Is it better to apply via LinkedIn?
When looking at how best to apply for your dream role, there are two main routes: either going direct with a company’s career page (or indeed their recruitment system), or sending in a CV via email to them first. There are pros and cons of each, as well as tips to help you decide which route will be most appropriate for you.
We've been asked this question by many readers before. It seems like everyone is asking us for advice about whether they should use Linkedin or Indeed for applying for roles. The answer isn't straightforward - but if you're not sure where to begin, here are some points to consider.
Do people get job offers from LinkedIn?
One thing to note is that using LinkedIn doesn't automatically guarantee success. While it may increase your chances of getting noticed over other applications methods, it certainly won't ensure that you'll land that perfect role.
LinkedIn has become one of the world's leading professional networking platforms because of its vast user base. However, while it can give you access to thousands of potential employers, it also means that your application becomes more visible than ever. This makes it harder to stand out among all those applicants who have submitted their CVs online without any personal information attached.
So, yes, it can benefit you greatly to submit your details to LinkedIn, but remember that just having your profile up there doesn't necessarily lead to you being contacted by recruiters, either. You still need to follow our steps below to really boost your chance of landing a great new position. If you want to learn exactly why, then check out these reasons to join LinkedIn right now!
How reliable is LinkedIn top applicant?
This point might seem obvious, but it bears repeating nonetheless. As mentioned above, simply submitting your details onto LinkedIn alone is unlikely to result in you receiving an offer. That said, it does open you up to further opportunities, so it's definitely worth doing.
As such, you might think that the best way forward would be to send your own CV off to every single place that you'd like to work within days of completing your LinkedIn account. But that's far too much hassle, especially considering that you could miss out on relevant positions altogether.
Instead, try narrowing down your search based on keywords that indicate a certain type of position or industry you're interested in working in. A good example would be 'digital marketing' or'social media'. Then, once you find a few suitable openings, go ahead and apply accordingly. Remember to double-check to see if the company requires you to complete an additional form or questionnaire. Sometimes, even though you've applied successfully, you might receive no response whatsoever.
If you're unsure of which industries or fields you'd like to focus on, take a look at our list of the best tech jobs available at the moment. We've listed all the key skills required for each position, making it easier for you to figure out which ones suit you best. Once you know which field interests you, head straight to the company careers pages and start researching. From there, you can narrow down your options until you find something that suits you perfectly.
Finally, keep checking back regularly to see if you've received any responses. And don't forget to let the recruiter know that you found his/her listing via LinkedIn. They might also wish to connect with you personally if possible, if he/she wants to hear about your experience and qualifications.
How do I filter top applicant jobs on LinkedIn?
The next step after submitting your details to LinkedIn is to sort through the results that come flooding in. When you sign up, you set yourself free to create a customised view of your entire network – meaning that you can choose which connections appear alongside yours. To change things around, click on ‘manage my settings’ and select different filters like “industry” or “company size”.
Once you’ve done this, you’ll notice that your feed changes drastically. This is another good indicator that you’re likely to get lots of replies from companies that share similar backgrounds and passions. So, if you’d prefer to only see posts relating to digital marketing, for instance, you can adjust the setting accordingly. Just bear in mind that this approach will reduce the number of emails floating around your inbox, though.
Lastly, you can always add someone else’s name into your search bar to see if they’ve posted anything interesting, as long as you know their username. Alternatively, you can use hashtags (#) to identify specific trends across social networks.
For example, #linkedinjobs#jobsearching#careeradvice will bring together all of the latest tweets related to both LinkedIn and job searching. You can also search for particular words or phrases like #digitalmarketing, #freelancing, or #webdesign.
It’s important to remember that you’re never restricted to seeing only posts from individuals. Employers post plenty of content themselves, so if you spot a useful article, tweet or blog post, feel free to repost it. Doing so won’t hurt your standing, since the original poster won’t mind.
Applying through LinkedIn or the company's website for a job? Tough decision to make. For that reason, we have pros and cons for you to read.
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Pros of applying through LinkedIn
There is no doubt about the fact that if you want to get noticed by companies then you should use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest – all of which tend to feature heavily within companies' advertising campaigns.
You can see what others who applied before you did, so you know whether or not they were successful.
If you don't fit a specific profile required by an employer, but you do match other requirements, you may still end up being considered for the position anyway.
It can also give you some insight into what qualities employers look for when trying to recruit new employees - especially if you're interested in certain roles.
Many people believe that using LinkedIn means giving away personal details, including contact information and phone numbers, which could potentially put yourself at risk if this data gets hacked.
LinkedIn allows you to create a professional online presence where you can show off aspects of your personality and interests, and add relevant skills and experience that might otherwise go unnoticed.
The site has its own jobs board, allowing you to find out more about vacancies that appear elsewhere, and even follow links from these pages directly to company websites, thus saving time and effort in finding out more information about those positions.
