How do I create a lead list on sales Navigator?
When it comes to generating new business, there’s no substitute for quality leads. And when it comes to generating high-quality leads, one of the hottest tools around is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It helps you find potential clients by connecting with them based on their professional interests, skills, education, and more.
While this tool has plenty of uses beyond just lead generation, its primary purpose is to help you connect with people who might be interested in your products or services—and that means finding qualified prospects through targeted searches. Once you identify these candidates, you have several options as to how to move forward: You could send an email directly to each individual prospect, which may not go well if they don’t want to hear from you. Or you could try using a service like HubSpot Lead Generation Toolkit (LGTK), where you upload a spreadsheet containing all of your contact information and let LGTK handle sending emails to everyone at once. But even then, these aren't guaranteed results, since some recipients will click "No" without reading the message. A better option would be creating a lead list instead.
This article explains everything you need to know about using lead lists in Sales Navigator so you can make sure you're getting the most value possible out of this powerful tool.
How do you use lead list in Sales Navigator?
If you've never used any form of lead management before, you might wonder why anyone would ever bother creating a lead list. After all, isn't a lead simply someone who's expressed interest in what you sell in exchange for something of yours? That makes sense, but here's the thing: While it might seem obvious, we tend to forget that every single person on our target audience needs to see our offer at least once before converting into a paying customer. For example, say you run a cleaning company. If your goal is to convert 1% of those who visit your website into customers, you'll need 10,000 visitors per month to reach that number. The problem is that only 5% of those visits mean actionable conversions, meaning that 95% of your traffic won't result in anything. So now you're left wondering how to improve upon your conversion rates while still maintaining great visibility among your existing audience. Enter lead lists! They allow you to build up a group of contacts over time and ensure that your content reaches the right people at exactly the right times. This way, you can turn your audience members into long-term buyers without having to send too much junk mail.
So how does this work? Well, first off, you should set up a separate profile for lead management within Sales Navigator. Then, once you start building out your list, you'll want to add relevant details such as name, title, location, phone numbers, etc. Make sure to also include enough information to distinguish between multiple contacts with similar names. As far as format goes, you can always customize your lead list template to suit your preferences. For instance, you might choose to display the full name followed by a brief bio rather than just the last name alone. Alternatively, you could opt for a slightly different layout, like listing the job title after the first name. These small changes can really elevate your profiles to stand out from others, making it easier for you to keep track of who you've already contacted and whom you haven't yet reached out to.
What are lead lists?
A lead list is essentially a collection of contacts whose interests match those of your brand. When you build a list in Sales Navigator, you're basically telling the platform that you'd prefer to receive messages from certain types of individuals. In return, it will automatically show you and other users more content related to your profession or industry. By doing this, you increase the chances that your offers appear near the top of search engine results pages across platforms like Google Search and Bing. Additionally, you can share your updated lead list with colleagues and friends via social media, which increases exposure further. The key takeaway here is that being able to control who sees your marketing materials is crucial. There's nothing wrong with reaching out to random strangers if you genuinely believe they hold the answers to solving whatever problems your product solves, but the reality is that you usually end up wasting money and energy chasing down dead ends. Instead, focus your efforts on identifying specific groups of people who fit your ideal customer criteria and develop relationships accordingly.
How many leads can you get from LinkedIn Sales Navigator?
The answer depends entirely on whether you're looking at paid or organic sources. With paid source campaigns, you can expect anywhere from hundreds to thousands of new subscribers each week. However, depending on your budget, you might consider purchasing additional credits to boost your overall conversion rate. Organic source campaigns typically give you somewhere around 300–500 new followers per day. Again, however, this figure varies depending on your strategy and the amount of effort put forth. For example, if you're focusing on targeting professionals in particular niches, you may notice a higher response rate compared to general audiences. Finally, remember that the majority of your followers will likely come from Facebook ads or PPC campaigns, both of which require you to pay upfront. To learn more about how to maximize your investment with LinkedIn Ads, check out our guide to advertising on LinkedIn.
