How do you make a cold outreach email?
Whether it's selling yourself or pitching something else, getting someone’s attention and making them want to hear more from you can be difficult at times. A good way to start with this process is by creating a great first impression—a warm introduction that shows the other person why they should listen to you.
There are many ways to create such an intro, but one of my favorites is through using a personal connection. This allows you to build rapport and show people who you really are before even telling them anything specific. While some salespeople may feel uncomfortable asking potential clients if they have any connections to help their business succeed, I think this tactic works well regardless of industry, because everyone has friends or family members that could potentially introduce them to others.
If you find yourself struggling to come up with ideas on how to approach people (or know anyone) then here are six tips to writing a successful cold email. You will see below that each tip includes a sample of a similar cold email to give you inspiration and insight as to how to craft yours.
What is an outreach message?
An “outreach” is simply the act of reaching out to another individual to connect, collaborate, or initiate contact. It’s typically used to refer to contacting someone online via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc., but it also applies when connecting offline too. For instance, we often use the term "outreach" when talking about networking events where you go to meet people face-to-face rather than just sending them messages over social media.
As mentioned above, there are several different types of outreach depending upon the situation. These include informational, promotional, and referral outreach, among others. The type of outreach you decide to send depends largely upon whether you're trying to sell something or not. Of course, you can always combine multiple forms of outreach into one single message, which makes things easier for both parties involved.
How do you write an outreach message?
When crafting your own outreach, keep these points in mind. Keep it short yet concise so the recipient knows exactly what you are offering without having to read between the lines. Also, remember that you don't need to list every reason why you want to connect with the other party, especially if you already have those factors listed within your bio. Instead, focus on the core reasons behind wanting to reach out to them.
Another thing to consider is to avoid being overly formal or informal. If you are going to ask for permission to connect with someone, then try to follow suit. You wouldn't call a stranger on the phone would you? So why would you expect them to respond differently to your request? Be sure to check with etiquette experts beforehand though, as it varies greatly based on region and culture.
For example, if you were to connect with someone through social media, then it might look better to say “Hey! Let me know if you’re interested in exploring opportunities together. Would love to chat sometime soon!” versus “I noticed you had the same experience as mine last week, but wanted to share our story with you. We met at [name] event, and would love to talk further if you’d like.” In general, the latter sounds much less professional and friendly. Asking permission upfront helps ensure that you aren't perceived negatively later down the line.
What are examples of outreach?
Now that you understand what an outreach actually means, let’s dive deeper into some real world scenarios where the concept comes into play. Below are three samples of actual outreach templates sent out recently across various industries. Take note of all the key details, including the date range covered, the message subject, and the body text itself.
1. Marketing & PR Executive - How To Write An Email With Your Branding Message That Gets Responses
2. Recruiter/HR Manager - Get My Referral Bonus When Sending Cold Emails
3. Entrepreneur - How To Make Money From Home By Selling Products Online
What is an outreach template?
The word "template" has been thrown around quite a bit lately, but its definition isn’t nearly as complicated as most people believe. Think of it as a guidebook that tells you exactly what information needs to be included in order to achieve a certain objective. However, while templates are helpful tools, there’s no replacement for creativity when thinking outside the box.
In addition, there are two main categories of outreach templates: informational and promotional. Informational templates contain data only, whereas promotional templates aim to convince readers to take action. Some common uses of informational outreach templates include collecting leads, promoting new products, sharing content, and announcing company news.
Promotional templates tend to appear more frequently than informational ones. They generally include persuasive messaging designed to persuade prospects to buy your product, sign up for your service, or hire you. Common examples include landing page designs, optin form templates, webinar invitations, and lead generation campaigns.
Keep reading to learn why cold emails work so well and how to put them to use.
Have questions about cold emails? Here you'll find answers to common FAQs related to cold emails.
Want to learn more about marketing techniques? Check out the top 10 marketing mistakes businesses make and how to fix them.
1) Be authentic
You have to believe in what you're saying before anyone will take you seriously. When writing an intro for any type of communication, whether it be social media post, blog entry, newsletter article, etc., there are certain things that need to come across as genuine.
