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Should I have multiple emails for my business?

Should I have multiple emails for my business?

If you're a freelancer or small business owner, chances are you've had this question pop up in your head from time to time — should I have one single primary email account (like @gmail) or do I need two or more accounts (e.g., @work and @personal)? The answer depends on what kind of person you are, but there's no right or wrong way to go about things.

Let's take a look at some pros and cons for each scenario so you can make an informed decision based off your own preferences and needs. If you'd like to skip straight over to our recommendations, scroll down below!

Is it worth having multiple email accounts?

This is probably the most important question to ask yourself because if you don't see any real benefits, why bother with anything else? For instance, Gmail has spam filters and other tools built-in to help keep unwanted messages out of reach. It also comes preinstalled on every computer, making setup easy. On top of those features, Google allows users to create secondary inboxes under their main accounts which they can customize however they want. This means you could be using the same address as everyone else while still keeping all your personal stuff private. In addition, many services offer additional perks when you sign up through certain providers instead of just signing into them directly. Evernote offers free storage space, Dropbox gives users 5GB of extra cloud storage, etc.

There are several reasons why people choose to not only have one email address but rather set up multiple ones as well. Some examples include getting access to specific apps that require a second or third account, such as Facebook Messenger. Others may prefer to have a dedicated account for professional purposes since they deal with confidential information regularly. And then there are those who simply enjoy separating their social media profiles from their day-to-day emailing. Whichever camp fits you best, here are some tips to consider.

Separate your personal life and work by creating individualized yet memorable usernames. You'll get used to seeing these names come up often during chats.

When possible, try to avoid using the exact same username across platforms. Use unique passwords and security questions whenever needed.

Keep your work and personal email separate even after setting everything up. Don't give away where you receive mail from by default. Make sure to check it before downloading attachments or clicking links.

Give yourself enough room in your provider's plan to allow for multiple inboxes. Check how much data your current plans permit and compare it to others to find the lowest price point for service. There's nothing worse than paying too much for something you didn't really need.

Create aliases within your respective inboxes. Most email clients let you change the From field without actually changing your actual email address itself. These aliases will show up as "From Name" throughout conversations. Just remember that whoever sent you an email was supposed to send it to your original email address.

For maximum privacy, opt out of promotional emails and newsletters. Notifications are great, but sometimes we just want peace and quiet.

Don't forget to enable secure communication settings. Your provider likely provides instructions for doing this, usually via browser extensions, but here are some general guidelines to follow regardless:

Use HTTPS encryption wherever available. When someone sends you a message encrypted via SSL/TLS, they know it wasn't intercepted along the way. Be careful though, many companies block connections made with HTTP when sending login credentials or credit card numbers.

Set your client's Secure Sockets Layer certificate expiration date to never expire. They aren't difficult to install and maintain either.

Consider enabling automatic forwarding for incoming messages. That way, you won't miss a beat if you ever switch providers.

Make sure to verify signatures properly. Never trust anyone unless you fully understand how digital signatures work.

Be wary of unsolicited emails and suspicious phishing attempts. Set up quick shortcuts to spot scams before it's too late.

Check your junk folder once in awhile to ensure you haven't missed anything important.

Try not to open unknown attachments or click links leading back to websites outside of your domain. Malware infections lurk everywhere.

Lastly, always delete emails immediately upon receiving them. No matter what they say, it doesn't necessarily mean you're safe just because you opened them.

Is it better to have 2 email addresses?

While having multiple inboxes sounds nice in concept, this isn't practical for everyone due to limitations imposed by internet infrastructure providers. Depending on where you live, you may experience slowdowns or blackouts caused by congestion at times. Even if you're lucky enough to stay connected 24 hours a day, there are bound to be days where you just can't log onto your usual account. Or perhaps you happen to work odd shifts and end up being home after midnight. Maybe you have friends coming over unexpectedly, or maybe you don't feel comfortable opening up your work profile to non-employees. Whatever the reason, having to wait until tomorrow morning to check your emails again can be frustrating.

