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How to Write a Follow-Up Email That Gets Results

How to Write a Follow-Up Email That Gets Results

Getting a response to the emails you send out is a tricky business. What's even more challenging is getting a response when you need to send a follow-up email. Whether you need to follow up on a job application, check-in on a project or simply remind someone of something, crafting the perfect follow-up email can be difficult. But with the right strategy and approach, you can ensure that your follow-up email will be effective. Here, we'll explore what to include in a good follow-up email and some tips on how to write a follow-up email that gets results. With a little extra effort, you'll get the response you're looking for!

Craft a Concise and Clever Subject Line

Crafting a concise and clever subject line can help you capture a reader's attention and significantly increase your open rates for marketing emails. It conveys the essence of your message while making it stand out from the hundreds of emails received by your potential customer in the same inbox. When creating your subject line, think of it as another form of advertising. It's a headline that needs to be interesting enough that readers will open your email, rather than delete or ignore it. Remember that the majority of today's readers only read the subject line before deciding whether to open an email, so the pressure is on to come up with a message that will engage them. To create a subject line that is both concise and clever, focus on communicating your main point and developing an attractive headline. Keep in mind, first and foremost, that it should be succinct, with no more than 50 characters in length. It should also be formatted correctly, with appropriate capitalization to ensure it looks inviting when opened. Writing in conversational language, rather than sounding robotic, can also help to increase engagement. When it comes to cleverness, consider that audience wants to feel like you understand them and speak their language. Think of the topic from the starting point of what they need and how your product or service can provide it. Use punchlines or jokes to introduce a challenge they may face, or something new they can learn. Consider using symbols and emojis, as well as alliteration or rhymes to emphasize your message. Just ensure you don’t use any profanity or overly vulgar language. Ultimately, the subject line should be consistent with the content of your marketing messages. If it gives readers a false expectation, or misrepresents the content, you will drive your open rate down. A few other points to consider include avoiding spammy words such as “Sale” or “Buy Now”, and ensuring it is mobile friendly by having no more than 30-35 characters for best visibility on small screens. By following these tips, crafting a concise and clever subject line that will help your email grab attention can seem less like a chore and more like an enjoyable task. Ultimately, it will pay off once readers start to open your message.

Make Your Intentions and Goals Clear

When it comes to setting and achieving goals and realizing your ambition, it is important to first ensure that your intentions and goals are clear. Too often ambition can lead to overreaching, or people may set goals that are either too low or too high. Having a clear view of what you want to achieve, and the steps to get there, will provide the necessary momentum and encourage you to reach your goals. Formulating a goal is the first step to making it clear. Be sure to outline the steps that will lead you to your desired outcome, the timeline in which you wish to achieve it all, and the estimated cost it will take to accomplish it. Having a plan for achieving your goals provides further clarity of your objective. Working toward a goal will always involve challenges, obstacles, and unexpected experiences. Clarity of your goal will help you to stay focused and determined when faced with a hurdle. By viewing the obstacle as a learning experience, it will help you to remain on track and to persist in your endeavor. It is easy to allow distractions and excuses to get in the way. However, with clear intention and goals, you will be less likely to veer off course and more likely to remain focused and motivated. Important questions to ask yourself may include: why am I doing this? What will this achieve? How will this help me realize my ambitions? In order to make your intentions and goals clear, you should also define a timeline. This holds you accountable and should be established with realistic expectations. Define the steps you need to follow to get there and how much time it will take you to complete each task. By setting clear intentions and goals and having a step-by-step plan of action to get there, you will have greater clarity regarding your ambitions. Visualize how you’ll feel once you achieve your goals and keep that feeling in mind as you progress. You are capable of realizing whatever goals and ambitions you aspire to, as long as you make them clear in your mind and establish a realistic plan to get there.

