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How to prospect new clients on LinkedIn?

How to prospect new clients on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has more than 200 million users worldwide. This social media network offers professionals like entrepreneurs, executives, salespeople, developers, marketers, etc., a perfect place where they could not only find job opportunities but also know about their competitors' activities. These people use LinkedIn as a powerful tool for networking with others who share similar interests or goals.

If we talk about business owners, then it's obvious that one of your priorities should be growing your client base. The first thing to do when starting a company is finding interested buyers. And there is no better way than using LinkedIn. In fact, if you want to make sure that you will get access to high-quality leads from all over the world, then LinkedIn is a must. It allows you to reach thousands of prospective clients directly through its huge database. Here are some tips on how to start building a strong relationship with them via LinkedIn.

What are the 5 steps in a effective prospecting plan?

When it comes to making connections on LinkedIn, having a solid strategy is crucial. You need to ensure that you'll receive a response whenever you send a message. Otherwise, your efforts become futile. When developing your LinkedIn marketing strategies, don't forget to keep these five things in mind:

Identify your target audience: If you're just getting started, choose a niche market that you wish to focus on. Your goal is to increase engagement among other members so that they would eventually begin asking questions related to what you offer.

Craft the right content: Content is king! Make sure that your messages contain valuable information that appeals to your prospects. Also, include links back to your website.

Send personalized emails: As soon as someone opens your email, follow up with another email containing useful information. That way, you won't lose any opportunity to convert your lead into a paying customer.

Connect with influencers: Influencer Marketing refers to engaging with individuals (like celebrities) who can influence others towards buying products/services offered by companies. However, before reaching out to influencers, try connecting with bloggers, journalists, authors, speakers, experts, etc., whose followers have been found online. Through targeted interactions, you might be able to attract even bigger audiences.

Track your results: Once you've got enough data regarding the number of views, clicks, shares, likes, comments, etc., you can start analyzing your campaigns' performance. With time, you'll learn which types of messaging work best for your brand.

What is the best prospecting method?

Nowadays, everyone knows that cold calling isn't the best approach for generating qualified leads. But at the same time, many small businesses still prefer to send emails to all kinds of contacts. On top of that, sending bulk emails may result in spam complaints. So how does LinkedIn help you overcome those challenges?

The answer is simple—social media automation tools. There are numerous software applications designed specifically to automate your social media posts. They allow you to schedule updates across various platforms and track conversations. For example, Buffer automates Facebook and Twitter posting while Hootsuite handles both Instagram and Pinterest. While such solutions sound complex, they provide plenty of benefits and save lots of time. Using automated solutions lets you stay focused on running your business instead of wasting hours doing repetitive tasks.

Another great tip is to connect your preferred CRM system with LinkedIn. By integrating LinkedIn with Salesforce, Zoho, Freshworks, InfusionSoft, HubSpot, Aprimo, Unbounce, Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc., you can easily collect leads. Now, you can manage your pipeline faster by creating custom templates, adding notes, assigning due dates, etc. Furthermore, you can also create professional landing pages, build customized forms, add callouts, videos, images, downloadables, ebooks, etc.

There are several ways to promote yourself on LinkedIn. One of the simplest methods is replying to profiles posted by other members. Such responses show professionalism and encourage interaction between two parties. Another option includes uploading your profile picture next to your status update.

What are the most effective means of prospecting?

As mentioned earlier, there are multiple options available for promoting your product/service on LinkedIn. To determine the best ones, consider the following points:

Your budget: How much money do you have available for advertising? Which type of advertisement works well within your budget?

Your ideal targets: Who exactly needs your services or goods? What characteristics do they possess? Are they men or women? Young adults or older persons? Location based or industry specific?

Relevant channels: Where else can you advertise your offerings? Is the LinkedIn channel suitable for attracting visitors? Can you afford to spend money on nonrelevant ads?

Content: Do you have relevant content to post? Does it appeal to your audience? Will it draw attention away from your competition?

Timeliness: Take note that social media algorithms change often. Therefore, timing matters too. Try scheduling your posts during off times. Moreover, avoid sharing irrelevant updates because it can hurt your reputation rather than boost interest in your products/services.