Be clear on who you are and what kind of company/brand you represent. If you don't know exactly who you're talking to, then you might not get a chance to explain anything further because people aren't going to waste their time listening if they think you're full of crap.
If you're trying to sell something (e.g., services), include some sort of value proposition (i.e., benefits). You'll likely only impress people if you convince them that you could help solve their problem.
Make sure you actually care about the topic being discussed. There's nothing worse than reading through an entire piece and realizing you didn't really give two shits about it.
There's no better example of authenticity than Steve Jobs' famous commencement speech he gave back in 2005 at Stanford University. He shared his life story and emphasized the importance of being true to oneself, which ultimately led him to create Apple.
"Remembering that I've been so lucky to have lived my life up until now - I'm just reciting facts here, but let me tell you one last thing. It doesn't matter where you go after you die."
This quote
Cold emails can seem like a daunting task - and they're not necessarily something you want to take on alone! Thankfully there's no need to fear if you've got some help along the way.
A well-crafted cold email from someone who knows their stuff will give you a huge advantage over other applicants or potential leads. But before we jump into writing our first cold email, let's talk about exactly what it means. What does 'outreach' mean, and why is this important? Let's take a look at all of those questions with one simple definition... a cold email is any type of communication sent by anyone outside of your target audience (inbound) to people inside your target audience (outbound). This includes eMail, phone calls, text messages, social media posts, etc.
This is also known as outbound marketing because it involves sending communications to prospective customers/clients/leads rather than existing ones. It's essentially "reaching" out to others who may have interest in your product or service. If you were selling real estate, then it would be contacting new prospects looking to buy property instead of current homeowners.
Outreaches can come in different forms, such as lead generation campaigns, sales pitches, events, content creation, event promotion, etc., but ultimately they're still part of the same process. So now that we know what a cold email is, let's discuss how to craft them so that you stand out among the competition.
How long should an outreach email be?
The length of your cold email shouldn't really matter too much. The most important thing is that you include enough relevant information that will pique the recipient's curiosity without being spammy. Longer emails tend to work better since they show more effort, which makes readers feel valued. However, shorter emails allow you to keep things professional while giving off a sense of urgency. A good rule of thumb is around 500 words.
How many words should an outreach email be?
If you're just starting out, I recommend sticking to fewer than 200 words. You don't want to overwhelm the reader, especially if they aren't familiar with your brand yet. Once you start getting feedback from clients and customers, you'll find ways to improve your copywriting skills to create stronger messages. For now, focus on building trust through personalization and proofreading.
You might think that longer emails sound more impressive, but remember that the goal here isn't to impress the person reading it. Instead, you want to communicate value. Your main objective is to convince the reader that they have a problem that needs solving and that you can solve it. That said, you can always add extra details later if needed.
How long should a prospecting email be?
It depends. Some companies send a short email asking for contact info right away after receiving an inquiry or request. Others use a longer version to ask for follow up questions or additional information before moving forward with a sale. Either way, the point remains the same - you want to provide value to your recipients quickly.
What are the best qualities an outreach email should possess?
There are three key characteristics that every great cold email must have:
1. Personalized touch
Personalization is the number one quality you need to convey when crafting your outreach. Even though everyone has heard the term "personalize", few understand what it actually entails. To begin with, you need to build rapport with your recipient using proper grammar and spelling. Next, you need to address them directly, instead of making generic statements about your company. Finally, you need to offer unique insights or benefits that only you can deliver. These small tweaks that separate you from the crowd can go a long way toward convincing your contacts to open your email.
2. Proofread
I'm sure you already knew this one was coming, but it bears repeating nonetheless. Proofreading is crucial because typos and grammatical errors can turn the best of ideas into cringe-worthy moments. No one wants to receive a poorly written message, regardless of whether it's a cold email or otherwise. Check your email thoroughly before hitting Send, and check again once you've received a response. Ask yourself if everything made sense, did you miss anything obvious, and overall if the tone felt appropriate.
