How many lines should a cold email be?
In this article we're going to look at the various aspects of creating effective and professional cold emails. Cold emails are those sent out by salespeople or marketing teams without prior contact with their recipients. They can come in two forms – formal or informal. Formal cold emails follow strict guidelines as to word count and format (see below for more information). Informal cold emails tend not to have any pre-written templates but instead rely on creativity and originality to make them stand out from other similar messages being sent around.
Cold emails are often used to introduce yourself to new prospects. The aim here is to create interest in your company and product so they will want to consider buying something from you. This is also known as lead generation. There’s no reason why cold emails need to be short. In fact, there's plenty of evidence showing that longer ones do better than shorter ones when it comes to generating results. But how long should a cold email be exactly? Let's find out.
How long should cold emails be?
A good rule of thumb is that if you're writing an email to someone who has never heard about you before then your message needs to include enough detail that they understand what your business does and what problem it solves. You don't need to go into great depth, but you'll probably need to mention some benefits. If you’re selling a physical product then you might talk about the features and specifications. For digital products like apps or software, you could give examples of customers using the product.
There is one exception though - if you know that your prospect uses MailChimp, LeaseList or another third party CRM system then you may only need to briefly describe the functionality rather than providing step-by-step instructions.
When sending formal cold emails remember to use a template that includes all relevant details such as name, job title, position within the organization etc. Use these details to personalize each email. It's important to ensure that the recipient knows where you fit into the hierarchy of the company/organization. A common mistake is to omit this info. Don't forget to sign off with your full name and department head e.g "From: Joe Bloggs" and "Sent: Monday, June 26th, 2019 8:45am".
It’s vital that you keep track of which people respond to your emails. When you receive a positive response, you can ask them to provide feedback regarding what worked well and what didn't. Remember that you won't always hear back straight away but sometimes weeks later. Keep copies of all replies saved in case you ever need to reference them again.
If you haven’t received a reply after 10 days, it's time to reevaluate your approach and see whether you need to change anything. As mentioned above, longer emails tend to perform better. However, if you’ve been sending cold emails over several months and still haven’t had a single response, you may need to think about revising your strategy.
Don't write too much copy in your first email because that would just bore the reader. Your goal is to capture attention quickly while giving the impression that you care.
Do long cold emails work?
The thing to bear in mind about cold emails is that most companies now utilize automated systems to handle incoming correspondence. These machines scan every piece of communication coming through to determine if it matches certain criteria including sender, subject line and body content.
This makes it very difficult for a human to catch everything. That said, there are ways to increase your chances of success. One way to boost your response rate is to add value to the initial email – tell potential clients that you offer free trials or discounts for early adopters.
Another trick is to attach supporting documentation to your cold email. By doing this, you show your readers that you put thought into your message.
Lastly, try targeting different groups of people within your target audience. For example, if you're looking to sell to CEOs, senior executives and CFOs then you should craft separate communications aimed specifically at each group.
What is the optimal email length?
Many experts agree that email length shouldn't exceed 200 words. Anything less doesn't allow sufficient space to convey the essence of the message effectively. To help you decide how long to make your cold email, simply take note of the number of times you read an average blog post online. Then divide this figure by three. This gives you the approximate amount of words per page. Now multiply this number by five. If your cold email exceeds this total number of words, then it's likely to be too lengthy and therefore ineffective.
As far as actual numbers go, studies suggest that the ideal length for email is between 150 – 250 words. Some marketers say that 300 words works best, while others opt for 400. Whichever number you choose, stick to it!
For further reading check out our guide to crafting compelling cold emails.
How many cold emails should you send?
With regards to quantity, it depends entirely upon the nature of your relationship with your contacts and industry. If you've already built up a rapport with someone, then you can send fewer cold emails. On the other hand, if you're trying to build relationships with strangers, then you'll need to send quite a few emails.
But how many should you send overall? Well, it really varies depending on your goals. If you want to generate leads, then you should ideally send between 20 – 50 emails in order to maximize exposure. If you want to nurture existing relationships, then you should focus on sending 5 – 15 emails.
