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What do sales solutions do?

What do sales solutions do?

Sales organizations need to be adaptable. This means that they have to change how their business works in order to meet customers' needs. It also means changing how employees work so as not to get stuck with outdated processes. The best way to achieve this is to sell solutions instead of products.

Solution selling involves making sure you understand what your customers are trying to solve before asking them for money. You will then provide them with a better option than other companies can offer based on their own knowledge. Solution selling requires a different mindset from traditional sales tactics. Here's what it looks like.

What is a solution sales role?

A solution sales person sells software or hardware (such as network equipment) designed to make life easier for businesses and individuals. They don't just sell any old thing, either - they must know why people would want such things in the first place. As well as understanding the problems these items solve, they should try to find out how much value someone could derive from using them.

If you're thinking about becoming a solution sales professional, here's some advice from industry experts.

"The most important attribute required for success in sales is curiosity," says Richard C. Johnson, president of Sales Performance Group Inc. "You need to ask a lot of questions of your prospects and customers, especially when you start working with them."

This doesn't mean that solution sellers aren't interested in profit margins. Instead, they're focused on finding ways to help customers improve their bottom lines while maintaining positive relationships.

Solution salespeople often specialize in one type of item but may take on projects involving multiple types of goods. For instance, if you've worked as a product manager at Microsoft, you might be able to bring your skills to bear on helping businesses use Office 365.

What is an example of solution selling?

There are several industries where solution selling has become common practice. One sector where it's particularly popular is the healthcare industry. Many doctors feel that medical procedures are too expensive because there isn't enough competition between insurers. So they end up paying high premiums even though they only receive limited insurance benefits. By offering services under one roof, hospitals hope to cut costs and increase profits. Patients usually benefit from having fewer visits to specialists, which makes treatment less disruptive.

Another area where many firms turn to solution selling is manufacturing. In factories, workers spend a great deal of time monitoring machines rather than doing manual labor. Solutions sold by machine manufacturers allow operators to focus their attention elsewhere. Some systems include features that automatically detect faults and let managers schedule maintenance accordingly. Others automate tasks with robots, freeing humans to perform higher-value activities.

In retailing, sales representatives typically visit stores to ensure that stock levels match projected demand and that staff members are properly trained to handle new products being introduced into the market. Retailers who rely heavily on online shopping tend to hire dedicated sales staff to reach consumers through social media marketing campaigns. These professionals promote deals and answer basic questions. Customers can access information about products without visiting physical shops.

Is solution selling a skill?

Although solution selling is practiced throughout all sectors, it's most prevalent in IT-related fields. Most software developers design applications that run on computers. However, these programs require additional support to operate correctly. If a programmer forgets to add a function, the program won't work. To prevent this kind of mistake, programmers write documentation detailing every aspect of their code. When users encounter trouble, they call technical support personnel who can troubleshoot the problem and fix it remotely.

One reason why solutions are preferred over individual pieces of technology is because they reduce complexity. A single piece of hardware can fail, meaning that a user might lose data or suffer downtime. With a package containing several interconnected components, however, problems can be fixed quickly and easily. Because of this, users prefer purchasing entire packages instead of buying specific parts.

Solution selling is similar to consulting, except that consultants advise clients on various aspects of their business. Consulting does not involve directly interacting with the client. Rather, it focuses on analyzing existing practices, recommending changes, and training staff.

While solution selling and consultancy share a few similarities, each profession has its own unique approach. Consultants typically charge hourly rates whereas solution salespeople earn commissions based on revenue generated by the sale. Both professions employ skilled practitioners whose primary responsibility is to generate leads. However, consultants generally act as intermediaries between clients and service providers. While solution sales reps interact directly with customers, they still follow procedures similar to those used by consultants.

What is solution sales consultant?

