How do you write a professional sales email?
Email marketing has become one of the most important ways to build relationships with customers or prospects. It's used by businesses across all industries. Whether it be selling products online through eCommerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc., or offline in person at trade shows, events, expos, or conferences.
The question remains can you create a good sales email to send out to prospective buyers? How can you make sure they are going to read what you have written? What if you don't even know where to begin? There are many different things to consider when creating a sales email but here we'll focus on some tips and tricks to help get you started writing a solid sales letter.
How do I start a professional email template?
Before we dive into specific examples of how to write a sales email, let’s first cover how to actually go about starting one from scratch! This will give us both ideas as well as inspiration so we're ready when we jump right in.
First off, decide who you want to contact (or whom you'd like to reach out to). If this is not yet clear then use these questions to guide yourself towards finding their ideal customer profile.
Who, Where, When & Why - Who is the target market for your company/product? Where does this audience live? When would someone likely choose to buy from you? And why should they care enough to take action? These are just a few questions to ask yourself before beginning.
Now that you've decided who you'd like to connect with, set aside time to brainstorm possible topics to write about. Once you've got several topics down, narrow them down further by deciding which ones seem interesting to you personally. You could also look into popular blog posts related to your topic to see what other people think too.
Once you've narrowed down your list, create a basic outline of your message using bullet points. Here you can include any additional information such as links to resources or images to support each point. For example, maybe you mention a great article you found on Quora or a YouTube video demonstrating another feature of your product.
You may find it helpful to keep track of your progress throughout the process. Write down everything you come up with until you feel satisfied with your content. Then use those notes as inspiration during drafting phase.
Next step is to draft your initial version of your email. Be honest with yourself while doing so. Would you open this email if it were sent directly to you? Is there anything missing or unclear? Keep revising until you're happy with its quality. Always remember to remain authentic, real, human, and relatable.
As you continue to revise your email, you might find that certain sections aren't working very well. That doesn't mean you have to scrap them entirely! Try changing parts around or adding more details to make it better suited for your intended recipient.
Finally, test your email before sending it out. Before hitting "send" always check to ensure spelling errors, grammar mistakes, broken links, and incorrect formatting. Make sure you proofread thoroughly after every change you make. Use Grammarly to quickly correct common problems and save time editing your copy later.
If you still feel unsure about the email you wrote, try asking friends or family members to review it for you. They won't know everything about your business, but they can provide valuable feedback regarding whether your email style matches theirs.
Lastly, always thank recipients for taking the time to learn more about your brand. Sending a personalized note following up with a sale helps build trust between you and your client. A simple thanks goes a long way!
How do I start an email template?
Once you're done with the above steps, you're finally ready to put pen to paper. Now that you understand the basics of crafting a sales email, you should now be able to write something similar without much trouble. However, don't forget to tweak it depending on the industry you're targeting. The same principles apply regardless of type of product you're trying to promote.
For instance, if you run a fitness center, you might want to offer free classes for local residents instead of simply offering discounts. Or perhaps you specialize in dog grooming services, so you might want to talk about dogs' health benefits. Whatever niche you fall under, always stay true to yourself and your own unique personality.
Below we've included a collection of sample sales emails for various types of products. Some of them are extremely generic, others are highly customized based on our personal experience. Either way, you can easily adapt them for your own needs.
Here's a quick overview of what each email includes:
Sales Introduction Email Example Template
This sales email is designed specifically for introducing a service. It provides a brief description of what the service offers along with testimonials from previous clients.
It ends with a call-to-action encouraging users to schedule a consultation appointment.
Best Sales Email Templates [Broken URL Removed]
A collection of 10 professionally crafted templates perfect for promoting any kind of product. Each template comes complete with a header image, logo, text box, font color scheme, and background pattern.
Customer Service Email Sample
An email template developed by a customer service team to introduce themselves to visitors. All the elements are laid out neatly making it easy to customize.
Product Launch Emails Examples
These three emails showcase how to craft a launch announcement and welcome message for your product. In general, they contain the same four components: Intro paragraph, Product Image, Call To Action, and Final Paragraph.
All three templates are customizable, meaning you can alter them to fit your particular situation. Just click on the link below the image to view the instructions for modifying the template.
5 Sales Email Templates That Really Work
There are thousands of emails floating around the internet, all promising to help you boost conversions. But only a handful truly stand out amongst the rest. Below you'll find five excellent examples of sales emails that really work.
