How do you write a cold email sales?
Cold emails are the digital version of letters with handwritten signatures (that you don't actually send). They're also known as "cold calls." You can use them to contact people on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, but they may not be effective if you haven't built up any kind of relationship with someone first.
If you've been looking at all those online courses teaching you how to become an expert marketer, then chances are good that one of their methods was writing cold emails -- i.e., sending out messages without having had prior contact with the recipient. This article will help you understand why it's important to do this, and show you some tips on how to compose great ones.
In fact, even though cold emails have gotten a bad reputation over time due to unsubscribe buttons popping up everywhere, there is still value in using them effectively. After all, more than half of US adults receive unsolicited commercial emails every month, so your ability to generate leads through cold emails could save your business money. Plus, if done correctly, cold emails can lead to warm conversations, which can ultimately turn into opportunities to build relationships.
So let's take a look at how you should go about crafting yours.
Do cold emails work for sales?
According to HubSpot research, around 60% of B2B companies say that cold emails are useful, while only 15% said they were ineffective. It seems like both options depend heavily on whether the recipients know who you are before receiving your message. If they already recognize your name from past interactions or meetings, then they'll probably want to learn more about whatever you have to offer. But if they don't, then cold emails aren't going to make much difference either way. So keep that in mind when planning your next campaign!
However, cold emails are definitely worth trying once you've established rapport with someone. For instance, if you've recently spoken with someone on the phone and had a positive experience, then you might consider reaching out via email. And if you think a prospect would respond well to a specific type of content, then you can test out different variations of your pitch by varying the words used within the body text.
A recent study found that the most successful cold emails contained six key components:
So now we know exactly what each of those means! Let's dive right into how to create them.
What percentage of cold emails result in sales?
When we talk about cold emails leading to sales, it sounds obvious: after all, isn't that why you're reading this article? However, since our definition includes anything else besides actual purchases, I'd like to clarify that. A sale doesn't necessarily mean something physical has changed hands. Instead, a sale refers to a new opportunity created between two parties. That can include a conversation or series of conversations where both sides learn more about each other and decide to pursue a partnership together.
But just because you didn't earn yourself a purchase today, that doesn't mean you won't soon enough. As long as you keep putting forth effort toward building relationships and improving your craft, you will eventually find success. When you do, remember to give credit to your efforts, instead of focusing solely on the results. The journey itself is what counts.
Is cold calling or cold emailing better for sales?
It depends on whom you ask. Some feel that cold calling is far superior to cold emailing, while others believe the opposite. In my opinion, neither method is inherently better than the other, especially when you factor in the cost-benefit analysis. Both have pros and cons, so you need to choose the technique that works best for you and your company.
Here are some things to note when deciding whether to call or email prospects:
Callers tend to be perceived as less professional than email writers. Email writers can sound more natural and personable.
Phone calls usually require longer pauses than emails. Emails allow you to pause frequently during the writing process, whereas phone calls often involve waiting until you're finished speaking before responding.
Email tends to be more personal than voice mail. Many people prefer getting messages from real live humans rather than automated voicemails.
You can reach more people with fewer resources when using phone calls. People generally listen to recorded messages and skip over uninteresting parts. They also don't hear background noise like traffic and office chatter.
Although you'll likely spend more per conversion on calls, you can potentially convert a larger number of people.
There are many factors involved in determining which strategy is best for you. To determine which approach is best for your needs, try comparing the following numbers:
The number of contacts you plan to connect with vs. the amount of time you expect to invest in making those connections
Your budget vs. your desired ROI (return on investment)
Whether you plan to automate certain aspects of communication vs. whether you want to handle everything manually
To recap, here are five things you should always remember when considering cold emails:
Don't forget to personalize.
Keep your tone conversational and friendly.
Consider using relevant keywords.
Use a clear subject line.
Make sure you follow up promptly.
Now that you know how to write a cold email, let's dig deeper into some cold email templates that have proven to be successful.
Is cold emailing sales or marketing?
