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How do I log in to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

How do I log in to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn is a social network that's best known for connecting professionals with one another and making it easy to find work opportunities. But there are plenty of other things you can do on the platform too.

The latest addition onto the LinkedIn family is Sales Navigator, an app designed to help businesses connect directly with their customers through targeted marketing campaigns. It's been around since 2019 but has just launched its community version at the end of 2020.

While this new feature isn't yet available to everyone (you have to be part of the Sales Navigator Community), we're going to show you how to access it right now if you want to start using it today. If not, check out our guide on why you should sign up for Sales Navigator anyway. Also note that while the main product is currently only available to companies who pay $1 per month or more for a plan, the Sales Navigator Community is completely free so long as you don't mind sharing information about yourself publicly.

As well as being able to see which people are interested in what products, services, jobs, etc., you can also communicate with them via messaging, ask questions, and even buy from them later. So far, these features seem pretty useful when compared to other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and others -- especially considering they've all come under fire over privacy concerns recently.

If you want to learn more about Sales Navigator, read below. You'll notice that some of the content will no longer apply once you upgrade to the full-fledged Sales Navigator Community, although the basics remain the same. We recommend checking out the official website before proceeding though, as sometimes updates aren't made immediately across different platforms.

Is LinkedIn sales Navigator working?

Yes! The newest version of LinkedIn Sales Navigator went live last week as a beta release. That means the majority of users won't be allowed into the community until early 2021, but if you'd rather wait than miss out on any key functionality, then you can still try out the prerelease version by signing up here.

Once you have signed up, click Get Started and follow the instructions. Once logged in, you'll need to verify your account first. Once again, most of these steps will stay the same after you upgrade to the full product, except for the fact that the verification page has changed slightly. Instead of having to enter your phone number, email address, and password, you simply link your bank account details to the app (if you haven't already). This process takes less time than entering those three pieces of data manually, plus it makes it easier to update your profile whenever needed.

When you're ready, click Activate Product and choose whether you wish to join the paid tier or the free tier. Both versions allow you to message potential clients for 30 days, send emails and messages to prospects, and view information about job openings and industry trends. However, the free version doesn't let you create profiles, save searches, or search for contacts.

You can download both versions of Sales Navigator here.

Did LinkedIn sales Navigator change?

No, it hasn't significantly altered since launch. What has changed is that LinkedIn has tweaked its interface to make it look more modern and cleaner. There are also fewer ads appearing throughout the application. Additionally, some extra features were added such as video calls and the ability to post your own videos and images within your feed.

There's nothing wrong with adding these small tweaks to improve usability, but it does feel strange to know that many of the core functionalities of the old app still exist. For example, the chat window still exists despite the new layout. And while the company did add several filters to help narrow down your results, it didn't remove the "Explore More" button at the bottom of every result list, meaning you can still scroll endlessly without finding anything interesting.

However, given the fact that LinkedIn is trying to move away from advertising, removing the option to browse endless lists might actually mean that the company is getting rid of its older apps altogether. At least that would explain the absence of the Explore More button.

In any case, you're probably better off downloading the new version instead of waiting for the next big update because otherwise you could potentially lose everything you've built up during the past few years. Plus, you may never receive an invitation to join the community if you opt to stick with the old app.

How do you use the sales navigator in 2022?

After creating an account, you'll have to decide whether you want to join the free tier or pay for the premium version. While the free tier allows you to contact anyone else who uses the service, the latter gives you permission to reach out to prospective leads who visit your business' website or landing pages.

To begin contacting people, open the sidebar menu and select Message Prospects & Leads. From here, you can either type something witty into the text box or tap into the search bar to find someone based on keywords. Then you can write whatever you'd like in the body section, followed by clicking Send Your Message. You can also attach files, documents, photos, links, and more to your message.

Alternatively, you can head to the Contact Us tab located near the top of your screen. Here, you can fill out a form asking for basic info including name, job title, company size, location, phone number, and email address. After doing so, hit Submit Request and wait for a response.