They vary in structure and layout, but all contain the essential features mentioned earlier. Take a look at each one and see if they inspire you to write your next email campaign.
1) Best Sales Email Template – An email template created by a small business owner. Although it looks fairly straightforward, the author explains exactly what makes his email successful. He uses a strong headline to grab attention and then gives detailed explanations of his product or service.
2) Product Launch Email Template – Another email template created by a user. It contains a powerful intro paragraph that introduces the sender, describes the purpose of the correspondence, and encourages readers to visit the website. After that, he lists 4 main reasons for buying his product. Finally, he closes out by suggesting a phone number and social media handles.
3) Customer Support Email Template – Created by a customer service representative. The email begins with a friendly greeting followed by a short explanation of the problem being addressed. Next, the writer offers solutions to the issue and finishes by concluding with a promise to respond within 24 hours.
4) Product Review Email Template – A template created by a blogger sharing her thoughts on a new product she recently tried. She starts off by describing the product briefly and then shares her opinions and experiences.
5) Lead Generation Email Template – A lead generation template created by a digital agency. As you can tell from the name, this email was meant to attract leads rather than current customers. It opens with a compelling subject line and then moves onto detailing the benefits of subscribing to receive regular updates.
What is a professional email example?
Professionalism isn't just limited to fancy fonts, bold colors, and creative layouts. Many professionals also incorporate a bit of creativity into their day job. Whether it's writing articles for magazines or developing catchy headlines for websites, everyone has their specialties.
In order to succeed in today's competitive marketplace, you must develop your skillset and hone your talents to be able to communicate effectively with your customers. You never know when a prospect might stumble upon your post on LinkedIn or Twitter. So having a polished email signature is crucial.
You should aim to impress your reader with your professionalism. In fact, it's almost expected nowadays. Your email should reflect your brand identity, especially since it often serves as your first impression.
So be careful when choosing your words because if you misspeak, it might turn off customers or cause confusion among colleagues. Also avoid spamming anyone with unsolicited messages. Instead, opt for targeted outreach to relevant contacts.
Remember, no matter what your goal is, you should always strive to be genuine. Being fake can ruin any relationship eventually. Don't waste your time and energy on people who treat you badly. Only invest your time and effort into building healthy connections with sincere individuals.
The first thing is to make it personal. You have to be able to relate to the person on the other side of the screen as if they were sitting right beside you. You can start by mentioning something about yourself or what interests them. It could be anything from "I love watching football" to "I'm looking forward to meeting with you".
Once you've made contact, start off warmly introducing yourself and telling them why you're contacting them. This should include some kind of value proposition - what's in it for them. Make sure you keep this simple but clear. For instance, instead of saying "my business helps people improve their finances", say "I help people achieve financial freedom." Or, rather than "we'll save you money," say "our service will save you time and energy." People like clarity when making decisions so don't try to over-complicate things.
Make sure you also tell them what problem you solve. Don't just assume they already understand everything. If you're selling software, mention that there are many different types of accounting programs out there and explain which one would suit their needs better. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for your prospect to decide whether or not to buy.
Next, talk about your approach. Tell them what you plan to offer them. And then ask them if they want to meet. Do this before asking for the sale because you want to get a sense of where they stand. Some may be interested, others might think they'd prefer to hire someone else. Either way, you need to know now.
Finally, let them know when can you meet. Asking them directly for a date and time can seem too pushy but if you give them plenty of notice, they won't feel pressured into doing business immediately. They'll usually reply within 24 hours. So after sending this message, wait 24 hours and send another one. That gives both parties ample opportunity to respond without feeling rushed.
Now onto the next section! What are the three major elements of a professional email?
1) A subject line
When writing an email, make sure you put effort into the title. It's important enough to catch attention. But most importantly, use keywords that are relevant to your topic. These words will pop up in searches.
For instance, if you're trying to promote a course about how to set up a website, the keyword phrase is probably going to be 'how to create websites'. However, if you're promoting a service such as web design, the keyword phrase is likely to be something like 'web designers' (or similar). This makes it much easier for search engines to find your email, plus it means that prospects who receive your email end up reading the exact information that you wanted them to read.
There are two ways to go here. One method involves creating the entire body of the email using keywords so that all of the text fits together nicely. Another option is to use a free tool called Buzzsumo to see what terms related to your subject matter are being used online. Then take these keywords and incorporate them into your copy.
