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Is LinkedIn good for business advertising?

Is LinkedIn good for business advertising?

If you're looking for ways to market your business using online platforms such as Facebook and Twitter or other social networks like Instagram and Pinterest, then there's a chance that LinkedIn could be one of them. After all, it has over 500 million users worldwide who are primarily interested in making connections with people they may have something in common with.

So if you want to reach more potential clients for your business, here are some pointers about what LinkedIn can do for you.

How did LinkedIn change the marketing industry?

LinkedIn was created by Reid Hoffman (who co-founded PayPal) and David Sacks (the former CEO of Yammer). The two men were frustrated at seeing their friends getting jobs through networking rather than having any kind of formal education, so they decided to create this professional network where members would connect based on skills instead of geographical location.

At first, LinkedIn didn't succeed but now it's become an essential part of our lives. It allows us to find new opportunities and even make money from our hobbies. And while we might not think of it as a career tool, many companies see it as another way to reach customers.

In fact, LinkedIn says that 92 percent of its revenue comes from paid advertisements, which means that most companies advertise on the site. That said, LinkedIn doesn't require advertisers to pay anything unless they want to target specific groups of professionals. So if you don't mind spending a bit of cash on your campaign, LinkedIn offers several options to get results.

The main thing to know is that LinkedIn has three different types of ads: Sponsored Content Ads, Promoted Pins, and InMail Messages. Each type works differently and each option will cost you slightly more for better targeted campaigns. This article explains them all and gives examples of how they work.

Why is LinkedIn important?

While Facebook and Twitter are great places to share content about yourself and your products, LinkedIn isn't just another place to post status updates. Instead, it focuses on building relationships between professionals, both locally and globally. By connecting with others, you'll soon discover things you never knew before.

For example, you might meet someone whose skills match yours and start working together. You might also learn about new trends in your field thanks to articles shared by top influencers. To keep up with everything happening in your industry, stay connected and follow experts on LinkedIn to benefit from their knowledge.

Because LinkedIn connects people across borders, you might also run into interesting prospects who live far away. If you've got a local shop, you should consider posting regularly about services available within driving distance so your audience knows exactly where to go when they need repairs.

And since LinkedIn is filled with job seekers, recruiters, and companies alike, you won't only attract clients, you'll also get leads for employees. Even though you might not offer full time positions right off the bat, you can still ask applicants to fill out applications and send resumes directly to you.

You can either choose to accept those requests without further action or contact the person with whom you made a connection and introduce yourself. From there, you can discuss whether he needs more information or if he'd prefer to talk face to face.

By doing this, you show prospective candidates that you care enough to look beyond the usual methods of finding talent. They'll remember you as someone willing to invest time and effort -- qualities that employers value greatly.

Is LinkedIn good for business to business?

Yes! As mentioned above, LinkedIn makes it possible to build strong relationships with anyone around the world. Since everyone is talking about their interests, you can easily pick up valuable insights. For instance, if you sell medical devices, you could check if doctors in certain countries are discussing anything related to your product line.

Another idea is to analyze customer feedback. With every interaction, you can gather valuable data. Perhaps you found that some people had trouble installing your software after following instructions. Or maybe some people simply weren't happy with the quality of service provided. Either way, you can fix issues quickly and efficiently because you already understand the problem.

As a result, you'll improve your reputation among consumers, boost sales, and increase profits. Not bad for $20 per month.

Is LinkedIn good for B2B?

LinkedIn is definitely best used for business to consumer interactions. However, if you're looking for ways to expand your client base, LinkedIn can also help you reach out to corporate executives.

When you sign up, LinkedIn asks you to enter the names of four contacts you trust. These representatives act as "ambassadors" for your account and provide recommendations for you. Their endorsement carries weight and increases perceived credibility. When asked to write reviews, you can also include comments about the user experience.

Even if your company hasn't hired an expert yet, you can always invite the ambassadors to join your team. Once they do, they can spread word about your services and recommend you to colleagues within their own organizations.

To help ambassadors find relevant companies, LinkedIn provides tools like search filters. You can filter profiles and posts according to keywords, locations, industries, etc., and display them accordingly. Plus, you can set preferences so that only certain categories appear to you.