It's worth noting that LinkedIn offers a variety of ways to discover leads outside of Sales Navigator, including browsing websites, searching Google, and visiting specific industries. These methods are great to supplement Sales Navigator, but using it alone is likely enough for most people looking to market themselves online.

On the other hand, if you prefer to find leads offline, then you can always take advantage of LinkedIn's professional networking tools. This includes inviting colleagues to events hosted by your organization, posting articles related to your field of expertise, and joining groups where you can share knowledge and insights with peers.

Overall, Sales Navigator is a solid way to reach out to people who might benefit from hearing about your brand and products/services. As you can imagine, this kind of outreach can lead to major gains in terms of revenue.

How do I get to sales Navigator?

We hope this article helped you understand how to get started with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Before diving straight in, however, remember that you must register for a LinkedIn account to gain access to this tool. It's entirely possible that you already have one, but if not, then please check out our guide on how to set one up quickly.

After registering, you'll be asked to confirm your email address, username, and password. Once done, you'll be redirected back to the home page where you'll have the opportunity to download the app. Alternatively, you can go directly to the Sales Navigator homepage and click Download Now. Either way, once downloaded, open your LinkedIn app and sign in. You'll then be directed to the Sales Navigator dashboard where you can learn more about the platform and explore various options.

Have you tried Sales Navigator? Do you think it deserves more attention and investment from LinkedIn? Or are you planning to avoid it due to recent news stories surrounding the platform? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

LinkedIn's Sales Navigator is a great tool for B2B marketers and sales reps to connect with one another on the platform. If you're not familiar with it yet, or need help logging into it, here are some of the best ways to get started.

If you want to learn more about Sales Navigator, check out our guide to learning everything there is to know about LinkedIn Sales Navigator. You can also read through this list of resources if you'd like to explore other LinkedIn tools that might be useful to you.

How do I upgrade to sales Navigator?

First off, let me say that upgrading from an older version of Sales Navigator (like 2019) isn't as simple as just clicking "Upgrade" when logged into the app. Depending on which versions you've previously used, you may have been automatically upgraded without realizing it. But if you've already paid for Sales Navigator and aren't sure what version you should pay attention to, here are the major upgrades between each release:

2019 - 2023 (includes all features at no extra cost): The first and most significant update was Version 2.0, released in June 2020. This included many new features including the ability to create custom reports, add links to company pages, upload files directly to documents, and much more. It also introduced the option to download individual contacts (instead of entire communities), which meant that users could save time by skipping the community sync process entirely.

2024 (with limited functionality): The second major update was made available in September 2021. While the updates were minor compared to the previous year, they still gave users the opportunity to access certain advanced capabilities. These include adding your own branded logos, uploading images to profiles, updating profile information, changing display settings, and more.

2025 (full functionality): Finally, the third big change came in October 2025. At this point, the only thing left to do was to sign up for the full subscription plan. And while the price has gone down over the years, the feature set remains mostly unchanged since then.

To see specific details about the current prices, click Get Started below the Upgrade button next to the name of the currently active version.

How do I set up LinkedIn sales Navigator in Salesforce?

Once you've decided whether you want to subscribe to Sales Navigator or not, you'll probably want to make sure that it will work within your existing CRM system. Here's how to link Sales Navigator to Salesforce so that you don't lose any data during migration:

Log into Sales Navigator using the same credentials that you use to log into Salesforce.

Go to Settings & Administering Users in Salesforce, where you'll find the Linked Apps section. Click Add New App.

Select Sales Navigator from the dropdown menu, then choose Connect.

Enter your username and password, and select Continue.

Click Next Step, then Choose Existing User Group. Select the group associated with your account, enter its email address, and hit Save Changes.

You'll receive instructions via email once the connection goes live. Once you follow those steps, you won't need to take any additional steps to continue syncing your Sales Navigator accounts to Salesforce. To review the status of your Sales Navigator synchronization, go back to the Admin page in Salesforce, then navigate to Synchronization Status under General Information.

Note that if you haven't added any Sales Navigator Communities before connecting them to Salesforce, you'll need to migrate any existing ones manually. Otherwise, they'll show up as blank spaces on both platforms.

