 4 wouldn't even warrant being considered unless their scores rose significantly enough to reach the minimum acceptable range. By assigning lower weight to leads outside of this range, you encourage marketers to devote more resources to improving their standing amongst those scoring highly at the outset.
Furthermore, lead scoring provides valuable feedback on areas needing improvement. After all, nobody likes surprises...right?
What is lead scoring in CRM?
We touched on how HubSpot calculates lead scores above, but it's worthwhile expanding on the topic. Basically, HubSpot assigns weights to certain aspects of a lead's performance. Based on these weights, it generates a numerical score representing the likelihood of converting into a sale. Like credit cards, HubSpot keeps track of past performances so that it can predict future behavior.
There are two types of lead scoring systems currently available. On one side, you have traditional scoring algorithms that assign numeric values to different metrics (e.g., website traffic vs. social media shares), allowing for comparison between groups. On the other side, you have machine learning models that allow you to compare similar sets of data in real time. Both methods produce somewhat accurate estimates, although the former tends to be simpler and easier to implement. Machine learning solutions require longer periods of training and thus take longer to converge. Furthermore, machine learning requires access to historical data whereas traditional scoring relies purely on present circumstances.
If you are using HubSpot for business purposes and want to track leads within it, you need to know that there is an option available called 'Marketing'. If you have more than one person working under you (or reporting into you) who would like to be known as'marketing' rather than sales or admin, this feature could be useful. It allows these people to work independently from other members of staff, without having their activity tracked as part of another team member's activities.
There are two types of Marketing -- Admin & Lead. The definition of each type depends upon whether you've been given permission by your boss to create them yourself. When you're setting up new accounts, if you see any fields labelled "Lead" or "Admin", those are probably reserved for designated account managers. In general, only marketing should get access to the Marketing toolset.
The benefit of creating a separate profile for someone who doesn't report to you directly is that they won't appear as being billed against your company's contact management system.
For example, when you logon to your HubSpot dashboard, you'll notice that there's a button next to the search bar which says Get Started. Click on Get started, and you'll arrive at the main screen where you can choose between different plans, depending upon what level of usage you require. At the top-right corner of your screen, there's also a dropdown menu labeled Account Settings. Select Manage Accounts... Here, you'll find options such as Edit Profile, Add Contact, etc. These links take you back to your home page, so don't worry about losing your place.
How do you change the marketing status of a contact in HubSpot?
Once you click on Manage Accounts, go to Contacts Management section. From here, select All Contacts. Now, scroll down until you reach the area labeled Marketing Tools. This shows all marketing profiles currently created. In order to update a particular contact's information, first double check that their name appears beside the green tick mark. Once done, right click on the contact whose details you wish to edit. Go to Properties -& People tab -& Marketing Status field. After selecting Marketing, you'll receive a pop-up window asking you to confirm your selection. Click OK.
Now, enter some relevant personal data for that person, and hit Save.
In addition to updating existing contacts, you can actually add new ones too. Simply go to Contacts Management section again, and press Create New Contact. Fill out the necessary info, including your own email address, and hit save. Then click on the blue pencil icon next to the newly added contact's image, and select Update Info. Enter whatever additional info you'd like, and once again, hit save.
After saving the changes, make sure to assign the appropriate role to the individual concerned. For instance, if you have several marketers, give one the title of 'Manager', while others may carry titles such as 'Director', 'Vice President', etc..
As long as the updated contact has nothing else listed under his/her properties besides 'Marketing', they will now function independently from the rest of the team. They will also gain access to all resources offered through HubSpot. However, keep in mind that they will still show up on your billing sheet, and will therefore continue to count toward your monthly billable contact limit.
What means lead status?
A 'lead' refers to anyone who fills out a form online that requests further communication from the company via phone call, text message, eMail, etc. A lead is classified as either inactive or active based on whether they responded to multiple emails sent over time. Leads with no response after three follow ups are considered inactive. On the contrary, a lead becomes active once they respond to say 3 followups. Active leads are automatically turned into prospects.
