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How do I create a contact list in HubSpot?

How do I create a contact list in HubSpot?

HubSpot is an easy-to-use and affordable marketing software that allows small businesses to streamline their business operations, increase productivity, and lower cost. It's also great at automating repetitive tasks so you can focus on more important things like growing your company or serving customers better.

In this article, we'll show you how to use HubSpot lists to manage your customer data. We will discuss different methods to add new people and companies to existing lists as well as how to create brand new lists using custom fields. Let’s get started!

How do I Create a group in HubSpot?

Creating groups helps organize your leads by providing them with separate views within your dashboard. You can segment your prospects based on industry, stage of decision making process, etc., and then display content relevant to each audience. This feature is useful if you need to send out bulk emails to multiple audiences instead of sending one email per prospect. There are two ways to create groups in HubSpot—you either have to select from prebuilt templates or build it yourself. Here’s what happens when you choose option number 1.

1) Click on Groups on the left sidebar menu.

2) Then click New Group under groups header.

3) Enter Name, Description, and assign Lead Owner (the person who created the group).

4) Select which type of lead should be included in the group. If you want to include both warm and cold leads, make sure to check off Warm Leads and Cold Leads boxes respectively.

5) Choose whether you want to enable Automatic Followup Emails (if true), Enable Email Scheduling (if false), and set up date range.

6) Set Up Default View Mode (this determines which view shows when someone opens your group page.)

7) Add members to the group.

8) Once done, save changes.

If you chose Option 2 above where you built a group yourself, here’s what would happen next after selecting the same path. (Please note that there may be slight differences depending upon your chosen theme/skin)

Step 1: Go to Contacts tab & Customize Lists.

This screen looks similar to below image except only thing you have to customize is List name.

The default names given by HubSpot are pretty generic and boring. So go ahead and give it any name you prefer. In our case, we named ours “Contacts”.

Next step is adding a Contact Type column. The first field automatically gets populated with a dropdown box containing options such as Company, Person, Individual, etc.. To change these values, just hover over the text and see its subtext. For example, hovering over Company displays All Companies. Hovered over Person gives you the option to enter a new value.

Now drag and drop three other columns—Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number—into the right side panel. Notice they already contain some sample entries. Now, edit those entries to match whatever information you currently have about your client.

You can now start adding individuals to your list. Just follow the instructions below.

Add new record.

Click on + icon (+).

Select People Record.

Enter First Name, Last Name, Gender, Birthdate, City, State, ZIP Code, Country, Work phone, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Job title, Position held, Social Media profiles, Website URL, Fax, Notes, Email Address, Username, Password, Confirm password.

For additional fields, please refer to screenshot attached.

Once finished, hit Save Changes once again.

As soon as you finish creating records, HubSpot generates a CSV file containing details of every single member added to your list. You can open csv files directly using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Apple iWork Pages, Notion, etc.

Another way to access this file is through Kofine Data Studio. Since Kofinedata studio works across platforms, you don't have to worry about compatibility issues. However, since Kofinedata has not been updated in years, it doesn't support most recent features available in HubSpot today. Therefore, we recommend using the CSV file generated by HubSpot.

How do I manually add contacts to HubSpot list?

Adding a contact manually means entering basic info about that particular contact without having to rely on any third party tools or services. On top of that, it enables you to add unlimited contacts to your hubspot account without worrying about hitting limits imposed by external providers. Below is the procedure involved.

First, head over to Contacts Tab and click on Manage Your Customers section.

Then search for the desired contact. You can look up by last name, email address, mobile number, work phone, home phone, fax, etc. Alternatively, you can also upload a spreadsheet containing the entire list of contacts.

After finding a specific contact, fill in all required details including first name, last name, gender, birthday, city, state, zip code, country, job title, position held, social media profile links, website url, notes, email addresses, username, password, confirm password, cell phone numbers, home phone number, work phone number, fax, primary reason for contacting us, secondary reasons for contacting us, etc...

Save changes once completed.

That’s basically it! Remember to always test before publishing live updates to avoid unexpected errors. Also, keep in mind that manual edits require you to logout and login back in order to update your settings. That said, the manual method is ideal for beginners or clients who wish to control everything themselves.

How do I add individual contacts to a list in HubSpot?

Sometimes, you might come across situations wherein you need to add a contact to a certain predefined list but don't know his/her full name. Or maybe you've got many contacts with initials instead of their actual first and last name. In that scenario, you could try searching by initial. But wait, there's a simpler solution.

All you have to do is simply create a blank row in your table and type in the corresponding information manually. As long as you've got enough space, you can continue adding rows until you reach 100% completion.