But remember that not every word counts equally. Take advantage of long tail keywords and industry jargon. Use phrases that describe exactly what you're offering, e.g. “create a beautiful website” instead of simply “website designer”.
2) An opening paragraph
This is where you introduce the reader to your company and/or products. Think of it as the beginning of a conversation; it sets the stage. Start by telling them a little bit about yourself. Include a link to your site if possible.
Then move straight into describing what you do. Explain your services clearly and concisely. Remember to use action verbs whenever possible ("help customers", "save businesses") and avoid passive voice ("the team creates").
3) Your main argument
At this point, you're ready to present your main point. In fact, this is the part where you convince the recipient that they absolutely must do business with you.
Include testimonials, case studies, surveys, etc.. All of this shows proof that what you're promising works. Plus, it demonstrates that your expertise is backed up by real evidence.
If necessary, add links to support materials you refer to later in the email. Again, the goal is to show that you're credible, trustworthy, and experienced.
What are the 4 basic parts of a professional email?
As you might expect, there are lots of rules regarding how to compose emails. Here are a few key points worth keeping in mind.
First, always provide context. Be careful not to sound overly promotional. Instead focus on providing details that prove your credibility and authority.
Second, always check spelling and grammar. It doesn't matter if you're talking to a friend or a client. Everyone takes pride in his or her own written communication skills. Even though you're addressing hundreds of people at once, everyone still has to look good.
Third, stay away from clichés. We've all heard them before. There's nothing wrong with a cliché here and there but use sparing amounts. Otherwise, the tone of your email becomes stale quickly.
Fourth, use bullet points. Bullet points are easy to digest and are great for getting across complex ideas. Just stick to no more than 2 per list item.
And finally, never forget to thank those you're communicating with. It's a nice gesture to acknowledge their interest in what you have to say.
Now that you know what to avoid, what should you actually do when composing an email?
What are the five parts of an email in order?
1) Subject line
Again, this is crucial. Always make sure the subject line catches attention. Try to come up with catchy headlines that match the content of your message.
It goes without saying that you shouldn't spam anyone. No one likes receiving tons of junk mail so only target legitimate leads.
2) Opening paragraph
Start by giving a short description of your brand. Give background info if needed. Next, briefly outline what type of customer you serve. Finally, state what problem you solved. Keep each sentence under 100 characters. More than that looks cluttered. Less than that sounds choppy.
3) Main argument
Here's where you lay down your strongest arguments. This is also where you introduce any supporting data. Showing proof that you're capable is vital.
4) Conclusion
End by thanking them again and reiterating why they should choose you. Then invite them to contact you further.
5) Follow-up advice
After closing, leave room for follow-ups. Most buyers will want to hear back from you. Offer a convenient way to reach you via phone number or address. Also, give them a chance to ask questions.
What are the key benefits of hiring a writer to compose your sales emails?
Writing an effective sales email isn't hard. But it does require practice and dedication. When starting out, it's advisable to enlist the assistance of a freelance writer.
A freelancer provides valuable feedback and edits. He or she knows what kinds of language and structure are appropriate for various situations. Plus, he or she can help you develop a style that's consistent throughout your campaign.
Plus, having a pro on staff keeps costs low while ensuring quality control. With proper guidance, you'll get top results fast.
Can you use prewritten sales letters to succeed?
Prewriting is often recommended for cold calling campaigns. In theory, it saves you time and allows you to concentrate fully on building relationships.
However, in reality, it rarely works well. While this tactic might help you land a lead, it's unlikely to convert him or her into a paying customer. Why? Because you haven't built trust yet. Without your prospective customer knowing you personally, how can you guarantee success?
Instead, focus on developing rapport through personalized interactions. Letting your personality shine through builds trust. Plus, when done correctly, it will eventually result in a conversion.
What tips for writing a compelling sales letter do you recommend?
Keep it brief. Avoid lengthy paragraphs unless you're presenting facts and figures. Too much verbiage comes across as insincere. And remember that brevity is golden.
Use lists. Lists convey power. They allow you to pack several items into one succinct statement. For instance, instead of saying "We can help reduce your taxes" you could say "Our service cuts your tax bill by $10k annually."
Don't use adverbs unnecessarily. Adjectives are fine, but try to avoid using unnecessary ones. For example, instead of saying "I am highly qualified for this job" you could say "I possess strong qualifications."
Be friendly. Never underestimate the importance of a smile. Being friendly signals sincerity and enthusiasm. After all, nobody wants to deal with a grumpy salesman.
