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Is LinkedIn premium worth it 2021?

Is LinkedIn premium worth it 2021?

LinkedIn has several paid-for subscriptions to offer users looking to improve their overall experience on the platform. One of those options is called LinkedIn Premium. Is this service worthwhile or is your time better spent elsewhere? Let’s take a look at what LinkedIn Premium offers before we answer that question.

How often do you pay for LinkedIn premium?

There are three ways to access LinkedIn Premium: as an individual user (which costs $9 per month), in a company with multiple employees ($15 per employee) or through a group plan ($10/month). This means there are three different levels of subscribers to consider when weighing whether to subscribe to LinkedIn Premium.

If you're just starting out in the workforce or have yet to join a company, then a single subscriber may be enough to justify spending money every month on LinkedIn Premium. However, if you already work somewhere, or want more than one person within your organization to benefit from LinkedIn Premium, then subscribing to a larger company plan will make sense -- especially since many companies now include LinkedIn Premium as part of their total compensation package.

That said, even if you only need to use LinkedIn Premium once or twice a year, the monthly cost of $9 makes a good case for why you should go ahead and get yourself a LinkedIn Premium membership. That amount could easily cover two months' worth of coffee breaks alone!

Does LinkedIn charge annually?

No. You don't need to renew your LinkedIn Premium subscription each year. Instead, you can simply cancel your subscription and avoid paying any fees every 12 months. If you decide to continue using LinkedIn Premium after canceling, though, you'll still have to pay the same rate as someone who signed up last week.

What is the cheapest LinkedIn premium account?

The lowest tier of LinkedIn Premium starts at $6.25 per month for individuals. It includes unlimited professional networking, resume sharing, career advice, and video conferencing capabilities. The second tier is available for organizations starting at $12.50 per employee. It adds additional perks like advanced analytics tools, enhanced email marketing, automated recruiting, and other services. Finally, the third tier provides members with all of the previous tiers plus a whole host of new features such as 360 degree views, data mining, and content creation abilities.

All tiers come with free credits so you can try them out first to see which ones interest you most. Each credit lasts 30 days and gives you access to certain functions. For example, a 1-credit allows you to search for jobs while a 3-credit lets you apply for positions without having to create an account. Credits also expire after they've been used so you might find yourself needing to spend some cash in order to keep your accounts active.

You don't necessarily need to purchase these credits individually either. Many employers will allow you to buy bundles instead of making separate purchases for each function you'd like to use. Some employers even give you credits automatically based on how long your employment period was, meaning you won't actually have to buy anything at all.

How much does a premium LinkedIn account cost?

Let's say you were considering signing up for LinkedIn Premium but weren't sure which level would best suit your needs. Here's where things start getting tricky.

In terms of pricing, LinkedIn doesn't explicitly state exactly how much a specific subscription plan costs. Instead, you'll notice that prices change depending on whether you're buying a subscription for personal use versus a corporate plan. On top of that, you'll also need to factor in the number of people in your workplace, as well as the length of time you expect to stay subscribed.

For instance, let's assume you wanted to subscribe to LinkedIn Premium for both yourself and your entire team. Based off LinkedIn's current rates, here's what that looks like:

Individual Plan: $9 / Month

Team Plan: $20 / Team Member

1 Year Subscription: $18 / Person x 10 Employees = $180 Total

3 Years Subscriptions: $36 / Person x 10 Employees = $360 Total

5+ Years Subscriptions: $45 / Person x 10 Employees = $450 Total

As you can see, the price increases significantly over time. In fact, the 5+ years option ends up costing almost double the initial yearly fee. So while it's certainly possible to save money by opting for shorter periods of subscription, it's not always easy to figure out the correct balance between saving money and staying connected professionally.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to finding the right mix of services and features you require and balancing those against the potential savings you'll enjoy. As such, you'll likely end up choosing a subscription plan that suits your circumstances rather than attempting to determine what you "need" to choose.

Are you interested in learning more about LinkedIn Premium? Then check out our full guide to LinkedIn Premium below:

How to set up a LinkedIn profile

How to add contacts to LinkedIn

Why LinkedIn is great for professionals

Best places to post your CV online

How to connect with recruiters on LinkedIn

How to boost your presence on LinkedIn

How to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Where to share links on LinkedIn

How to build connections on LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn Premium? Everything you need to know about LinkedIn Premium

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What is LinkedIn Premium?