Keep in mind that different techniques produce varied results. Thus, test different approaches until you come across something working.

What is the most effective prospecting method?

It goes without saying that you should always strive to improve your skills and develop innovative ideas. After all, success doesn't happen overnight. Before implementing any strategy, think whether it meets your requirements, objectives, and goals. Then decide upon the tactics you'd like to apply.

Here are three examples of the most common mistakes made by brands:

1. Sending generic newsletters

You probably already realize that it's a bad idea to bombard your subscribers with promotional materials. Instead, you should aim to engage readership with interesting articles. Besides, writing compelling headlines makes your newsletter stand out against competitors'.

2. Not focusing on conversion rates

Marketers tend to ignore metrics such as clickthrough rate (CTR), conversion rate (CR), etc. Since they don't understand what drives conversions, they end up spending unnecessary resources on ineffective promotions. Keep in mind that converting visitors into leads requires proper planning.

3. Posting too frequently

Most people complain that they see tons of updates every day. However, excessive postings annoy readers and negatively impact SEO rankings. Additionally, frequent updates dilute the quality of your blog posts. So stick to publishing 2--4 pieces per week. Don't worry, you can publish extra material after gaining popularity.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for increasing traffic to your site. Aside from being a search engine itself, it serves as a directory of millions of professionals around the globe. Even though it seems complicated to set up a campaign, once you master basic principles, you'll never stop growing your list. Start applying our tips today and reap excellent results later.

LinkedIn has over 200 million users. The majority of them use it for professional networking purposes. But did you know that there's a whole other side to LinkedIn? It’s not only about connecting with people who may be able to refer your work or join your team. You also get access to a huge number of prospects that could potentially want what you offer at some point in time. Here are several ways to go after these prospective buyers.

1) Build relationships and nurture existing ones.

This is probably the best way to start prospecting. If you're already connected with someone through LinkedIn, you don't need to worry too much about how to approach him/her directly. There are many different strategies when it comes to building long-term connections via this social media site. For example, if you've just started working as a freelancer or small business owner, you should first build up trust and credibility before looking for additional projects from your network. And once you've established yourself within your circle, all you need to do is send messages offering value. If done properly, they will come back! This strategy works especially well because it allows you to gain valuable insights into the needs of others while staying true to your values.

2) Use targeted ads.

One of LinkedIn's best features is its ability to connect advertisers with their target audience using custom ad groups. In addition, you can reach highly qualified leads by showing relevant job postings to those interested in your field. However, if you don't have any money available yet, try reaching your targets using one of the following tools instead:

Use LinkedIn Pulse to discover interesting articles by top influencers in your industry. Then make sure to share them with others so they might see your name attached to them.

Try Facebook Ads to promote products or services. Just like LinkedIn, Facebook allows you to create custom audiences based on specific criteria (such as location).

3) Create content marketing campaigns.

If you haven't heard about Content Marketing lately, then you must check it out right now. It's been proven again and again that creating unique, high quality content attracts more attention than traditional advertising. As a result, you'll attract even better results and increase sales faster than ever before.

Here's how you can leverage LinkedIn to generate traffic for your product or service:

Write informative blog posts. Write short but insightful articles and post them regularly on your website or blog. Once published, invite readers to leave comments on each article. Respond promptly to questions posted under your blog entries. This tactic helps show your expertise and builds interest among visitors.

Create engaging videos. Today, video is extremely popular among consumers. According to the latest research conducted by Google, 90% of internet surfers prefer watching online videos rather than reading text. That means you should take advantage of this trend and produce original content specifically designed for mobile viewing.

Informative presentations. Presentations allow you to present your ideas and thoughts straight to your viewers' eyes without having to rely solely upon written words. Make yours stand out by including real life examples and visual aids whenever possible.

4) Join discussion forums.

Discussions are another great tool to help you stay updated with trends in your niche. Plus, joining active communities where members talk openly about topics related to your area of expertise brings you closer to your goal -- which is ultimately increasing brand awareness and establishing rapport with potential partners. To do this successfully:

Search for appropriate forums and read discussions that pertain to your interests. Then take part in debates and ask thoughtful questions. Afterward, respond politely to answers given by fellow community members.

