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How do I email directly from Excel?

How do I email directly from Excel?

You've got your data entered into Excel and are ready to start analyzing it. But there's one problem — you don't have Office installed on that other computer where you need to access it for analysis. You could install it but let's face facts here, not everyone has time to keep up with installing new software packages every week. And why would they want to anyway? There must be some way around this! Of course there is. It involves using Microsoft Excel itself as your desktop application of choice when sending out emails via Gmail. Here we will walk through creating a simple spreadsheet attachment inside of an email message. The process should work just like if you were sitting at your desk looking over someone else's shoulder while making edits to their Excel file. Let's get started.

First off, create a basic Excel spread sheet (File " New) and name it whatever you'd like. For our example today, call it "Spreadsheet" - just remember what it contains so you won't lose track of its contents later on. Now open the same spreadsheet on another machine running Windows 7, 8, or 10. If possible, use a laptop instead of a PC because laptops typically offer better performance than PCs. To connect two computers together wirelessly without having them both run any sort of server program, try setting each PC to act as a wireless hotspot and then connecting by hand. This method worked perfectly for me when testing out my own personal setup.

Once you're connected, open Excel on the second machine and select File " Open & Print.... In the following window that pops up, click Import Data.... Select either Comma Separated Values (.csv), Tab Delimited Text (.txt), or Fixed Width Spreadsheets (.xls). Then choose which columns you wish to include in your spreadsheet (all of them probably) and hit OK. Once the import completes, you now see all those rows appear right within your current Excel workspace. Congratulations! We're almost done.

Now go back to your original Excel spreadsheet on your first machine. Make sure that you still have it opened. As mentioned before, you can simply press F5 to refresh the screen. While refreshing the page, scroll down until you find the section labeled Sheet1 and double-click it. Alternatively, you can also type the code word Sheet1 into the search bar located under Review tab " Find & Select. When selecting the correct object, it may take a few seconds for Excel to update. That said, once the table loads, you should see something similar to below.

If you prefer working offline, you can always download the CSV version of your spreadsheet from Google Drive [Broken URL Removed] (the link above actually takes you straight to the CSV file) and then follow the steps described earlier.

Can you make a copy of an entire Excel spreadsheet?

Yes, it is very easy to clone an entire Excel spreadsheet locally. Just highlight everything you want to save, head to Home menu item (top left corner of Excel window), and select Copy. Right next to Paste option, you should notice a small dropdown arrow icon. Clicking this icon will bring up a list of options available to you. Choose Custom Formatting and give your selection a name. Finally, select More Options..., uncheck Sync Xml node to clipboard, and check Create Links. Hit OK and voila! A local copy of your entire spreadsheet has been created.

Note: Local copies only exist on your hard drive and cannot be accessed online nor sent via e-mail. However, they come in handy when sharing files between different people who have no internet connection whatsoever.

How do I share an Excel spreadsheet with multiple users?

This is perhaps the most important question many business owners ask themselves when deciding whether to purchase Excel Professional edition license ($169 per user / $299 per five user pack) or Personal edition license ($79 per user /$139 per 5 user pack). Both versions allow users to edit documents stored internally on their machines, but only the Professional edition lets users view and interactively change a shared external file that was originally saved externally onto OneDrive cloud storage service. Sharing a file in the latter case requires first opening the file and saving it to disk (or copying it manually into a folder on OneDrive account) after which users can modify it with ease. Also note that since Professional Edition does not support editing external files, these types of files can only be viewed rather than edited.

For more information about differences between two versions, please refer to Microsoft Support article titled What's the difference between Standard and Professional editions of Microsoft Excel 2016.

