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How do I email multiple invoices from QuickBooks?

How do I email multiple invoices from QuickBooks?

QuickBooks has an easy way for you to send out separate bills and other documents, such as statements or orders, but if you want to get fancy with your billing, here's what you can do to write up more than one bill at the same time using QuickBooks' built-in tools.

We're going to create three different invoices all at once, then take them through their various steps of approval so we'll be able to print off each version when they've passed muster. First things first... let's set this all up!

First, open up two windows (or workspaces) in QuickBooks. You can either click on File " New Workspace or go to Start > All Programs > QuickBooks Desktop 2016. If you don't have any existing workspaces, just select Create new workspace. Then, switch over to whichever window is already your current workspace by clicking on that title bar icon at the top left corner of the screen.

Once you've got both windows selected, head back towards the home page of your chart of accounts. On the right side panel where you see all of your transactions, look down below under Accounts Receivable. Find Invoice Aging Report & Reminders. Select Create report, give it whatever name suits you best, and hit OK.

Now, it might seem like there are too many options and features displayed in our next step, but keep reading. We're only interested in picking up the check box that says Print Multiple Bills. From there, hit Save As.... When it pops up, change the dropdown menu beside Template Name to Billing Statement. Hit OK again.

This template should automatically appear in your second window after hitting save. Now, if you haven't been following along, you may not know yet that this particular template contains everything we need to fill out four different types of invoices. Let's start with the easiest invoice first.

You probably noticed that the last part of this template was blank. That's because the default text fields were still visible. To make those disappear, highlight the entire row containing the columns for Customer Info, Sales Information, Shipping Address, and Payment Terms. Press Ctrl + A to highlight everything, which selects every cell within that row. Once highlighted, press Delete until only cells with data remain. The rest of the rows will turn gray. Do the same thing with the remaining rows to clear away the labels. When finished, you should now have no labels whatsoever showing up across the board.

Next, let's move onto creating the standard sales order form.

Go ahead and follow the exact same process as above. Make sure you choose Order instead of Billing Statement. Once you finish saving, you should find yourself looking at a very similar layout except without any labels. It should also contain the same information. Since there aren't any labels, none of the boxes should pop up.

Let's continue onward now to creating the credit memo.

Here you would use Credit Memos rather than Invoices. Go ahead and follow the exact same procedure as before. Again, make sure you chose Credit Memorios rather than Invoices. Once you've saved, you shouldn't notice any difference between these templates and the ones above.

Finally, let's tackle the most complicated task of writing up actual invoices. Here's what you'd type in:

The trickiest part about doing this is knowing exactly how much money you owe the client based upon the amount owed on the original purchase order. For example, let's say Client 1 owes $10,000.00. Your initial estimate for payment due date was June 15th. However, since that wasn't enough money to cover expenses incurred and pay everyone else who needs to receive copies as well, you decide to extend the deadline to July 31st.

So, how does QuickBooks calculate the correct number of days late? By subtracting the estimated due date from today's date. In this case, June 30th subtracted 3 days from that day giving us July 27th as the final due date. So, add 7 days to that date to arrive at August 4th.

If you run into problems figuring out how to get the numbers together correctly, try printing out the estimates and entering them manually until you figure it out. After you enter the actual dates, just hit Enter to insert them into the template.

After you've entered them all in, scroll down past the header section and find the bottom portion that reads Total Amount Due. Right underneath that, locate the line labeled Number of Days Late. Add the total number of days you added earlier to that number.

For instance, in my situation, I had 8 days late on account of extending the payment date. Therefore, I typed in 8+7=15. Underneath that, however, is another field titled Text Comments. Type anything you wish here that isn't related to the actual invoice itself. In my case, I wrote something saying that I was sending a reminder via e-mail.

Then, highlight the entire row containing the column labeled Date Paid. Hold Shift while highlighting to select everything in the row. Next, press Cmd + D to duplicate that row. Finally, delete the extra copy that doesn't belong to this specific invoice.