As mentioned earlier, a lot of marketers refer to cold emails as being part of their overall outreach campaigns. Personally, I prefer to differentiate the types of emails based on how I'm approaching the sender. An email sent to me as a customer or partner is considered marketing. One sent to me as a prospective employee is called recruitment. These terms apply regardless of whether I am aware of the sender beforehand.
Regardless of how you classify your emails, there are similarities among them. Here are three common traits of all cold emails:
They're short and concise. Keep sentences and paragraphs under 50 characters. Don't waste space with superfluous details.
They contain few distractions. Avoid including unnecessary images, links, videos, charts, etc.
They focus on benefits. What problems does your product solve for customers? Why would anyone care?
Once again, these points apply equally to cold emails intended for marketing purposes, recruiting purposes, or any other reason you might be contacting someone. But if you're interested in learning more specifically about creating cold emails targeting jobs, check out our guide on how to write a cold email for job applications.
And if you're ready to start implementing some of the strategies discussed above, head to the next page to discover the easiest ways to start generating qualified leads.
Cold emails are a powerful tool in your arsenal when it comes to selling products or services. Just remember to put in the proper amount of effort into crafting them properly. Also, don't hesitate to experiment whenever you encounter a problem. Your initial attempts will provide valuable data that you can later incorporate into future drafts.
Your first impression can make or break the success of an email. For this reason, it's important to think carefully before sending out any form of communication. This goes double if you're selling something online and using email as part of your strategy.
Even though there are plenty of different types of email templates available on the web, they all follow similar principles. The key is to ensure that those principles are followed so that you don't annoy people with poor formatting and spelling mistakes. But why send such a poorly written email at all? Well, because your customers will always appreciate a little personal touch from time-to-time. That's not just my opinion either – according to research conducted by the Harvard Business Review, a warm introduction makes up 50% of whether someone buys from you or not. So even if you've never sent an email before, try adding some personality into yours!
If you want to learn more about writing effective emails, check out our guide on how to compose a good sales letter. It'll help you develop the skills needed to craft compelling messages that sell. For now, let's take a look at exactly how to write a cold email.
How long should a sale email be?
This depends entirely on who you're contacting and what you're trying to achieve. If you have a product to promote but no existing customer base to speak of, then you might need to create one yourself. In this case, you may well find that most people won't read beyond the opening line anyway (see below). On the other hand, if you already know lots of people personally and/or professionally, then you could probably cut straight to the chase and tell them right away what you offer without wasting their precious minutes reading through everything else.
The same applies to cold emails you receive. You wouldn't usually expect anyone to sit down and read through every single word of an entire document unless they were desperate, which means that you shouldn't really bother doing it either. As a general rule of thumb however, I'd say anywhere between five and ten sentences is ideal. More than that and you risk losing interest quickly. Less than that and you end up saying way less than you intended. Again, it's all about finding the balance.
If you're looking to build relationships rather than simply making a sale, then keep things short. Your aim here isn't necessarily to persuade someone to buy your products, services, or whatever it is you're offering. Instead, focus on building trust so that he knows he can rely on you to provide advice whenever he needs it. There are two ways to go about this. Firstly, you could start off by asking questions like "What would you recommend?" or "What areas do you see room for improvement?". Secondly, you could include useful links that show him you have relevant knowledge and expertise.
How long is too long for a sales email?
In terms of length, there's no hard and fast rules. Sometimes companies use very lengthy emails as part of their regular correspondence, while others prefer to stick to shorter formats. However, regardless of whether you're promoting a product or service, remember that people aren't interested in hearing about every last detail. They only care about the main points.
As previously mentioned, you could opt to shorten your emails depending on how much information you feel comfortable sharing. The trick is to choose what details you share wisely. Don't overload your readers with unnecessary content. They'll become bored and click away. Just pick the most pertinent bits from your pitch and leave the rest behind.
Another thing to bear in mind is that we tend to skim over text nowadays. We've grown accustomed to seeing headlines and bullet points instead of paragraphs filled with words. To avoid losing attention completely, keep your emails concise. Even better, split large blocks of text into smaller sections where possible.
How many lines should a cold email be?