As mentioned above, solution sales is closely related to consultancy. However, there are differences between the two roles. Solution sales consultancies differ from standard consultancies in that they target particular markets within certain verticals. For instance, a firm specializing in mobile app development may serve large corporations with complex needs. Businesses looking to deploy cloud computing platforms can contact a solution sales agency.

Some solution sales agencies operate as subsidiaries of larger consultancies. Other firms are standalone operations that seek contracts from local governments, banks, universities, and other institutions.

Regardless of whether they're part of a bigger operation or stand alone, solution sales agencies can be hired to identify opportunities within specific areas of expertise. Once potential clients are identified, they'll be tasked with presenting relevant options to decision makers.

These professionals are responsible for creating proposals outlining how their solutions can address client concerns. Their goal is to persuade buyers to buy their offerings. Although they're expected to demonstrate competency in terms of product knowledge, they're primarily concerned with closing sales.

It takes both experience and education to succeed as a solution sales expert. Before pursuing a career in this field, candidates should obtain certification from a reputable body. They should also study business management courses and gain hands-on experience working in tech support departments.

To learn more about the requirements needed to land a position as a solution sales representative, read our article titled What qualifications should I expect from prospective employers?.

Solution Selling can be described as selling with an end goal or objective that is often not tangible. The benefit for customers is they get what they need without having to buy it from someone else. Salespeople are trained to focus on this type of selling but there's so much confusion around exactly how it works and why it matters. Here we'll explain what Solution Selling actually means and give some insight into its benefits.

What do you mean by solution selling?

In short, Solution Selling is about finding ways to solve problems for people before they even realize there’s a problem. It’s about making sure everyone gets their needs met rather than just buying products. This kind of selling is used primarily by service-based companies such as banks, insurance providers, law firms, consulting services, etc.

There are many different forms of Solution Selling which all have slightly different names depending on who is doing them. Here are some common terms:

Customer Solutions - These are specific things a business provides to help their clients with their particular challenges. For example, a bank might provide financial coaching to help families manage their money better instead of providing credit cards. A consultant might offer a new software package to improve workflow at a manufacturing plant instead of selling computers.

End User Solutions - End users are typically consumers, patients, employees, students, etc. They're the ones using the products/services being sold. An IT support firm would likely use Customer Solutions when speaking to businesses while an accounting firm may work with End Users when trying to convince individuals to switch to their system.

Product Solutions - Businesses make physical products like furniture, clothing, cars, etc., but these are generally easier to understand because they are tangible objects that anyone can see and touch. However, most successful businesses today rely heavily on intangible assets like technology, knowledge, data, reputation, etc. Product Solutions are essentially equivalent to any other form of Solution Selling except instead of focusing on customers you’re focused on solving internal issues within the company itself.

Solutions Selling Examples

To illustrate how Solution Selling can work in practice consider the following examples.

A banking institution offers online wealth management tools designed specifically for people managing retirement accounts. One of the key features provided is tax preparation assistance. By offering this feature the bank has effectively solved their own client's financial challenge (by helping them pay less taxes) and therefore increased revenue through those customers' purchases of additional products.

An auto manufacturer sells cars as part of their overall brand identity. Because they already sell vehicles, however, they don't really have to worry about solving individual user problems. Instead, the company focuses on offering unique customization options that allow owners to customize their car to suit their tastes.

In both cases the company was able to increase revenues simply by adding value to existing products. In fact, if one were to take a closer look at the first example, it could easily be argued that the customer wasn't looking to purchase anything extra besides the wealth management tool (which happens to also include tax prep).

How do you sell solutions?

The best way to learn how to sell solutions is to observe real world professionals. You should always start out watching sales reps working in the field. If possible find a mentor who is familiar with the industry you want to enter and ask him or her to show you how he or she goes about approaching potential clients.

You shouldn't expect to become a master overnight though. Even the top performers will tell you that becoming a great salesman isn't something that comes naturally. There's no shortcut here. It takes time and effort to build up skills and develop habits that turn into natural behaviors. But once you've done that you'll be well equipped to handle almost any situation thrown your way.