Finally, if you'd like to grow your list rather than building relationships, then you should strive to send 100+ emails per month. Ideally, you'll want to split your list into smaller segments based on geographic location and demographic data. Each segment should contain roughly equal amounts of men and women, young adults aged 18–24 years old and older adults aged 25+ years old.
We hope this article was helpful. Thanks for reading and happy cold emailing!
We all know to keep our emails short and sweet when we're sending them out to prospects or customers. But just how long can one email really be before it starts getting annoying? Is there such thing as too much information in a single email?
When I was working at MailChimp (a company which will appear on this list multiple times) I used to send out hundreds of emails every day, so I had plenty of experience answering these questions. Here are some tips about keeping your emails entertaining but not obnoxious.
How long is too long for a marketing email?
If you think of a Cold Email as a sales pitch or prospecting letter, then you might want to follow the same rules as you would for any other type of sales-related correspondence. In general, if you’re trying to sell something, you shouldn't go over three paragraphs unless you have a very compelling reason to do otherwise.
For example, if you were writing a newsletter article where you wanted to provide readers with useful tips for using software X, you wouldn’t write more than two sentences explaining why they should use software X. You could even break up those sentences into bullet points if necessary to make sure everyone understands exactly what you’re talking about. However, if you’ve already written 10 pages of content about software X, don’t feel compelled to include another paragraph describing its benefits. If you need to write extra copy because you’re selling a product or service, you probably aren’t going to convert anyone who reads your whole email anyway.
So, while it may seem tempting to put in everything you possibly can related to your subject matter, resist the urge. Keep things simple! The only people who are likely to read beyond the first few sentences of your email are people who already care enough about what you say that they’ll actually open the rest of your message. And if you’re using email to reach new prospects, chances are you won’t find many of them willing to take the time to read through 30 words of “welcome” copy. Just stick to one or two main ideas per paragraph, and you'll avoid wasting valuable space unnecessarily.
What is the typical length of an email?
As far as the average size of a cold email goes, the best way to figure out what's normal is simply by looking around. There are lots of different ways to measure email volume, but most of them focus on the number of recipients instead of the actual length of each individual email. For instance, some companies like to report their daily subscriber growth based upon the total number of subscribers they received during the previous 24 hours. Others track the number of unique addresses they receive from various sources.
The problem with metrics like this is that they often vary widely depending on whether you’re dealing with a small business owner whose name appears in a local directory versus a major corporation with thousands of employees across dozens of countries. Both of these groups may well end up receiving tens of thousands of messages from marketers every year, but the number of emails sent directly to individuals varies wildly between cases. To give you an idea of what I mean, here are four examples of email volumes from my own inbox.
My personal Gmail account currently has 1,872 active users. This includes both me and my girlfriend, but also our parents and siblings whom we occasionally communicate with via instant messaging. All told, we send out roughly 500 emails a week, so that’s a pretty good indicator of how many emails we usually get.
Next, I have a work-provided gmail address shared among several hundred colleagues. While none of us are actively involved in managing the accounts themselves, we still receive quite a bit of mail. On average, we send out 200 monthly newsletters, plus updates from our corporate social media channels. That’s about 6,000 emails each month alone.
Finally, I use a special Google domain called, which I set up specifically to manage our family’s accounts. It allows me to easily see all the activity happening inside my household without having to look back through years of archived email threads. Each morning I check my inbox to ensure nothing important slipped past me, and sometimes I even respond personally to certain types of messages. As a result, I routinely receive anywhere from 50 to 100 emails from everyday, making it one of the heaviest workloads I have outside of work.
While these numbers are obviously extremely high compared to the norm, they illustrate how large a range there can be within any given group of receivers. Some businesses may receive 20 million emails annually, while others may receive less than ten thousand, yet both scenarios would fall under the category of "too many."
How long is too long for an email?
This question gets tricky since no one knows exactly how many people will ever bother reading your entire email. For this reason, you’ll almost always want to err on the side of caution and limit yourself to fewer than five paragraphs whenever possible. After all, nobody wants to read a full page of text when they could be focused on doing something else entirely.
If you absolutely must include longer blocks of text in your emails, try limiting yourself to one or two key points per paragraph. Otherwise, consider breaking up your lengthy messages into shorter sections to help your audience digest it faster.