Follow influential accounts and repost their tweets. Sharing useful information is always beneficial. So why not turn it around and share links to articles written by experts in your sphere of influence?

5) Start conversations.

Startups often struggle finding funding due to lack of experience. One of the main reasons why investors shy away from startups is simply because founders aren't skilled enough to convince them otherwise. Fortunately, we live in a digital age and entrepreneurs can easily overcome such obstacles thanks to modern technology. They just need to learn how to communicate effectively.

So how does this work? Well, you can actually write personalized emails directly to venture capitalists, angel investors, etc., explaining your idea and asking for support. Don't forget to include compelling evidence proving the viability of your project. Also, remember to keep things simple since VCs usually deal with lots of pitches every day. Finally, make sure that you clearly outline benefits associated with investing in your company.

6) Ask for referrals.

The power of referral networks cannot be underestimated. When you receive positive feedback regarding your performance, chances are you'll be approached by former colleagues and peers who'd love to recommend you to their friends and families. Even though this isn't exactly a "traditional" method of selling, it still remains one of the best ways to expand your client base fast. All you need to do is follow these steps:

Ask for recommendations. Find out what previous employers think about your skillset. Be honest about everything and let them know that you appreciate their input.

Make sure to add contacts from your personal life. Include everyone from family members to old schoolmates.

7) Keep track of competitors.

Competition doesn't necessarily mean something negative. On the contrary, competition between businesses can lead to innovation and improved customer satisfaction. So, instead of being afraid of competing against bigger companies, look forward to meeting fierce rivals. By doing so, you might end up getting ahead of them.

And yes, we mentioned earlier that you shouldn't hesitate sharing good news, regardless of whether it concerns success or failure. Why waste opportunities? Tell your story and inspire others to keep going. The world would be glad to hear it!

8) Follow influencers in your industry.

Influencer marketing is big nowadays. Influencers play a key role in boosting a brand's visibility across multiple platforms. Not surprisingly, following them consistently on social media channels can significantly improve your own reputation. What's more, you can reach out to other bloggers, journalists, or anyone else who writes about your sector on a daily basis. Try sending them special offers, discounts, coupons, etc., and you might soon become known as a reliable resource.

9) Share deals, contests, and promotions.

When trying to establish contact with potential clients, you should never neglect promotional efforts. Give your subscribers incentives to visit your page frequently. Perhaps, you can run occasional giveaways, competitions, free trials, etc.? People tend to spend more time on websites where they feel appreciated.

10) Develop a strong presence on LinkedIn Groups.

Groups are excellent resources for finding new leads. Since they focus primarily on certain topics, membership tends to be very selective. Therefore, it takes quite a lot of effort to achieve recognition status. However, it's worth the investment. A few months ago, our agency joined two LinkedIn Groups dedicated to creative professionals and freelance designers respectively. We were amazed by how quickly we managed to grow our profile and outreach. Moreover, we got tons of constructive advice on various matters concerning branding, design, writing copy, etc.

11) Connect with recruiters.

Recruiters are constantly searching for candidates to fill open positions. Instead of waiting for them to seek you out, you can proactively introduce yourself to them. Let them know that you're currently seeking employment and provide details regarding the position you wish to apply for. Recruiting firms typically maintain extensive databases of talent profiles. Thus, they can search for suitable employees immediately.

12) Become an expert in your field.

Achieving excellence in your career requires constant learning. While mastering new skills is crucial, becoming an authority in your discipline goes further. Being recognized as an expert provides you with numerous advantages. First of all, it makes you appear credible and trustworthy. Secondly, it gives you greater control over the market. Last but definitely not least, it opens doors for collaboration with other similar players.

13) Engage followers with timely updates.

Updating your LinkedIn account with fresh content is essential for growing your follower count. Posting regular statuses will boost engagement levels and encourage interaction. Most importantly, LinkedIn encourages user participation by displaying notifications highlighting recent activity made by individual members. These alerts motivate individuals to comment on posts, rate content, etc. The last thing you want is to miss out on these interactions. Besides, you can also schedule future posts in advance, thus eliminating human error.