LinkedIn Premium allows members access to extra functionality such as private messaging, advanced search capabilities, video calls, professional networking tools, and more.

You can also receive alerts when someone adds you to an organization, sends you messages, posts content in your area of expertise, or invites you to join them for events. You will also be able to send personalized emails to contacts who have added you to a group or network.

Premium subscribers are given priority support from LinkedIn staff and get additional perks like invitations to exclusive events with speakers from top companies, early notification of company news and hiring opportunities, and other marketing materials. When it comes to business professionals, LinkedIn Premium membership is one of the most cost effective ways to stay connected with potential clients and customers.

In addition to these benefits, there are some downsides to consider if you decide to pay $49/month (or £29 / €39 per month). The biggest drawback is how much data you need to use all of the services offered by LinkedIn Premium. If you don't want to worry about storage space limitations, then you may not want to buy into the subscription option just yet.

If you do plan on using many of the paid-for features within LinkedIn Premium, you might be surprised to learn that you could save money by signing up for a free trial instead. There isn't any downside to taking advantage of this offer so why wait until after you've signed up for the full package before trying out the different features for yourself?

The best way to find out whether you'll benefit from LinkedIn Premium is to try it out first hand!

LinkedIn has been around since 2003. Despite the fact that we're now living through a global pandemic, many people are still using the platform as an effective way to look for jobs or find new opportunities.

In 2020 alone, there were over 200 million members worldwide and more than 20 billion connections made across all platforms. That makes it one of the largest social networks out there, but it also means that competition for users can get intense quickly.

If you've ever looked at your activity feed and seen someone post something like "I'm looking for work," then chances are you know what I mean when I say that LinkedIn isn't always easy to navigate. There's so much content being posted every day by companies trying to recruit skilled professionals, which makes it difficult to sort through everything.

Of course, this problem is only compounded because some people have thousands of connections on their profile, making it even harder to sift through them all. For these reasons, it's no surprise that so few people use LinkedIn regularly anymore.

So how do you make sure you're getting the most value from LinkedIn while keeping things simple enough to avoid any major problems? The answer lies with the various LinkedIn subscriptions available today.

This article will take a deep dive into LinkedIn's premium services and help explain whether they're actually worth paying for. We'll start off by discussing why people might want to pay for LinkedIn right away instead of waiting until later. Then we'll explore each specific feature offered in LinkedIn's paid tiers and see how it stacks up against other options available online. Finally, we'll take a quick peek at the costs associated with each plan before wrapping up our review.

Is LinkedIn still relevant 2021?

When you think about it, LinkedIn was already pretty old back in 2003. It wasn't exactly revolutionary at the time -- just another company trying to capitalize on the popularity of MySpace and Facebook. But the fact remains that LinkedIn continues to play an important role in the modern world, especially among younger generations who grew up with smartphones and apps.

For example, LinkedIn claims that 70 percent of millennials in North America use the service daily. And according to research conducted by Forbes, 75% of those same millennial workers believe that having LinkedIn access helps them land better-paying jobs. These numbers suggest that LinkedIn still holds a lot of appeal for prospective employers and candidates alike.

How useful is LinkedIn in 2021?

It goes without saying that LinkedIn offers plenty of tools designed specifically to let you search for potential employment opportunities. You can upload your resume and apply directly from your account page. If you don't have a profile yet, you can create one and connect with others instantly. You can also set up alerts so that you're notified whenever anyone adds you as a connection.

But beyond these basic functions, there are tons of additional perks that come along with signing up for a premium membership on LinkedIn. Here are just a handful of the ways that LinkedIn could potentially benefit you:

Find leads faster: One of the biggest complaints surrounding LinkedIn is the lack of filters. As mentioned above, LinkedIn doesn't offer too many sorting options, meaning that finding qualified applicants becomes incredibly tedious. With premium accounts, however, you gain access to advanced searching functionality that allows you to narrow down results based on skills, location, education level, industry, etc. This kind of filtering gives you far greater control over the content you see.

Make yourself more visible: Another reason to consider upgrading to LinkedIn Pro is that it lets you promote your personal brand. When you add your professional photo to your profile (and link to your website), others will recognize you as a subject matter expert. In turn, this increases your credibility within the workplace, which could ultimately lead to higher salary expectations.