Companies often post updates about upcoming events and opportunities, and many times you'll receive invitations to attend networking functions through your network connections.
As mentioned above, there are various tools available on the platform which allow you to search for potential candidates based upon different criteria, and you can easily access profiles of current employees, which gives you valuable insights into how to tailor your application appropriately.
Applying for a job can be tough, but there are different ways to go about it. You could send in your CV (curriculum vitae) direct to the employer. Or you could use one of many online recruitment agencies who will find the right position for you. But if you’re looking for something more immediate then perhaps you should consider using LinkedIn instead.
There are two main reasons why you might want to look at LinkedIn as a possible option for finding new employment – firstly because it’s free and secondly because it has so much data behind it which makes it potentially easier to target the right people with jobs available. If you’re thinking of applying for a role with a specific company, LinkedIn offers a ‘search by keywords’ feature which means you can search specifically for the type of roles they offer. And also, some employers choose to advertise their vacancies only on LinkedIn.
So whether you’ve got an existing profile, are building up a profile now or just starting out, here are our top tips for getting started in this world of social media recruiting!
Is it safe to apply for a job on LinkedIn?
When it comes to safety issues around applying for a job via LinkedIn, it depends entirely on how the person doing the hiring feels about it. The site itself is completely secure and doesn't hold any sensitive information like credit card details etc., making it suitable for most businesses. However, if you don't feel comfortable handing over your personal information then you may prefer to get in touch with them by phone or email.
In terms of security features, LinkedIn uses SSL encryption technology which ensures all communication between users stays private. They also encrypt passwords which mean even if somebody were able to intercept messages, they wouldn't be able to access your account without hacking into the network. All these measures help protect against hackers trying to break into accounts.
LinkedIn isn't perfect though - they're not immune to phishing scams either. These emails try to trick you into giving away confidential information such as bank login details by claiming to come from LinkedIn themselves. So while you shouldn't worry too much, always exercise caution before clicking links or opening attachments sent to you by unknown sources.
What to do after applying for a job on LinkedIn?
Once you've applied for a job on LinkedIn, there are several things you need to keep track of. First off, you'll receive an automated response confirming that your request went through successfully. This message contains a link to the position you applied for along with contact details for whoever was responsible for receiving your application. After that, you'll probably start hearing back from the recruiter or HR department within 24 hours. It's important to follow-up immediately to show interest in the job.
If you haven't received anything yet, don't panic! There's nothing wrong with waiting until you've heard back. Sometimes applications aren't processed straightaway due to high volume of applicants. In fact, according to Indeed, 65% of people who apply for a job never actually hear back from the company. That said, if you don't hear back within three weeks, reach out again to confirm that your resume still stands a chance.
You can check your status updates on LinkedIn on the Updates page under "Application Status" to see if anyone else has viewed your profile since you last checked.
How long does it take to hear back from a job application on LinkedIn?
This really varies depending on the size and nature of the business. According to a recent LinkedIn study, the average time taken for a candidate to hear back from a potential employer ranges anywhere from 3 days to 2 months. A large proportion of candidates report taking less than 7 working days to hear back from a potential employer.
However, it's worth noting that the longer you wait to respond to an initial invitation, the harder it becomes to turn down later opportunities. Many professionals say that once they've been invited for interview, they won't take no for answer. What's worse is that the earlier you decline an opportunity, the higher the chances you'll miss out on future ones.
It's best to aim for a quick reply rate rather than aiming for perfection. As long as you've done everything required of you, it's unlikely that a prospective employer would reject you outright based solely upon your lack of response speed.
What percentage of recruiters have hired someone through LinkedIn?
According to Indeed statistics, 1 in 10 workers have used the platform to search for a new job. When asked why they had chosen LinkedIn, respondents cited its ease of use, quick results and ability to connect with others as key factors influencing their choice.
The stats below give us an insight into where LinkedIn falls short compared to other popular sites. While Facebook tops the list overall, Twitter came second place among job seekers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the number of jobs advertised on both platforms increased significantly during 2017.
Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube
Indeed Job Trends Report [Broken URL Removed]
Does easy apply on LinkedIn work Reddit?
Yes! We recently ran a test campaign ourselves using LinkedIn Easy Apply tool. Our goal was to increase the amount of open rates for our ads. To achieve this, we tested four variations of the ad copy we used. Here’s what happened.
Test group #1: Original version
Open Rate: 32.3%
First impressions count - the original version of our ad did well with regards to clickthrough rate, but low conversion rates meant that very few of those clicks led to actual leads.
Test group #2: No images
Open Rate: 35.6%
We removed the image in order to improve CTR and reduce cost per lead. Interestingly, we saw a slight improvement in the effectiveness of the ad when removing the image. This variation performed slightly better in terms of clickthrough rate, however conversions remained poor.
Test group #3: Images + text
Open Rate: 47.8%
We added the same image as above, but replaced the headline with text to further improve clickthrough rate. Again, conversion rates improved marginally.