So, why is it important to classify them as Marketers instead of Salespeople? Well, because we want our marketers to focus solely on building relationships with potential clients, rather than just trying to close deals. Since they aren't constrained by quotas, they tend to spend much less effort chasing customers and generating revenue. As a result, they can concentrate more on networking and establishing strong ties with their respective target audience.
If you want to understand the difference between both roles better, read this article explaining the differences between a marketer vs. a salesman.
How do you use lead status?
Here's how you can start making use of the above concept. First, open up a meeting request template in Meetings. Make sure to invite everyone you intend to meet with. Next, switch over to Calendar view, and look for the same event. Notice the tiny arrow pointing to the left of the calendar item. That indicates that the invitation was accepted. Hover over it, and you'll spot the word "Active". By default, every invited attendee counts towards your total number of attendees per month. So, unless you specifically instruct otherwise, every visitor to your website who accepts your Meeting Request gets counted as simply an active participant.
However, suppose you have many marketers, and you want to differentiate between the leads generated by direct mail pieces, social media posts, etc., and those generated by digital campaigns. To avoid counting leads twice, you can filter out those leads that were generated by certain methods. Right below the list of participants, you'll find a Filter Participants box. Use it to toggle off specific participants, thereby ignoring them during subsequent meetings. For example, let's say you had five marketers, and four of them belong to Direct Mail department. Instead of listing them all together, put the remaining 1 in the Social Media group. Now, whenever you schedule a meeting, the 4 marketers in the Direct Mail subgroup won't appear as participants anymore.
You can even apply this method to individuals. Let's assume you have 2 marketers, and you'd like to treat one of them differently. Just filter him out altogether.
How do I change lead status?
To do so, head over to the Marketing Tools page. Find the contact you'd like to modify, and hover over its picture. Beneath the photo, you'll see a small popup saying something along the lines of "Status Change". Click on that link, and a pop-up window will appear. Choose Lead / Manager, and fill out the required fields. Hit Save Changes.
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If you're using HubSpot and want to keep track of leads coming through the system, it's helpful to be able to differentiate between your different types of contacts. For example, if someone has signed up for an account via email or social media, you might have two separate lists of active accounts — one that tracks people who've subscribed to receive updates from you directly, and another list tracking all other users. There are several ways to go about this, but we'll show you exactly what you need to do to make sure each user gets their own unique profile page.
There are three main things you should remember when setting up these profiles:
A new profile requires a name. This could be anything you like. It might even include the person's company name. Make sure it isn't too long so that you don't run out of letters!
Each profile entry needs at least one phone number (or mobile). If there are multiple numbers associated with this person, choose which one you'd prefer. The most common scenario here involves a primary phone number and secondary work/mobile number. The former would usually be used for sales enquiries while the latter would be used for general communication purposes.
The last thing you need to know before creating a profile is whether the person already exists within HubSpot. If they do, you won't be allowed to add more than one profile per user. In order to create a second profile, you must first delete the existing profile. Once deleted, you can proceed with adding additional entries.
With those rules taken care of, let's look at some specific instructions for how to manage your contacts in HubSpot.
What is standard lead status in Salesforce?
Before getting started, take a moment to familiarize yourself with standard lead status — also known as "standard" in some regions — in Salesforce. To find out what it means, head into Settings & Accounts > All Contacts and scroll down until you see Standard Lead Status listed under Custom Fields. Click Edit next to this field to open its settings menu. From here, select either Yes or No depending on whether or not you wish to enable this feature.
Once enabled, any time you create a new Contact record on Salesforce, you'll automatically get the option to assign it to a category called Marketing Leads. As such, every single lead created by your team will now appear together under a shared section.
This makes sense since everyone involved in a project uses both platforms, but having everything lumped together can quickly become unmanageable without proper separation. By enabling standard lead status, you ensure that only members of your marketing team will ever see this group, making organization much easier.
