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How do you write a sales email sequence?

How do you write a sales email sequence?

In today's digital world, there’s no such thing as ‘out of sight out of mind’ anymore. Your prospects can easily find your business if they want it – be it on social media or in search engines – but it doesn't mean they'll buy from you once they see your offer. 

You need to convince them with a strong call-to-action (CTA) before they even take any action at all, which means writing a good sales email sequence. It helps you position yourself as an authority figure who knows their stuff by presenting information about you and your company in a well thought-out manner. 

Your message will also help you improve your conversion rates, increase lead generation, and generate more leads for future campaigns. So how do you go about creating one? Here we break down everything you need to know about writing effective emails.

First things first: What is an email sequence?

An email sequence is anything related to sending multiple messages to a prospect over time. Some people use this term interchangeably with drip marketing, although technically, email marketing falls under the umbrella of drip marketing too. In short, email sequences help us nurture our customers into becoming loyal advocates of our brand. They're meant to keep building trust between you and your audience until finally, when the right moment comes, you ask someone to purchase something.

There are many different types of email sequences available online depending upon where you look for these. You could use a simple autoresponder service like MailChimp or AWeber to send regular newsletters to your subscribers, or opt for a CRM tool like HubSpot or Infusionsoft to automate your entire customer lifecycle. These tools have built-in email sequences that work just fine if you don't plan to build your own from scratch.

But if you really want to dive deep into customizing your emails according to what works best for your business, then you should consider using a platform like, SalesHandy, Active Campaign, or Yesware. Each has its unique set of features and integrations, so let's explore each option and understand how you can use them to craft an effective email sequence.

How do you write a sales sequence email?

Before we move ahead, I would suggest reading through some other articles written by me explaining why email automation is important for businesses. Before diving deeper into email automation, however, take note of the following points:

If you aren't getting enough conversions with your current campaign, you may not be targeting your audience correctly. Consider testing new segments and audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, etc., to boost your ROI.

If you are already seeing positive results with your existing campaigns, then you might focus on improving your CTA instead. This section will explain exactly how you can optimize your CTAs to convert more leads.

Once you've decided whether to test an entirely new segment or tweak your old ones, now comes the fun part! Let’s start off by taking a look at some popular ways to write a sales email sequence.

1. Use a prewritten email sequence template

Prewritten email sequence templates are ideal if you want to save time while still staying organized. There are several platforms that provide free templates designed specifically for B2B marketers. One example is, another is SalesHandy.

Here are a few tips to remember when choosing a template:

Pick a template that suits your industry, product line, or niche market most closely. If you sell products that require technical expertise, pick a template that includes step-by-step instructions. Also, ensure the template uses language that matches your target audience. For instance, if your potential buyers belong to Generation Z, choose a template that speaks directly to millennials.

Choose a template that offers plenty of customization options. Make sure you can add images, links, videos, and buttons anywhere within the body text. The same goes for the footer area -- make sure you can include calls-to-actions, testimonials, pricing tables, and much more.

Always check the privacy policy of the website hosting your prewritten email sequence template. Most companies allow you to edit your content after signing up, so always double-check if the content is yours alone or shared with anyone else.

Finally, read reviews left by previous users to gauge the quality of the template. If possible, try contacting those reviewers to find out what went wrong with their experience.

2. Write a list of questions & answers

This method requires you to put together a series of questions and answer them accordingly. Once you draft this collection, you can either send it via email or post it to your blog. If you decide to share it publicly, make sure you link back to your original source material.

3. Create a checklist

Checklists are great because you only need to fill in the blanks and attach documents that support your claims. But since this type of email sequence isn't very interactive, you won't receive much feedback from your readers. Still, checklists are useful in helping you organize your thoughts better and come up with a better pitch.

4. Build your own email sequence

The last option would involve writing a full-fledged email script from scratch. This approach takes longer than the others mentioned above, but it allows you complete control over every aspect of the process including design, copywriting, and delivery. However, this is definitely not recommended unless you are experienced at crafting high-converting email scripts.