Improve your network: If you're serious about building relationships with colleagues and peers, LinkedIn provides excellent networking capabilities. Not only does it allow you to send personalized messages to everyone else connected to you, but it also includes several powerful features designed to encourage communication between groups of friends.

Save money: According to LinkedIn itself, businesses save $5,000 per year by hiring employees via its platform versus other methods. Given the current state of the economy, this number seems highly plausible. After all, it would certainly be cheaper for companies to hire new hires rather than train existing staff.

With the coronavirus forcing layoffs across industries everywhere, this argument couldn't be stronger. So if you're considering quitting your full-time gig altogether, investing in a LinkedIn pro account may end up saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually.

Is it OK to not be on LinkedIn?

While it's true that most people prefer to keep their profiles private, there are certain circumstances where you absolutely need to have a public presence. Perhaps you run a small business and want to reach a wider audience. Or maybe you teach classes online and want to share information with students. Regardless of your situation, there are lots of reasons why you must maintain a publicly accessible profile.

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, it's often easier to grow your career when you have a public voice. Companies tend to notice when you're active on LinkedIn, and sometimes they'll contact you directly for interviews. Even if you aren't actively seeking a position, it never hurts to show up in a recruiter's inbox.

Plus, once you build up your reputation on the site, it won't be long before recruiters begin reaching out to you themselves. They might ask you to join a group to stay updated on industry trends, or perhaps they'd simply like to bounce ideas off of you. Either way, LinkedIn can definitely provide real value outside of the realm of traditional recruitment.

Finally, if you really hate the idea of sharing your profile publicly, you can always hide your updates entirely. To do this, click Settings & Privacy " Update Profile" " Hide Updates. Now nobody will be able to view your profile unless you change your settings again.

Is LinkedIn premium billed monthly?

Now that we've discussed why you might want to upgrade to LinkedIn PRO, let's take a closer look at the different packages currently available. Each tier comes with varying amounts of storage space, so you'll want to choose wisely depending on how much data you expect to accumulate.

The three main tiers are Basic ($19/month), Plus ($39/month) and Professional ($99/month). Basic subscribers receive 30GB of storage space, which is fine if you're only storing links to articles and photos. However, if you're uploading documents or presentations, you probably want to bump that up to Plus, which grants you 100GB.

Professional accounts include unlimited storage capacity, allowing you to store anything you want with complete peace of mind. Of course, this requires shelling out the big bucks, so it's best reserved for high-level executives and seasoned professionals.

There are two other levels called Plus 1TB and 2TB, although neither is necessary for most people. While both give you double the amount of storage compared to Basic accounts, they require you to purchase yearly contracts in order to unlock the extra space. Since most folks can easily fill up their free accounts during the first month, these upgrades are hardly worthwhile.

At the moment, the lowest priced tier is Basic. At the top end, however, you'll have to spend upwards of $200+ per month to ensure you have ample room for all of your files. Depending on how frequently you update your profile, this could prove quite expensive after 12 months.

Ultimately, the decision to buy LinkedIn Pro depends largely on your usage habits. If you rarely update your profile, go ahead and stick with Basic. Otherwise, consider upgrading to Plus, which comes with 50 times the storage capacity for half the price.

LinkedIn has been around since 2003, but only recently did they launch a brand-new paid version of their service called Premium. This new product offers many more features than what you get with free LinkedIn accounts. But does it actually make sense to spend money on this platform?

Here's everything you need to know about LinkedIn Premium, from how much it costs to whether or not it makes sense for your career goals. We'll also cover some other options that are available if you're looking for a similar social network experience without paying an additional monthly fee.

Do I really need LinkedIn premium?

If you want to connect with people in your industry who can help you advance professionally, then yes, you probably will eventually be using LinkedIn as part of your daily workflow. It can potentially provide access to potential clients, connections, and even jobs when you're ready to look for one. If you have a professional goal like joining academia, law, medicine, engineering, or any other field where you may need to collaborate with others, then LinkedIn could prove useful.

But if you just use it occasionally for fun networking, then you might find yourself wondering why you'd ever consider spending money to upgrade your account. The good news is that there are plenty of free alternatives to LinkedIn that allow you to create profiles and reach out to contacts for free. If you aren't actively seeking employment opportunities at all right now, these services offer a few advantages over LinkedIn too. You won't see ads pop up while browsing through your feed, and you won't receive emails asking you to click on links that lead to sales pitches.