However, you may still opt to disable standard lead status for certain departments or individuals if necessary. We recommend doing this sparingly unless you absolutely need custom branding options.
Note that standard lead status doesn't actually apply to anyone yet. Until they accept an offer, sign up for something, request information, etc., you won't be able to tell who belongs where. When HubSpot detects that a user has done one of these actions, they simply move over to the appropriate list automatically.
How do I set HubSpot lead status?
As mentioned earlier, you cannot edit the default standard lead status label until after the user accepts whatever opportunity was sent to them. However, once they click Accept Offer or Complete Registration, you can manually mark them as being part of your marketing list.
To do this, navigate back to the Profile tab from above and expand your list of Active Users by clicking View More. Then find the particular user whose details you wish to update and double-click on them to view their properties panel. At the top right corner of this window, you'll see an icon labelled Properties. Clicking on this button lets you customize various aspects of your contact's profile. Within the General tab, check off Mark as Marketing Lead next to Default Label.
In addition to changing the overall label itself, marking a user as a marketing lead gives them access to a few extra features. Most importantly, they can create campaigns and follow them across all channels. These clients will also retain ownership of their data, meaning you won't be sending emails to people outside of your department asking them to fill out surveys anymore.
For best results, try to maintain consistency throughout your entire customer service process. Even though employees can switch jobs later on, assigning them marketing roles early on helps streamline operations.
What is a lead status in HubSpot?
Leads are basically just users who haven't accepted your initial invitation yet. They come into existence whenever you send a new message offering something exciting enough to entice potential customers to sign up.
When you do this, HubSpot creates a special type of User Account specifically designed to help you better organize and handle future interactions. Think of them like real live representatives ready to answer questions or refer interested parties elsewhere.
Unlike regular inactive accounts, however, all leads remain completely customizable. That way, you can give each individual client a little attention tailored to their preferences and goals. Whether you want to highlight services or products, provide personal recommendations, or discuss rates, all this is possible by adjusting lead scoring metrics.
HubSpot's built-in analytics platform allows you to monitor the performance of each lead based on factors like conversion rate, revenue generated, and average deal size. Not surprisingly, higher scores mean greater profits. But why stop there? Below is a step-by-step guide on how to adjust lead scores on HubSpot.
How do you set lead score in HubSpot?
Setting lead score is easy, although it does require some familiarity with the software. First, log into your Dashboard, then hover over Customers in the left sidebar navigation bar. Next, select a particular lead from the dropdown box that appears. Now double-click on them to display their card. After the screen loads, you'll see four sections: Details, History, Preferences, and Score.
You can tweak each section individually to tailor your experience further. Here's how to change the lead score:
Details: Change the Rating value displayed below the title Customer Card to reflect the current level of interest. Higher ratings translate into larger deals, thus resulting in bigger revenues for your business. Conversely, lower values indicate less desire.
History: Use this area to review past communications and activities performed by the lead. Scroll down and locate the Date Range subheading. Underneath this, you'll see a small graph showing how engagement levels changed over time. Select the slider beneath this to alter the range shown. A wider range indicates increased activity. On the flip side, narrowing the selection reduces the amount of relevant history visible.
Preferences: Use this space to store important documents, notes, links, etc. Just enter text wherever you see the blue pen icon. Unlike other areas, you can remove items rather than editing them. Simply drag them straight onto the trash bin located in the upper right hand corner.
Score: Finally, hit Save Changes twice to save changes to all applicable fields.
Depending upon the length of time since the lead came into existence, they might already be receiving offers from competitors. In cases like these, you should always reach out to them on behalf of HubSpot to ask if they found anything interesting. Doing so ensures they stay happy while giving you peace of mind knowing you're providing good quality service.
Next Steps With Your New Marketing System
Now that you've learned how to build customized profiles for your brand's contacts, you can start leveraging your resources to attract new prospects. Better yet, once you master the basics outlined in this article, you can pass along this knowledge to others working in your office. Their results will vary based on their previous experiences and skillset, but following a basic format will definitely increase chances of success.
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