When it comes to crafting your sales emails, you don't need to worry about following specific guidelines. After all, each person has his own style and preferences. What matters far more is being clear and precise with regards to what you want to communicate. For instance, you could begin by introducing yourself briefly before moving onto the point of your email. Or perhaps you decide to skip introductions altogether and jump straight into your main argument. Whatever works for you.
It also doesn't matter whether you use a formal tone or informal language. The only exception to this is if you're targeting senior figures in business – in which case, you definitely need to adopt an appropriate level of professionalism. Otherwise, you'll end up sounding unprofessional and come across as rude.
How long should a b2b cold email be?
B2C emails are typically briefer than B2B ones. They're often used for announcing promotions, newsletters, and special offers. When you're pitching your goods or services to businesses, however, you'll likely be expected to explain exactly what you're offering and why it's worth buying. Depending on the type of company you're talking to, you may need to cover several topics. Here are three typical scenarios:
You're approaching a larger retail establishment. Whether you're planning to set up shop inside its store or run a pop-up event outside, it's essential to give proper consideration to the space that you're going to occupy. Think about parking spaces, signage, foot traffic flow, etc… And don't forget to mention any discounts or promotional incentives that you plan to implement during your stay.
You're visiting a manufacturing facility or industrial site. Before setting foot inside, you should introduce yourself and ask permission to tour around. Once you're given access, you can talk about the benefits associated with working together. Perhaps you could suggest new ideas for improving productivity, reducing costs, providing greater value to clients, etc….
You're heading to a construction site. Before entering, you should state your name, position within the team, and purpose for visiting. Then you can discuss the work that's been done so far and outline future plans. Finally, you can invite the owner or manager to visit your website or social media pages in order to gain further insights.
Of course, these examples are merely three possibilities. Each business operates differently, based on factors including size, location, industry, budget constraints, etc… The point is that you don't need to write anything longer than 10-15 lines. Anything above that risks becoming boring and confusing.
Overall, it's vital that you consider both your target audience and the objective of your email before deciding upon the correct format. By taking the time to prepare properly, you stand a great chance of getting noticed. Good luck!
The art of writing an effective sales letter has been around since the dawn of time and it's still important today. But as with most things, technology changes everything and so too does the way we communicate. If you're looking to learn more about how to write a cold email or any other type of pitch, then this article will help you find out exactly what makes up a great sales letter.
Writing a successful sales letter can seem like one big mystery if you've never written one before but once you know some key points, it'll become easier to master. And here they are! So let's dig into them...
How do you write a professional sales email?
It might sound obvious but there are many ways to compose a well-written sales letter. It goes without saying that you need to have something interesting to say, but even then there are several different factors that come into play to make sure people actually read through your entire message. Here are six tips on how you could approach writing a sales email:
1) Be concise
You don't want to waste anyone's time by going over topics that aren't relevant to their needs at all. The same applies to your pitch itself. Make sure it doesn't go on forever because no one wants to listen to someone drone on endlessly just to hear their own voice repeat themselves. Keep your paragraphs short and sweet while also making sure each paragraph gives enough information to keep them interested.
2) Use emojis
There may not be much room for creativity in sales letters, but there are certain areas where you can use some creativity (or at least personalization). Emoji is one such place to inject personality into your messages. You can add emojis that relate to whatever subject matter you're talking about and even include images related to the product/service you're selling. This will give your customers a sense of who you are as a person and why they'd appreciate working with you.
3) Include links to social media profiles
If you're trying to sell anything online, chances are you're using social networks to spread awareness. In order to build a relationship with your audience, you must first establish trust which requires showing off your credentials. By sharing links to your profile pages, website, blog posts, etc., you show both sides of the conversation that you're genuine. Not only that, but it shows everyone else that you care about building relationships with them as well. Your followers will feel special knowing you took the time to share this valuable content with them.
4) Write from experience
This might sound clichéd but sometimes being able to speak from experience helps immensely when it comes to writing persuasive sales pitches. When you're speaking from personal knowledge, it becomes easy to connect with readers on an emotional level. They see themselves in your words instead of simply hearing generic statements. To illustrate my point further, imagine you were asked to describe "a typical day" in your life. Now think of a few scenarios that would reflect this description. How would you respond differently if you were describing it using language you personally experienced rather than reading it from a textbook? That's what you need to try to achieve - having your reader walk away feeling connected to your experiences.