This way, you can focus on contacting individuals who fit your criteria and avoid wasting time on irrelevant conversations. Of course, you can also use LinkedIn Groups to find people who share similar goals.

With all this in mind, you'll probably agree that LinkedIn is a useful tool for expanding your business' presence. But before you start sending promotional messages everywhere, take note of the terms of service and privacy policies. Many marketers disregard these rules and end up violating the law, risking legal repercussions.

After all, you wouldn't want to lose your business overnight thanks to a careless mistake. Before starting any campaign, read through LinkedIn's Terms of Service carefully to ensure that you comply with all regulations.

Also, when setting up your profile, try adding links to your website, blog, email address, and other web properties. People usually notice these additional details and will assume that you're serious about your business.

Lastly, don't forget to add photos on your profile. While they aren't mandatory, they give visitors an impression of what kind of personality you have. Having pictures taken during events like conferences or trade shows can really enhance your image. Just make sure you select the correct settings beforehand and shoot professionally.

That being said, LinkedIn is worth considering as an effective digital marketing campaign. Whether you decide to spend extra money on sponsored posts or promote your page via InMail messages, LinkedIn is a worthwhile investment.

Not sure how to use LinkedIn effectively? Here are some tips to make the most of your account.

Have you ever used LinkedIn as a marketing tool? What strategies worked well for you? Share your thoughts below!

Originally published February 17th 2015. Updated May 4th 2017.

LinkedIn has become one of the most popular networking sites in history. With over 400 million users worldwide and more than 1 billion people using it every month, there’s no wonder why.

With that level of popularity comes opportunities to advertise your products and services online. If you have an existing website or blog, chances are you already know where to begin with this process. But if not, then here’s what you need to know about getting started promoting your brand through LinkedIn.

Is LinkedIn good for advertising?

It depends on which type of advertisement you choose to place. In general, they all offer similar benefits, but each offers different features depending on their price range and target audience.

For example, LinkedIn Ads allows advertisers to bid against other companies looking to reach specific audiences on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. This means you can buy ad space directly within those platforms (or any others) at competitive rates without having to build out another campaign yourself.

If you want to get noticed by potential customers who aren't actively searching for your product or service yet, then LinkedIn Advertising may be right for you. You'll find plenty of ways to attract attention and get results as long as you follow the steps below.

You can also take advantage of the site's "Sponsored Updates" feature so you don't even need to pay anything to share content. Just make sure you're comfortable sharing your updates publicly since you won't receive credit for them until someone clicks on your link.

Can you run ads from a personal LinkedIn account?

When setting up your profile, you will notice two options when choosing your headline, summary, and bio section. The first option is to create a public profile while the second option is to set up a private profile. Both types of profiles allow you to post links to external websites under certain conditions.

However, only a private profile gives you access to paid advertisements like LinkedIn Ads. So unless you plan to set up multiple accounts, stick with the default settings for now.

What is the benefit of advertising on LinkedIn?

There are several reasons why you might consider placing ads on LinkedIn instead of building out a separate campaign. For starters, you probably already have a presence on the platform—making it easier to connect with current followers and prospects. As mentioned above, you can also save money by buying ads directly on other networks rather than creating your own campaigns.

Here are some additional reasons you should consider running LinkedIn ads:

Build relationships with influencers: Since LinkedIn connects you with professionals across industries, you'll likely find people who could potentially recommend your business. By reaching out to them directly, you stand a much better chance of receiving endorsements and recommendations.

Improve search engine rankings: When optimizing your website, SEO plays a key role in determining whether visitors land on your site or leave immediately due to poor design, confusing navigation, slow loading speeds, etc. However, many webmasters overlook the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn profile because it isn't indexed by Google or Bing. While this doesn't mean you shouldn't optimize your profile, it does show just how important it is. That being said, once you've done so, you can see an immediate improvement in traffic to your website.

Increase leads & sales conversions: Although email marketing remains a top choice among B2B marketers, LinkedIn continues to rise in prominence. According to Hubspot, 63% of U.S.-based CMOs prefer to communicate via LinkedIn as opposed to emails. And according to Forbes, 90% of Fortune 500 executives say they trust recommendations from colleagues more than traditional forms of customer feedback. Therefore, if you have a strong network of connections, adding them as testimonials and endorsements to your LinkedIn profile can increase your credibility as a professional and boost your visibility.