In order to overcome these shortcomings, you may wish to consider splitting your inbox between two or three accounts. This is especially helpful if you have employees working remotely, since you can direct them to alternate addresses. Here are some pointers regarding how to proceed.

Split your inbox into separate folders for Personal and Work. Ideally, you would store both types of content inside these folders respectively. Then, create custom labels for easier sorting later on.

Switch between accounts depending on whether you're currently logged into work or play mode. To quickly activate a new account, you can press Control + Shift simultaneously.

To add another address as a primary email associated with your account, navigate to Settings & Accounts. Click Add another email address and select Create Account... Enter the necessary details (name, password, verification code), confirm that you agree to the terms of service, and hit Sign Up Now. Once signed in, you can then switch between accounts manually.

Add an alias for whichever account you use less frequently. Since this is technically against protocol, you may run into trouble if caught. But hey, it's your choice.

Avoid sharing your full email address publicly. Instead, provide a short link (or generate a QR Code) for people to easily contact you.

Once you've gone through the steps above, you shouldn't face much difficulty switching between accounts anymore. However, if you decide to stick with just one inbox anyway, you might as well do it according to our previous advice.

Do info@ emails work?

You can certainly use any combination of letters that makes sense for your situation. Personally, I'm going to assume you already have a regular primary email address (which serves as your user ID). So now it's time to pick one of the following options.

info+your_email_address works fine for businesses with multiple branches. Each branch gets its own email address plus a corresponding email signature. Any employee looking to contact you can simply type your name followed by @[branch] (for example, This approach is ideal for organizations with many offices around town.

info@domain.tld is suitable for solo practitioners. With this option, your company name becomes part of your address. While it does seem like a convenient solution, it poses some potential problems. First, it requires you to put your full legal name in the From field, which can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Second, it's harder to track activity linked to those domains. Third, it prevents you from directing responses to individuals with generic first names.

Having your name appear alongside your email address is pretty standard practice nowadays. Unless you're running a major corporation with thousands of employees, you probably wouldn't notice much difference between the two approaches.

Is info@ A good email address?

That's entirely subjective. What matters more is finding a balance between convenience and productivity. Having a simple email address that ends with @work is perfect for those who handle official business transactions and communications. But it's not so useful for casual correspondences. Likewise, having a long, complicated email address that includes your entire name isn't very attractive for employers.

So what's the middle ground? Try checking out this list of creative job titles to see if any fit your personality. Also, read up on how hiring managers search applicants' resumes to learn more about what works and what doesn't. Lastly, consult career experts to figure out what skills and characteristics employers seek in candidates. After all, you should tailor your resume accordingly.

With that said, just remember that whatever you settle on should reflect your true identity. If you're trying to conceal parts of who you are, it's probably not the right idea to begin with.

Know that not everybody agrees with this philosophy. People claim it's unfair to force prospective hires to change their name or alter their appearance in order to gain employment. Why should they have to hide behind a mask just to earn money? Some argue that giving people control over their identities shows respect towards their individuality. As long as they behave responsibly, why interfere?

The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Find a system that works for you and embrace it wholeheartedly. Otherwise, you risk sacrificing professionalism for simplicity. Being flexible is key to success, otherwise you'll lose sight of your vision.

You've probably heard of "info" as one of the most common email domains. But there are many other popular ones like @gmail, @yahoo, or even more niche ones like @flickr.

So what exactly does this mean when it comes to your online identity? Should you choose from these options or go with another domain name instead? In short, yes—but the answer isn't quite so simple.

Let's take a look at how all these top-level domains (TLDs) work in order to help you decide whether they're right for you.

What is the best generic email address?

The best way to describe TLDs such,.org, or others is to think about them being similar to subdomains. They can be used just like any other website would allow you to create a new account using its own custom domain.

This means that if you want to set up a personal blog on Wordpress, then you should consider adding it under the www version of your chosen domain. The same goes for email accounts. If you plan to register a domain that has extension, then make sure to change the default mail app settings to send messages through Gmail before setting anything else.

That said, not every person who owns a domain will necessarily need their own unique email address for themselves. There may also be someone managing your domain that doesn't care which email service provider you chose. It's OK if they don't know either!