Can you export leads from LinkedIn?
Yes, absolutely! Just head to Settings & Privacy & Export Data and select the “Export Contacts” button located under the Personalization section. From there, you will be presented with two choices: All Contacts and Selected Contacts. Both options provide you with access to your entire database, including personal data like name, email address, and birthday (if available). Unfortunately, though, you cannot download the CSV file itself.
Alternatively, if you wish to export a subset of your list, you can either manually drag and drop contacts onto another sheet or use the built-in feature that allows you to copy and paste selected fields. Keep in mind that you must be logged into LinkedIn Premium to take advantage of this functionality. Otherwise, you will be limited to exporting only basic contact information, like name, email, and phone number.
Finally, if you're curious about how many leads you can actually pull from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can consult the following table provided by the app's official support team.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Pricing Plan | Monthly Cost | Discount %
Free | $10 /mo | 0%
Premium | $25 /mo | 20%
Business Pro | $50 /mo | 30%
Lead Lists | Unlimited
With lead lists, you can finally optimize your outreach strategies while ensuring that your content gets seen by the right people. Not only that, but you can grow your audience organically and increase your ROI exponentially, giving you complete control over your own success story.
So you've set up your LinkedIn profile and sent some emails. You're ready to start generating more business with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. However, how can you ensure that all those contacts who have expressed interest in what you offer will actually become paying customers for you? Well, one way is through creating an effective lead list.
It's easy enough to add people as prospects using just their email addresses or phone numbers. However, if you want to capture the attention of someone who might be interested but isn't yet at the point where they'll buy from you then it's time to go beyond this basic approach — and it starts by getting them onto your lead list.
If you're new to Sales Navigator, here are some ways to quickly build a successful lead list so that you don't waste any valuable time chasing after opportunities that aren't going anywhere fast.
How do I make a lead list?
Once you've got your lead-generation strategy sorted out, there are two main approaches to building a lead list within Sales Navigator - either by adding contacts directly (using their contact information) or by importing existing data from other sources.
The first option means adding only people you already know about. This may include people you have personally met face-to-face or via social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. It also includes people whose names you recognize from previous jobs or companies.
You should aim to include everyone who has ever shown an interest in your products or services before. There's no reason why you shouldn't try and reach out to every single person you think could benefit from your company. After all, not doing so would mean losing potential revenue forever!
The second method involves downloading your own list of prospective clients from another source, such as LinkedIn itself, that contains details including full name, email address, job title, industry sector and location. If you haven’t already done so, now is probably the right moment to download your entire network of connections in case you miss anyone important when you were collecting your initial list.
Both methods work well, although obviously the former is quicker. The difference between these approaches comes down to the level of detail you choose to collect. For example, if you plan to target specific industries or locations, you must manually enter the relevant fields in each individual record you wish to include.
This can take a lot of time, especially if you've been working on your campaign over several weeks. By contrast, importing your own list saves you both time and effort because it automatically fills out the required fields based on the criteria you specify.
There are many different options available for importing your data from elsewhere. In addition to choosing which file type suits best (CSV, TXT etc), consider whether to edit the contents of the imported records yourself or leave everything intact and let Sales Navigator complete its task.
In general, leaving things alone ensures that your lead list remains as clean as possible while editing allows you to alter certain aspects of each entry without having to reimport the whole thing again. To avoid confusion, always double check that you've chosen the correct format for your files before clicking "Add" to begin importing.
How do I make a sales list?
Sales List refers to the collection of individuals that you intend to sell to once you've built a relationship with them. Once you've added the necessary details for each prospect, you simply click “Create Lead” to mark them off your list.
Each time you perform this action, Sales Navigator creates an automatic reminder message inviting you to follow up with the selected lead later on. As long as you keep performing this step regularly, Sales Navigator is able to identify the next steps to take depending on your response to the initial outreach.