How well do LinkedIn ads work?

While we haven't had time to test out the effectiveness of the various types of ads available on LinkedIn, our experience working with clients suggests that LinkedIn Ads are effective in drawing qualified leads. Some of our clients report increased engagement rates and higher click-throughs compared to competitors' efforts.

We recommend starting with smaller budgets to ensure you can measure the success of your initial effort before investing larger sums of cash into ads. After learning how successful your ad was during its trial period, you can continue testing new variations of your ads and adjusting your budget accordingly. We hope this article helped answer your questions regarding LinkedIn Marketing! If you'd like to learn more about how LinkedIn works, check out our guide to LinkedIn for Business Owners.

1. Use LinkedIn's Search Engine

The biggest advantage that LinkedIn offers its users is a search engine with access to millions of professionals from all around the world. It allows you to find out what other companies are looking for when they need new employees or just want to learn about potential partners.

Just type into the search field “job title” + “location” + “industry” + “company name” (or any combination). You will get results like this:

“Senior Software Engineer - JavaScript/HTML5” | “London” | “Google”

This way, you can instantly see which companies have vacancies available at Google or Microsoft – or even better, which ones may be interested in hiring you! The possibilities are endless.

If you don't know where something came from, click on it to read further information about the company. For example, if someone searched for “senior software engineer”, you would see that job postings come mainly from those two places: Google and Facebook.

Another great feature is the ability to filter searches by industry, location, age, education level etc., so you only receive relevant jobs posted by your desired employer.

You can also use keywords such as “java developer” to narrow down your search options. This includes ads as well, meaning you can target specific groups of people based on their interests.

2. Create a Profile That Works For You and Your Business

When you create a profile that works for you, you can make sure that your audience sees only what you want them to see.

Here are some things you should consider when creating a professional-looking profile that will attract attention from potential clients or customers.

Create a unique picture with an eye-catching background.

Use high resolution photos so they look great on mobile devices while browsing profiles online.

Write a compelling headline that describes who you are as a person (not just your company).

Add a personal statement about yourself that answers questions like “Why do I need this job? What makes me different? Why would someone hire me instead of anyone else?”

Provide links to other websites where you have worked or studied, published articles, blogs, podcasts, etc.

Include relevant information such as awards won, certifications earned, publications written, books read, presentations given, and speaking engagements attended.

Be honest but don’t be too transparent. Keep your private life separate from work life.

Make sure you include at least two recommendations from previous employers.

Keep the language clean and avoid jargon. If necessary, use simple words rather than industry terms.

Avoid self promotion by including endorsements from past colleagues and friends.

Don't forget to add a photo! A quality headshot goes a long way towards branding yourself effectively.

If you're applying for a specific position, mention it clearly before adding any additional details.

Proofread everything carefully — spelling errors may give off the wrong impression.

How To Promote Yourself On LinkedIn

Now that we know how to build our own profile, let's talk about promoting ourselves. There are several ways to promote yourself on LinkedIn.

1. Use Linkedin Ads

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with more than 300 million users and over 100 billion connections between them. It's also an excellent place for companies looking to expand their reach outside of local markets. But it can be difficult to get people to notice your posts. If that sounds like you, keep reading!

In this article we'll discuss some best practices for using LinkedIn as part of your overall digital marketing campaign. We'll look at what types of content work well, where you should post, and why you might want to pay someone else to manage your account for you.

Note: This guide was written based on our experiences working with clients who are actively trying to increase their online presence through LinkedIn. However, if you're just starting out on LinkedIn, don't worry - there's plenty here to learn from.

Is LinkedIn better for B2B or B2C?

When thinking about whether or not LinkedIn is a good fit for your particular industry, know that it has two core functions -- connecting professionals with similar interests, and distributing information across large groups of professionals (both inside and outside of those professional circles). So, while many think of LinkedIn as primarily a way to connect with potential customers, it's actually equally useful when targeting other industries or job seekers.