What are sales sequence?

It's easy to think that email sequences refer solely to automated emails sent out daily or weekly without human intervention. But this couldn't be further away from reality. Email sequences are a carefully crafted combination of various elements that tell your audience a story and persuade them to act.

Let's take a closer look at three key components of a successful email sequence.

1. Call-to-Action

Call-to-action (CTA) is one of the most crucial parts of any email sequence. Without it, nobody will bother clicking on your links or opening your attachments. To maximize your chances of converting, you must create a compelling CTA that clearly explains what your reader needs to do next and how he/she benefits from doing so.

Examples of powerful CTAs include "Download Now" or "Learn More". When you insert a CTA into your email, you give the recipient a reason to click on it and follow your link. If you fail to do this properly, your recipients will simply delete your email without giving it a second glance.

2. Value proposition

Value propositions are the main reasons behind why a person buys whatever it is they end up buying. Whether it's books or cars, everyone wants value for his money. So, in order to hook your readers, you need to show them how your product stacks up against similar alternatives.

For example, if you sell shoes online, you'd probably mention the comfort factor along with the price and shipping cost. Similarly, if you run a dental practice, you'd probably talk about hygiene, safety, and overall health care.

Just imagine how much easier it would have been for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to convince early investors that he knew what he was talking about if he had provided a detailed breakdown of how his services compared to AOL's offerings. By providing real data backed by facts, he managed to successfully sway the opinion of skeptical investors.

So, it's vital that you present your product as being superior to the competition. Don't rely on generic statements like "our product is better", "we offer greater convenience", or "our prices are lower." Instead, compare yourself to your competitors head-to-head and prove your point with solid statistics.

3. Proofread & proofed

Proofreading and editing play an equally important role when drafting an email sequence. Even though your email is supposed to sound professional, mistakes happen sometimes. And no matter how hard you try to avoid making spelling and grammatical errors, there's nothing you can do about them.

Therefore, it's advisable to hire a freelancer to review your document and catch any obvious spelling or grammar issues. At the least, you can do a quick spell check and grammar check before publishing.

Also, whenever you publish an article online, never forget to proofread your work thoroughly. Mistakes aren't going to kill anybody, but they certainly don't inspire confidence in your readers. Always strive to deliver flawless content.

How do you make a sales sequence?

When it comes to designing a proper email sequence, there are two major factors to keep in mind. First, you need to identify your buyer persona and develop a customized strategy tailored towards him. Second, you need to build a convincing case for your product.

These two aspects should complement each other perfectly, otherwise your efforts will fall flat on their face. That said, here are five steps you can follow to create a killer email sequence:

Identify a specific problem faced by your target audience. Then brainstorm solutions to solve that problem. Next, define the advantages of your solution and demonstrate how it solves the issue. Finally, wrap it all up with a clear CTA that convinces your audience to open your email.

A sales email sequence can help your business build rapport with potential customers or clients before they have met face-to-face. It also helps you qualify prospects so you know who is ready for a sale, rather than wasting time on people who aren't interested in buying from you.

If you are looking for some inspiration as to how to write the perfect email sequence, then this article will give you all of the information you need about creating emails that convert into sales leads. We'll look at the different types of email sequences available, how many to use, when to use them, and more importantly we'll show you exactly how to write one yourself! So let's begin...

What is the sequence to send an email?

The first thing to understand about writing any type of email is how it works. Emails work by being sent through a series of steps which each have their own purpose. These include:

1) The opening sentence - This is where you introduce yourself, tell the reader why they would benefit from reading further (or not), and set up expectations for the rest of the email. In other words, if your goal was to sell something, then you'd want this section to contain details about the product/service you're offering along with why someone might buy it. If you were trying to generate interest in a service, then you could mention any additional services provided by your company or industry leaders, or even offer free trials to entice readers to find out more.