Be Positive and Polite

It can be difficult in today’s world to remain positive and polite in all of our interactions. Life has a way of throwing us curveballs, and when we feel angry or frustrated, it’s easy to let some negative words slip out. But that doesn't have to be the case. Being positive and polite will not only benefit our current situation, but it will also make our overall lives more pleasant. Being more positive and polite is an easy shift to make and will benefit us greatly. Every interaction we have with another person is an opportunity to bring a little kindness and positivity into the world. Even when the situation is difficult, expressing ourselves in a more positive manner will show respect and mindfulness. One way to start is by using positive language when responding to someone. Rather than simply responding with a yes or no answer, try adding an extra thought to it, such as “Yes, I can do that! I’ll be happy to help.” The same can be applied to our conversations with others. We should make it a point to speak with honour and courtesy, being mindful of how our words could affect the person we’re talking to. This doesn’t mean we need to always respond in a superficial way, but we should always be aware of how our words could be interpreted. Finally, when we find ourselves stuck in negative patterns of thinking or habits of communication, taking a step back can help us to reframe our thoughts and regain perspective. A few mindful breaths or some time spent in nature can do wonders for helping to bring positivity back into our lives. Being positive and polite can be difficult, but it’s entirely possible with some practice and dedication. It doesn’t require extraordinary effort, but simply in changing our speech and habits, we can bring a little extra light and warmth into our everyday lives, and that will ultimately make the world a better, brighter place.

Keep it Short and Sweet

When it comes to expressing yourself, sometimes less is more. This old saying is often used to describe concise, yet effective communication. It is especially true today in our world where we are constantly bombarded with messages, short-form or long-form. So, how do we ensure that our thoughts and feelings are being accurately and effectively communicated? By keeping it short and sweet. One of the best ways to ensure your communication is efficient is to keep speech succinct, without missing any of the necessary details. Messages should be clear, concise, and convey the intended purpose. Keeping it short and sweet allows the message to be as impactful as possible because it commands attention and respect. It allows the listener to hone in on the main point and then move forward. Utilizing succinct communication isn’t always easy. Many have to really practice to perfect it. Another way to ensure brevity is to write it out beforehand, sort through the main points, and then condense it. This process will likely leave out any details that wouldn’t add to the message. It also makes it easier to structure the message in a proper and compelling manner. In addition to utilizing short and sweet communication, you can also use other techniques to further emphasize your message. Body language, eye contact, as well as other visual cues can easily reinforce what is being said. Even though it can be hard, short and sweet communication can be very beneficial. Not only is it easier to grasp than more flowery speech or long anecdotes, but it will also be remembered longer. Therefore, if you want your message to resonate, keep it short and sweet.

Welcome to the wonderful world of KISS (Keep It Short and Sweet)! KISS is an acronym created and popularized in the 1960s to remind people of the power of short, concise communication. Here are some of the key elements of KISS:

  • Brevity and Clarity
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Detail
  • Straightforward Expressions
  • Getting Right to the Point
  • Engaging Writing

Be Specific About What You Need

Having clear and precise communication is essential in both the business and personal setting. Being specific about what you need can significantly streamline the communication process and ensure that all involved parties are on the same page. When expressing what you need, being as specific and detailed as possible can go a long way. Instead of making general requests or vague comments, attempt to provide as much information as possible. Begin by outlining the goal of the project and how it fits in with any larger objectives. It can be helpful to outline the timeline and provide relevant resources to be used for the project. It’s also helpful to know who else needs to be involved and to delegate clear responsibilities for the project. When you are specific about what you need, it can help the other parties to provide the exact help or assistance that is required. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and allows them to focus their efforts on the task at hand. Knowing what is expected of them can also help to build trust and reduce any stress or confusion that could arise. Being specific also helps to ensure that everyone is aware of the day-to-day progress of the project. You can keep track of each step and troubleshoot any internal roadblocks or setbacks that may occur. This will help to ensure that the project is completed within any required timeframe and to the best of everyone’s abilities. Ultimately, being specific about what you need can make the entire process much smoother. It can help to build meaningful relationships, trust, and respect. Not only that, but it can help to manage expectations for the sake of the project and ensure that the end result is of the highest quality.

Follow Your Initial Email with a Phone Call

The importance of following up on an initial email with a phone call cannot be overstated. In a business setting, emails quickly become cluttered and are easily forgotten. Meanwhile, phone calls are more captivating as they allow for direct conversation and engagement. For one, following up with a phone call is a great way to increase your chance of success. Not only do you proactively show a potential customer you value their time and are serious about doing business with them, but phone conversations often bring about a deeper understanding than words or body language alone. Phone calls can also be particularly helpful when it comes to providing clarity or exact detail. Words can often become misconstrued in emails, reducing the effectiveness of communication. Meanwhile, a phone call gives you the experience of face-to-face conversation, allowing for better contact with other parties. In some cases, following your initial email with a phone call may even be more effective than sending a second email. Phone calls have an urgency that allows you to break through the clutter and make sure your message gets delivered and heard. Finally, following up with a phone call can also help you build a more personalized connection. You can more easily distinguish yourself from other competitors and help build your reputation as a reliable business resource. Overall, it’s important to remember that following up with a phone call can be a great way to boost your chances of success. It is a more direct approach that allows for better conversation, greater clarity, and more precise detail than written text. In addition, it can help you build lasting relationships with customers and vendors.