14) Attract the right type of clients.

It seems obvious, but attracting the wrong kind of clients can cause serious problems down the road. For instance, if you're running a restaurant, attracting wealthy businessmen with deep pockets won't really benefit you. At the same time, however, attracting less affluent clients may bring fewer profits. Hence, it's imperative to understand your ideal client profile. Only then can you identify the characteristics of the perfect buyer persona for your business.

15) Know when to give up.

LinkedIn has over 438 million users worldwide. This social media network allows professionals from all industries to communicate with other people in their field or by using the same profession as them. It also provides companies with access to millions of qualified candidates for employment. As such, it's no surprise that many recruiters use LinkedIn to search for prospective employees.

But did you know that you can use your account to find new prospects too? If yes, then keep reading! We'll show you how to effectively build relationships with new business partners through LinkedIn.

1. How to prospect clients on LinkedIn?

You probably already know what LinkedIn does. But if not, LinkedIn is basically a platform where professionals like lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc., can connect with others who are looking into similar fields. You can see profiles, send messages, and make connections with these individuals. However, LinkedIn offers much more than just connecting with potential colleagues.

It also gives you the ability to reach out to new businesses and even get in touch with decision makers at existing ones. Here's how...

2. How to properly set up a prospecting?

To start prospecting, go to the homepage and click Create Your Account. Then follow the prompts until you land on Prospect page. Here, choose whether you want to create a Salesperson profile or a Business Leader one.

If you're going after clients directly, select salesperson. On the other hand, if you're planning to contact existing firms' owners, pick business leader.

Once done, enter some basic information about yourself (e.g., name, email address, phone number). Afterward, add personal details like gender, date of birth, location, education level, interests, skillsets, work experience. Also, check off the box next to Yes, I am interested in finding a job.

Next, fill out any available space in the Interests section. For example, if there isn't anything interesting listed, try checking out Health & Fitness. Or else, you might consider getting involved in Social Causes. Lastly, write down your goals and objectives under Goals section.

3. How do you assemble a prospecting plan?

Now that you've created your profile, you need to figure out exactly why you'd like to meet specific individuals. Remember, you don't always need money-making purposes. Rather, you should be focused on building long-lasting professional relations. Therefore, think about which type of person would best suit your needs. Are they someone you could learn something from? Maybe they represent a company whose services you wish to explore further. Whatever it may be, take note of their names.

4. How do you properly prospect?

The most important thing when it comes to prospecting is establishing communication. To begin with, look for those who are open to receiving emails from unknown sources. These kinds of contacts usually tend to ignore spam and junk mail. So, you'd better avoid sending promotional material via bulk mailing system. Instead, attach a personalized message along with your content. That way, you won't risk annoying anyone.

Also, remember that you shouldn't bombard anyone with multiple emails every day. Wait a couple of days before following up again. And ensure that you provide relevant links within each correspondence so that your recipient doesn't feel overwhelmed.

5. What tools do you use for LinkedIn prospection?

There are lots of ways to conduct research online. Using Google Alerts will help you stay updated on topics related to your industry. Another option is subscribing to RSS feeds from websites and blogs.

However, if you prefer working offline, you can manually visit different clubs, associations, and groups. Look for local events relating to your particular interest. In addition, you can browse trade magazines and catalogues to discover new opportunities. Once you identify a suitable venue, simply register and ask for permission to join the event. By doing so, you'll receive updates about upcoming meetings and presentations.

6. Why it's worth joining LinkedIn groups?

Joining a group helps you interact with members who share common interests. Aside from networking, you can also seek advice from experts regarding various issues. Moreover, LinkedIn groups offer several benefits. First, you can post questions and answers. Second, you can give feedback to posts made by other members. Thirdly, you can participate in discussions about trending topics. Last but not least, group admins often feature contests, giveaways, surveys, quizzes, and challenges.