2) A call-to action - This is where you ask the recipient to take specific actions (e.g., visit website xyz for more info). This may sound obvious but there are times when you don't always think about whether to include CTA buttons in your emails or not. For instance, if you wanted to encourage readers to schedule a meeting with you, then you wouldn't put a button asking them to click "call now" because most likely they won't take you seriously until you've established trust between you both. You would instead suggest they contact you via phone, Skype, etc.

3) Content - This is where you provide relevant content related to your initial message. Think back to our example above, if I told you I had been working on my book for years, but hadn't gotten around to publishing yet, you'd probably assume I wasn't very good at marketing myself. But if I said my publisher has agreed to publish my book in 2018 and I'm currently finishing off the last edits, you might feel differently. Your email needs to contain enough information to make sure your audience realizes you're credible. And remember, just because you haven't published anything doesn't mean your subject matter isn't interesting -- you can still share useful tips, advice, research findings, and so forth.

4) Closing paragraph - Here you summarize everything you've discussed previously, giving recipients everything they need to decide whether to act upon your suggestions. Use strong language like "I hope you agree", "I believe this will be beneficial to you," etc. Remember, you only have a few seconds to grab attention, so keep the tone simple while conveying important points.

5) Signature block - Finally, you place your name and logo where it belongs -- near the bottom of the email for easy recognition. You can either sign the entire email using your signature block or simply add your name after every point made throughout the body text. Just make sure whatever you choose makes sense for your brand.

6) Email footer - This is usually filled with disclaimers such as "This email is confidential and intended solely for the person(s) named above." Make sure you remove these once you've finished editing the email. Otherwise, they might appear to recipients that you didn't actually intend to send the email to anyone else.

7) Send confirmation link - When you hit send, you'll receive a confirmation link in your inbox. Use this link to check whether your email was received correctly or not. Sometimes spam filters prevent emails from reaching your target audience, so don't forget to double-check that nothing went wrong during the process.

8) Tracking data - Once you've received responses, you'll see stats regarding open rates, clicks, bounces, conversions, etc. Take note of these figures so you can measure future success.

So far we've covered just the basics of how an email works. Now let's discuss how to write the perfect email sequence.

How do you write a killer email sequence?

There are two main ways to approach writing an effective email sequence. First, you can follow the structure outlined above, though admittedly it does require quite a bit of effort to come up with ideas on your own. Or second, you can copy successful ones created by others and adapt them to suit your own style. Either way, you should try to avoid sending too much information at once since that can cause confusion among buyers. Instead focus on providing solid evidence that you're worth listening to.

Here are four tried-and-tested methods for creating a great email sequence:

Use sales handouts

One method involves printing out several pages full of helpful resources like brochures, articles, reports, testimonials, case studies, white papers, etc. Then you distribute those to interested parties. The idea behind doing this is that if you present your material in bite-sized chunks, then recipients will appreciate its value without feeling overwhelmed.

Send a welcome letter

You can also opt for a welcome letter instead of handing out printed copies of your materials. Similar to a handout, this allows you to quickly and easily deliver valuable information to everyone within your organization. However, unlike a handout, a welcome letter introduces the primary benefits associated with joining your team. Plus it gives you the opportunity to invite recipients to view your products online, download whitepapers and ebooks, attend webinars, request demos, etc.

Create a video intro

Another option is to shoot a short introductory video explaining your goals and answering questions like "Why did you start X?" or "Who would benefit from Y?". While videos tend to be less effective than written communications, they can serve as excellent icebreakers and help you establish credibility right away.

Offer incentives

Lastly, consider including rewards or incentives in your email. Perhaps you can offer early access to certain events, discounts on products, gift cards, or exclusive deals for signing up. Again, these perks shouldn't overshadow the overall message, but they can certainly sweeten the deal for those who respond positively.

How do you write a email sequence that converts?

