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How do you get leads for cold emails?

How do you get leads for cold emails?

Cold calling is not only annoying, but also ineffective as it takes too long and requires too much effort from the people being contacted -- especially if they're busy or just plain disinterested. Cold emails are better than traditional sales calls because they take less time to respond to (and reply). They're more effective at getting a response. And best of all, they require no face-to-face contact whatsoever!

In this article we'll tell you everything you need to know about sending cold emails. We'll show you where to go hunting for prospects, what to say, how to format your messages, and even how to schedule autoresponder follow up reminders so you don't forget to send them over time.

Where can I find cold email prospects?

There's one important question you should ask yourself before starting any kind of lead generation campaign: Is there an actual person out there who would be interested in my product or service? If not, then why waste your time trying to generate leads? It might seem like an obvious answer, but many entrepreneurs fail to consider whether their target market actually exists. You have to identify someone with money in hand who actively seeks products or services similar to yours. The easiest way to do that is by using online tools such as Google Trends, LinkedIn Influencers, Facebook Ads Manager, etc., which will allow you to search for ideal customers based on specific keywords. Or use some other keyword research tool to help you figure out what words and phrases are most popular among buyers looking for what you offer. Once you've found those individuals, focus on reaching out directly via email.

Once you've identified someone who fits into your niche, here's exactly what to include in every single cold email you send.

1) A clear call to action. What does the recipient want to do next? Call back? Go to your website? Buy now? Get started today? Whatever it may be, make sure you clearly state it right away. Don't leave anyone guessing.

2) Your value proposition. Explain how you solve problems for your ideal customer. How could they benefit from working with you instead of another company? Make sure to list several benefits rather than focusing solely on price. This makes your pitch appear professional and trustworthy.

3) A compelling reason to act now. Tell them why they'd be missing something great by waiting. For example "If you wait until June 1st, you'll miss our monthly special!"

4) An urgent tone. Urgency works wonders. After stating your value proposition, end the letter saying "I'm giving you two days to respond." That way they won't procrastinate thinking "Oh yeah, didn't see that coming" once they open your email.

5) An optional questionnaire. Ask for feedback after explaining your solution. This shows interest and engagement while still respecting the recipients' privacy. Also, put together a link where they can fill out said survey. Don't try to force anything onto them, let them choose whether they want to participate or not.

6) Follow up questions. Send additional information about what else you can provide. Maybe they asked for more details about your pricing structure. Let them know when new promotions will begin, or perhaps they wanted to receive weekly newsletters. Just keep things relevant and interesting to increase responses.

7) A personal touch. Use real names. Talk to them as though you were speaking to a friend. Address them by name and refer to them by first and last initials. Don't talk down to them or assume everyone knows you personally.

8) Be honest. People appreciate honesty above all else. They want solutions and answers. So don't lie through omission. Offer proof or statistics whenever possible.

9) Include testimonials. Testimonials give credibility and authority to your brand. Plus, it gives an opportunity to add social proof. If possible, attach links to reviews or articles written about your business.

10) Proofread multiple times. Read aloud to ensure clarity. Have others read your copy to catch spelling errors. Mistakes always happen during the final editing phase so it pays to double check.

11) Schedule autoresponder follow ups. Put reminder notifications in place so you never forget to reach out later. These can range anywhere from 2 weeks to a month depending upon the nature of your industry. In general, longer is better.

12) Thank them. Always thank your reader for taking the time to read your email. Showing gratitude goes a long way.

13) Addressing objections head-on. If someone asks why they should work with you, explain your main selling points. Then address concerns they might have had. This helps build trust and confidence.

14) Give them options. When offering a free trial period, offer three different payment schedules. Three payments means you'll earn maximum profit per client.

15) Keep track of results. Track conversions and referrals. See which ones convert the best and which ones result in higher profits.

16) Repeat steps 10 - 15. Reuse templates you create for each type of prospective client. Develop new strategies for finding new prospects for future campaigns.

