How do you quit a job immediately over email?
You've been working for your dream company, but now they want to fire you. This is usually how it goes in TV shows like The Office or How It Ends. But what if that was actually happening to you?
In this article we'll talk about whether it's okay to just abruptly leave work without giving any notice at all (in other words, via email). We'll also explore some simple rules on etiquette for sending the email itself. And finally, we'll look at an example situation where someone needed to move out quickly -- and how to go about doing so.
Let’s start with two questions first. Is it OK to quit a job by email? Yes, absolutely! You can certainly tell them right away why you're leaving, and even give them some time before you head off into the sunset. If anything, you should be more upfront than normal because there isn't really much room for negotiation after you already resigned.
Here are some situations where it might not always make sense to email people directly instead of letting their managers know:
If you have direct reports who will need training to take over parts of your responsibilities. In these cases, it makes sense to let your boss know ahead of time so he/she has time to help them prepare themselves. Your boss may then choose to speak with those employees personally rather than through emails. Also keep in mind that HR policies vary widely across companies. Some places may frown upon firing someone via email, while others consider it perfectly fine. That said, as long as no laws were broken during your departure, you shouldn't run afoul of most corporate policy manuals.
If privacy concerns prevent you from telling anyone else about your plans — perhaps you don't want anyone to see your personal Facebook profile or Twitter feed. Then again, maybe you'd prefer to surprise your new employer later on down the road. Either way, unless you have a good reason to believe otherwise, your best bet would probably be to reach out to human resources. They have systems designed specifically to handle such things, and the person handling your file won't necessarily have access to sensitive information anyway.
As far as timing goes, in general you should avoid making big decisions on short timelines. When possible, wait until you have enough data points to evaluate whether the decision was correct or not. For instance, if you decide to stay put, you could ask yourself "is this the kind of place I really want to work?" The answer may change dramatically depending on the circumstances.
We'll get back to that point shortly. First, here are a few guidelines to follow when writing the email.
Is it unprofessional to quit via email?
It depends. While it's true that you wouldn't typically find an employee handing his manager a letter of termination written on toilet paper, there are still times when an abrupt departure is warranted (we'll discuss those next). However, generally speaking, it's considered better form to notify the proper channels before heading out the door. Here are our recommendations:
Do NOT write a formal resignation letter. Instead, try to convey your feelings using succinct bullet points rather than paragraphs. These notes should include reasons for your exit along with suggestions for ways your former employer can support you moving forward.
Keep language professional. Avoid curse-filled rants or profanity. Keep it clean. Don't call names, insult co-workers or bosses, or refer to previous jobs negatively.
Be courteous and respectful. Use proper grammar and punctuation in both tone and word choice. Be sure to sign off professionally.
Avoid asking for favors. You aren't entitled to anything beyond severance pay once you resign. Stay focused on your future goals and plan.
Don't expect answers now. Once you submit your request verbally or via email, it takes several days for upper management to review it. Most likely they'll contact you within a week to schedule a meeting. Expect plenty of silence throughout the process.
Give your departing colleagues some space and privacy. Let them finish up projects and tasks before ending conversations. Give them a little leeway and respect their wishes.
When you do meet face to face, resist the urge to blab about your exit. Stick to talking about career opportunities elsewhere. Focus on helping them solve problems, learn about potential positions, etc., rather than sharing details about your own life story.
Lastly, remember that everything you type electronically eventually gets printed onto physical media, which means it's recorded forever. So think twice before posting something inflammatory online! Even though you're unlikely to ever read it, keeping a record of your offensive comments can come back to haunt you someday.
How do you say quitting nicely?
Your goal is to end the relationship amicably. To accomplish this, you'll need to frame your intentions correctly and clearly communicate your needs. Make sure to mention any issues causing tension between you and your current manager or coworkers, and try to offer solutions to fix them.
Also, show empathy toward everyone involved. Think about how your manager feels about losing you. Consider how hard it must be for others to lose a valued colleague. Remind him or her of what you brought to the table and reiterate your interest in staying connected going forward. Finally, realize that many factors contributed to your decision. Try to share responsibility for whatever role played in your departure.
Finally, keep your emotions in check. Remain calm and refrain from cursing or yelling. Show respect and courtesy at all times. Above all, never act out of spite or revenge.