Writing an email can be challenging for many people. Whether it's because of the language used or simply not knowing what the right words are, there are countless reasons why we struggle with this task. And yet writing an email isn't difficult at all - it just takes practice!
In fact, I'd argue that most business owners don't have any experience in writing emails, so they end up using the same old generic messages every time which often results in them being ignored altogether. The good news though is that writing a truly successful email doesn't take much effort at all. It starts by looking at exactly what we want our message to achieve first before deciding on the content itself.
Here's everything you need to know about writing an effective email including:
What makes an email professional '?
What makes an email address professional?
How do you know if an email is professional?
What makes an email professional or casual?
1) What makes an email professional'?'
An email from someone who has clearly put some thought into their communication will always receive more attention than one where no care was taken over the details. You should aim for something like this when creating your own personalised emails too - even sending out automated emails should still contain enough detail to make sure recipients understand what action needs to be taken next. For instance, here's a sample of a welcome email sent to me as my first contact after signing up for ClickFunnels:
This email contains several elements which give it a high level of professionalism. Firstly, the subject line is clear and concise (‘Welcome to My Funnel Planner') and includes a call to action telling me what to do next ('Sign Up Now'). Also note that I'm included within the body text, further adding credibility to my account. This kind of approach gives off a sense of trustworthiness which encourages readers to open and read through the entire email.
2) What makes an email address professional'?
The way an email addresses looks also plays an important role in whether or not a reader decides to open it. One thing to consider is the use of a company name instead of an individual handle. If you're selling products online then having would look far better than Similarly, if you're trying to impress a client with your skillset then using your full name rather than your username may get you further ahead.
3) How do you know if an email is professional'?
Nowadays, anyone can create an email account and send out an unsolicited marketing campaign without ever thinking twice about it. But just because it's easy to do does not mean it's acceptable. In order to ensure that you stand out among the rest, you need to find ways to add value to your audience. Here are a few tips to help you do this:
- Include links to useful resources such as articles and videos that provide additional information on whatever topic you're covering. Many people today only skim headlines and click on links anyway, but those who actually go beyond these initial stages of reading tend to appreciate the extra effort you've gone to.
- Ask questions that require answers. This could include asking for feedback on a specific aspect of your offer or offering incentives for following through on certain actions. Be careful not to ask anything that you already know the answer to though, otherwise you'll come across as disingenuous.
4) What makes an email professional or casual'?
As mentioned above, the tone of the message will determine whether or not it gets opened. An email that comes across as friendly and informal will generally receive less response than one written professionally. However, there may be times when you need to write both types of email depending on the purpose. For instance, if you're introducing yourself via email to someone whose career you admire, you might opt for a different style of greeting than if you were contacting a friend.
5) Best practices for writing emails'.
Whether you're writing a newsletter, a social media update or a formal email, there are several things you can do to improve its chances of success. These include providing plenty of relevant context around your subject matter, ensuring that you avoid common grammar mistakes and spelling errors, keeping sentences short and simple, avoiding passive voice (where possible), and making sure that keywords appear throughout the piece.
When done correctly, writing an email shouldn't be hard. All it requires is a little bit of planning beforehand and taking the time to learn what works well and what doesn't. With the right guidance, you can easily start producing emails that are engaging, persuasive and highly targeted towards your ideal customer base.
The Sales Email Template
A good quality template will make sure that every single time you send out any kind of email, whether it's marketing related or something more personal, it has a consistent look and feel to it. The best part about using a template is that you don't have to worry about re-writing anything.
"I was able to create a very high level overview in less than five minutes" -- John, CEO, MarketingSherpa
For example, let's say I'm reaching out to someone who might want to purchase my product or service. In order to get them interested enough to take action on my offer, I would first like to build rapport and trust by sending them a personalized message.
As soon as they read the letter, they'll likely start thinking "wow...this sounds really nice!" Then after reading through some more details, they're going to think even nicer thoughts such as "so when can I buy your amazing product?" So now I've got their attention. Now I'd like to persuade them to act on me. This is where the actual sales pitch comes into play. I could then go over how much better my product/service is compared to theirs. Or maybe explain their current situation and how it would benefit from buying mine.
Here's an example of a basic sales email template (for reference purposes only):
Subject Line: [Your subject line] [Product Name]: [Your Product description] | [Company name], [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
[Personalized greeting]</p