5) Don't forget about grammar and punctuation
Don't assume that spelling errors won't bother your reader because they often do. Even though you might think it looks fine after proofreading, it probably isn't. Grammar mistakes tend to distract readers from getting involved with your topic and that's usually why they leave quickly. Punctuation errors are another thing entirely. These are especially prominent in longer pieces of text, which means those extra couple of minutes spent editing are worth it!
6) Stay positive
Be confident in your ability to succeed. People need reassurance that they're dealing with experts and that you have confidence in your service. No one likes to deal with uncertainty and fear, but neither do they want to work with people who constantly complain about their situation. Instead of expressing negative thoughts and emotions, focus on the positive aspects of your business. What do you offer that others don't? Why should anyone choose you over another option? Think of reasons why your services / products / company stand above the rest and talk about those instead.
What are good sales emails?
Once you know how to put together a compelling sales letter, it's now time to figure out the right format for delivering it. There are plenty of options available nowadays and depending on what kind of market you're targeting, you might decide to use multiple formats. For instance, if you're offering consulting services, you might opt to send a video demo of your services along with a link to download a PDF version. On the other hand, if you're selling physical goods, you might prefer sending pictures of the item and letting viewers know how much it costs.
Here are a few more points to consider when creating a sales email:
7) Choose a compelling title
Your title serves as the introduction to your whole message so make sure it grabs attention immediately. It shouldn't be overly promotional either; it should tell the recipient what the email contains within the first few sentences. A simple yet eye-catching headline can encourage visitors to continue reading.
8) Add value
People rarely buy things solely based on price alone. Most buyers look for added benefits such as convenience, quality, customer support, delivery times, etc. As mentioned earlier, you can always provide additional value to entice your subscribers to take action. One way to do this is by providing free bonuses with your email package. An example of this is when you ask recipients to signup for your newsletter for access to exclusive offers. Of course, you'll need to deliver on your promises otherwise it wouldn't really count as bonus material.
9) Proofread
Not every word counts when crafting a sales letter. However, it's still crucial to check for misspellings and grammatical errors. If you notice typos or missing words, fix them ASAP. Otherwise, you risk losing credibility in the eyes of your audience which is definitely not ideal.
10) Ask questions
When you start a conversation, you typically open with a question. Whether it's asking for permission to contact you or requesting feedback, you generally begin with a query. Try doing the same thing with your sales letter and see how it affects your response rate.
How do you introduce yourself in an email sale?
Now that you understand how to craft a winning sales email, it's time to hone your skills even further. Once you've finished writing your pitch, it's essential to follow up to ensure your prospects remain engaged. Below I'm going to discuss two methods you can utilize to accomplish this task effectively.
11) Follow up with a phone call
A lot of businesses rely on phone calls as part of their outreach strategy, whether it involves prospecting new leads or closing deals. While there's nothing wrong with calling people, some people have strong objections to receiving unsolicited calls. Therefore, if you plan to use this method to close deals, it's imperative to set expectations beforehand. Make sure you clearly explain to prospective clients that you won't be calling unless invited.
12) Send a handwritten note
In addition to following up via phone calls, you can also reach out to contacts using a handwritten card. Handwriting conveys sincerity and professionalism better than typed correspondence so it's a fantastic way to strengthen your connection with your target audience.
How long should a cold sales email be?
As mentioned previously, shorter is better when it comes to sales letters. Ideally, you should aim to limit your emails to 150 characters max. Anything less is likely to cause confusion amongst your readers and cause them to lose interest in what you're telling them.
On top of that, keeping your messages brief allows you to address specific problems and concerns head on. Some issues require lengthy explanations whereas others can be resolved easily with a quick reply. Either way, it's important to stay focused on addressing the issue at hand.
Remember that one size does NOT fit all when it comes to sales letters. Each industry requires its own unique style and tone. Take advantage of the variety offered by the internet and experiment until you find the perfect formula for success.