7. Where can you find leads on LinkedIn?

With so many options available, it's hard to decide where to focus your efforts. Start with targeting people who have jobs posted on LinkedIn. Next, head over to the Search tab located right below the main menu. Enter keywords like "job openings," "potential employer" or "hiring manager." When searching, make sure you include terms like "account management," "HR department," or "project coordinator." Furthermore, try adding terms like "in demand skill," "current salary," or "recent graduate" to narrow down results.

8. Which kind of approach works best on LinkedIn?

When contacting LinkedIn users, avoid cold calls. The first step you should take is reaching out to someone personally. Try starting conversations based upon shared hobbies, career experiences, or mutual friends. Next, briefly introduce yourself and mention what you do. Don't forget to ask for suggestions on what additional training or resources you could benefit from. Finally, be honest and transparent. Tell the individual upfront that you just met him/her because you couldn't track down his/hers linkedIn profile. Otherwise, he/she might end up feeling uncomfortable.

9. Do you have to pay attention to privacy settings?

Yes, unfortunately, LinkedIn collects user data. Hence, you need to be careful while sharing your profile and private info. Before making any connection request, review your Privacy Settings. There, toggle Personalization and Sharing Preferences. Make sure that both boxes are turned on. Afterwards, hit Save Changes. Now, whenever anyone searches for your username, your public profile will appear.

10. Where can you find good leads on LinkedIn?

Before initiating a conversation, find out how busy the lead is. Check her availability by clicking Profile Visibility. A green icon means she is free during certain hours. Meanwhile, blue signifies that she's unavailable. Click View Schedule button to view full schedule. Alternatively, you can send a quick message asking for appointment time. Keep in mind that LinkedIn uses Calendar app to display schedules.

11. Is LinkedIn secure?

As mentioned above, LinkedIn shares your sensitive information including password and financial accounts. Thus, we highly recommend setting strong passwords for accessing your account. Besides, never share login credentials with third parties.

12. Should you remove old contacts?

No matter how successful you become, there will come times when you lose touch with former colleagues. Fortunately, LinkedIn makes it easy to delete unwanted connections. Simply navigate to Contacts tab. Select the red Minus (-) sign located near the bottom left corner. Then, clear away obsolete entries.

13. Can you block people on LinkedIn?

After creating a LinkedIn account, you can control who sees your profile. Go to My Page " Edit Info " Block Users. From there, select People to hide. Likewise, you can manage your own visibility status. Head over to Manage Profiles " Settings " Blocking Options. Choose Who Blocks Me and specify a list of blocked users.

14. How can you tell fake profiles?

Unfortunately, scammers exist everywhere. They pose as real people in order to steal valuable information. Luckily, LinkedIn lets you verify your identity by signing up for two-factor authentication (2FA). This security measure protects your account against unauthorized logins. Plus, you can double-check suspicious profiles using Verified Profession Indicator. Just hover mouse pointer over the image and tap Verify my occupation. Afterwards, click Claim Status.

15. Is LinkedIn safe?

Since LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft, it takes extra precautions to protect its users' data. Every precautionary measure includes strict compliance policies, robust cybersecurity measures, and 24/7 live customer service. Additionally, Facebook acquired messaging apps WhatsApp and Skype. Similarly, LinkedIn acquired Lynda—an online learning community. Considering this fact, you can rest assured knowing that your data is well secured.

16. Does LinkedIn support external applications?

Yes, you can integrate LinkedIn Learning with popular software products like HubSpot CRM, Mailchimp, and Zoho Suite. Additionally, there are numerous plugins that allow you to utilize LinkedIn functionality outside of web browser. Some examples include QuickBooks Online, Zoom Meeting, Slack, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, WordPress, iCalendar Lite, Google Calendar, Chrome Web Store, Outlook, JotForm, etc.

17. How can you report spams on LinkedIn?

Should you ever encounter abusive comments or offensive messages, please notify us immediately. Our dedicated team of moderators investigates reported posts daily. Whenever possible, we endeavor to resolve reported issues without delay. Nonetheless, due to sheer volume, sometimes it requires weeks to investigate complex cases thoroughly.

18. Where can you download LinkedIn mobile application?



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