Test group #4: Text Only
Open Rate: 50.7%
By simply adding text to the ad, we managed to boost performance by 6%, resulting in a massive increase in conversion rates. As a result, this variation outperformed every other variant tested.
Conclusion: Adding text to your LinkedIn advertising increases engagement and opens up your audience to a wider range of prospects. By changing words and headlines, you can effectively change the tone of your advertisement to appeal to a broader audience. It’s especially useful if you have multiple audiences to cater to.
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You've got your CV together, applied to loads of jobs, and now you're panicking about how to get those interviews rolling. Your next step should be deciding whether to apply for a job using Linked In or - two very different ways to go about it.
The first thing you need to decide is if you want to apply for a specific position, or just see what vacancies are available in general. If you're looking at a particular role then definitely use Linked In as this will help you connect with people who are working in the same industry as you are. However, if you're not sure which roles you'd like to pursue then there's no harm in heading over to because they'll send out emails to all their users letting them know about new positions. You can also sign up to receive newsletters from the site where they post all the latest openings. So whichever route you take here, know that both options do offer something worthwhile.
If you're going to head down the path of applying through Linked In, you might wonder why you shouldn't just head straight towards the company's own careers page instead. Well, there's a few reasons why you may want to consider doing so...
First off, many employers won't send applicants over to another platform unless they specifically ask for them to do so. As such, you could find yourself wasting time by sending multiple applications across to various platforms only to be told "no thanks" each time.
Secondly, some companies don't even accept applications sent in via email - especially if they aren't made within the correct format. This means that you would either need to create a Word document and attach it to your application (which isn't always possible) or else pay someone to convert it into the right format. The latter option doesn't come cheap but most agencies will charge around $25 per hour, making it worth considering if you really want to stand out.
So let's say you've decided to shoot yourself in the foot and submit an application to your dream employer using Indeed's own platform. What exactly is the difference between submitting an application through Indeed and applying though LinkedIn? And which one is actually best for getting your foot in the door? Let's explore these questions below.
Is it better to apply in person than online?
There are three main benefits of applying face-to-face rather than online:
1. It shows more personality
2. It gives you the opportunity to meet other candidates
3. It allows you to build rapport with recruiters before the interview process begins
On the flip side, there are several disadvantages:
1. It takes longer to complete
2. It requires travel costs
This means that if you're trying to save money wherever you can then perhaps it makes sense to apply online first. But if you're keen to impress potential employers and show them just how much effort you put into your search, then you may want to give the in-person approach a try.
Is it better to apply with LinkedIn or indeed?
LinkedIn has become synonymous with recruitment since its inception back in 2003. That said, although it was once considered to be solely for professional networking purposes, nowadays it's used by millions of people every day to look for employment opportunities. It's therefore fair to assume that most professionals will already have a profile set up on this platform, meaning that you'll gain access to thousands of suitable contacts without having to spend any extra cash.
Indeed, however, offers a slightly different service to LinkedIn. Its aim is mainly to bring together job seekers and recruiters in order to facilitate communication between the two parties. They even offer a free account for anyone hoping to start building connections with businesses. If you don't mind paying for the privilege, you can upgrade to Premium which comes with additional features including being able to upload documents, apply for jobs, etc.
As mentioned above, you'll likely be competing against hundreds of others when applying for a single vacancy. Therefore, if you're aiming for a certain level of success you should probably opt to use LinkedIn. Also, remember that while LinkedIn profiles often contain information relating to qualifications and experience, Indeed offers a broader database of open positions that don't necessarily require a degree.
Is applying through LinkedIn better?
It depends entirely upon which type of position you're applying for. Some roles require CVs to be completed via LinkedIn whereas others allow applicants to simply fill in a form stating their name, contact details, and any relevant skills. Of course, depending on the nature of your chosen career field, you may well prefer to stick to LinkedIn throughout your entire application. Here are some pros and cons to consider below:
Allows you to network with recruiters and peers
Not everyone uses LinkedIn, so you may struggle to reach them directly
Great way to keep track of current projects
Harder to communicate your availability outside working hours
Easy to update your status
Can feel impersonal due to lack of interaction
Very quick and simple to fill in forms
Only works if you have a premium membership
More personal connection with recruiter
May be harder to get noticed compared to Indeed
Many recruiters use LinkedIn
Your profile must still be updated regularly
Doesn't matter which method you choose to apply for a role, chances are you'll soon hear back from the employer regarding your application. Once they've received your materials, they'll usually invite you along to an initial phone call or Skype meeting to discuss further. During this stage, you'll typically talk about your background and experiences, as well as your goals for the future. Afterward, things move onto the second phase of the interview process known as the behavioural assessment test.
During this part of the process, you'll have to demonstrate your knowledge of the business and answer challenging questions designed to assess your suitability for the role. All too often, however, applicants fail to prepare adequately for the tests and end up feeling frustrated with themselves afterwards. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to ensure you pass this section of the process unscathed!