While it's tempting to vent frustration or anger, it doesn't benefit anyone to air dirty laundry publicly. Resist the temptation to post negative reviews online, spread gossip, or engage in passive aggressive behavior. Remember, you're leaving behind friends and family who genuinely care about you, and you owe it to them to conduct yourself respectfully.
How do I quit a job I just started one day ago?
So let's assume you've decided you need to leave, but haven't gotten around to informing your superiors yet. Maybe you had an emergency and didn't feel comfortable calling in sick, or you simply forgot to tell anyone. Whatever the case may be, here are three steps to ensure a smooth transition:
1) Send a farewell note with specific instructions. Before you step away, draft a single document outlining your final duties and explaining why you're leaving. Include dates associated with important deadlines and events, including upcoming meetings, presentations, holidays, vacations, etc. At the bottom, list your contact info so folks can easily reach you. Email the finished copy to yourself and save it somewhere safe.
2) Reach out to your supervisor and key collaborators. Inform them that you're leaving and explain why. Ask for feedback on your performance, accomplishments, relationships, etc. Share your thoughts on how the team can improve together, and ask for advice on areas you should focus on moving forward. Acknowledge their efforts, contributions, and leadership roles in your success. End the conversation politely, thanking them for their input.
3) Find another opportunity. Now comes the tricky part. After you formally resign, search for a different position that matches your skills and interests. Look for openings that align well with your existing knowledge, expertise, and passions. Start networking early, and leverage every connection you can. Follow up with recruiters, references, and past employers.
Good luck! And remember: if you suddenly have to quit a job due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, layoff, divorce, death in the family, financial hardship, etc., it's acceptable to provide advanced notice. Just make sure to stick to the same principles mentioned above regarding professionalism and tactfulness.
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We've all been in that situation where we're at work yet we feel like our boss is driving us crazy. Maybe your co-worker has decided to call in sick for no apparent reason (or maybe she really needs her space), or perhaps there are some other issues going on with your manager that make you want out as quickly as possible. Whatever the case may be, here are a few ways to politely tell someone you'd prefer not to continue working under their management.
Note: We always recommend giving two weeks' notice whenever possible (see below). However, if the circumstances dictate otherwise, this article will help you figure out how to let them know without burning any bridges behind you.
First things first — decide whether an immediate resignation is necessary. If so, what should you say? Is it okay to simply end things right away? And even if you need more time before quitting, how long until you have to give your two week notice anyway?
If you absolutely must leave today, there are a couple tricks up your sleeve...but still keep reading! Here are some guidelines for sending a quick resignation email…
Is it OK to quit a job after 1 day?
Yes. In fact, most employers won't bat an eye about receiving such a note. They'll likely ask why you resigned within one day, but they probably wouldn't expect you to answer "because I'm leaving." The same goes for situations where people suddenly get ill (like your co-worker who calls in sick) or something else comes up unexpectedly and requires you to go back into work sooner than expected.
In general, however, it's best to wait longer. Your employer will appreciate more clarity, especially considering the fact that many companies don't allow employees to quit during business hours. It's also better for both parties because it gives you more time to find another position elsewhere, which leaves neither party disappointed.
There are rare exceptions, though. For example, sometimes new hires start earlier than anticipated due to last minute changes, and those workers might need to leave early too. Or, if you were hired specifically for a project and your team was reassigned shortly thereafter, letting your supervisor know could potentially save everyone involved some headaches later.
So, if you really can't put off telling your current employer you're moving on much longer, consider writing something along these lines:
"I’ve enjoyed my experience [at company name] thus far and wish nothing but success for [name of coworker/manager]. Given the short timeline since joining, I realize I haven't had adequate time to familiarize myself fully with everything required of me. Unfortunately, I've come to terms with needing to take several months off to pursue opportunities outside of [company name]."
Then set reasonable boundaries by explaining that while you intend to stay connected throughout this transition period, it would mean greatly reduced contact initially.
Can you quit a job after starting?
No, unless you have already accepted a promotion. But if you took a job offer only to discover later that you didn't actually accept it, you might be able to explain why you left.
Here's a sample script that shows how you might approach an explanation letter in this scenario:
Dear [Name],
It came to light yesterday that I wasn't officially accepting this position. While I did enjoy meeting you and learning about the responsibilities of this role, I am now pursuing other options given recent events. Thank you for allowing me to apply and interview with you. Please pass along my sincere regards.
Best Regards,
[Your Name]"
While this type of exit isn't ideal, it could earn you points with your former boss depending on your relationship. Just remember to follow through once you receive confirmation that they received your letter. Don't forget to include proof of your departure date (i.e., resignation paperwork or signed contract.)