17) Rinse and repeat. Try again, improve your methods, rinse and repeat. Eventually, you'll become successful at generating high quality leads without spending unnecessary hours on phone tag.

Now that you understand step-by-step instructions on writing cold emails, it's time to practice! Here are some tips to get you going.

When crafting a cold email, think of it as a conversation between friends or family members. Write it straight forward with plenty of humor and enthusiasm. Avoid vague wording ("We") and speak in present tense ("Our team").

Personalize your emails. Do not share generic letters. Instead, customize your communication according to each individual recipient. Personalization creates empathy and respect.

Be concise yet detailed. Provide enough detail to paint a vivid picture in the minds of readers. However, avoid lengthy paragraphs unless necessary. Clients aren't likely reading your entire eBook anyway.

Use simple language. Simple language engages the audience easier. Avoid jargon and technical terms related to your field.

Keep it short & sweet. Most businesses have strict word limits when it comes to subject lines. Keep sentences brief and punchy.

Write quickly. Time really is money. Take advantage of auto spellchecker features and cut off extraneous filler text.

Create a sense urgency. State deadlines, milestones or dates when applicable.

Don't overload content. Limit amount of images, videos, charts, tables, graphs, bullet lists, font size, and colors used. Simplicity is key.

Ask for feedback. Request comments and opinions. Ask probing questions and listen carefully to responses.

Have fun. Nothing beats good old fashioned passion and excitement. Create engaging and unique topics for your emails.

Here are some examples of well composed cold emails:

From: Jane Smith

Subject: Free Trial Period Ends Soon!

To: John Doe

Dear Mr. Doe,

Thank you very much for agreeing to meet with me regarding XYZ Company. As mentioned earlier, we'd love to introduce you to our team and showcase how we can transform your small business into a thriving enterprise.

Please note: Our current term ends tomorrow, April 30th, 2017, so please submit your application ASAP. To apply click the button below.

Warmest regards,

Jane Smith

From: Jane Smith

Subject: New Product Launch!

To: John Doe


As you probably already know, we launched a new product yesterday called ABC Apparel Brand x Blue Jeans Size. Based on early reactions, we believe you'll agree this was a tremendous success!

Because we ran out of stock within minutes of launching online, we decided to extend our launch window by 48 hours. Therefore, we must inform you that we'll close registration immediately following this announcement. Please visit to register your order.


Jane Smith

From: Jane Smith

Subject: Looking Forward to Working With You

To: John Doe


It has been wonderful meeting with you and learning more about your startup goals. We look forward to further discussing ways we can support your growth moving forward.

Best Regards,

Jane Smith

From: Jane Smith

Subject: Questions About My Service

To: John Doe


Thanks for visiting our site today. We hope you enjoyed browsing our catalogs. Feel free to browse around the rest of our store.

Before leaving you today, we thought we'd bring to your attention a few items you might find helpful. Below are quicklinks to frequently asked questions, our latest offers, and our return policy.

Cold calling is the most effective way of generating new leads, but it's also one of the hardest ways to master. If done incorrectly, cold calls can be annoying and unproductive — or even illegal if you're working with people who aren't looking to sign up.

That said, there are some rules on what not to include in your cold call script so you don't come off as desperate. In this article we'll walk through exactly how to create those scripts — including the best practices for crafting them. We'll share tips from our experiences running marketing campaigns at several different companies. Finally, we'll reveal which social media platform will help generate more qualified leads than any other method.

If you want to skip ahead, here's where each section falls within the full guide:

1) How do you reach out to cold prospects?

This step covers everything from choosing the right medium (phone vs. email), to avoiding over-sending, to using caller ID blockers. It’s important to understand the differences between phone numbers and addresses before getting started.