3. Urgency
When you're reaching out to strangers, you don't want to appear pushy or desperate. People respond differently depending on where they're located geographically, so consider whether a certain region warrants a different approach. In general, however, you want to stay consistent across platforms. Don't expect immediate results and never pressure someone to reply immediately. Asking them to call back within 24 hours is fine, but 48 is pushing it unless it's absolutely necessary. And even then, consider asking if they could wait until tomorrow morning. Most people won't mind waiting a day, but two days can be overwhelming.
Once you've crafted your initial outreach, it's time to test it out and see how effective it is. Keep track of the response rate and try tweaking your subject line based on what worked and didn't. Make changes to your message if necessary. Then, once you've gotten positive feedback, move onto the next step.
Remember, you don't want to bombard your followers with emails that they don't care about. Be selective about whom you reach out to, and always treat each interaction with respect.
In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will succeed in creating valuable connections with new business partners. Good luck, and happy hunting!
1) The first line
You might have heard of "cold calling" as a technique for reaching out to new prospects, but what does it actually mean? Cold calls are an old-school approach where salespeople would call businesses directly without any prior relationship or introduction.
They were also used by direct marketing companies to reach potential customers who had never been contacted before via phone or mail. However, this is now considered spamming, so using cold calls will only get you into trouble with regulators.
Instead, you'll find that cold emailing involves sending messages that aren't personalized and don't contain a personal touch. Instead, they're usually addressed to someone at the business rather than the individual person behind the company. This makes them much more effective because they remove all human emotion from the equation.
"The average length of time between receiving an unsolicited email and deleting it has dropped dramatically over the last few years," says Andrew Davis, CEO at UnrollMe. "It’s now estimated that people receive around 4 million emails per day – which means we’re bombarded with thousands each day."
If you're unsure whether a particular target market may respond well to cold emails then think carefully about why you're contacting them. You could be trying to sell something (like an ecommerce product), promote yourself or simply ask for feedback.
Whatever reason you have for writing the email, ensure that you include relevant information within its content. It doesn't
Cold emails are one of the most useful tools for networking and building relationships with people who may be able to help or contribute to your career goals. They're also an essential part of any professional networker's toolbox -- but they aren't easy to master.
If you've been using them incorrectly, you could miss out on valuable opportunities by sending off a bad cold email. But if you know exactly how to compose one, it'll give you an advantage over all those other desperate candidates looking for jobs!
In this article we explain why cold emails work so well, show you some real-world examples of successful ones from around the web, and share our top tips for making sure yours gets read (and replies). So let's jump right into it...
What makes a great outreach email?
A lot has already been written about the importance of writing compelling subject lines and creating engaging messages, which are both important factors in getting someone to open up their inbox. However, there's another vital element that many job seekers overlook when crafting their cold emails: the actual content itself.
The following six elements should go hand-in-hand with the rest of your messaging to ensure your cold email will sell yourself as a candidate worth talking to.
1) Address the person directly - This sounds obvious, but too often cold email recipients are left confused because they don't really know who they're addressing. If you want to connect with someone, address them as such. Don't just drop "Dear Sir" at the start of your message. Instead, use their name or title, or even something like "To whom it may concern." It shows respect, builds rapport, and helps build trust.
2) Include a personal note - While impersonal cold emails might seem more efficient, they rarely inspire much response. A simple way to include personality in your message is to add a short paragraph telling the recipient something about yourself or why you think they'd benefit from speaking with you. For instance, say you're applying for a position in marketing, mention that you love the sport of football and have always wanted to try your hand at coaching someday. That little bit of extra detail not only adds color to the story behind your application, but also gives the reader a better sense of who you are as a person.
3) Explain why you're contacting them - The worst thing you can possibly do is leave out important information about why you want to speak with them. You need to tell them why they would find value in having a conversation with you, otherwise they won't understand why you reached out.