It goes without saying that the key factor determining whether an email sequence converts to sales is having quality content. After all, if you're going to spend money on advertising, then you better expect results. If you want to boost sales, you must ensure that your emails are well-written, informative, and engaging. As mentioned earlier, the ideal length for a sales email depends on the nature of your product or service. Try to stay below 500 words unless otherwise specified.

When to use email sequences?

Email sequences are best used for prospecting purposes -- especially if you're targeting B2B companies. They allow you to connect with new contacts over multiple channels: social media, websites, apps, etc. This means that you can reach the same audiences from various angles, making it easier for them to recognize you. Additionally, you can track the progress of individual campaigns, allowing you to determine their effectiveness based on the number of opens and replies.

But wait... How long should email sequences be?

As with any form of communication, the optimal amount of time varies depending on the situation. Ideally, you should aim to craft emails that answer three basic questions: Who am I talking to? What do I want them to do? Why should they care? Keep in mind that the shorter the length, the higher the chance that recipients will lose interest, so plan accordingly.

For B2C businesses, you might consider crafting longer emails containing 3-10 paragraphs of content. On average, an email typically contains anywhere from 2-20 sentences. Businesses selling software, technology solutions, or professional services often send emails that range from 5-60 lines. Meanwhile, B2B brands should stick to 1-15 paragraphs.

Finally, remember that there are no hard rules regarding the lengths of email sequences. Each market tends to prefer particular styles, formats, and lengths, so experiment with different options to figure out what works best for you. Also bear in mind that there are countless variables affecting the effectiveness of your campaign, so test, tweak, and repeat until you achieve the desired result. Good luck!

Want to read more about email marketing strategies? Check out our guide on the top 7 email marketing mistakes you’re making & how to fix them.

An email sequence is a series of emails designed to build interest in your product or service. It can also help increase signups for webinars, subscriptions, etc.

A good sales email sequence will include all the elements needed to make someone want to buy from you, such as offering value, creating urgency with scarcity, getting them excited about the benefits they'll receive, and so on. The most important part of this process is using language that's natural and relatable to people who are interested in buying your products and services.

In other words, it helps if you're not only writing copy but talking like a human being. It makes sense -- if you've been selling online since before social media was even a thing (if ever), then you know how difficult it is to sell without sounding robotic. You need to find ways to talk to customers in their own terms.

Here are some tips on how to craft a successful sales email sequence based on our experience working with HubSpot clients around the world.

How do you do a sales sequence?

The key ingredients for any great sales email sequence are:

- A compelling offer

- A clear call to action

- Relevant content

- Personalization

For example, let's say you have an ecommerce site where you sell clothing items. In one of your sales email sequences, you might send out a follow up after making a purchase asking whether they'd still like to receive special offers. Or maybe you ask them to check back next week because there's something new coming down the pipeline! There's no reason why these could't fit into a single sales email sequence. They both serve the same purpose.

You may start by including details about the item itself, followed by information about its features/benefits, and end with a personalized thank you note. This works well when you don't have much else going on in your business right now. But if you're launching a new offering, or doing anything big at the moment, consider breaking each section off into separate emails. For instance, instead of sending two messages about the shirt you just sold, send out four more emails over several weeks. And yes, I'm assuming you already have a list of subscribers to whom you sent regular updates throughout the year...

If you're looking to drive traffic and generate leads through Facebook ads, you'll likely see the highest ROI when you use split testing to test different ad variations against multiple audiences, rather than targeting specific demographics.  This allows you to be flexible in your strategy while maximizing your budget. If you're unsure which audience to target, try bidding higher amounts per click.

What does sequence mean in sales?

Sequence means "a line of work or activity arranged according to order." You can think of it as the flow of steps in a sale. So in this case, we would break up the process into smaller pieces, each of which has a step or goal. Each piece fits together to form the whole picture. Here's an example of how this plays out:

1) Offer X (product or service) - Make sure you have enough inventory to fulfill customer orders. Send out an initial email inviting potential buyers to visit your website. Include links to pages where they can learn more about your offerings. Use autoresponders to keep track of those who click through.