Keep in mind that the exact amount of text required depends on how interested your reader is in your topic. If you’re reaching out to someone who doesn’t share your interest, you may want to cut down on the length of your message altogether. People tend to skim headlines online, after all, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to convince them to stop scrolling once they’ve started. Similarly, if you’re targeting people who don’t have any particular connection to your industry, it may be better to save them a little bandwidth and offer a brief introduction rather than fill them in on every detail of your career.
You can also test the limits of acceptable length by checking out statistics provided by different services like Mailchimp or Aweber. These programs allow you to monitor the length of your emails and display a percentage value showing how close you come to falling below whatever threshold they choose. Once again though, these figures should serve as a rough guideline only, since they reflect averages taken from millions of messages sent throughout history.
What is considered too long for an email?
There are a lot of factors that play into determining the right length of an email, including the nature of your relationship with the person you’re contacting. If you’re asking permission to speak with them for the first time, you’d definitely want to keep it relatively short. Likewise, if you’re approaching someone who frequently communicates with you in real life, you probably wouldn’t want to waste precious minutes typing up a whole speech about how great you are.
In addition, you should consider the kind of content being discussed in your email. If you’re sharing a link to a blog post or a YouTube video, you may want to shorten the headline so that readers can quickly scan over the relevant section of text. At the same time, if you’re providing instructions on how to perform a specific task, you may want to leave out unnecessary details that are irrelevant to the majority of potential buyers.
Lastly, you should remember that the ideal length of an email will depend heavily upon the context surrounding it. If you’re offering advice or suggestions relating to a niche hobby, you should probably tailor your email accordingly. If you’re trying to promote a specific product or service, however, you may want to keep your message a little broader in scope. Regardless of the situation, you should always aim to stay true to the basic principle that brevity is the soul of wit.
A good cold email will often need to include some form of introduction or call-to-action (CTA) at the beginning. This can help your audience know who they're addressing and what it's about before diving into the body of the message itself. However, just like any other aspect of content creation for business purposes, there are guidelines and best practices to follow when creating these first few sentences. In this article we'll look at exactly how much space those initial words should take up.
In order to make sure you write the perfect opening line, there’s a bit more to think about than simply writing as many characters as possible. You also have to consider things such as grammar, spelling, punctuation and even sentence structure. If you don't pay attention to all of this, then no one else will either! Luckily, however, there are rules which provide guidance on how to tackle each of these aspects, so here we go...
How many lines should an email be?
The number of lines varies from person to person but generally speaking, the average length of an autoresponder email is around 100 - 150 characters. The reason why people use autoresponders over regular mail is because they allow them to send out hundreds of messages per day without having to spend too much time editing their own copy. It's important to remember that not everyone has access to a high-quality autoresponder service though, so if you want to keep your inboxes full, you may have to cut down on your word count.
However, while shorter is better, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to include every single detail you possibly can within your subject line. As discussed earlier, it's essential to grab someone’s attention right away by using something interesting and compelling, whether it be through humor, suspense or anything else. The key thing to remember is that it's only ever worth sending a cold email if you genuinely believe your product / service / whatever is going to benefit the recipient enough to warrant spending three seconds of their time reading yours. That being said, if you do feel confident in your offering, then there's nothing wrong with including plenty of information in your introductory paragraph.
If you're looking to create an effective opener, then you might find yourself thinking "how long should I write?" Again, this depends entirely upon the type of offer you're making. For example, if you were selling a physical product, you would likely have to cover everything from safety instructions to delivery details. On the flipside, if you were asking for free advice from another professional, you could probably keep it quite brief since you wouldn't expect everyone to read through your entire pitch. Of course, it always pays to test different lengths against one another and see which ones receive the most positive feedback.
While a lot of people say that the best way to approach cold emailing is to stick to personal anecdotes, studies show otherwise. These findings indicate that most people actually prefer receiving information via formal letters rather than informal communications. Therefore, if you want to stand out amongst the crowd, you should avoid trying to sound friendly and open up instead. Instead, focus on providing useful facts and figures. Try to stay objective and factual throughout your whole email. After all, nobody wants to hear a salesperson talking about themselves, especially after they've already agreed to buy something!