Also, try not to burn any bridges. Make sure you provide enough information that your old manager doesn't think you plan to seek employment elsewhere. A good way to do this is to point out that you found a great opportunity somewhere else. This lets them know that you aren't looking for future openings at their firm.
For instance:
"[Company name]: I recently discovered an amazing opportunity with [another company]. As part of my efforts to explore career growth at [new company], I reached out to [former manager] regarding potential roles within [current company]. After discussing available positions, he suggested I reach out directly to his colleagues regarding open positions at [first company]. Since we met briefly at [original company], I thought mentioning him made sense. Again, thank you for interviewing me and helping me learn more about [this company]."
The important thing is that you share your reasons clearly and concisely, without making excuses or blaming anyone else. You want to avoid coming across as accusatory or resentful, despite whatever challenges lead you to quit. Most importantly, be honest. Honesty will win you respect and trust from your former bosses.
How do you quit a job you just started 2 days ago?
This may seem impossible, but it happens frequently among young professionals who are brand new to a particular industry. Sometimes it's related to training classes, internships, etc. At times, it's because the company itself changed hands and existing staff weren't included in the transition.
However, if you joined a company less than three months ago, you might have difficulty finding a polite way to terminate your services. That said, there are some simple solutions. One option is to write a brief statement saying that you feel uncomfortable continuing your duties while remaining employed. Then, attach documentation showing that you performed certain tasks for free or that were completed on behalf of others. Finally, request permission to return home to complete pending projects (which hopefully involve little interaction with your new boss!)
A similar alternative involves asking your boss to speak to your direct superiors instead. Explain to your new boss that you felt uncomfortable taking direction from him after being promoted so recently. Let them know that you hope to return someday, but for now you're happy working independently.
Either way, you should still include a clear departure date in your correspondence. In addition, you can ask for approval to extend your notice period beyond two weeks. Keep copies of your letters and follow up accordingly.
And finally, never fear. Even if you're dealing with a difficult person, you shouldn't hesitate from trying again. There are plenty of jobs out there!
After you've learned from past mistakes, you'll definitely land yourself in a rewarding professional position! So don't lose heart. Stay positive and persevere. Good luck!
Have you ever faced a tricky situation involving a bad boss? How did you handle it? Share your own advice and stories with fellow readers in the comments section below.
Resigning is difficult enough without having to explain why in an official letter or even call your boss. Sometimes all you need is for someone to get back to you with the right words on paper. Other times there are more formal situations that require careful consideration before sending out an exit memo -- but what about those times where you've only been at a new job for one day and want out ASAP?
We'll walk you through how to handle this common workplace scenario using email. We'll also cover some general rules about whether you can quit a job after starting (or not), as well as what to write in your resignation email messages. Let's begin!
If you work in corporate America, chances are you've sent yourself an email while working remotely. It might have been something like "Hey everyone, please meet me in room A123." Or maybe you had no choice because company policy dictated that emails be routed through certain servers. Either way, these types of emails aren't typically considered professional correspondence between coworkers, so they don't follow any strict etiquette guidelines.
In other cases, however, things become more complicated. If you suddenly find yourself needing to resign from a job, then your situation may warrant a more formal approach than writing an email to the entire department. In these instances we recommend following our guide below for best results regarding both formality and timing.
Here are some basic questions to ask before you decide to mail it in:
What kind of job am I leaving?
Is my departure permanent? Is it temporary? Am I being let go?
Does anyone else know I'm going away yet? Who will replace me? How long until their hiring process begins?
Am I handing off any projects to another employee? What should I tell them now?
Will I still receive benefits?
These answers will help determine the most effective way to communicate your decision to leave, which leads us next...
What to say when quitting a job you just started?
When you've just begun employment, there may be many details to take care of such as signing paperwork, getting security badges, training materials, etc. That said, if you were hired directly into a position, you probably won't have much information yet about who will pick up your responsibilities once you step down. Your first order of business is to talk to HR. You should share your plans and make sure they understand everything involved in transitioning out of your current role.
For example, if you plan to hand off tasks to others, make sure you give them adequate notice. They could be busy preparing for upcoming events or meetings. Also, consider letting people know about your pending departure ahead of time by simply saying "I’m planning to leave soon" rather than waiting for them to inquire further. This allows your replacement ample opportunity to prepare. Finally, depending upon the amount of time you spent at your post-hire, you may feel comfortable giving feedback, asking for improvements, or pointing out areas of improvement. However, it's important to remember that you shouldn't volunteer personal opinions unless asked. For instance, if you think your team would benefit from additional resources, mention budget constraints and suggest ways around them.