As long as you stay consistent across services where users expect to see certain information displayed by your domain name, then your customers shouldn't notice much difference between each individual email address. This includes things like social media profiles, forums, and even password recovery systems.

On the flip side, having several general email accounts allows you to easily keep track of everything without cluttering up inboxes unnecessarily. For example, you could have one primary email address tied to your main username, but forward those important replies to another address that only you check regularly.

For businesses looking to grow into something larger, having an additional email address can really come in handy. You'll never have to worry about losing access to customer data because of lost or forgotten passwords. And since people generally don't switch providers very often, you won't experience too much inconvenience on this front.

However, there are some downsides to keeping multiple email addresses. First off, you risk confusing existing subscribers if you suddenly start sending out promotional material from a completely unrelated address. Secondly, it requires extra effort to receive notifications from mailing lists that aren't attached to your current account. Lastly, it complicates tracking analytics for incoming links and referrals.

If none of these reasons matter enough to dissuade you, however, let's move onto discussing specific TLDs. We recommend starting out with picking a cheap alternative domain registrar first. Once that's taken care of, we can begin exploring further.

How do you get an info@ email address?

In addition to the above, it's helpful to understand how companies usually obtain free email addresses for their clients. Typically, the process involves doing three things: creating a dedicated server, signing up for an internet connection, and downloading software.

When you sign up for Internet Service Provider (ISP) packages, they sometimes give away unused DNS space or provide special deals on hosting plans. ISPs tend to offer these benefits to promote growth within their communities, so keep this in mind when choosing your next ISP.

Next, if you intend to host your site yourself rather than pay for monthly costs, you must buy a Domain Name System (DNS) package separately. These typically cost anywhere from $10-$20 per year, depending on the company offering it.

Lastly, if you'd prefer to avoid paying for software altogether, try searching for previously mentioned Free VPN services. Many of them offer limited email forwarding functionality, though it depends on the provider. That being said, you should still find plenty of reliable alternatives that fit your needs here.

Are email addresses worth money?

There's no reason why buying email addresses should be expensive, especially considering that they mainly function as vanity URLs anyway. However, there are definitely some instances where they can prove useful.

To illustrate, say you run a small business selling customized clothing items. Instead of trying to build brand recognition among consumers directly, you can opt to purchase names like [email protected] and add them to your product listings. Doing this lets potential buyers associate your products with a memorable email address and saves time over manually typing out a personalized URL.

Another option is getting a premium email address that looks professional. While these types of brands may seem intimidating at first, the convenience alone makes the investment worthwhile. Plus, you'll likely save more money overall due to cheaper rates for the underlying service.

But while this strategy works fine for big corporations, smaller organizations may benefit better from simply purchasing a second private email address. After all, both approaches require you to follow proper security practices—and the latter approach offers more flexibility for customization.

What is a good generic email address?

A good email address is flexible and straightforward. Ideally, it should include two parts—a descriptive identifier that defines it uniquely, followed by a series of numbers and letters. Here are some examples of what that entails:


Once you've decided upon the format, you can customize it by changing the text inside the brackets. So for instance, you can swap out “example” for whatever words suit your tastes.

While it may feel convenient to enter your desired domain name whenever possible, doing so defeats the purpose of simplicity and uniformity. Don't forget that most people aren't accustomed to remembering random strings of characters that happen to contain words.

Instead, stick to using easy-to-remember abbreviations that clearly convey meaning. Most importantly, try to avoid using numbers when it comes to your actual email address. This applies to phone numbers, home addresses, etc., though obviously exceptions exist.

Your email address should also be as short as possible. Some sites limit maximum character counts based on mailbox size limits, so ensure that you don't exceed them. Additionally, if you ever plan to migrate to a different provider, you should always strive to simplify the transition as much as possible.

Keep in mind that shorter email addresses are easier to type and remember. On the contrary, longer versions take up more room in the inbox and become harder to read quickly. When you finally settle on the perfect length, you should then aim to apply consistency throughout your various digital identities.