I'm curious though, did anyone ever think of adding integration functionality to Excel that allows us to share documents between users seamlessly? Yes, I know such a feature already exists in PowerPoint, however, PowerPoint doesn't integrate well with Word. So if I had such a power tool set designed specifically to enhance collaboration among teams working remotely across different platforms, wouldn't I want to leverage it whenever needed? Wouldn't it be great if I didn't even have to worry about transferring files between devices anymore? Well, thanks to a brilliant group of developers called VSTO (Visual Studio Tools Online) contributors, such a functional solution does indeed exist. They have developed a highly innovative technology known as Power Automate that utilizes Visual Studio tools to streamline communication processes by enabling remote workers to easily collaborate on projects simultaneously and effortlessly regardless of platform or device. Using this powerful suite of applications, project managers can automate tedious tasks, boost team productivity, and increase overall efficiency among different departments.

A brief introduction to the core features of Power Automate can be found at

However, unlike traditional solutions offered by third party vendors, Power Automate offers built-in integrations with popular services including Slack, Dropbox, SharePoint, Salesforce, etc., allowing users to perform certain actions automatically based on predefined rules. Since Power Automate integrates nicely with Office 365 products, all users assigned to a particular project receive updates regarding changes made to a specific file immediately.

So, what exactly happens during the workflow automation process? First, suppose you have hundreds or thousands of records contained within a single Excel spreadsheet. Instead of wasting countless hours updating individual entries one-by-one, you can write complex logic to execute automated functions and thus save yourself lots of time and energy. Second, imagine that you have several hundred employees scattered throughout various locations worldwide. Imagine further that you want to ensure that none of these individuals miss out on critical updates related to a given project. With Power Automate, you can develop custom macros and scripts that can help you accomplish these goals by integrating dozens of commonly used services along with office 365 accounts. Third, consider that you have recently launched a new product line requiring additional resources to manage the flow of incoming requests. Naturally, you might want to assign a dedicated resource responsible for coordinating all necessary meetings, discussions, and negotiations. By leveraging Power Automate, the person in charge of managing this task can spend less time dealing with mundane administrative duties and focus solely on higher priorities. Lastly, if you are planning to host virtual events involving members located across continents, you can utilize Power Automate to schedule reminders and notifications pertaining to upcoming events. Users who register interest in attending a given event will instantly receive automatic push notification(s) letting them know about the details surrounding the event. All scheduled events can be managed by assigning appropriate resources according to geographical preferences and interests. Overall, Power Automate provides a comprehensive framework that allows companies to improve employee morale, reduce operational costs, and maximize profits.

As far as pricing goes, depending upon the number of concurrent users, customers can opt for monthly subscription plans starting from $4.99 per month for 1 user up to $49.99 per month for 500 users.

Why can't I attach a document to my email?

Excel makes it extremely difficult to insert anything besides text and numbers into cells. Why? Because cell formatting properties determine how content is displayed. Take a look at the screenshot below to understand what I mean.

What you can clearly see in this image is that the font size and color applied to the title ("Hello World!") are larger than the rest of the default settings. Thus, trying to insert images, videos, links, or charts into a cell results in nothing being shown except gibberish characters. Therefore, attaching a PDF document containing a chart embedded into it is impossible unless you convert the file into a format supported by Excel.

On top of that, Excel supports only three different formats when exporting any selected range of cells. These formats are HTML, XML, and DOCX. So if you happen to have a large dataset consisting of tables filled with realtime calculations and formulas, chances are high that you would end up sending an enormous amount of unnecessary junk data resulting in slow rendering times and massive traffic spikes. Not cool.

Excel is one of the most popular and powerful spreadsheets available today. It's used by millions everyday across all industries for a variety of purposes - from accounting to sales forecasting.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always come easy to get your hands on an Excel file if you're not using Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus edition. Most businesses don't have access to this version of MS Office at their workplace. So, what are we supposed to do then? How do we get our hands on those important Excel files when they need urgent attention? Well... here comes my secret weapon! Emailing! Yes that's right. You will be able to use any email service provider (Gmail, Yahoo etc.) to instantly share anything with anyone, without being restricted by time frames or download limits. No more waiting around for people to respond. Just hit reply, write out your message, type up the attachment link, and click "Send". Your recipient will receive the document within seconds through his/her Inbox. There's no limit either - just keep sending until you've delivered them all. And even better news is that you won't incur extra charges nor will the recipients have to log into any special accounts. They simply open up the attached.xls/.csv file like any other regular workbook. Simple but effective.