2) Invite Interest - After receiving clicks, look over the data and determine which visitors are more likely to convert. Then reach out via phone or email to invite them to take further action. These are usually qualified leads who haven't yet made a decision. Ask them questions to uncover what stage they're at in the buying cycle. Remember, you want to move them forward toward making a decision.

3) Buy Now - Once you identify prospects who are ready to buy, set up a time frame for delivery. Depending on your industry, this could range between 30 days to 60+ days. Keep in mind that timing matters. Studies show that shoppers tend to respond better to promotional emails during holiday periods. That said, you can always send out another message later on if you miss the mark.

4) Follow Up & Repeat - When your lead completes the transaction, send out a few additional reminders about shipping times, payment options, etc. Don't forget to update your database with their name, address, credit card info, etc. Also, be sure to include a link in every communication reminding them to continue shopping with you.

5) Thank Them Again - Let them know again how happy you were to assist them and express gratitude for choosing your brand.

6) Followup Reminders - Every once in a while, send out a reminder to remind your client about upcoming purchases or events. Your goal is to stay top of mind until they remember to come back and shop with you.

7) Closeout Email - At the very last possible opportunity, you can close the deal. Be brief and direct in outlining everything they must complete to finalize the sale. This way you avoid having to go back and forth unnecessarily.

8) Report Results - Share results publicly to encourage others to join your mailing list.

How long should a sales sequence be?

There isn't really a hard rule to follow when it comes to length. Just bear in mind that longer sales sequences often perform better than shorter ones. However, if you're starting from scratch, it doesn't hurt to begin with a short email campaign. You can gradually ramp things up as you gain traction with your marketing efforts.

As far as frequency goes, it depends on your goals. If you're trying to boost revenue, you probably won't want to send out too many emails per day. Instead, focus on consistency, especially when it comes to delivering valuable content (newsletters, blog posts, etc). As long as you're building a relationship with your subscribers, it shouldn't matter how frequently you hit 'em up.

What is the first role in the sales sequence?

When crafting your sales email sequence, you should always start with the person. Your objective is to capture their attention and win their trust. To accomplish that, you have to put yourself in their shoes and understand what they're thinking and feeling. From there, you can connect with them on common ground and move them along towards becoming a paying customer.

To ensure success, you have to be authentic. People hate spammy pitches and will unsubscribe immediately. Instead, strive to become genuinely helpful and share useful insights that relate directly to their lives.

For example, let's say you run a health clinic. One of the problems you encounter is patients' lack of motivation. Some of them simply aren't willing to change their behavior despite knowing the risks involved. Others feel overwhelmed and simply don't know where to turn.

Your job is to motivate them. Not only do you tell them exactly how bad their current situation is, but you also give them hope for a brighter future. By showing empathy, you demonstrate that you truly care about helping people improve their quality of life.

Of course, this approach requires careful planning. You can't expect to solve everyone's problem overnight. Start small and build slowly. Focus on providing value above all else. Give away freebies. Create infographics. Do whatever you need to do to earn their trust.

And finally, never underestimate the power of personalization. Even though you're pitching a generic product or service, you can still customize the messaging to resonate personally with individuals.

Just imagine the difference it would make if you used your subscriber database to segment people into groups based on age, income level, interests, location, gender, education, occupation, hobbies, etc. This way, you could tailor your offers specifically to meet individual needs.

Finally, make sure to provide ample resources for support. Always leave users with easy access to FAQs, videos, articles, and more. The more relevant information you include, the more likely people are to engage with you.

By following these simple guidelines, you'll soon discover that creating effective email campaigns is surprisingly straightforward. But if you struggle to figure out how to get started, don't worry. We've got plenty of free tools available that allow you to easily design and launch email sequences within minutes.



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