What does contact owner mean on HubSpot?
One of the most common questions we get from our customers is "how can I manage multiple clients?" The answer lies with assigning different entities as an owner (or contact owner) within one account. This article will show you exactly how to make that happen on HubSpot CRM.
The process starts by creating a new entity called Contact Ownership, which represents one-to-many relationships between people and their primary business. You'll see why this sounds confusing at first when it comes to explaining what happens next...
How do you create a contact owner in HubSpot?
Creating a relationship like this requires several steps. First off, go into Settings & Customization and select Create New Entity. Enter a name for your custom field and choose Yes if prompted to confirm its creation. Then click Save Changes.
You should now be able to view this newly created field under Companies and Contacts. If not, there are other ways to find this feature, but they're more complicated than just clicking around. We've written about them here before.
Now that you know where to look, simply add a checkbox field for each person who owns a specific record. By doing so, each time you edit a contact record, you'll notice the Owner dropdown menu appears below the Name field. Selecting either option shows all related businesses, while selecting any other choice narrows down the search results to only those selected options. Once done, hit save changes again.
Once saved, these ownerships become available via workflow actions, allowing users to easily update the information without having to open up every single contact record individually. It also means that instead of sending out emails asking individuals to accept ownership requests, you can send out one email address to everyone on the list and let them decide whether they want to take part or not. They won't even need to log into the system!
After setting up your custom fields, you may also wish to remove the default Owner label since it doesn't always reflect accurately. To do so, head back to Settings & Customizations, then select Change Labels / Fields. Here, scroll down until you reach Label/Field Type and double tap on Default. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see a button labeled Remove Label. Hit this, enter the desired title and delete the old text. Now type whatever else fits best and press ok. Repeat for any labels relating to other fields.
Below is an example list of ownerships, showing both the assigned user and their corresponding companies.
Here's another way to think about it. A client could own five different firms and therefore appear under five separate entries in the above image. In order to do this properly, you'd use the same method outlined above to create five contact owners. However, note that there's no limit to the number of custom fields you can add per entry, meaning you might end up with hundreds of contact owners over time. That being said, HubSpot allows for unlimited owners per profile, so feel free to get creative!
Can you have two deal owners in HubSpot?
Yes, absolutely! Just repeat the last section of this tutorial, except instead of creating a custom field for each person, create custom fields for each firm. For instance, Alice would own Acme Corp., Bob would own ABC Co., etc. Feel free to mix and match names and titles however you please!
Just remember to keep in mind that you cannot duplicate existing entities. So, if you were to try and add Alice Smith as an additional co-owner under John Doe Inc., she wouldn't exist because Jane Doe already holds the same position.
In addition to mixing and matching names, you can also reassign individual roles. Below is an example of this:
We recently had a customer whose main office was located in London, UK, yet her agency worked remotely, mostly from home offices. As such, she wanted to maintain some separation between herself and the rest of her team members. Since she isn't based in the US, she couldn't quite figure out how to accomplish this using the standard approach.
However, after consulting with us, she came up with a clever workaround. She decided to split her company into three sections -- Operations in the United States, Sales in Europe, and Administration in Asia--and assigned herself as the sole owner in each respective region. Not only did this solve her problem, but it allowed her to better organize her teams across various locations.
So yes, you definitely don't have to stick to the rule book!
How do I change someone's company on HubSpot?
If you're working with large amounts of data, changing the owner can sometimes prove troublesome. After all, you probably have thousands of contacts spread among dozens of different organizations. How do you update all those records at once without going through each one individually? Thankfully, HubSpot has built-in functionality to handle this automatically.
To start, navigate to People " All Contacts. When viewing a particular contact, you'll notice a small arrow icon in the top right corner. Clicking on this opens the Edit Details panel. Scroll down until you come upon the Company tab and expand it. There, you'll see a little gear icon titled Update Ownership. Tap on this to begin updating all associated records.
This works much faster than trying to perform mass updates manually. Plus, it's much easier to track progress than digging through hundreds of records looking for one specific item.
How do I bulk assign a contact owner in HubSpot?
HubSpot offers Bulk Actions to help automate repetitive tasks, saving you hours worth of time. One of these is assigning ownerships. While the manual procedure mentioned earlier takes minutes, the automated version takes seconds.
Bulk Action settings vary depending on the platform you're running. On desktop versions, you'll need to visit Settings " Bulk Actions. On mobile devices, go to My Workplace " Manage Activities. From here, tap on Bulk Actions and locate the relevant row.
For platforms with integrated chat support, Bulk Actions will include a message stating the task is currently in queue. Otherwise, the window will display a simple prompt inviting you to run the batch job. Simply follow the instructions provided and wait for completion.
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Sometimes you may want to automatically assign a new contact to a specific person within an organization like Marketing instead of assigning it to yourself. Or maybe you need to create different roles depending on which department they are assigned to. In those cases, setting up custom fields will help you determine who should own that particular record.
In this article we'll show you how to easily manage these scenarios by linking companies with their owners via HubSpot's Contact Builder.