It's also worth noting that certain companies tend to favor longer introductions whereas others are happy to work with a short version of the same idea, depending on their preferred style. For instance, LinkedIn tends to favour lengthy and well thought-out pitches while Facebook prefers to give its users concise updates. It's therefore vital to ensure that your email fits in perfectly with whichever company you choose to target.
So now you know exactly how many lines you should add to your email, but how long should those lines be? Well, again, it depends completely on the nature of your business. If you run a law firm, you'd obviously want to pack as much information as possible into your intro, whereas if you were running a restaurant, you wouldn't necessarily need to mention where you operate or what kind of products you serve.
Instead, you should tailor your email according to what your customers seem interested in hearing about. If you're unsure of what to talk about, ask yourself questions such as “what does my customer care about? What problems do they face? How can I solve them?” Once you understand what matters to your prospects, you'll be able to communicate accordingly.
How long should lines be in an email?
Once you've decided on a suitable length for your introduction, you'll have to decide how long you need to list your CTA. There really isn't a standard length that works across the board, although the majority of marketers will agree that it needs to be somewhere between 3 - 6 points. The main issue with sticking to this rule, however, is that it makes it harder to grab anyone's interest straightaway.
For example, if you had six lines to fill in your email, it would require your reader to scroll down past five empty paragraphs before finding the actual point of your story. While this may appeal to some readers, others will become overwhelmed by just the sheer volume of text alone. It's therefore recommended that you split up your CTAs into multiple sections. Make sure that you link your first two lines back to your original introduction and then continue to elaborate on the rest of your message. By doing this, it allows your potential buyer to skip ahead easily until they reach the part of your email that interests them the most.
Similarly, you may wish to separate your CTA from the rest of your email by adding a bold heading above it. When you do this, you'll make it easier for your prospect to identify and locate the section that you're referring to. Plus, you can use the space underneath to share relevant links to additional resources or further information.
You may also notice that lots of businesses tend to place their calls-to-action (CTAs) at the very end of their emails. Although this method seems to work for some people, it rarely produces great results. This is mainly due to the fact that people usually scan emails from top to bottom. They will therefore assume that the last words they read contain the most pertinent information. Not only is this assumption incorrect, but it also prevents them from taking action.
This problem can be solved by placing your CTA closer to the beginning of your letter. Your email will then appear less intimidating to your recipients. A final tip is that you should aim to keep your CTA under 50% of your total word count. Remember, your goal here is to encourage your reader to click onto your website or phone number immediately. Anything else will only push them off.
Finally, it's worth remembering that the size of your font directly affects the amount of legible white space left in your email. If you opt for large fonts, then you won't have room for extra spaces, headers and footers. As a result, it's highly advisable that you stick to smaller fonts whenever possible.
How big should email be?
When it comes to crafting your email, keeping track of both length and width is important. Too small of a document will force your viewer to scroll horizontally, causing them to lose sight of the overall flow and meaning behind your message. Conversely, if you leave too much whitespace available, your reader will quickly lose patience and move on.
To combat this problem, you should ensure that your email contains a clear hierarchy. At the highest level, you should introduce your product/service/whatever and then proceed to explain the benefits offered by it. To achieve this effect, you should begin by breaking up your introduction with subheadings. Each of these headings must relate to one another in a logical fashion. Then, once you've reached the second tier, you should break apart your subheads into smaller chunks. Finally, you should repeat this process until you arrive at your final headline.
Remember that your email needs to be easy to navigate. People have busy lives, so it's imperative that they can skim through your content rather than wade through pages upon pages of dense text. Fortunately, this is pretty simple thanks to modern design tools such as MailChimp. With a little assistance from your HTML editor, you can customize your template to suit your individual preferences.
Additionally, you should always check that your email appears correctly on mobile devices. Some services automatically adjust the layout based upon screen resolution, but if you experience issues, you should contact your provider to resolve the matter.
What is the ideal length of a marketing email?
Despite the importance of following proper etiquette when composing cold emails, it's still crucial for you to remain consistent with your brand identity. Don't forget to use industry specific terminology and speak in a conversational tone. Also, remember to put yourself in your prospective client's shoes and imagine how they would respond to your message. Doing this will enable you to craft emails which resonate with your audience. Above all, never underestimate the power of repetition.