If you haven't already got yourself familiarized with these features yet, let me show you some quick tips & tricks on doing so below.

How do you send a copy of Excel spreadsheet?

This method only applies to non-protected documents such as normal Excel sheets. If your sheet has been protected against editing, meaning there are password protection settings applied, follow the steps outlined in this article titled 'How do I protect my excel sheets?' instead.

1) First off, go ahead and select which particular section(s) of your spreadsheet you want to share with others. Then choose Tools --" Send To --" Copy Cells or press CTRL+C. This action copies selected cells (or ranges of cells) into the clipboard memory.

2) Go back to your original Excel sheet where you want to create a new email. Choose Insert --" Quick Parts menu option. A box will pop up asking you whether you would rather paste values from the Clipboard or add parts manually. Simply choose Paste Values. Now, drag down the mouse pointer over the first cell and left click on the last cell of your selection range. This should automatically generate two links pointing towards each side of your selection area.

3) Right Click anywhere inside the white space between both links and select Format As Link. Another window will appear showing various options. For now, leave everything else blank except for Target attribute field. Type in in it.

4) Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for "More Options" check box. Check it.

5) Afterward, find the text box labeled Image and insert any image URL that you'd like to include in the email body. Or alternatively, upload images onto Google Drive before copying them to the target web address. Once uploaded, right click the image and select Properties --" Make Web Safe.

6) Lastly, go back to the previous screen mentioned above under step 3. Look for the radio button next to Embed HTML Source Bookmarklet. Select it and input the following code snippet into the appropriate fields:

javascript:(function(){var%20e=document.createElement('script');e.type='text/javascript';e.async = true;e.src=(window.location.protocol=='https:'? 'https':'http') + '//' ; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.appendChild( e );})();

7) Finally, click OK after typing out the entire code. The resulting dialog window might display saying something along the lines of "A script starting on [blank] stopped responding." Don't worry about it, just continue clicking OK anyway. When you reach the final confirmation screen, make sure to check the box beside "Enable Browser History Tracking", otherwise you may end up losing track of what changes were made once you close the browser tab.

8) That's pretty much it! Now that you know how to send a copy of your current Excel file via email, try experimenting with different formats and styles to see what suits best for your needs. Also, remember to adjust things according to your own preferences. Feel free to modify the existing codes provided below if you wish to change its appearance.

How do you send an Excel spreadsheet as an Attachment in an email?

The same exact process described above is also applicable for attaching an Excel file instead of sharing a copy of the whole thing. However, there are slight differences in terms of where the hyperlinks point toward. Instead of creating hyperlink points going downward, you are instructed to create one pointing upwards, i.e., from top-to-bottom. Please refer to the screenshots below for illustrations.

Here's another tip in case you find it difficult to position the cursor accurately enough to create a proper hyperlink. Try holding down Ctrl key while dragging the mouse pointer downwards. This way, the cursor stays steady as you move it along.

Another possible problem could arise if you intend to put multiple tabs together. Imagine having 5 tabs containing 100 rows apiece. Is it really practical to navigate through each individual row to locate the correct entry? Not advisable. What you can do is set each tab apart from one another (i.e. separate them into groups), then merge them together again at the very end. Here's how it goes.

First of all, highlight every second line in every group of 5 adjacent columns and 1 adjacent row (that totals 20 lines). Highlight the rest of the content in the background color of your choice. Press F9 on keyboard to activate Find and Replace feature. From the dropdown list presented underneath, pick Find Next. Enter a name for your merged data set and hit enter twice. At the same time, hold Shift key pressed and press Tab key. Notice how the highlighted information gets moved upward to become part of the newly created bigger table. Repeat this procedure for all remaining tabs.