What does solution based selling mean in personal training?

Personal trainers are frequently asked whether they specialize in fitness or nutrition. While that distinction exists, neither category encompasses everything a trainer does. Most experts agree that personal training consists of four main components: exercise, diet, education, and lifestyle advice. When you add this up it becomes clear that each component plays an important role in achieving optimal health.

So how does a trainer go about teaching customers about these areas? Well, most trainers don't necessarily know much about nutrition or eating disorders themselves. Asking a personal trainer to educate himself about food science and psychology is unrealistic. So instead of asking a trainer to teach his clients about nutrition, trainers tend to approach their clients from a position of authority. They assume that since they're certified and experienced they must know more than the average person.

This mindset is problematic for two reasons. First, it assumes that people care about learning only after they have been convinced otherwise. Second, it ignores the fact that every single human being knows far more than the typical personal trainer ever will. People are interested in learning but rarely feel compelled to seek out information unless they think they lack enough knowledge to make informed decisions.

When it comes to educating your clients, you're going to have to walk the fine line between giving them answers and letting them come to their own conclusions. Ideally you'd prefer not to force anyone to do anything they don't want to do; yet at the same time you can't let clients decide things for themselves either. That balance requires patience and tact.

How do you sell a customer solution?

It's easy to say "just sell" but nobody likes to hear that. How can you possibly sell a customer solution? What makes it special? Why should I listen to you over my competition? The truth is that you probably won't be able to answer those questions yourself. No matter how good you are at selling, ultimately you're still dealing with humans. And unfortunately, humans aren't perfect. We're wired to notice flaws and shortcomings in others. Unfortunately, this tendency can lead us to reject our competitors outright despite a potentially valuable opportunity.

But there's another reason you should embrace imperfection and accept mistakes when trying to sell a custom solution. Many times, the best opportunities arise when you least expect them. Customers will always try to avoid pain and frustration. They'll usually jump ship if given the chance. Yet sometimes, when you least suspect it, a customer will suddenly change course and begin searching for a solution. Maybe they didn't fully comprehend the issue until recently. Or maybe they had tried several things and failed miserably. Either way, the moment they finally find success, they'll likely spread the word.

That's where you come in. Your competitor wouldn't have known about this opportunity if it weren't for you. Now that you've brought it to light, you have a responsibility to ensure that it doesn't disappear again. To accomplish this task, you need to continue to push forward and keep the conversation alive. Don't forget that the ultimate purpose of selling solutions is to generate leads -- which means keeping your customers happy is crucial.

Selling products is one thing. Selling services is another. And then there's "solution" or "software as a service". What does it all mean? How can you sell them effectively?

In this article we'll explore what exactly is involved in being a Solution Sales Specialist (SSS) at IS Solutions, Inc., the world’s largest independent software vendor (ISV). We will also look into how their SSS position fits into the broader landscape of IT consulting. We’ll end with some tips on how to transition from product sale to solution sales.

What is the role of a solutions consultant?

A solution consultant is an expert who works closely with clients to help solve complex problems through technical expertise that spans multiple platforms and applications. They work across various industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, finance, retail, hospitality, energy utility, transportation, education, government, insurance, and others. These consultants provide advice, guidance, and training for companies looking to increase productivity while reducing costs. In other words, they serve as advisors and advisers helping businesses improve technology-related processes, which leads to better outcomes.

The typical day includes working directly with customers over phone calls, meetings and emails to ensure that they have the best possible experience using our software. The rest of the time is spent researching new technologies and market trends, and writing articles about current industry issues so that our team has access to the latest information.

IS Solutions consultant a good job?

Being an SSS means having a lot of responsibility—and lots of opportunities to make money! As a consultant, you will be responsible for delivering exceptional results. You must know your stuff inside out, be extremely knowledgeable about the field, and have excellent communication skills both written and verbal. Being a successful SSS requires dedication to learning everything you possibly can about the field, becoming an expert yourself, and staying up-to-date with industry changes. It takes a special kind of person to succeed at this level.