Here’s another workaround. Keep a copy of original contact sheet handy while working with HubSpot. When you find something you think needs changing, highlight the whole entry and write down the respective information in a fresh row. Make sure to retype all highlighted content exactly as shown on the source document. Otherwise, you won’t be able to sync the newly changed data.

Can you import contacts into a list in HubSpot?

Yes, you can export your current contact database and replace it with a freshly imported version.

To begin importing contacts, navigate to Customer Management - Contacts - Export Database. A pop-up window will appear asking you if you really want to proceed further. Click Yes.

A few minutes later, a new window will ask you to provide authorization credentials. After granting permission, click OK. Another window will appear displaying progress bar along with percentage complete. Wait until it reaches 100%.

When the task is successfully accomplished, a new window will inform you that no new contacts were found during the transfer. Congratulations! You're finally ready to roll out major upgrades to your HubSpot system.

Before closing the window, take note of the ID displayed on the bottom of the window. The ID serves as unique identifier for that exported file.

Open the file explorer and locate the folder holding the.csv file associated with your exported data. Open the file inside using appropriate application.

Navigate to Tools - Import / Sync - Upload File.

Choose the file you downloaded earlier.

Wait for the uploading process to complete. Upon successful completion, a message saying Successfully uploaded file appears.

Go to Contacts tab and scroll down till you spot the link labeled My Lists. Under My Lists heading, click Edit Lists. From there, click on "+". Finally, choose the file you previously synced to your system.

Keep in mind that if you still encounter problems even though you've followed all steps outlined above, please feel free to reach out to the HubSpot Support team. They'd love to help troubleshoot any issue related to HubSpot.

HubSpot is an easy-to-use CRM tool that makes it simple for small businesses and teams to manage their customers, leads, and sales pipeline from one platform. We've put together this article with step by step guides on how to set up lists using HubSpot's built-in functionality. This guide will cover what types of lists are available within HubSpot, as well as how to manually enter new contacts into these lists.

For more information about setting up new lists or adding existing ones to HubSpot follow our previous articles on creating custom fields and assigning them to Contacts, Leads and Opportunities. If you have any questions relating specifically to HubSpot Lists then please get in touch via live chat (bottom right corner) or send us an email at

How do I add contacts to HubSpot address?

Click Add New Contact under Customer tab. This will bring up the screen below where you can select either Address Book or Company Directory. Selecting Address Book will display your current addresses, while selecting Company Directory will search your directory for companies matching the name provided.

Select whichever option you prefer and click Next Step when done. You'll be taken back to the main window. Here you should see 3 tabs labelled Customers & Accounts, Partnerships, and Companies. Your options on each tab will depend on which type of account you selected earlier. For example, if you added an Account then you would only need to choose Partnerships.

After choosing your appropriate tab, next left hand menu item will change depending on whether you chose Companies or Accounts. When you're looking at Companies, click +Company. The company creation wizard will open up allowing you to edit details such as Name, Fax Number and Phone Numbers. Once finished, hit Finish once again. A pop-up box will appear asking if you want to save changes. Click Save Changes.

Your newly created company will now show up in the Companies section. To assign a user role to your new company, go down to Roles and Users > Companies and drag your new company onto the dropdown field.

You may notice that some users already exist in your system for the same roles they had before being assigned to other companies. In order to avoid duplicates we recommend going through your entire User/Role database and deleting anyone who existed in multiple companies. We also advise changing the default company for those users so that there isn't confusion later.

How do I add a list to HubSpot?

A List is used to categorize different groups of people based upon certain characteristics. These categories could include clients, members, suppliers etc. It allows users to easily filter out specific individuals and find relevant data without having to scroll endlessly across numerous screens. HubSpot has pre-defined Categories and Tags but sometimes it might not fit exactly what you’re trying to achieve. In that case you can simply insert new Category or Tag yourself.

To begin, head over to Content Library and look for Manage Topics. From here, you’ll see a list of various topics along the top of the page. Underneath this heading is a greyed out textbox titled Create Topic... Click this area to start typing in whatever topic you wish to use. At first glance you won’t see anything because no content exists yet. However, after clicking Publish, you’ll see that your chosen category appears automatically beneath the title. After hitting publish, you can view the contents of your newly created topic by navigating to All Topics and expanding Customised Topics.

You can access your topic anytime by clicking on it directly. Alternatively, just hover over My Topics and a dropdown menu will appear showing all your topics. If you ever decide to delete a topic, you can do so by hovering over it and selecting Delete [topic].

How do I organize contacts in HubSpot?

The easiest way to arrange contacts in HubSpot is by dragging and dropping them into place. First, highlight the group of contacts you'd like to move by holding Shift+click on the first person, followed by Shift+click on the last person. Then release both keys. Now hold Ctrl and click anywhere inside the highlighted group until you reach the edge of your selection. Release both keys and watch as the contacts shift around to better suit your needs. To reorder individual items within a group, hold Alt and drag them wherever you’d like them placed.