This is possible through what's known as "contact ownership." You can use contact ownership to set up customized fields such as "Owner" or "Team Leader," so that when someone updates the information, it goes directly into that field rather than being updated by them. The contact then shows up under another user's name based on its data entry. We've created several easy-to-follow guides detailing how to do this below.
How to change contact owner for multiple contacts in HubSpot?
Setting up contact ownership is fairly straightforward. Simply go to Contacts > Customize Fields from the sidebar menu. From here select Update Multiple Records (or Bulk Edit if working with many records at once). This opens the standard editor window where you can customize each field individually. Once done click Save Changes & Continue.
Now all you have to do is open any existing contact record and update it according to our instructions above. Here’s how you would complete the process step-by-step:
Open any contact record.
Click Add Field(s)
Select Workflow Status
Choose Single Line Text
Enter Name: Set this to Company Owner/Manager
Set Value: To Your Team Member(s)/Contact(s)
Make sure that only people listed on the team member list can see this value. If not, make sure to check out our tips on preventing unauthorized access to customer data.
Once saved, look over your changes carefully because there could be some errors. For example, if you chose Workflow Status, the dropdown box might appear blank even though you selected single line text. That’s normal since the default option is multi-line text. Just choose whichever field type works best for your situation.
If everything looks good after making changes, save the record again. Next time a user edits the record, the system will auto populate the workflow status field with whatever choice you made earlier.
To remove a certain field altogether, simply delete it from the customization screen and it won't affect your current records.
How do I edit multiple contacts in HubSpot?
You don’t necessarily need to use the bulk editing feature described previously to modify multiple contacts. There are other ways to accomplish the same task without having to worry about creating extra steps. Below is a detailed guide showing how to perform these actions:
Go to Contacts>Customize Fields from the side bar. Select Update All Existing Record(s), followed by Create New Record(s). Now you just need to enter your desired values for each unique contact and hit Save Changes&Continue. Afterward, whenever users try to edit the record, it will pull the correct info straight from the database itself.
Here’s how you'd finish off this part: Open the newly added contact record and begin updating it accordingly.
Note that if you have hundreds or thousands of entries in your table, this method takes much longer compared to performing the tasks through bulk editing. It also requires more clicks per update—one every time you start a new record rather than selecting existing ones. However, if you have fewer entries but still wish to switch fields around, you can always use bulk editing mode. As long as you keep track of which record belongs to whom, things should run smoothly.
As mentioned before, if you accidentally deleted a field, you can either reorder them on the customization panel, or simply delete them entirely.
How do I add more than one company to a contact in HubSpot?
Adding more than one company to a contact in HubSpot isn't difficult. We've broken down how to do this below. Note that adding a second company doesn't require any additional steps, so you can skip ahead to the section titled "Link Two Companies Together" if you're familiar with this procedure already.
First, let's talk about how to add new companies to existing contacts. Go to your Contact Manager page and locate the contact whose details you wish to alter. Click on Manage Details next to the green tab labeled Actions. Then scroll down until you find the Additional Information header. Under this heading, click +Company/Organization. A pop-up window will display asking you to pick between Adding a Company or Organization. Choose either one.
Next, follow the prompts to fill in the necessary fields. These include first and last names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc., plus optional descriptions and logos. When you reach the end, click Finish. Your system will now take care of the rest.
The final result will look something like this:
However, if you’re dealing with a large number of customers or vendors, HubSpot has a limit of three organizations per account. So if you've exceeded that limit, you’ll get an error message saying you cannot add more than 3 entities.
For anyone curious, HubSpot uses entities to refer to groups of related records. Each entity comes with a unique ID called EntityID. Therefore, while you technically can add unlimited companies to a single contact, doing so essentially defeats the purpose of hubs and makes automation impossible.
That said, you can bypass this limitation by importing contacts from Excel files. Our previous tutorial explains how to import contacts from CSV files. Alternatively, you can also export your entire hub layout as an XLSX file and upload it onto Google Drive. Finally, you can download the free version of Microsoft Access and connect it to your HubSpot account.
Then, copy-paste your data into the tables provided in Access and sync it back to HubSpot. By doing so, your original contacts will become available once more. At least, you can continue to use them until you upgrade to Premium.
How do I link two companies in HubSpot?
HubSpot offers built-in functionality to link two separate companies together. Let's say you have a client named Acme Inc. and another vendor named Bumblebee Enterprises. Both firms operate independently and share no common employees.
But sometimes clients tend to forget whether they hired Acme Inc. or Bumblebee Enterprises for services rendered. And vice versa. It becomes especially problematic during billing cycles where mistakes happen frequently.
Luckily, HubSpot lets you fix this problem effortlessly. First, head to Settings " Integrations " Linked Accounts. On the following screen, search for “Bumblebee” and click on the icon. You’ll notice that your system creates a special folder containing both companies' accounts.
From here, you can rename it however you prefer. But remember to give it a meaningful title that helps identify which company owns which account.
Afterwards, go to Account Management " Invoices & Charges " Billing Preferences. Scroll down until you spot the row marked Withheld Amount. Within this column, input the amount you withheld from your client's invoice. Make sure to leave enough room for taxes and fees, otherwise it won't print properly.