And lastly, don't forget that your email address serves as a gateway for spam bots and scammers alike. Therefore, it's essential to exercise caution when entering sensitive details such as credit card number or bank PIN codes. Before submitting anything, double check that nothing was accidentally added to your profile.

If you ever suspect that your email address was compromised, head over to to verify it. Otherwise, you may end up dealing with fraudulent charges or worse.

Email marketing platforms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it easier than ever to design effective campaigns with targeted audiences. As a result, modern email apps now feature features designed specifically to improve user experiences.

These tools range from auto-complete suggestions to smart algorithms that learn your preferences automatically. To put it simply, if you already have an established relationship with your email app, chances are that it knows what kind of content you enjoy receiving most. Using this knowledge wisely can lead to higher engagement levels and retention.

Overall, it's pretty safe to assume that owning multiple email addresses is beneficial in many ways. Depending on your goals and budget, it's ultimately up to you to determine which solution suits your needs the best.

You've probably seen this question floating around online at one point or another, but if not we'll ask anyway—how many email accounts do most people actually maintain in their inboxes?

The number of accounts can vary from person to person depending on how active they are with their email account as well as where they live (see below). But even so, there's no hard-and-fast rule about the ideal amount of email accounts for an individual user. In fact, some argue having too few is better than having too many while others say just the opposite. So what’s right? How much mail management expertise would your company need to run more than one address per employee? What kind of services could be offered by using multiple email addresses? And why shouldn't everyone follow suit? Let's take a look into these questions and see whether it makes sense to start running multiple e-mail accounts for your business.

How many email addresses should a business have?

There are three main reasons businesses may want to set up additional e-mail accounts: security, efficiency, and productivity. The first two points sound pretty straightforward, so let's dive deeper into the third reason.

In order to effectively manage their time and workload, employees must spend less time searching through endless messages trying to find exactly what they're looking for. It also allows them to send out important information without being interrupted every five minutes when someone else needs help. By setting up various filters within each e-mail service, users get the best of both worlds. They receive all urgent notifications in one place, yet still keep track of everything going on elsewhere.

If your business has several teams working on projects across numerous areas, then keeping tabs on all those e-mails will become increasingly difficult. If you don't already have a way to organize such tasks, consider implementing Trello, which lets you assign specific cards to team members and easily move between boards. You can create new boards based upon client, project, or whatever else suits your organization best. With Trello, you never have to wonder who did what because it automatically keeps track of everything.

Another benefit of creating multiple workflows stems from the simple fact that your clients may prefer receiving certain types of communication via e-mail instead of social media platforms like Slack or Discord. For example, a customer support representative may only check Twitter once throughout the day to respond to complaints, whereas other departments may prefer sending out updates over group chats on Facebook Messenger. This means that companies would likely benefit from having multiple email addresses specifically for communications purposes.

While it’s easy enough to switch between accounts, things get really tricky when deciding which accounts to consolidate and which ones to leave alone. As mentioned previously, some people believe splitting up personal and professional contacts is unnecessary since a lot of spam comes from random strangers rather than actual customers or colleagues. Others claim doing so gives you peace of mind knowing that you won't lose access to your critical files if an entire computer fails. On top of that, you may end up spending more money on extra storage space and bandwidth due to excessive attachments sent during peak hours.

So what's a digital marketer to do? Here are our recommendations for the optimal size of an organizational email setup.

Small Business Email Accounts = 1 - 3

For smaller organizations, having a maximum of three primary email addresses doesn't seem unreasonable. These e-mail accounts serve as the foundation for almost any type of interaction with a potential customer. Not only that, but the fewer total accounts you have open, the easier it becomes to remember which one to click on next. That said, adding secondary email addresses for administrative functions isn't necessarily bad either. Having a second address gives employers greater control over content distribution, while allowing them to filter out newsletters and promotional offers. Employees can also utilize multiple Gmail profiles with custom labels. Doing so separates your professional life from your personal life, making it easier to focus on the task at hand without getting sidetracked.

Large Business Email Accounts > 5

As the name suggests, large enterprises often require dozens of dedicated email addresses. While it seems counterintuitive, having more than 10 email addresses can improve productivity and streamline processes.