For instance, if you reply positively to the first communication, it might prompt you to send personalized messages to further encourage the lead to move forward towards signing up for your service. Or if you ignore the invitation entirely, Sales Navigator might suggest sending a few emails reminding you of the deadline or even suggesting that you call instead.
Can you upload a lead list to sales navigator?
As mentioned above, it's very simple to add your current list of prospects to Sales Navigator. And since we recommend following up with all your candidates anyway, it makes sense to save yourself the trouble of repeating this process multiple times.
To speed things up, you can easily copy and paste your list of prospects straight into Sales Navigator. Just select the “Leads” tab on the left navigation bar and click "+ Add Existing Contacts." Then navigate to the folder containing your list and drop it inside.
Remember to change the status of your contacts from "No Action Required" to "Active," otherwise Sales Navigator won't display them properly. Next, scroll down until you find the section labeled "List Name:" and rename it accordingly. Finally, click Save & Close to close the window. Your list will appear under the Leads tab on top of the page.
How do I import a lead list into sales navigator?
Importing your own list of prospects is often easier than you'd expect, provided you choose the right file type and match the appropriate columns correctly.
First, head back to the original place where you saved your list and open the document in Microsoft Word (or similar). Now switch to Excel View if you see a yellow triangle icon on the toolbar. Your spreadsheet should contain a column called "Company" followed by "Title" and "Email Address". These three items correspond exactly to the fields used by Sales Navigator to store contact info. Click File " Export..." and select CSV (comma separated values) under Format.
Next, browse to the directory where you downloaded your file and locate the.csv file. Select it then click Open. You should now notice that Sales Navigator recognizes the list and displays it under the Leads tab along with any others you've created previously. Simply click "Save & Close" to save your changes.
Your list will now appear on the Leads page, alongside the rest of your campaigns. From here, you can track the progress of each lead individually and adjust your messaging according to the results.
Keep in mind that you cannot delete an active lead from your Sales Navigator database. Instead, you will have to cancel the corresponding campaign and remove the related rows from your list. The same applies if you decide to stop tracking particular leads.
However, you still have plenty of flexibility around managing inactive leads in Sales Navigator. For example, you can pause the auto-reminder feature, mark them as unqualified, or schedule follow ups. You can also use the Reminders tool to assign tasks to team members and automate campaign management across several staff.
We hope these useful ideas help you get started with Sales Navigator. Remember, however, that there are lots of great features available to boost your productivity too, such as automated reminders, custom reports and much more.
Download: Sales Navigator
Sales Navigator is one of the more useful tools for B2B marketers that helps them manage their prospecting processes. It’s particularly helpful when working with large numbers of prospects or if your company has multiple departments like marketing, sales, and service who all have different needs as well as varying degrees of interest in new opportunities.
But how does it work exactly? And what can you actually do with lead lists once they’re created? Let’s take a closer look at what Sales Navigator is, why it exists, and how you can leverage its features to help you build an effective pipeline.
Can I import a list to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?
If you want to create a lead list in Sales Navigator, then yes! You will be able to perform this action by exporting your data into CSV format (or other formats) using third-party applications such as Microsoft Excel. The easiest way to achieve this is through Outlook, which allows you to save any email conversation directly into a spreadsheet.
You should also consider importing your contact information via Zapier, which allows you to connect various apps together so that you don’t need to manually go back and forth between programs during tasks that involve multiple steps. For example, you could automate the process of creating a lead list in Sales Navigator simply by connecting it to Slack.
Once you’ve exported your contacts into a suitable file, you can upload these files onto LinkedIn Sales Navigator via the Import Contacts button in the upper right corner of each screen. Once you click this button, you’ll see three options along the bottom of the page:
Import Account List: This option lets you import existing customer records based on several criteria including name, location, industry, revenue size, etc.
Create New Account List: If you select this option, you’ll be prompted to type in some basic details about your business before being given access to a form where you can enter additional information and attach documents related to your accounts.
Existing Accounts: Select this option to bring up a list of all of your current customers, allowing you to filter down by certain parameters.