Lastly, head over to Insert --" Merge & Unmerge Sheets command. Browse through the wizard to determine which types of merges you prefer to perform. Remember to save your output afterwards though because it's the final result.

Why can't I attach Excel File to email?

Attaching an Excel file is relatively straightforward. All you have to do is go to File --" Open --" Recent Documents. Scroll down through the list of recently accessed folders and double click the folder associated with your desired document. Upon successful opening, you will notice a small arrow icon located near the upper portion of the ribbon bar. Click on it to reveal the Attach Files dialogue pane. Navigate through the list of preselected attachments until you spot the Excel file. Then simply click on it and voila! You're done.

Alternatively, you can also embed the.xls/.csv file itself into the email body. But please note that since the size of embedded files cannot exceed 25MB per file, consider splitting your large Excel files into smaller ones beforehand.

Here's how to do it.

Go to Home tab ---> Page Layout ---> Breaks. On the Break Points panel, turn on Auto breaks. This function allows us to split our larger files into smaller chunks. Then, proceed to the aforementioned steps regarding inserting the actual attachment into the email body.

Excel is great for creating reports and spreadsheets that are easy-to-read but hard-to-edit. A lot of people may have experienced situations where they need to forward their Excel data to someone else who doesn’t use Microsoft Office, or simply want to share it with colleagues across offices. With so many options available on Google Drive (including sharing links), we often forget about one simple option.  If only there was some way to take our existing Excel files and forward them as attachments through emails instead! Well, there is. You just have to know what features you will need.

Today, we're going to show you how to create a new mail message using either VBA or VSTO add-ins. We also provide you with tips on why these methods aren't recommended if you'd like to avoid any issues while sending your attachment through emails.

How do I send an email from an Excel spreadsheet?

First things first - let's start by showing you how to actually write code for inserting formulas into cells within an Excel sheet. This allows us to then insert those values as columns in our email messages. Here's how to do that:

Now here's the tricky bit -- writing out the actual text which appears when you open up the email after clicking "Send". If you've ever used Outlook before, you should be able to remember its syntax. It looks something like this...

"Dear John Doe," & vbTab & Chr(10) & ""Subject Line""& vbTab & Chr(10)"Attn:"Chr(13) & "Sent at:" & Chr(11) & Time() & Chr(12) & ".xlsx" & Chr(0) & ""Body Text"" & vbCrLf & ""Attach File"" & Chr(44) & [Name] & Chr(46)

The above example shows four major parts. The top line contains the recipient name, address, salutation, etc., followed by lines describing each person involved with the correspondence. Next comes the subject line, and finally the main content area containing the actual text of the letter. Notice how all of the important information is contained between quotation marks. That's because whenever you try to insert anything without surrounding it with quotes, it won't appear correctly. In short, it's best to keep everything inside double quotation marks throughout.

Next step is adding the attachment itself to the bottom of the document. Again, don't worry too much about formatting here. Just make sure to include "[Name]" along with the full path to the Excel file that you would like to send. Finally, add the date and time that the email was sent.

To finish off the script, go back to the Visual Basic editor window and paste the following piece of code into the Sub Send_Mail function. Replace whatever code currently exists under Public strMessage As String.

strEmail = _

"From: " & Me.Fullname & vbTab & _

""Reply To: """Me.Address & vbTab & ""Cc:""" & vbTab & Chr(10) & _

""Sender: """Me.DisplayName & vbTab & ""X-MSGSEEN:":False & vbTab & Chr(10) & _

""BCC: """Me.CCs + ""vbTab & Chr(10) & ""MIMEHeader"" & vbTab & _

""Bcc: """Me.CCs + ""vbTab & Chr(10) & ""MIMEEntry"" & vbTab & Chr(10) & _

""Importance: 0"" & Chr(9) & vbTab & Chr(7) & vbTab & vbTab & _

""Organization: """Me.Department & vbTab & ""Project Name"" & Chr(47) & Chr(48) & _