As an SSS, you may not get paid very well compared to someone who sells just products. However, what makes it worth it is the satisfaction of knowing that you are making significant contributions to business growth every single day. If you become an SSS, you could quickly move up within the company if you prove yourself capable and willing to learn. Even though you won't earn a high paycheck right away, you should expect to see steady increases in compensation once you reach certain levels within the company.

If you're interested in joining the IS Solutions family, here’s what you need to do first…

What is the skill of selling?

Sales involves building relationships with people. The ability to communicate clearly and honestly is vital when dealing with potential buyers.

When approaching a prospect, keep these three things in mind:

Be honest - Be truthful. Tell prospects what you think they want to hear instead of what they actually need to hear. This way, you build trust rather than alienate them.

Listen carefully - Listen intently. Don't interrupt unless you really understand why something was said. Ask open-ended questions that require thoughtful answers.

Ask relevant questions - Questions don't always come from you. Often times, your client will ask insightful questions related to his/her specific needs. Make sure you listen without judgment.

What are the 3 most important selling skills?

1. Communication skills - Listening attentively and asking probing questions allows you to gain valuable insights into your prospect's situation and requirements before jumping straight into presenting your own ideas. When discussing pricing options, avoid coming off as pushy or arrogant by letting your prospect lead the conversation.

2. Negotiation skills - When negotiating terms, remember that no deal is final until signed. Always leave room for compromise. Keep in mind that the goal isn't to win 100%, but to maximize value.

3. Relationship Building Skills - Developing lasting relationships is critical to success. Prospective clients often seek referrals from friends and colleagues. By developing strong friendships with your contacts, you will receive invaluable feedback that will aid your efforts to develop long term partnerships.

What are some example tasks of a solution sales professional?

You might find yourself doing any or all of the following:

· Conducting research on key topics in order to write blog posts or white papers that support your recommendations. You may even create case studies based on real life situations where similar programs were used successfully.

· Providing thought leadership content that helps educate prospective clients about emerging markets and trends in their respective fields.

· Writing press releases to announce major events in your industry.

· Meeting with senior management to discuss future strategies and goals.

· Presenting findings and opinions to executives during strategy sessions.

· Preparing presentations tailored toward different audiences depending upon their needs. For instance, you might prepare a presentation geared towards CIOs while another presentation would focus on marketing managers. Each presentation focuses on highlighting unique features of your offering that address its audience's particular challenges.

· Helping to organize trade shows by creating booth displays and promotional materials. You may also assist with set-up and break down of booths, arrange space allocation requests, and manage logistics.

· Taking part in conference call interviews for speaking engagements.

· Managing social media accounts for your brand.

· Setting up webinars and online trainings to teach employees about the benefits of your program.

· Contributing to internal communications campaigns by distributing newsletters, eBooks, whitepapers, etc.

· Maintaining ongoing contact with existing clients to ensure they continue receiving quality service after implementation.

· Responding to inquiries from current customers regarding billing and payment methods.

How much is a solution sales specialist salary?

Salaries vary widely between positions, but typically range from $80K-$120k per year, plus bonus and incentives.

Here is an approximate breakdown of how many hours each week a sales consultant will spend on sales activities:

Week 1 = 40 hrs

Week 2 = 30 hrs

Week 3 = 20 hrs

Week 4 = 10 hrs

Week 5 = 0 hrs

Is Solution Sales Specialist a career path I should consider?

Solution selling is a great fit for anyone who loves solving tough problems and enjoys interacting with a diverse group of professionals. Most importantly, it offers tremendous opportunity for those seeking advancement and financial rewards. So yes, Solution Sales Specialist is definitely a career path you can pursue.

To learn more about how to join IS Solutions, visit us at



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