With so many incoming messages, sorting through them can quickly turn into a nightmare. Multiple managers may try to contact one single employee simultaneously. However, with proper planning, you can reduce chaos by letting each department handle its own responsibilities. A good idea is to divide your workforce into groups of approximately 20-30 people. Then allocate a manager to oversee each group, giving them the power to schedule meetings, approve proposals, etc., without needing approval from anyone else. To facilitate collaboration among coworkers, ensure that you're using tools like Google Calendar to schedule events and share meeting notes.

Having an abundance of email addresses also decreases the likelihood of accidentally losing crucial documents. Since data loss prevention software gets slower as more devices connect to the internet, having more machines connected to servers increases the risk of mishaps. Furthermore, larger corporations tend to be more prone to cyberattacks, meaning added protection against malware and ransomware is necessary. Finally, consolidation ensures that workers aren't distracted by unimportant emails coming from unrelated sources.

A short answer here is yes. Legality varies according to local laws, however, so make sure to consult your lawyer before starting any major operations. For example, in Canada, the Income Tax Act states that "every employer shall provide [employees] with the opportunity to the extent permitted under applicable law" regarding benefits plans. Such provisions include tax breaks, vacation pay, sick days off, health insurance coverage, retirement savings programs, bonuses, and severance packages.

On the flip side, US federal labor regulations state that “no employer may collect more than $52,093.50 in wages annually from an employee in a given week." Therefore, in terms of taxes, employees are free to set up multiple bank accounts, investment portfolios, brokerage firms, credit card providers, etc. provided that none of those entities charge fees.

Even though the rules differ slightly from country to country, the bottom line remains the same — employers are prohibited from charging exorbitant fees for products and services. Of course, if you were to go rogue and started operating outside of normal practices, you'd soon discover that your actions violate the aforementioned guidelines.

How many email addresses does the average person have?

According to statistics cited by CNBC, the average American household maintains roughly four unique email accounts. Most people primarily use Gmail for personal communication, followed by Yahoo Mail for family and friends, Hotmail/Outlook for work, and iCloud for mobile devices. At least 70% of Americans also regularly use social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Discord.

However, this data was collected back in 2014, so it may now reflect changes in technology trends. Nowadays, it's very common to hear individuals mention juggling six or seven different apps on a daily basis. According to Wrike, a leading provider of cloud-based human resources solutions, 35 percent of professionals are overwhelmed by constant distractions and stress caused by the overwhelming nature of modern tech. That's especially true for millennials, whose attention spans are shorter compared to Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers.

Despite these alarming facts, we still haven't reached Peak Email. Even after years of technological advancements, there are plenty of ways to stay productive without inundating yourself with unwanted notifications. Whether you decide to stick with a traditional laptop or opt for something like Microsoft Teams, it's always possible to limit your usage and avoid distraction overload. Take advantage of these tips and tricks to minimize the effects of email addiction.

Email Management Services

Whether you choose to implement multiple e-mail accounts yourself or hire a virtual assistant to handle your email marketing efforts, you won't regret taking action sooner rather than later. Before jumping straight into hiring external services, make sure to assess your current situation and workflow first. Do you currently have several mailing lists for sales leads? Are you paying for expensive domain names that cost hundreds of dollars monthly hosting fees? Or perhaps you're just tired of opening boring corporate snail mail that requires signing up for special delivery systems?

Once you've determined that you need assistance, there are countless options available today. Make sure to research thoroughly before committing to anything. From full-service agencies offering creative ideas to freelancers providing personalized guidance, there's bound to be something suitable for you. Some popular choices include Fancy Hands, Zirtual, HelloSign, Invoice Ninja, ActiveCampaign, Hiver, Mention, GoDaddy Live Support, HubSpot SmartSupport, and Zoom Call Scheduling.

To sum up, regardless of how many email addresses you think you personally need, know that limiting the number of accounts used by your business can save you money, increase productivity, and simplify overall operation. Just remember to treat all your email addresses equally otherwise you may face problems down the road.



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