Now, we need to repeat this process for all four kinds of invoices. With the standard sales order form, simply edit the shipping address label text area. Change the terms of delivery to Net 10 business days. Also, alter the description text area to read "Net 5 business days". Repeat this process for the credit memos and the reminders. And finally, put everything pertaining to the invoice directly beneath the table of contents heading.

At long last, your workbook should resemble the image shown below. Feel free to play around with formatting and layouts to fit your preferences. Just remember that you must always include the appropriate sections for headers at the beginning of each new sheet. Otherwise, you won't be able to print off anything.

One quick tip regarding editing formulas: if you want to replace a certain piece of text with a formula, hold the Alt key while selecting a block of text. This allows you to edit the source code behind the scenes. When done, release the Alt key and you should see the results immediately.

How do I export emails from QuickBooks?

Exporting Emails from Quickbooks

While working on this article, I decided to test out how quickly QuickBooks could actually handle several hundred lines of text. Turns out, it takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. At least, that was true during normal circumstances. Occasionally, it seems like it runs even longer. But that's okay; it's worth it.

As soon as the job finishes, QuickBooks closes the window and opens up its own window. There, you'll see a message stating "Job Done!" Click Yes, close. Then, QuickBooks asks whether you'd like to open the file. Choose Open.

It took me roughly twenty minutes to convert over ten thousand emails and attachments. Afterwards, I opened up the document in Microsoft Word where I discovered some pretty interesting stuff.

For starters, there were plenty of duplicates. Some of the messages contained dozens of identical addresses. Others contained hundreds of individual recipients. Fortunately, I didn't encounter any errors throughout the conversion process. Yet, I did come across one small issue. One of the customers sent out a mass mailing and forgot to remove herself from the distribution list. Consequently, her personal mailer received the bulk shipment twice. Thankfully, she caught it early and fixed the problem.

Hopefully, this helps you better understand QuickBooks' capabilities when dealing with large amounts of text. Have questions? Reach out to us on Twitter @quickbillsale_edu. Our support team is available Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm ET.

Need help getting started with QuickBooks? Check out our beginner guide to accounting software. Or, learn how to record income and expenses in QuickBooks.

Quickbooks makes sending and receiving invoices easy, but what if you have more than one invoice that needs to be sent out? Is there an option for you to send them all together or just pick which ones you want to send right now? If so, this article is going to help answer those questions.

If you're wondering whether or not you can email a bunch of invoices quickly within your QuickBooks account, then the answer is yes! There's even a feature where you can send several bills to clients with ease. But first, let's talk about why you would need to send multiple invoices within QuickBooks first. Here are some common scenarios when someone might use this method:

You work on hourly projects and need to submit hours worked every week. You could open up each individual bill and enter the new hours manually, but who wants to go through that process over and over again? Instead, create a single bill with all the information needed -- like date, name, rate, etc., as well as any other line items such as taxes or supplies -- and simply mail it out instead. This way you'll never forget another piece of paper ever again. This also works great if you take orders weekly, monthly, or anything else that involves billing by time.

Your client has many different departments they'd like to receive their statements under (e.g. accounting, human resources, marketing). With QuickBooks' bulk mailing capabilities, you can easily select these accounts and choose to send them all at once. When creating the email, make sure you include enough detail so they know exactly whose statement they received. For example, "Accounting Department" rather than just "A/P". Don't worry, you won't get scammed since only people listed as contacts can access this feature. It takes away the hassle of having to copy & paste data into separate emails later.

In addition, we've got tips on how to set up your own mass-mailing system using Gmail.

Now that we've discussed why you might want to send multiple invoices via email, let's dive into how you actually accomplish this task. We'll start off with setting up your company file first. Then, we'll explain how to add customers, vendors, and job types. Afterward, we'll move onto explaining how to create batches of invoices before moving on to discussing our final tip. So keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about how to email multiple invoices in QuickBooks.