Check-In on a Project or Task

Tracking the progress of your projects and tasks is vital to staying organized and meeting goals in the workplace. Check-ins on projects and tasks provide insight into where you stand in terms of completion timeline and budget, as well as any potential issues which may arise. Regular check-ins on a project or task are key to its success. It’s important to monitor progress over the course of the project, rather than waiting until the end for a big review. That means not only checking in on milestones or deadlines, but also on details like materials, budget, and expectations. To make the most of your check-ins, make time for one-on-one conversations. Ask team members how they’re doing, what they’re finding easy and what’s challenging them. This will help you identify any roadblocks or problems before they turn into major problems. Make sure to have regular meetings with the entire team to review progress. Schedule a time to ask questions and discuss red flags, solutions, and where to focus in the upcoming weeks and months. When you do have to make changes, communicate them clearly and concisely. Make sure everyone is on the same page and that progress tracking continues as outlined. Your check-ins should be formal as well as informal. That means, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings, checking on progress more informally. A simple “How’s everything going?” will often give you valuable insight. The check-in process is an essential part of success. Keep up with regular project and task check-ins to stay on track and achieve desired outcomes. Doing so keeps you informed, confident, and motivated.

Checking in on projects and tasks can help to drive workplace productivity and ensure goals are reached on time. It's important to check-in on projects and tasks to monitor progress, offer feedback, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. The following are 5 key components when checking in on projects and tasks:

  1. Define Objective and Goals
  2. Understand Progress
  3. Establish Expectations
  4. Discuss Challenges and Opportunities
  5. Follow-up

Remind Someone of Something

While life moves quickly and maybe we all forget things from time to time, it's always important to remember to keep track of the important people and things around us. Whether it's a friend's birthday or an upcoming event, a reminder can help someone remember something important. When reminding someone of something, it's important to be considerate and respectful. Choose words that are polite and direct so as not to offend the other person. From big events to little details, it always helps to be organized and set reminders so no one forgets. If you know that someone is about to forget something, be timely! Don't wait until the last minute to remind them otherwise it could be too late. Additionally, don't pile on too much information. Keep it brief and to the point so that they can easily digest the reminder. Reminders don't have to be verbal. They can come in the form of written instructions, texts, emails, or even reminders on the calendar. You can also set an alarm on someone's phone or computer to alert them of something. Whichever mode you choose, make sure to be precise and clear in your message. These reminders can help those you care about stay on track with their important tasks and remember all the important things they may have forgotten. It's important to remind those who are too busy for their own good to make sure that they stay focused on the things that matter most. Finally, be attentive after sending the reminder. If necessary, follow up with a phone call or text to make sure that the person has actually seen the reminder. Reminding someone of something might be seen as slightly intrusive, so don't take offense if the person isn't receptive to your message.

Make it Easy for Them to Respond

It is often said that customer experience is key, and it is true when it comes to creating an impact on customers. Instituting a process that makes it easy for customers to respond is essential for engaging with them and building relationships. When customers have an easy way to provide feedback, they gain a sense of trust which can lead to further customer loyalty and improved customer service. One of the easiest ways to make it easy for customers to respond is to make it available everywhere. This means providing multiple platforms and channels for customers to give their feedback, such as online surveys, email, and in-app surveys. Depending on how their interaction with your business has changed, you may need different methods of collecting feedback. For example, if your business currently serves customers remotely, such as through phone or web, you may need to transition to in-app surveys to capture customer insights. Additionally, calls and emails are not always convenient, so having a system that integrates with your website and customer account is useful for collecting feedback quickly. In addition to being available on different channels, make sure that the feedback form is concise and easy to understand. If the survey is too long or is not understandable, it may be difficult for customers to complete. Keep questions to the point and make sure they are written in a way that is easy to understand. Additionally, focus on the goals you want to learn; that way, there is only essential information being collected. It is also important to make the feedback process quick and easy for customers. Offering incentives or rewards in exchange for feedback can be an effective way to encourage customers to take the time to complete the survey. Additionally, personalized messages, such as providing feedback on their individual experience or thanking them for their help, can make customers more likely to complete the feedback form. Creating a process that makes it easy for customers to respond is the key to successful customer engagement. By providing multiple feedback channels, keeping the form concise and easy to understand, and offering incentives, businesses can ensure they are getting meaningful feedback from customers that can be used to improve the customer service experience.