For example, many businesses have their own landline phones. But since 1996, every American has been able to find a local cell number by dialing *611. And because cell carriers use text messages, you might think you could send a text message to anyone with just their name. That isn’t true! Each carrier uses its own system to identify unique customer profiles, so you would need to know someone’s specific mobile device and account information to send them texts. On top of that, texting only works outside the US, Canada, or Puerto Rico. So unless you live in one of those places, you may end up sending a message to yourself...

Email is another popular lead generation tool. However, it’s easy to fall into a trap called “over-sending.” Your goal should always be to make sure potential customers see your offer multiple times without feeling overwhelmed. When sending emails, avoid bombarding your list with too much content, especially images and videos. The last thing you want is your subscriber opening dozens of links they weren’t expecting and clicking away while trying to figure out what all of the photos mean. Plus, if your recipient doesn’t recognize your sender, it’ll seem like spam and likely go directly to trash. Instead, limit your emails to three to five paragraphs max.

Now let’s talk about the difference between direct mail and email. While both channels deliver similar results, direct mail provides better response rates due to higher perceived value from physical mailing, according to research firm Response Rate Experts. Email marketers tend to focus more on delivery rate rather than clickthrough rate.

Finally, remember that everyone gets tons of promotional materials in their inboxes daily. To stay above the noise, customize your messaging based on individual preferences. For example, instead of simply saying "click here," try something personal like, "[Your Name] says hello." This tactic makes it less likely that your recipients will miss your email altogether.

Next, we move onto picking the correct medium.

2) How do you choose the right medium?

In general, we recommend sticking to email whenever possible. There are two main reasons why: first, emails work regardless of time zone. Second, emails allow you to take advantage of autoresponders, which are essential tools for managing follow-up sequences. Autoresponders automatically respond to incoming subscribers' questions via prewritten responses, making followups faster and easier. They also eliminate the risk of accidentally ignoring a person.

However, sometimes it’s necessary to use SMS, voice calls, or telemarketing. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when deciding whether to use video or audio calls. First, consider your target market's age range and location. Does your audience prefer speaking with others online or over the phone? Also, ask yourself whether you'd feel comfortable talking to strangers on the phone. Lastly, pay attention to how well your company handles complaints. Are employees trained to deal with angry customers? Or does your team handle customer service issues internally? If the answer is yes, then a phone call might be appropriate.

3) Avoid falling victim to "the curse of knowledge"

The curse of knowledge refers to the phenomenon whereby people often believe they know more about a subject after having studied it extensively. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs commit the same mistake thinking they know more about business operations or products than actual users.

To illustrate, if you’re selling office chairs, chances are you won’t realize if prospective buyers dislike sitting on them until you actually set up test interviews. As such, you must speak to real users regularly, listen to feedback, and adjust accordingly. Don’t worry though, learning takes place no matter what stage you’re in. Simply put, don't assume you already know everything about your product/service -- learn by asking.

4) What else should you avoid doing during a cold call?

Here are four things to watch out for when conducting a cold call:

Don’t say anything negative. You never know who’s listening. Even if your conversation partner is busy, he or she might overhear your comments and tell others later on.

Avoid being pushy. Nobody likes salespeople who nag them repeatedly. Just because somebody hasn't responded yet doesn't give you permission to bug them again tomorrow.

Try to solve problems immediately. People hate waiting around for answers. A good rule of thumb is to close every interaction with a solution.

Stop talking when you hear a ringtone. Ring tones indicate private conversations, so stop talking immediately. Otherwise, you run the risk of disturbing whoever picked up.

5) How do you write a cold prospect email?

Since cold calling relies heavily on referrals and word of mouth, it’s crucial to craft compelling copy that convinces your audience to trust you and buy from you. These tips can help you improve your writing skills and increase conversions.

First, define your buyer persona. Identify the type of person that needs your product/service the most. Then tailor your email towards solving their problem specifically. Next, highlight benefits versus features. Benefits appeal to emotions, whereas features emphasize tangible outcomes. Keep in mind that consumers care most about immediate solutions compared to long term goals. Therefore, present short-term wins upfront to build credibility. Try to strike a balance between convincing and overwhelming readers with lengthy descriptions.