Can you email a batch of invoices in QuickBooks?

Yes, absolutely! Within QuickBooks, you can create groups called batches; however, these don't necessarily mean physical batches of papers. Rather, batches are groups of invoices based upon certain criteria, including customer type, vendor, job type, or whatever else you may wish. Once created, you can send out several invoices within QuickBooks without needing to switch back and forth between tabs. To create a group, follow these steps:

Open up your company file.

On the top menu bar, click Create Batches. A window should pop up asking you to either create a New Batch or Edit Existing Batch. Click the latter.

Enter a Name for your batch in the text field provided. Make sure to give your batch its own unique label because otherwise it will appear blank after sending out your invoices.

Click Save. Your batch will now appear beneath the dropdown box labeled Customer Type. Select whichever category best suits your business.

After selecting your desired options, continue down the list until you reach the bottom of the page. Next, repeat these steps above until you find yourself staring at the Manage All Customers tab. From here, scroll down till you see your newly-created batches.

Once you locate the correct batch, double-click it. A popup window should come up letting you edit settings for your batch. Inside this window, you can change things such as the description, color scheme, labels, and more. However, the most important part is the Invoice Settings section. Here, you can customize the invoice fields you want included. Simply check whichever boxes apply to your situation while deselecting others accordingly.

The last step is optional depending on how much customization you want to perform. In case you want to skip ahead to the next screen, you can leave it unchecked. Otherwise, check the following two sections titled Send Multiple Invoices per Message and View Individual Statements Per Customer. The former lets you decide how many invoices you want to send per message, whereas the latter lets you view individual statements for specific customers.

Finally, if you plan on printing out your documents, you can print them right from this screen. Just click Print Documents and confirm your choice.

So far, you learned how to email multiple invoices in QuickBooks. Now that you understand everything involved, you can hopefully put this knowledge to good use in your business soon. And remember, if you still have trouble figuring something out, feel free to contact us directly anytime. Happy invoicing!

Can I batch send invoices QuickBooks online?

There isn't currently a built-in function for doing this, but luckily you can use third-party apps to achieve similar results. One popular app is HelloSign, which allows users to upload files to their platform and integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks Online. What sets it apart is that it offers real-time collaboration, making it easier to collaborate with team members across distance. Not to mention, HelloSign doesn't require you to download software beforehand, unlike alternative services. Lastly, HelloSign uses 256 SSL encryption technology to ensure secure transactions.

To begin adding customers, head to the Dashboard tab and scroll down till you spot Add / Replace Contacts. On this page, all you need to do is select Upload Files and browse to the document containing your existing customer records. Hit Confirm File Upload and wait for authorization to complete. Afterwards, your customers will automatically populate your list within QuickBooks Online.

For anyone unfamiliar with QuickBooks Online, it's worth mentioning that QuickBooks Online acts almost identically to the desktop version except for a few minor differences. First, whenever you sign into QuickBooks Online, you'll notice a small icon in the upper left corner of the screen. This shows your progress towards completing tasks or managing your calendar. Second, it seems that the app requires additional authentication during setup. Therefore, don't fret too much if you aren't able to log in immediately after downloading the application since this issue usually goes away eventually.

Lastly, remember that both versions of QuickBooks allow you to export PDFs for viewing purposes. Additionally, you can always navigate around using the search tool located at the top navigation bar.

How do you send multiple invoices in QuickBooks desktop?

As previously mentioned, the easiest way to send multiple invoices in QuickBooks Desktop is to use batches. Keep in mind that batch creation differs slightly between platforms. As far as Windows 10 goes, you'll need to visit the Start Menu " Administrative Tools " Data Management " Business Center and select Set Up Batch Mailings. Once you hit OK, a wizard should appear guiding you through the rest of the process.

Mac OS users must run QuickBooks Pro 2016 or newer. Go to Help " Training " Tutorials and walkthroughs to launch the appropriate guide.