How do I use LinkedIn sales Navigator 2022?

There are two main types of Sales Navigator users: those who primarily use it for contact sharing and collaboration, and those who mainly use it to build leads. For the former, you'll typically want to use the latest version of Sales Navigator, whereas the latter would prefer something a bit more streamlined.

Here are some tips for making the most out of the different parts of Sales Navigator:

Share Links: Shareable links allow people outside of your organization to easily view your content. They enable you to share articles, presentations, blog posts, videos, events, and more. In addition to giving customers easy access to your content, these links also give prospects and clients insight into the type of content that interests you.

Community Memberships: As mentioned above, you can either opt-in to Sales Navigator communities based on industry verticals, job titles, companies, etc., or join communities on your own terms. Either way, you can manage your membership right from within the application itself.

Documents: Documents can be shared with anyone inside or outside of your organization. They're perfect for sending large amounts of information quickly, even to non-members.

Calendars: Calendar integration allows members to collaborate on meetings and appointments across multiple calendars simultaneously. You can invite others to attend online conferences, send meeting reminders, and more.

Contact Lists: Contact lists provide a central place to store all of your connections' basic info. Each member can edit their personal profile, add notes, and attach photos.

Reports: Reports offer insights into key metrics regarding your social media presence and engagement habits. From the report dashboard, you can filter results by date range, location, company size, and more.

Charts: Charts allow you to visualize how well your marketing campaigns are performing against various KPIs. You can compare traffic sources and campaign performance side-by-side, or view trends over time.

For more detailed information about every aspect of Sales Navigator, visit the official website.

How do you use LinkedIn sales Navigator?

With so many options available now, it's hard to decide which product is going to fit your needs the best. But regardless of which solution you ultimately end up choosing, we hope that you enjoy working with Sales Navigator!

1) Log into the Sales Navigator Community

The Sales Navigator community allows users from around the world to interact together by sharing information about their companies' products, services, brands, customers, clients, partners, and more.

To access this feature, first go to The login page will prompt you to sign up if you haven't already done so before.

Once logged in, click "Community" at the top right side of your screen. You'll see an option titled "Sales Navigator Communities." Click on that and then select "Create new community."

A pop-up window will appear asking what type of community you want to create. Select the appropriate options according to whether you want to share customer data, product data, etc., as well as your desired privacy level (private, public). At last, click Create.

After creating your community, you can invite other members through email or by clicking on the Invite Members button located under the main header of the community page. This makes sure no data gets mixed up between different communities.

Logging In To Your Sales Navigator Community

Now, when you log into your Sales Navigator account using the same credentials that you used while setting up your profile on LinkedIn, you should be able to automatically log in to your Sales Navigator community.

If this doesn’t happen, you may have set up multiple accounts on LinkedIn and linked them all to your Sales Navigator account, which means you will now have two accounts active on the platform. To fix this problem, follow

LinkedIn is an online professional network that connects you with people who can help your business grow and connect with prospects. It's a great place for both B2B businesses like yours as well as personal connections too. If you're looking to get more out of the site then there are some tools available that will help you make the most of its features. One such tool is called LinkedIn Sales Navigator (LSN).

It was originally created by Oracle back in 2010 but has been rebranded since as part of their larger suite of products. LSN offers sales professionals access to real-time data about leads coming into your account along with insights on what they want from you. If you've ever wanted to know exactly which contacts have viewed or clicked through to your content, this is where you'll find them. You could use these details to send personalized messages to increase engagement or even schedule follow up calls directly within the app itself.

The app works alongside other apps in the Linked In ecosystem including CRM software and email marketing platforms. To start using LSN, you need to first sign up for an account at the company's website and create an account there. Once set up, you can go ahead and download the app onto your phone and register it so that you'll be able to link all of your accounts together. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes once you've got everything ready.

Once you've done that, let’s take a look at how to actually login to your account.

Is it worth getting LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

You might wonder why you would pay for something when you already have access to plenty of similar services provided by third parties. For instance, if you work in the tech industry, Google Analytics provides insight about your web traffic and Facebook allows you to see what your audience likes best and share those insights with others. These companies also offer paid versions of their analytics packages for enterprise customers.