Finally, return to the main Integration settings screen. Expand the Other Services category and double-click on Vendor Shared Folders. Fill in the appropriate fields for both companies. Don't forget to replace the placeholder images with real logo graphics!
When you're finished, click Apply. This way, your system knows which account to withhold funds from and sends invoices accordingly.
These were the basic processes involved in changing contact owners and connecting two companies. Of course, there are plenty of advanced features offered by HubSpot that allow you to further automate manual processes. Take advantage of them today.
In this article we'll explain what "contact owner" means on HubSpot CRM (Customer Relationship Management). We will also talk about how to assign owners by either adding them as accounts or linking them together. Let's get started!
HubSpot offers two ways to associate one or more people with one or more companies. The first way is to add individuals directly as contacts within their own record. This works well if you have a small number of contacts that need to be linked up. If there are hundreds of contacts, however, it may take too long to go through each person individually. That’s where linking comes into play. Using our example from earlier, let’s say you want to create a new relationship between Joe Smith and DHL Express so they both appear under the same shipping address label. You could use the following workflow to make this happen quickly.
Create a simple flowchart showing all relevant information such as who owns which company, when the shipment should arrive at, etc., then save that chart as a template.
Now open the Actions menu and select Create Account. Select Relation & Link Company(s) and check off Owner on the dropdown list next to Choose actions.
Next, choose the Accounts tab and click + New button (+New Account), give it any name you like, and hit Save. This creates a blank account record containing only a Contact field.
Go back to the previous screen and select Add People. Enter the email addresses for all the necessary parties. Then continue onto Step 3.
On the third step, scroll down until you see something that looks like this: "Owner - [Company Name]" Click on that text. A pop-up box appears asking if you really wish to change the default setting. Say yes and proceed.
Once again return to the previous steps but this time select Manually Set Ownership instead of Adding People.
Enter the names of the people you just added and confirm that you definitely want to set these people as the owner(s) for those specific companies. Once done, hit Submit. Your newly created accounts will now show up under the correct company.
If you want to link multiple different companies to the same group of contacts, repeat Steps 1-3 above but replace Creating Account with creating groups. In other words, create a single user per company rather than everyone being listed under “Person One." Next, create another group based on the second company and repeat everything else after that. Now users from both companies will show up under the same heading.
You can even use Groups to link non-contacts to existing customers. For instance, suppose Joe has recently purchased some software from Acme Co. He wants to sell his old version of said product to Fred’s Lawnmower Service Inc. To accomplish this task, simply follow the instructions outlined above—just swap out Creating Group for Creating Account and Replace Person One with FLLWS. That’s how easy it is to link a customer to a contact already registered with HubSpot. Just remember not to overdo it. There is no point in assigning 100+ accounts to someone.
How many contacts can be associated with a company in HubSpot?
The maximum amount depends entirely upon your particular case scenario. As mentioned previously, it would probably take quite awhile to process large numbers of contacts via direct association alone. However, linking is much faster because once an individual is assigned to a certain company, he/she automatically shows up under its parent account. So, if you decide to link 500 contacts, you might end up saving yourself around 10 hours versus having to enter data manually.
Can you link companies in HubSpot?
Yes. It’s possible to link one or more different companies in HubSpot. Simply follow the directions provided in the sections above specifically related to linking companies. Keep in mind that you cannot link more than 50 accounts to any given company at a given time. Also, keep in mind that links must be made from the main navigation bar located right beneath the logo banner at the top left corner of every page. Links can be edited later by selecting Edit Relationships from the Dashboard menu.
Here is an interesting note regarding duplicate entries. When linking people to separate entities, HubSpot sometimes gets confused and adds the wrong entry twice. Here is an example of what happens when this occurs. Suppose John Doe was assigned to three different companies: ABC Corp, XYZ Products, and DEF Shipping Services. All three of these companies were owned by Mr. Jones. After John finished entering details about himself, he clicked on Update Record. Instead of redirecting him to the homepage, the system took him straight to the edit relationships section. From here, John saw that he had been entered incorrectly twice. First, he noticed that he was labeled as owner for both ABC Corp and XYZ Products. What happened was that HubSpot thought John belonged to DEF since he had inputted his personal info last. To solve this problem, John went back to update relations and selected Define Ownership instead of updating his own profile. By doing this, John removed the incorrect entry and prevented errors from occurring in future cases.
Which account is an owner account?
An owner account is one in which the role is filled by an actual human employee. These types of accounts usually have access to sensitive data such as clients' private messages and credit card transactions. They are typically managed by HR personnel. An owner account designation is indicated by a little icon to the left side of the user’s picture. Such icons include a manager, administrator, agent, salesperson, and others. Only authorized employees can view the contents of these accounts. The exact colors used depend on whether the account type is active or inactive. Active accounts display green while inactive ones turn red.
How do I find the owner of a account?
Finding the owner of an account is pretty straightforward. Open up a specific account and look for a tiny icon to the left of the user’s photo. See anything that resembles a manager, admin, salesman, or similar? Those are likely legitimate accounts and the people responsible for running the day-to-day operations.
Do you still have questions about finding the owner of an account? Feel free to ask below. Our support team will respond as soon as possible.