Within the Batch Messages window, you can select who you want to send the messages to and how often you'd like to send it out. Similar to the previous methods, you can change the colors, descriptions, and other details pertaining to each batch. Remember, you can always adjust these settings afterwards if necessary.

When done, press Finish and review your selections. Depending on your choices, QuickBooks will ask you to save changes or exit altogether. Choose the latter if you'd like to proceed further.

From here, you can double-check that your entries are accurate. When satisfied, hit Submit. Assuming no errors occur, your invoices will instantly arrive in recipients' inboxes.

How do I send multiple past due invoices in QuickBooks desktop?

Unfortunately, unfortunately, there isn't a convenient solution yet. To do this, you must first turn on automatic payment reminders. Then, in order to generate overdue notices, you'll need to enable late fees. Once enabled, you can finally issue past due payments. Follow these instructions:

Go to Company Info " Preferences " Banking and tick Automatic Bill Payments.

Next, go to Company Info " Preferences " Accounting Policies and toggle Late Fees.

Select the amount and frequency of the fee.

Hit Apply Changes.

Finally, return to the main menu and look for Late Charges. Under Payment Options, click Change Default Due Date and select the date you'd like to charge your unpaid balances.

Remember, you can try contacting your client if your attempts fail to resolve the problem. They may already be aware of the outstanding charges given the circumstances surrounding missed deadlines.

Hopefully, you found this helpful. If you have any additional questions regarding this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thanks!

QuickBooks has the ability to generate and send out bulk emails, but they're not as easy as some other programs might make them seem. In this article we'll walk through how to use QuickBooks' built-in tools for sending an invoice via email.  It's also possible that your company may have its own specific policy on when and where these types of communications are sent out, so check with your accountant or business owner before doing anything drastic like automating those processes just yet!

In addition, if you want to know how to send emails using Gmail instead of Quickbooks Online, read our guide here.

Is there a way to send a mass email from QuickBooks?

Yes -- unfortunately there isn't any sort of "batch" functionality available within QuickBooks itself (although it is possible to automate certain actions). It seems likely that this feature would be useful for companies who regularly need to contact their customers by mail, such as businesses that offer free shipping over $50. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that this option exists right now.

However, there are ways around this limitation. You can create forms inside QuickBooks which allow users to enter information about each individual customer, then print the form, fill it out manually, sign it, and fax it back to one central location. Once all the documents have been created, you could run a report to pull up all of the records associated with those customers, then select the ones you wish to email. That said, this method does require manual work on your end, and probably wouldn't be too efficient if you were trying to move thousands of accounts into another program.

Another possibility would be to write a custom VBA macro designed specifically to handle moving data between programs - while writing macros can get pretty technical, it's certainly something worth looking into if you really wanted to automate the process of creating a large number of account entries. If you don't feel comfortable getting started down that road, however, try searching the forums for others who've written similar scripts. There are plenty of resources out there!

How do I send a batch email in QuickBooks online?

If you'd prefer to avoid having to learn programming skills, you'll find that QuickBooks Online makes it very easy to simply click on Send Invoice Mailings under Accounts Receivable and choose either Create Batch Or Single Invoice. The latter allows you to pick several different bills from your list and send them together, whereas the former lets you type in the names of dozens of clients you wish to bill together. After choosing whichever approach suits best for your situation, click Continue.

The next page gives you options regarding whether you want to automatically open up new windows, add recipients, etc., along with instructions for setting up the subject line and body text. When finished, hit Submit.

Note: While QuickBooks Online offers many great features for paying your vendors directly via credit card, it currently doesn't provide the same support for mailing checks. To pay by check, you must set up recurring payments for each vendor separately, even though you only plan to send one big payment to cover everything at once. We recommend taking advantage of this function while you still can!

Here's what happens after clicking the button above:

You should receive confirmation emails that look something like this:

This indicates that the request was successfully submitted to QuickBooks. However, depending upon your settings, QuickBooks may take anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours to actually perform the action. Keep track of these messages in case you forget.