Plus, most of these platforms charge nothing extra to maintain existing connections, so you shouldn't have to worry about losing access to them if you decide to cancel your membership later down the road.

So before deciding whether or not you need to invest in a premium account, take into consideration those things that matter most to you. Do you plan to work in certain fields in the future? Or maybe you already have a job and are considering moving to another city or state? Are you hoping to meet someone special online? These questions will guide you toward making an informed decision about whether or not LinkedIn is worth it for you personally.

What happens if you don't pay LinkedIn premium?

In order to keep your profile current and relevant, LinkedIn will send you updates every time someone adds, edits, or deletes something on your page. So if you skip out on paying LinkedIn Premium, you'll miss out on important information that would otherwise appear on your public profile. Your followers will still see that you've updated your bio, however, which means you'll continue to build credibility among prospective employers.

Another thing to note is that LinkedIn doesn't automatically delete inactive accounts. Even though you haven't logged onto your account in years (or decades), your profile will remain active until you manually remove it. And because LinkedIn keeps track of deleted profiles, anyone searching for "Jane Doe" will still come across her old public profile unless she removes it herself.

Lastly, if you opt to stay connected with former colleagues or friends after working together, they will always be able to view your profile. However, once again, deleting your account completely will make it impossible for them to find you.

Why do I need LinkedIn premium?

There are several reasons why you might choose to join LinkedIn Premium. Perhaps you want to show off your achievements and skills, or perhaps you hope to land a promotion within your company by connecting with senior executives or influencers. Maybe you simply enjoy seeing who else is working in your field and want to learn more about them. Whatever the reason, LinkedIn can give you insights that you can’t get anywhere else.

One example of this is the ability to search for professionals based on keywords instead of having to rely solely on their names. By narrowing your search results to include specific words and phrases, you can quickly identify the top candidates in your preferred profession. Another benefit is that you can add tags to your posts to categorize them, giving others a visual representation of what type of content interests you the most. Plus, you can easily share articles via email or Twitter directly from your dashboard.

As far as the number of connections goes, LinkedIn says that it allows users to follow 1 million people per month. That number isn't nearly enough to compete with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, however. While you can set limits on the amount of messages you receive each day, you won't be able to prevent spammy requests. Also, if you try to stop getting notifications altogether, you'll lose access to some valuable data points such as follower counts, engagement rates, and total post views.

How do you stand out on LinkedIn 2022?

A big part of being successful on LinkedIn revolves around building relationships. Since everyone is competing against everyone else, it's essential to cultivate meaningful conversations with both individuals and groups. To ensure that you get noticed, here are five ways to improve your visibility on LinkedIn:

1) Post regularly and consistently. When you first start posting, you'll likely struggle to produce quality content. Don't let this discourage you! As long as you post at least three times per week, you'll gradually develop a reputation for providing high-quality content. Once you begin receiving regular positive feedback, you'll become accustomed to producing great stuff on demand.

2) Use hashtags strategically. Hashtags are essentially keywords that you can apply to individual pieces of content. They help you draw attention to particular topics related to your expertise, so make sure you capitalize on popular ones whenever possible. For instance, if you're a software engineer, you might use #softwareengineering, #computerprogramming, or #coding.

3) Get involved in local communities. Join organizations like Meetup, Nextdoor, Reddit Groups, and Quora to find likeminded people interested in discussing common issues. Then ask them to introduce you to others in the same community. Not only will this boost your personal exposure, but it will also expose you to new ideas and perspectives.

4) Share helpful resources. A lot of people prefer reading articles rather than watching videos. So if you happen to write interesting blog posts, encourage readers to link back to your website with a short description of the article and a callout encouraging them to read the full piece.

5) Take advantage of sponsored posts. Many companies run contests and giveaways through LinkedIn. In exchange for promoting these events, businesses often reward participants with prizes ranging from gift cards to merchandise. If you participate frequently, you'll gain recognition and trust with sponsors, and ultimately earn rewards like discounts or VIP experiences.

LinkedIn Premium Pricing & Plans

The following table outlines the different versions of LinkedIn Premium and their associated prices. Keep in mind that depending on your location, you may qualify for a discount during the trial period.

Is Linkedin Premium Worth It? How Much Is LinkedIn Premium Costing Me Per Month?



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