If you don’t feel comfortable moving large chunks of contacts around, try arranging them by putting letters beside each entry. By doing this, users can quickly browse by letter instead of scrolling through hundreds of names. Just keep in mind that this method does require users to know something about sorting alphabetically, so make sure everyone understands its purpose beforehand.

Another useful feature for organizing contacts is Sort Options, located on the upper right side of your grid. Use this function to sort entries by phone number, date modified, priority level, status, relationship, lead source, notes, birthday, anniversary or even by most recent activity. There are two icons above this column - one icon sorts ascending while another icon sorts descending.

When viewing your contacts, you’ll see a button alongside each row called View Details. When clicked, this opens up a popup window displaying additional information about that particular customer. Within this window, you’ll see columns labelled Full Name, Email, Mobile, Notes, Status, Relationship, Birthday, Anniversary and Activity. Each cell contains links to pull up more detailed info about that particular contact.

In addition to viewing or editing your own contacts, HubSpot offers tools for bulk importing or exporting data. Head over to Data Management and locate Import / Export Data Wizard. On this page, you’ll see three buttons labeled Bulk Imports, Exporting Data and Quick Reports. Simply click on one of these buttons to import or export your data.

How do you Categorise contacts in HubSpot?

It’s possible to assign tags to contacts using the following steps:

1. Find the contact you want to tag using the Search bar.

2. Highlight the desired contact and press Enter to activate Edit mode.

3. Go to Tools > Metadata Editor and navigate to Tag Properties.

4. Type in your preferred label and click OK.

5. Repeat this process for every tag you plan on creating.

6. Navigate to Administer > Configuration > Integrations > Integration Types > SalesforceCRMDashboard.

Once you have completed tagging all your contacts, you’ll receive a prompt saying “All tagged contacts updated successfully!”. Anytime afterwards, you can perform searches using tags by entering keywords such as Client: ABC Ltd Partner: ABC Co Inc. Or alternatively, you can check off individual contacts and search for the resulting auto-suggestions.

Have you tried building your own lists in HubSpot? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments!

Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4

You've probably heard that it's good practice to split up your client database into lists when you're managing large numbers of clients or if you have multiple projects going at once.

In HubSpot, we call this process creating an account profile. It allows you to manage and filter your leads, customers and prospects within one system so they can be easily identified. In addition, having them organized by name makes it easier to find specific people later. You can also use these lists as part of your marketing strategy because their names are clearly visible along with other data (like email address) which is useful for outreach purposes.

Creating a new List works exactly like adding any other Contact in HubSpot. However, there are some nuances about how each type of Lead should be handled. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up Lists in HubSpot CRM. We'll cover everything from what lists actually are, to why they’re important, to how to create a list, and finally, how to export/import existing Contacts to HubSpot. If you don't want to follow every single detail below, here's our ultimate guide to Lists in HubSpot.

How do I create a list in all my contacts on HubSpot?

To start off, open your current contact record. If you haven't created any yet, go ahead and click + New Contact right now. This will bring up the default screen where you need to enter basic information such as First Name, Last Name and Email Address. After entering those details, hit Save & Continue.

Now, under Account Settings, you'll see a section called Accounts. Clicking on Add Profile... opens another window where you can choose whether you'd like to add more than just accounts. To skip this step, simply check Only show active profiles. Then, you'll only see a blank box until you switch back over to Accounts.

This brings us to the next topic: How does HubSpot categorize different types of Leads differently? Basically, HubSpot includes several built-in categories based upon which role they play in relation to business objectives. There's Sales, Marketing, Operations, etc., but if you're not sure which category applies to your organization, we recommend checking out the Quick Start Guide first. Here's a quick summary of the most common lead types and how they fit together.

The following table shows examples of both Standard Leads (aka Accounts) and Customized Leads (aka Profiles):

Standard Leads | Customized Leads


Sales Reps | Clients

Customers | Prospects

Vendors | Partners

Account Owners | Managers

Marketing Department | Employees

Operations Team | Teams

There are five main ways to create a List in HubSpot. The easiest way is through the All tab located on top of the left menu bar. Simply navigate to My Content > Lists. From there, you can either search for a particular term using the Search field above or browse between standard Lead Types. For instance, if you wanted to view all of your custom prospect Leads, you could visit the Type dropdown menu and select Customized Leads. Once selected, HubSpot will pull up a grid showing all of your customized leads.