How do I email a batch of invoices in QuickBooks?

As mentioned earlier, there aren't any special buttons that let you send more than one bill at a time. One workaround involves selecting a group of invoices you wish to send, running a report to gather pertinent info about them, and then printing out a form for each person you intend to send a bill to. Then, you can handwrite the name of each recipient onto the document, input their address, phone numbers, email addresses, whatever else you deem necessary for each particular bill, and sign it yourself. Finally, put a stamp on the front of each paper copy, scan it, and upload it to QuickBooks.

To begin, go to Reports & Chart Of Account Register, scroll down until you see Customers Listing, and expand it. Under it, you'll notice a dropdown menu called Customer Type. Select All Other Than Regular Customers. Next, head to Home " Company Info " Legal Information/Terms And Conditions " Terms & Conditions " Billing Practices and Policies. Click the link that says View Sample Forms. Here you can view sample agreements for billing various kinds of customers.

Once you locate a template that works well for your needs, open up the relevant section and follow the steps outlined below. For example, if you want to send an invoice to someone whose primary language is Spanish, you'd go to Item #1, change the field labeled From Address 1 to Especials de Clientes ("Specials"), and change the label to En español.

For ease of reading, keep things simple and stick to English throughout. Make sure to doublecheck that the terms and conditions match exactly what you intended them to say - otherwise you won't be able to accept payments via PayPal because it won't recognize your bank details correctly. Also remember to include the date fields since most banks require them. Otherwise, your customers' payments may fail unless you specify a cutoff date during setup.

Now, assuming you've chosen a good template, you're ready to start filling in your personal information: first the party's name, followed by their street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, mobile phone number, e-mail address, website URL, username, password, and lastly billing amount. Don't skip out on including social security or tax ID numbers, as these are required for processing transactions.

Don't worry about including every single detail about every single item listed on the invoice. Instead, simply focus on making sure that everything matches up. So long as both parties agree on the total price paid, QuickBooks shouldn't mess it up. Just leave blank spaces for items that aren't applicable to everyone.

Finally, save the file and come back later. Now comes the tedious part - scanning and uploading the paperwork. If you haven't already installed the desktop version of QuickBooks Pro 2010, download it here. Open up QB Desktop and navigate to File " Import / Export Data Files... Hit Browse... Look for the PDF you saved and import it.

From there, select Bills from the left sidebar. On the following screen, switch over to Printables. Find the agreement you printed out, flip it over, and place it face down on top of your scanner bed. Hold down the corners of the document until you hear two clicks indicating successful image capture, then release pressure. Your computer should immediately notify you that it scanned 100% complete, so continue onto the final step.

On the third screen, select Uploaded Documents and browse to where you stored the file for each recipient. Each sheet of paper becomes one record. Repeat this procedure for each client you wish to submit a bill to, remembering to hold down the corners of each piece of paper to ensure proper scanning.

When you're done, return to the previous tab and review your results. Is everything correct? If not, repeat the entire process until you're satisfied with your findings.

How do I edit my existing invoices in QuickBooks?

Unfortunately, QuickBooks doesn't give you much flexibility when it comes to editing an invoice. Since you cannot modify the actual product descriptions themselves, you'll need to rely on templates again.

Invoices generally consist of three columns: Name of Vendor, Products Purchased, and Amount Due. As far as modifying the original contents goes, you can only adjust the second column. Therefore, if you're trying to fix typos, mistakes made in copying prices, etc., you'll need to retype the whole thing from scratch. Fortunately, there are lots of prewritten templates available for purchase.

If you're concerned about losing sales due to incorrect pricing, consider buying pricelisting software to help you streamline your accounting. With pricelists, you can quickly search for products based on criteria like size, color, material, brand, quantity, manufacturer, model, year, month, seasonality, and more. These can often cut days off of the production cycle by allowing you to order inventory without needing to wait for quotes from suppliers.



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