Remind Them of What is at Stake

When it comes to big decisions, it always helps to remember what is at stake. Whether you are facing difficulty in making a decision or you just want to stay motivated, taking a step back to look at the bigger picture can be beneficial. In any situation, it’s important to identify the outcomes of the situation in order to gain perspective and assess the risks associated with each decision. Once you’ve identified the potential outcomes, you can create a plan of action with realistic strategies to help you succeed. With larger decisions, it’s key to remember the long-term goals. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when thinking about the immediate risks and rewards of a big decision, but looking ahead and foreshadowing the future consequences of the decision can help immensely. When reminding yourself of what is at stake, make sure to be realistic about the situation. Don’t overestimate the possible benefits or underestimate the risks; be honest with yourself and look at the entire, unbiased picture. In addition, remember to consider both the emotional and financial implications of the decision. Whether it’s a career change or a one-time purchase, stay conscious of the impact it can have both in your life and in your wallet. Reminding yourself of the stakes associated with a big decision can be invaluable in making sure it’s the right decision for you. Once you have a better understanding of the risks and rewards, you can make a more informed decision. Don’t rush into a decision without considering what is at stake. Instead, give yourself time to reflect, set realistic expectations, and create a plan of action.

Be Respectful of the Person's Time

To be respectful of another person's time is to consider the value they put on their own minutes and hours, and to treat their moments with care. It means that when someone shares a portion of their day with you, you acknowledge that you are in the presence of something precious and act accordingly. One way to do this is to plan your time with someone wisely. If you are meeting with them, make sure you are punctual and prepared. Let them know if something has come up and you are running late or need to reschedule. Respect also means that you listen attentively and do not take up more of their time than necessary. When it comes to emails and text messages, be direct and to the point. Respect the value of the recipient’s time by writing messages that are relevant and concise. Don't make them guess what the conversation is about. In short, show respect for the other person’s time by being respectful yourself. Take initiative to treat their moments well, and you will be respected and appreciated in return. Communicate clearly and responsibly, and remember that time is an irreplaceable resource, and that when you share time with someone, it is a gift. Respect it, and the person who gave it to you.

It is important to be respectful of another person's time and space when interacting with them. Whether it be for business, personal, or any other reasons, making sure that you respect and value the person's time will ensure that their experience is pleasant. This article will compare how to be respectful of someone's time and how to be disrespectful, and provide suggestions for how to be respectful.

Respectful Disrespectful
Set up call ahead of time Arriving late or not showing up
Making sure the conversation is mutually beneficial Making conversation one-sided
Conclusion the conversation on time Extending the conversation without their approval
Thanking the person for their time Not being mindful of one's manners

Schedule Another Follow-Up

If a customer inquiry requires your attention yet hasn’t been resolved or if you feel an issue requires additional checking, it’s a great idea to schedule a follow up. Scheduling a follow up provides the customer with a sense of assurance that there is a plan in place to address their inquiry. Scheduling a follow up can be simple and easy. First, determine how frequently the customer should be contacted. If the customer inquiry is urgent or of great importance, you may want to schedule a follow up on a weekly or even daily basis. For a regular issue that needs to be addressed soon, bi-weekly or monthly follow-ups may be sufficient. Once you determine the periodicity of follow-ups, establish a timeline for resolution. Be sure to also give a certain amount of time for customer feedback. This will allow customers to have a sense of control over their own issue and know when they can expect resolution. Follow up emails should be professional and straightforward. Give a brief outline of the issue and the timeline for resolution. Reassuring them of the company’s commitment to addressing their query is very important. If the customer has already been contacted multiple times yet there is no response, it’s ok to remind them that further understanding is necessary in order to move forward. Most importantly, keep customers informed of the progress of the issue. Scheduling another follow up is also important to remind customers of any upcoming deadlines or next steps. This helps to keep customers’ queries on track and give them assurance that their issues are being handled with care. Always remember to follow up until resolution is achieved.



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