However, depending on your needs, you may want to customize certain fields instead of viewing a general overview. That's why the Filters button appears directly underneath the search field. By clicking on Filter Categories, you can narrow down your results further by filtering them by Industry, Status, Stage, Owner, etc. While searching via filters might seem less efficient since you won't get to preview your desired result before applying the filter, it's still worth trying out. Just remember that if you apply too many filters, the page will slow down significantly due to unnecessary queries being run against the server.

Another approach would be to navigate straight to the All tab mentioned earlier while looking for a specific Lead Type. Doing so will allow you to sort according to whichever parameter you desire. For example, let's say you're wondering how to make a list containing all of your Accounts. Underneath the header image, you'll notice three tabs labeled All, Created, and Active. Selecting All gives you access to a long scrollable grid displaying all items matching your query. On the contrary, selecting Created pulls up two separate tables - one listing Accounts that were added yesterday and another listing Accounts that were added months ago. Finally, choosing Active displays a third table listing accounts currently running campaigns. So technically speaking, navigating to the All tab isn't really necessary unless you're specifically looking for something else. But keep in mind that doing so means fewer clicks overall.

How do I add all my contacts to a list in HubSpot?

Click on the "+Add Person" link found beneath the person icon. A pop-up window will appear asking you to fill out additional info regarding the contact. Enter the same information as shown in the previous steps. Now, look towards the bottom of the form and you'll spot a checkbox labeled Add to [List]". Make sure you uncheck this option if you intend to manually assign contacts to individual lists after importing rather than automatically assigning them. Otherwise, you'll end up with duplicate entries. Hit Submit once done.

Afterwards, you'll receive a confirmation message informing you that the action was successful. At this point, the newly imported contact should appear under your respective list heading.

HubSpot has made exporting/importing contacts fairly straightforward. When you want to move contacts to another platform, HubSpot provides a handy Export tool. Let's take a closer look at how to export contacts from HubSpot to Mailchimp.

First things first, you must log in to your admin dashboard. Navigate to Integrations " Integration Details. Then, hover over MailChimp and click Edit Configuration. Next, select Get Started and complete the required tasks. Upon completion, you'll receive a success message saying that your integration went successfully.

Once finished, return to the Integration Details page and select Exports. Now, click on +Export Data... and then pick the correct format for your preferred destination. Depending on your preferences, you can opt to download CSV files (.csv), Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx),.ics file (.ical), HTML report (.html), XML reports (.xml), or JSON Reports (.json). Choose whatever suits best for your situation.

Finally, save yourself time and energy by downloading the exported file(s) onto your computer. Open it up and import it wherever you wish!

Note: Before moving forward with exporting, ensure that you know who has access to the content that you plan to remove. Since HubSpot doesn't offer a bulk delete feature, deleting numerous records requires administrator privileges.

How do I organize my Lists on HubSpot?

Organizing lists is easy thanks to HubSpot's tagging functionality. Right inside your Lists' settings panel, you can drag and drop various columns around to rearrange their order. Also, you can rename them individually to give them unique titles.

For organizational purposes, consider separating your lists into sections. To do so, head over to the All tab again while browsing your hub. On the far left side, you'll see a column titled Categorization. Use it to group similar types of leads together. As an example, if your company offers services to students, your Student Services team would likely fall under Education, whereas HR would belong to Human Resources.

Once you're satisfied with how your lists are laid out, feel free to copy/paste them elsewhere. Or perhaps even print off copies to hand out to colleagues for reference purposes. HubSpot lets users print documents without needing to sign in anywhere. No login needed!

How do I select all contacts in HubSpot?

When working with larger datasets, it becomes tedious to sift through hundreds of records to find individuals you want to target. Fortunately, HubSpot provides a variety of options for finding everyone regardless of status. To begin, try performing a Basic Find on the All tab. Alternatively, you can also conduct searches by typing keywords into the search bar. And lastly, if you prefer to work with smaller batches of data, you can always utilize Smart Lookups. They function similarly to regular finds except that they limit themselves to returning no more than 100 rows per request.

Smart lookup tools vary slightly depending on what platform you're using. With Desktop, however, there are four available smart lookup choices: Basic, Advanced, Full, and Extended.

Basic Smart Lookup

Selecting the Basic option limits your search results to the last 30 days. Furthermore, it only retrieves records associated with your primary domain. Lastly, only returns contacts that match your selection criteria.

Advanced Smart Lookup

Choosing the advanced version expands your search parameters. Plus, it provides access to additional data including emails, phone numbers, dates of birth, addresses, notes, social media links, and more.

Full Smart Lookup

On the flipside, the full version adds a few extra features. It gives you greater control over sorting results and incorporates other relevant fields. For instance, you can decide to include or exclude certain pieces of metadata. What's great about the full version is that it enables you to change the date range whenever you please.

Extended Smart Lookup



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