""Date: """D2"" & vbTab & _

""Time: """T2"" & vbTab & Chr(40) & Chr(41) & vbTab & Chr(39) & Chr(38) & _

"" Subject: """SubjLine"" & Chr(50) & Chr(51) & Chr(49) & Chr(52) & vbTab & _

""Content://=""" & Mid$("=____", 1, Len(Mid$("=_____",1,Len(Mid$($E4)))) & vbTab & Mid$("=______",3)) & vbTab & Chr(34) & Chr(35) & Chr(33) & Chr(36) & Chr(37) & Chr(32) & Chr(58) & Chr(57) & Chr(55) & Chr(56) & vbTab & _

""_________________________________________"" & vbCrLf & ""_______________________________________""

Before running the macro again, check out the attached image below. This should help illustrate exactly what the final output looks like. Once you get the hang of it though, it shouldn't take more than five minutes to whip together a quick custom email template in no time.

Here's another sample script with slightly different functionality. Instead of filling out individual cell entries, you could choose to fill out entire rows based on what you select. For instance, if you had three employees working in sales, you would set up a series of dropdowns and radio buttons allowing the user to input names, addresses, department numbers, phone numbers, etc. Then, run the same basic loop logic underneath.

One thing worth mentioning here is that every time you update your list of variables, you must rerun the Macro Editor once again. Otherwise, it might overwrite old variable definitions. Also note that even though we put everything inside of quotation marks, certain elements still require additional spacing around them. These spaces prevent special characters such as period symbols from appearing incorrectly.

For instance, when putting dates in the script, you must surround them with both space bars. However, since periods already have been surrounded with two sets of spaces, you must place a third pair of spaces next to it.

This isn't always necessary, however. When dealing with letters, words, and other alphanumeric characters, you can leave the extra spaces alone. So long as you haven't accidentally added a zero somewhere in the string, it should print perfectly.

So now that you understand how to build a custom email template with VBA, it's probably time to move onto making this whole process easier. Let's talk about automation next.

Why can I not send an Excel file?

As mentioned earlier, you can't generally save multiple copies of the exact same excel file and transmit them over email. What happens if you attempt to copy and paste the wrong version of the file? Or worse yet, edit one of the sheets accidentally and decide to send it out? Now imagine doing all of that manually.

Instead, consider building an application that takes care of most of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. First, create a folder called Attachments on your desktop. Inside of it, create folders for each type of format that you wish to receive. For example, you might have a separate folder for.doc,.pptx, xls, pdf, jpeg, tiff, png, bmp, mp3, wav, gif, and others. Within each of these subfolders, you can store multiple versions of whichever file formats you wish to distribute.

Once you've created all of the appropriate directories and saved your documents into them, you can simply drag and drop them right into your email client. Since they're stored locally, the recipients will never see a sign of change. They'll think that you sent them various types of office productivity suites rather than a normal Excel file. And that's exactly what happened last week when you forgot to remove several unnecessary files from your cloud storage account!

Note: While you can certainly embed images into your Word documents and upload them to cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, etc., you cannot easily pull pictures from a web page and manipulate them. Your options are limited to converting them to JPG files and uploading them to cloud storage providers. On the flip side, you can convert GIF images to PNG files without losing quality.

Can't share Excel workbook via email?

While technically true, this statement isn't entirely accurate. There are ways to accomplish this task. But unfortunately, none of them are particularly efficient. Rather than trying to explain, let's look at the simplest method.

Suppose you own a retail business selling electronics. Maybe you sell laptops, cameras, MP3 players, digital cameras, video games, home appliances, books, DVDs, sunglasses, clothing items, etc. How likely is it that you stock multiple models of any given product? Very low odds, I bet.

Instead of spreading yourself thin by stocking hundreds of products, why not focus on a handful of popular ones? Why pay for thousands of dollars worth of inventory for items that customers rarely buy anyway?



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