Next, discuss your reasons behind exiting the gig. Don't worry about sharing sensitive data or discussing salary negotiations. Instead, focus on making sure your manager is aware of your intentions and expectations moving forward. Once you have confirmed your last day, confirm again in case anything changes due to circumstances beyond your control. Then wrap up by reminding your superiors of your goals and ambitions outside of the organization. Give them ideas of places you'd like to see yourself professionally or personally, and encourage them to keep tabs on your progress.
Finally, you should reach out to human resources (HR) and schedule a final meeting. At this point, you can review your records together, including performance reviews, disciplinary notices, and separation agreements. Be prepared to answer any remaining questions they may have about your departure since they likely haven't heard from you before.
Afterward, you can request a copy of your termination documents. These include your contract, severance agreement, and/or separation agreement. Keep copies somewhere safe, and update your resume accordingly.
Now here comes the tricky part...
Even though you're ready to move on, you should never send your resignation before receiving approval from your employer. The reason is simple: Someone has already lost his or her livelihood based on your recommendation. So respect your bosses' decisions and wait patiently for confirmation instead. After all, you wouldn't want to burn your bridges unnecessarily.
But if you really must take matters into your own hands, read on...
The good news is that you actually can quit a job after you've only worked for a few days. But the bad news is that it depends on your local laws and policies. Some states protect employees against retaliation when deciding to break contracts early, meaning employers cannot fire them for doing so. Others allow employers to terminate workers during probationary periods for various reasons. Still others limit the number of hours a worker can log per month. As a result, check your state's labor code to learn its specific requirements.
If you work in California, New York, Illinois, Texas, Florida or Washington State, however, you have rights under federal law called “whistleblower protection.” Under these laws, employees have legal protections against retaliation and discrimination if they report fraud, corruption, waste, safety hazards, or similar illegal activity. Whistleblowers are protected regardless of whether they believe they themselves are guilty of wrongdoing. Read more about whistleblower laws here.
So what does this mean for you? Well, if you received orders from your supervisor or manager within the past three months, you're entitled to act as a whistleblower. This means that if you suspect fraudulent activities occurring within your workplace, you have the right to notify management. And if you successfully uncover evidence of this misconduct, you're legally allowed to expose it publicly. Even if you're unsuccessful, management can still offer assistance and support.
While you're researching potential future jobs and companies, try searching for terms and phrases such as "retaliation lawsuit," "qui tam lawsuits," and "civil penalties." Quitting a job too quickly could lead to unexpected consequences later on.
Also, be cautious of posting negative comments online about former employers. Many sites prohibit users from listing references to ex-employers. Doing so may violate anti-discrimination laws.
Lastly, keep in mind that if you ever encounter legal trouble related to your resignation, you could end up owing money. Notify your lawyer ahead of time so he or she knows exactly what you intend to disclose. Otherwise, you run the risk of inadvertently leaking confidential information that could hurt your reputation.
With all that said, here's what NOT to do when trying to resign:
Don't demand immediate payment for unused vacation pay. Most companies hold unused vacation cash hostage until workers finish their tenure, although some small businesses may return cash earlier. To avoid complications, consult your union representative or attorney before taking action.
Don't abruptly change your phone numbers or email addresses. Try calling your old contact info first to ensure nothing gets fouled up.
Don't attempt to submit your resignation via text message unless you absolutely trust the person you're talking to. Texting is generally frowned upon in office environments. Plus, there's always the chance that delivery of your message was delayed due to technical difficulties.
Don't forget to attach documentation proving your medical insurance coverage expires today. Without proof, you could lose access to health services.
And finally, if you happen to miss your deadline to resign, don't panic. Simply start looking for a new job. Make sure you have updated your LinkedIn profile and uploaded your latest portfolio to platforms such as When applying for new positions, choose keywords that reflect skills relevant to the type of work you wish to perform. Search engines tend to favor websites that display fresh content regularly, so updating your website on a weekly basis is essential.
Hopefully these steps helped clear up several concerns surrounding resignations. Now it's your turn to weigh in -- what advice would you give someone who wants to quit their job but hasn't found the perfect moment? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below!