4) Sell yourself - Be honest and specific about the skills and experience you bring to the table and how you can help them achieve success in whatever role you seek. Think of it like selling a product -- if you were going to hire someone to design your website, wouldn't you rather see samples of their work than browse through a bunch of generic portfolios? Similarly, if you're applying for a sales position, describe what kind of results you had while working with previous clients. And if you're hoping to land a gig managing a team of employees, talk a bit about how you manage others and take initiative on projects.
5) Offer tangible benefits - When you reach out to strangers online, you need to convince them that it's worth listening to you. To do that, offer them something of value. Maybe you can provide advice on improving their resume, suggest a new book to read, or maybe you can recommend a service that could further their career. Whatever it is, make sure it's relevant to the industry you're targeting and offers some sort of incentive.
6) Ask for action - Once you've addressed everything above, ask the recipient to respond back so you can set up a time to chat. Just remember, nothing says 'no' quite like asking for permission first.
How do I send a good outreach email?
Once you've got all the necessary pieces down pat, here's what else you need to consider before you hit Send/Reply.
7) Proofread & proofread again - Double check every word, sentence, and punctuation mark to avoid spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and typos. Nothing turns people away faster than an unprofessional cold email. Also be careful to keep your tone conversational and friendly without coming across overly aggressive or pushy.
8) Make it personal - One last tip before hitting Send is to focus less on how impressive you are and instead put a human face on your brand. Use phrases like "I'm excited to hear from you," "It was nice connecting with you," and "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!" These small touches convey warmth and sincerity, which is absolutely crucial in convincing someone to take interest in your pitch.
9) Follow up quickly - After sending your email, wait 24 hours before checking to see whether anyone replied. Most likely no one did, so move onto step number two. Then after 48 hours, follow up once again to remind everyone that you haven't forgotten about them and to gauge their level of interest.
10) Have patience - Cold emailing isn't a fast process, especially if you're trying to break into a competitive field where qualified applicants vie for limited positions. Your chances of landing an interview depend largely on how long you stick with the campaign, so be patient and persistent until you succeed.
How can I improve my outreach email?
We touched on several ways to approach cold emailing earlier, but there's still plenty of room for improvement. Here are three things you shouldn't skip if you want to maximize your chance of securing a reply.
11) Keep it brief - Email etiquette dictates that you must keep your emails under 200 words maximum. Anything longer and you run the risk of being flagged as spam or ignored altogether. Plus, shorter emails tend to stand out among the crowd of applications vying for attention.
12) Personalize it - As mentioned earlier, adding a personal touch goes a long way towards strengthening the relationship between you and whoever you're reaching out to. Include a photo or headshot alongside your signature to instantly create a connection with the person receiving your email. Showcase your accomplishments and achievements, and highlight your strengths, talents, and passions to demonstrate your passion for the company or project you're pitching.
13) Get creative - Sometimes the simplest ideas can turn the tide in your favor. Try offering free consulting services or discounted rates on your products to incentivize potential customers. Or perhaps you have access to resources and connections within the business world that can prove beneficial to your target audience. By thinking outside the box you can come up with unique angles that separate you from the competition.
14) Use social media channels - Social networks like LinkedIn allow users to post updates, pictures, and videos to showcase themselves professionally. Including links to your profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Google+ will boost engagement and increase exposure.
15) Schedule a call - No matter how confident you feel about your skills and abilities, sometimes it's hard to imagine why someone would choose to meet with you in person. Scheduling a phone call or video conference allows you to practice discussing key points in person and test each other's reactions. Having a live Q&A session during the interview ensures that neither party walks away unsatisfied.
16) Be consistent - Even though cold emails lack the energy and enthusiasm of traditional resumes, they require consistency, too. Set aside 15 minutes per day to craft a few emails and then schedule them throughout the week to maintain momentum. If you consistently deliver high quality material, eventually you'll catch the eye of recruiters who are seeking talented professionals like you.
How do you do effective outreach?
The bottom line is that cold emails are a powerful tool for building meaningful relationships and increasing employment prospects. With proper preparation and execution however, you can easily transform your efforts into fruitful conversations that lead to interviews and promotions.