That said, the biggest benefit of reaching a wider audience is still going to come from focusing on your target market. The right kind of targeted ad will allow you to connect with prospects directly, without having to waste time building up a list of contacts. For example, if you're selling products to consumers, you may find that you have fewer sales leads coming through after posting on LinkedIn, but they tend to be higher quality because you've identified the specific person(s) whose attention you want to capture.

On the flip side, if you sell services to other companies, you may see much greater success by promoting yourself on LinkedIn. You'll need to focus less on broadening your network, since you already have plenty of existing relationships with people in your target group. Instead, you'll likely want to use LinkedIn to advertise your expertise and build credibility among potential partners.

If you aren't sure which type of user would be interested in your product or service, try testing different kinds of ads to figure out which ones perform best. Some examples include "job seeker" versus "business owner," or even "targeted" versus "broadcast." And always remember that the best results come from combining multiple channels into one campaign. You can create custom landing pages within LinkedIn Ads to further refine your message, too.

How do you use B2B on LinkedIn?

While LinkedIn isn't designed specifically for B2B marketers, there are several ways to leverage its features to boost your visibility and make new connections. Here are four common strategies:

Create profiles for key decision-makers

The first step toward making any connection is creating a profile. While you could simply upload your resume, it's worth taking the extra effort to customize your profile so that it highlights your skills, experience, and areas of interest. People generally won't bother following anyone unless they feel connected to them, so make it easy for others to identify you as a resource to follow.

Post articles and blog posts

Another great way to engage with your followers is to share interesting news stories and commentary related to your niche. Posting links to relevant websites allows readers to discover additional resources, and provides another opportunity to introduce yourself. Make sure to take advantage of all LinkedIn offers, including SlideShare presentations, videos, polls, and live Q&A sessions.

Build strong recommendations

One of the main reasons why people choose individuals rather than brands when searching for jobs is due to word-of-mouth referrals. To strengthen your reputation on LinkedIn, consider asking trusted colleagues and friends to write recommendations for you. They can describe your impact on their lives, explain why they trust you, and offer insights on your strengths. Plus, writing recommendations takes very little time, and can go a long way towards establishing your credibility.

Connect with influencers

To attract the attention of influential people in your field, you'll need to establish meaningful connections with them. The easiest way to do this is to join LinkedIn Groups that relate to your area of expertise and then start participating in discussions. By engaging regularly, you'll show your dedication to knowledge sharing and demonstrate your commitment to helping others succeed. Don't hesitate to ask questions, either, as people appreciate being asked for advice instead of giving it freely.

Why am I not getting noticed on LinkedIn?

It doesn't matter how big or cool your company is, if no one knows about it yet. There are lots of things you can do to improve your visibility on LinkedIn, both now and in the future. First off, let's talk about how to put together a killer bio.

Your LinkedIn profile includes a summary section, which is meant to summarize everything important about you in under 250 words. When you write your description, keep it short and personal, avoiding buzzword phrases that sound generic. Use keywords wherever possible, such as "customer service," "product manager," etc., to give searchers a clear idea of what they should expect. Finally, add hashtags whenever possible to indicate topics you cover or interests you share with others.

Next, check out your organization page, which displays the same info on a larger scale, along with photos and other visual elements. Your headline and tags will play a huge role here, especially since you only have 140 characters to grab people's attention. A catchy tagline paired with compelling visuals will often beat a bland title every time, so spend some time brainstorming before hitting publish.

Finally, consider optimizing each individual piece of content you produce for search engines. That means adding meta data, updating URLs, and ensuring high-quality images. All of these changes can affect your organic rankings, so monitor your results closely.

Is LinkedIn a marketing tool?

Yes and No. On one hand, LinkedIn is a powerful way to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your field. But on the other, it's also a valuable channel for direct communication with your current customers. Whether you use LinkedIn as a source of lead generation or as a venue for customer support, it's a versatile tool that can enhance your entire marketing mix.

So, if you haven't already done so, now is a perfect moment to signup for a premium plan and begin managing your own LinkedIn campaigns. As mentioned above, there are tons of options available, from simple text ads to sophisticated retargeting tools. With a bit of trial and error, you'll soon develop the skills necessary to craft effective ads that drive engagement and conversions.



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