With LSN though, you don't just get access to information about your lead flow -- you also get access to salespeople that could potentially become future clients. This means that you won't only be able to improve your own knowledge of the market but you'll also be able to learn things that will benefit your colleagues too.

What makes LSN unique is that it doesn't require any extra cost. When compared to alternatives such as Hubspot or Marketo, it costs nothing to use and comes with unlimited users. That said, if you were hoping to save money on paying someone else to provide you with detailed contact information, it may not quite cut it.

That being said, it still does come with many advantages over standard social media sites. Not only does it give you better visibility into your client base, it gives you full control over the messaging that you send to each individual. With a platform like Twitter or Instagram, you'd have no way of knowing whether or not your message reached the intended recipient unless you asked them yourself. By contrast, LSN lets you monitor every interaction between you and your target audience and respond accordingly.

As far as benefits go, here are three examples of ways that Sales Navigator helps you reach new heights:

1) Get instant feedback on how effective your campaigns are. As mentioned above, you can track the performance of each campaign down to the second level.

2) Track interactions across multiple channels. For example, you can keep tabs on how often your tweets result in conversations rather than simply retweets. You can also easily see which posts receive the highest number of clicks.

3) See which links convert. Through the power of A/B testing, you can test different variations of your landing page to find one that converts better. You can also compare the average time spent viewing various pages on your website before making a purchase decision. All of this information is made accessible through the Sales Navigator dashboard.

Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator working?

When we say "working", we mean that it's fully functional. We haven't received complaints about problems receiving invitations to join, logging in, or anything else related to the app itself. However, since our last article about this topic, there's been a slight hiccup in accessing certain parts of the application.

In particular, we noticed a problem whereby after signing in, clicking on any menu item resulted in a blank screen without further action. So while the Sales Navigator interface remains responsive, it appears that the functionality behind the scenes isn't functioning properly right now.

We contacted LinkedIn regarding this issue and were told that it should be resolved soon. In the meantime, we suggest trying again later today or tomorrow morning in order to avoid missing out on important updates.

Did LinkedIn Sales Navigator change?

Since writing this piece, we've had another chance to review the application and found that it hasn't changed significantly. There are a few minor changes that have taken effect however. Let's walk through the main ones below:

1) On the homepage, you'll notice that the navigation bar has switched places. Instead of seeing the usual search box towards the top left corner, you'll now see a list of featured communities. Clicking on any community name opens up a small window displaying additional information about the group.

2) At the bottom of the home page, you'll now find a section titled "Updates" instead of the previous "Discover". Here you'll find news articles relating to topics relevant to your industry.

3) Alongside those headlines, you'll find sections labeled "Trends" and "Top Conversations." The trending stories appear in chronological order and show recent activity around specific keywords. Top conversation shows the most popular threads within a given community. You can click on either headline to read the latest discussion.

4) Finally, you'll find two options at the very bottom of the page labelled "Explore Communities" and "Learn More." Both allow you to explore different groups based off of criteria like country or title.

How do I update my sales navigator?

To add or remove memberships, you'll need to head to the admin tab located under Settings. From there, select Memberships & Groups then choose Add Membership. Enter the username and password associated with the membership and confirm your selection.

Afterwards, return to the Member List section of the Admin Panel and locate the entry corresponding to the username you specified earlier. Choose Edit next to the member listing and fill in the appropriate fields. Then hit Save Changes and wait until the confirmation page loads. Your membership will now display correctly on the Member List section.

Alternatively, you can delete a membership via the same steps outlined above except that you'll switch over to the Delete Membership option during step 3. After selecting Yes, enter the correct credentials and press OK.

Finally, if for whatever reason you wish to disable a membership entirely, you'll need to go back to the Admin Tab and navigate to the Memberships Section once again. Select the user profile you wish to deactivate and hit Disable User Profiles. Do note that disabling a user profile will prevent anyone logged in with that username from continuing to interact with the system.



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