When selecting Existing Accounts, you can choose whether you would prefer to import only those companies that fit your specified search criteria, or include companies regardless of whether there’s a match.
What can you do with lead lists in Sales Navigator?
There are many ways in which you can utilize your newly imported accounts within Sales Navigator. Some of the most common uses include:
Creating targeted campaigns: When you first set up a campaign in Sales Navigator, you may find yourself wanting to exclude specific types of accounts from receiving emails or phone calls. By default, however, every single company in your database will receive a welcome message upon opening the app. To avoid sending messages to certain accounts, you must either turn off automatic notifications or opt to send individual messages instead.
Targeted outreach: Another benefit of having a comprehensive list of potential clients is that you can easily target the people whose profiles indicate that they might be interested in your product or services. Using filters, you can narrow down your results further to focus on the individuals who meet your specific requirements.
Track activity over time: With Sales Navigator, you can keep tabs on the number of meetings scheduled per month, the average length of meetings, and even track the number of times a particular person was contacted throughout the year. All of this information is available in real time, meaning you never have to wait until the end of the quarter to know how active your team members were during Q1 2019.
Keep a record of past performance: You can also review historical data for individual accounts, including metrics like revenue growth, profit margins, and annual sales volume. This makes it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of previous strategies and identify areas for improvement moving forward.
How do you use Sales Navigator to generate leads?
As mentioned above, the greatest strength of Sales Navigator lies in its ability to provide valuable insight on both your existing client base and prospective ones. But while you can certainly learn a lot just by browsing the platform itself, you can really take advantage of the tool through automated follow ups and personalized content.
Let’s say that you’ve been trying to reach someone at ABC Company for months without success. Instead of continuing to try and call them, you decide to schedule a meeting with their Director of Business Development instead. While scheduling a meeting isn't something that happens automatically, you can still make sure that the appropriate person gets alerted to the fact that you're coming soon.
To do this, head to the Scheduling tab in Sales Navigator and click on the Create Meeting link under Meetings. Then fill out the relevant fields in the pop-up window, making sure to input the correct date, time, and place. After clicking Save & Close, you'll notice that a notification pops up informing you that you've added a meeting to your calendar. Click Accept to confirm, and you're good to go.
Now let's assume that after setting up the meeting, you realize that you forgot to ask a critical question. Rather than calling the customer again—which is unlikely to result in anything productive anyway—you can quickly draft a quick email summarizing the main points and asking if there's anything else that you can clarify. Not only does this ensure that your customers feel valued rather than ignored, but it gives you a chance to gather even more intel on your interactions.
How do I add a lead from sales navigator to Salesforce?
One last thing worth noting is that you can transfer leads from Sales Navigator to Salesforce as long as they qualify for a CRM integration. As part of this process, Sales Navigator will pass on any necessary metadata associated with your leads, such as names, titles, job functions, and locations. These attributes will allow Salesforce to recognize which users belong to whom, ensuring that your leads are properly attributed across both systems.
The process of adding leads to Salesforce takes a few minutes, depending on how much data you wish to share with the CRM system. There are two methods you can employ to accomplish this task:
Export Lead Lists
This method involves downloading a.CSV file containing all of the leads associated with your Sales Navigator account. In order to do this, navigate to Settings " Data Export " Download Your Data and select the desired file format. Choose to download everything, or limit your exports to specific columns. Note that if you plan to export your entire dataset, you should expect to spend around 30 seconds waiting for the download to complete.
Use Zapier
Zapier is another great way to seamlessly integrate Sales Navigator with Salesforce. First, you'll need to install the Sales Navigator connector and activate the feature on your side. Next, log into Sales Navigator and open the Connectors section in the sidebar. From here, scroll down and check the box next to Salesforce, followed by Activate.
After completing these steps, you should now be able to sync your leads to Salesforce whenever you'd like. Just remember that not all leads will automatically appear in the CRM system due to differences in field definitions. However, if you encounter issues, you can always reimport your data later.