Also, avoid vague language. Use action words like "you," "your," and "I." Additionally, show proof wherever possible, especially testimonials.

Lastly, always provide a clear CTA. Ask prospects to opt in to receive updates or schedule a demo. Without a strong call to action, your audience may lose interest quickly.

6) Which social network will boost leads?

Social networks have become increasingly critical for lead generation success. According to HubSpot Research, Facebook generates 23% of total traffic to websites worldwide, followed closely by YouTube (21%) and LinkedIn (20%). Twitter accounts generated 11%, while Instagram brought 10%. Overall, social platforms accounted for 37% of organic search engine referral clicks, surpassing PPC ads (30%), SEO (16%), display advertising (10%), and paid partnerships (7%).

So, how can you leverage social media to maximize lead conversion? Start by creating a strategy. Consider targeting niche audiences, developing personalized brand pages, posting regular updates, and engaging followers. Afterward, optimize your posts to rank high in relevant searches. Last but certainly not least, monitor engagement levels. Social media analytics software helps automate this process.

If there's one thing I've learned, it’s this: getting someone interested enough in what you have or can offer them is half the battle of selling. And with today's busy world and competitive market, people are bombarded with so much information every day. So if they don't know who sent them something new, why would they open up yours?

And that's where lead generation comes into play. Without leads (people), you'll never be able to sell anything. But... how does one go about finding potential buyers? With an effective marketing strategy.

Below we're going to talk all about generating leads using email. We will also discuss some great ways to obtain quality leads without breaking the bank. Now let's dive right in!

How do I get leads through email?

The most common way is direct outreach by sending out either an informative e-book or report via email. You may even send out links to articles on your blog/site as well. If you run any type of business, chances are you probably already have an opt-in form set up somewhere online anyway.

You could use autoresponders like AWeber or MailChimp, but make sure you keep the messages brief, relevant, and interesting. The idea here isn't just to collect names and emails -- it's really to build relationships first. Be yourself, stay authentic, and give away tons of value before asking for anything at all. Even better, provide them with valuable content ahead of time. That way you won't come across as pushy, which is always a big turnoff. People want to work with somebody they trust.  It takes time to develop those types of connections though.

Here again, avoid having long paragraphs of text. Try to limit each email to no more than 3 sentences max. This makes it easier for readers to scan over it quickly while still keeping their attention. It also gives them less room to think "ugh" and unsubscribe instead of taking action. Plus, short and sweet works best in general. Don't try too hard to impress them or they might not see it worth opening. Keep things simple and easygoing.

Your next option is to create a squeeze page, which basically means creating a very targeted landing page designed solely to capture leads' contact info. There are many tools available such as LeadSqueeze and OptInMonster to help you design one easily. Once visitors fill out your forms, they'll receive special offers from you tailored specifically toward them. In other words, they now feel seen and heard. And because they trust you, they're far more likely to buy whatever it is you're offering them.

Another popular method is called attraction marketing. This involves giving away high-quality freebies or resources related to your niche in exchange for the prospect's name and email address. These freebies should contain highly beneficial information that benefits customers. Then, follow up with periodic emails containing helpful tips, news, deals, etc. Not only does this attract more subscribers, but it also helps establish credibility and authority within your specific field. This builds rapport and loyalty, which usually translates to greater sales later down the road.

Now that we've discussed different methods of obtaining leads through email, below we're going to cover some strategies to actually doing so. Let's begin!

How do you generate leads through email?

There are two main tactics to consider when trying to generate leads through email: solo ads & joint ventures. Solo ads are pieces of sponsored advertising placed above search results on websites. For example, Google AdWords allows businesses to pay per click to advertise under certain keywords. When users click on the ad, they end up being redirected to another website owned by the advertiser. While this has its pros and cons, it doesn't require much effort on your part. However, if you decide to pursue this route, ensure you choose a reputable company with good reviews. They'll handle everything else for you.

Joint venture partnerships involve working together with others in order to achieve mutual goals. Think of influencers, bloggers, social media experts, authors, podcasters, newsletter publishers, members of affiliate programs, among others. One person shares his expertise in a particular area and then recommends products he thinks fit well with what was taught. He often receives compensation for sharing recommendations along with additional items provided by sponsors. This approach requires a bit more planning, since you need to determine whether the product will add value to the reader, as well as how you plan on approaching said individual. Again, make sure you partner with trustworthy companies with proven track records.

Email list building is typically done by collecting email addresses from several sources. Some examples include viral campaigns, guest posts, paid advertisements, giveaways, referral rewards, and referrals themselves. Just remember to comply with CANSPAM laws, otherwise your entire campaign could face legal repercussions. Also, check to see if the site permits double opt-ins. After registering for an account, visitors must confirm their subscription after receiving instructions on how to do so. Here are some useful sites to read up on CANSPAM compliance guidelines:

Next, we're going to take a look at some options for acquiring free leads.

How do I get free email leads?

Obviously, our aim here is to save money whenever possible. Below we'll explore some ideas of how to acquire cheap leads.

Use Facebook Ads - Have you heard of Facebook yet?! Well, if you haven't, you soon will once you realize how powerful it is. All you need to do is purchase a few clicks and watch your audience grow exponentially. Facebook lets advertisers target audiences based on age, gender, location, relationship status, education level, interests, pages followed, and devices used. To learn more about this service, visit Facebook Advertising.

Create Your Own Free EBook - Creating an eBook is super easy. First off, pick a topic related to your industry. Next, simply outline your thoughts and opinions on the subject matter. Finally, format it properly with proper formatting, headings, subheadings, bullet points, images, tables, and graphs. Once completed, upload it onto Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) system. From there, anyone can download it for free. As mentioned earlier, make sure you share lots of helpful value beforehand and people will eventually start trusting you.

Start a Newsletter - Newsletters are extremely important to success. Why? Because they allow marketers to connect directly with consumers, thus increasing the likelihood of making a sale. If you own a small business, start a newsletter to inform clients of upcoming events. Offer discounts and coupons exclusively to newsletter subscribers. Create a sense of community between customer and brand. Provide educational material to increase awareness and knowledge levels. Allow subscribers to comment on blogs (but protect against spam). Do whatever it takes to build a loyal following.

Utilize Social Media - Posting regularly is essential to growing followers. Share updates about your latest promotions, testimonials, deals, and contests. Participate in discussions on various forums. Engage fans by answering questions and promoting your services. Encourage feedback by soliciting comments and suggestions. Use hashtags to gain visibility. Always respond to negative or critical remarks in public settings. Never forget to thank your supporters. Lastly, always post truthful, genuine materials.

Guest Blogging - Another tactic is to reach out to bloggers in your niche to collaborate on writing unique original content. Simply explain to them what you hope to accomplish and ask if they'd be willing to participate. By contributing to their blogs, you're essentially gaining exposure for yourself while helping them promote theirs as well. Most importantly, provide them with extra incentives for linking back to your blog.

Forums - Forums are fantastic places to network with fellow entrepreneurs. Find ones that focus on topics similar to yours and join groups full of eager listeners. Make sure you contribute frequently and answer inquiries thoroughly. Build lasting friendships with forum leaders and future possibilities could arise!

Social Media Groups - Similar to forums, group communities are excellent platforms to meet likeminded individuals. Join groups focused on your niche and post discussions regarding problems faced daily by customers. Help them solve issues and refer them to trusted professionals. Establish yourself as an expert in your field.

These were just a handful of awesome ideas for acquiring leads cheaply and effectively. Using these techniques consistently will bring consistent traffic to your website. Hopefully, you enjoyed learning about some lesser known ways to get started on the path to internet wealth!



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