Why isn't my Gmail showing my signature?
You've created and customized a pretty great Gmail signature, but when it comes time to send emails out of Gmail—to friends or colleagues who use another service like Microsoft Outlook (or Apple Mail)—your custom message doesn’t always make its way across seamlessly. Maybe there's just something wrong with the text itself, maybe the formatting has changed slightly. Whatever the reason, if you're having trouble getting your Gmail signatures to display correctly outside of the web app, here are some tips on why this happens and what you can do about it.
The first thing we should point out is that while Gmail supports multiple signatures per account, most people only have one default signature they want their messages to appear as by default. This means you may need more than one signature to cover all your bases. For example, perhaps you'd like to use two different signatures depending whether you're replying to someone from inside Gmail or outside of the browser. Or maybe you would like to use one signature for business correspondence and one for personal correspondence. In these cases, our guide will help walk you through adding additional signatures so that your messages look exactly right no matter where you respond to them. If however, you don't care which signature gets used and instead simply want to set up your own, head over to Settings & General then click "Signature". Select either "Default" or "Custom", depending on your preference. Choose whichever option looks best, and enter your preferred email address into the corresponding field next to each profile. You’ll be able to test this new setting once you receive replies from other services.
If you still find yourself unable to get your Gmail signatures to work properly with certain clients, below is a list of possible causes and solutions for those problems.
Why is the image in my signature not appearing in Outlook?
This problem occurs because the images embedded within your signature don’t support Microsoft Office file formats such as.gif and.png. Therefore, when an application uses these files, it throws an error. To fix this issue, try converting any images contained within your signature to JPEG format using Photoshop.
For instructions on how to convert images to JPEG format with Photoshop, see How to Convert Files Between Different Formats Using Photoshop Elements. Once converted to JPEGs, upload the modified files back onto Dropbox and open the appropriate versions of Photoshop within Google Drive. Click File & Script Toolbar & Save for Web(B). Then select All Images from the dropdown menu at the top-right corner of the window and choose Modify & Apply Image Filters... Now scroll down until you come to the last tab, Filter Effects, expand the folder labeled Other Effects, and double-click the icon labeled Reduce Noise. Select OK. Finally, save the newly edited version of your signature and everything should now function normally within Outlook. Note that since you’re working directly within Photoshop, you won’t lose access to your original designs during the conversion process.
In addition to converting images to JPEG, you could also try saving your design as a PNG rather than a GIF. However, this method does require installing Adobe Acrobat Pro DC specifically designed for editing images online. Since many companies block access to non-secure websites, if you aren’t comfortable doing this, keep reading to learn how to solve the same problem without needing special software.
To change your signature settings permanently, follow these steps: Go to Settings & Preferences & Design Options. Under “Images” choose Customize. Enter your desired information under the “General Information” section. Afterward, go to the bottom of the page and check off the box labelled Show images in HTML code. Make sure that the radio button beside the entry named Signature Image Type is selected. Confirm that the label beneath reads No Signature Background. Lastly, click Update Preferences. Your changes should take effect immediately after clicking Submit.
Why is the image in my signature not appearing in Gmail?
Unfortunately, Gmail servers cannot read images stored in compressed formats like.GIF and.PNG. To ensure compatibility between Gmail and external applications, consider storing your images in RAW format (.JPEG) before uploading them to Dropbox. Alternatively, you might opt to replace your current signature with placeholder graphics. By doing so, you’d avoid relying entirely upon your existing designs and provide users with options to customize their own signatures.
To create placeholders, start by downloading and opening Photopea. Next, download the latest version of the Bootstrap CSS Framework. Open your website’s main style sheet (which usually resides in your public_HTML directory), locate the LESS stylesheet located at /less/main.css, and copy paste the following line of code into the document:
body {background: #f2f4e8!important;}
Now search for the element labeled.navbar-default ul li a span.svg-icon. Replace it with the following lines of code:
span.glyphicon {font-size: 24px;}
span.glyphicon-remove {color: white}
Next, type the word “signup” somewhere above the highlighted snippet of code. Press Ctrl + S to execute the script, and your site should now resemble the screenshot shown below. Repeat this step for every graphic you wish to include in your placeholder. Feel free to adjust the font size and color of these elements to suit your taste.
After completing the previous three steps, return to your website via Chrome and refresh the homepage again. Find and drag your placeholder icons from Photopea to the relevant locations on the screen. These icons should automatically populate with your placeholder graphics.
Once done, switch back to your desktop client (if applicable) and repeat the final three steps explained earlier. Simply replacing your old signature with placeholder graphics should resolve this particular issue.
Note that even though this solution seems simple enough, it requires quite a bit of technical knowhow. As such, we recommend trying out both methods described above and choosing whatever works better for you personally.
Why is the image in my signature not appearing on my iPhone?
When sending emails from your mobile device, Gmail strips away all unnecessary styling tags from your content. Because of this, when viewed within iOS devices, your email appears much plainer compared to how it appears on computers. When using a Mac, Gmail removes background colors completely. Unfortunately, the native iOS Mail app lacks the ability to remove background colors altogether. Fortunately, there exists a simple workaround for this issue.
First things first, let’s talk about fonts. The system fonts available on iPhones tend to differ significantly from ones found on Android phones. While the former typically feature Helvetica Neue, Verdana, Arial, etc., the latter often contain variants such as Droid Sans (found on Motorola X10, Moto G5 Plus, LG V30, etc.) or Roboto (on Samsung Galaxy S7, OnePlus 5T, etc.). Due to differences in appearance between various systems, you shouldn’t rely solely upon your phone’s built-in apps to compose professional looking texts. Instead, consider incorporating the appearance of your company’s branding throughout your email.
With that said, here are some guidelines for creating beautiful signatures regardless of platform:
Create a header with your name and title. Include links to your social media profiles.
Use bolded subheads.
Center align paragraphs.
Keep sentences short and concise. Use bullet points sparingly.
Limit usage of emojis. Try sticking to symbols and pictographs.
Avoid excessive use of hashtags.
Provide easy-to-find contact details.
Be mindful of grammar errors. Proofread twice!
Lastly, remember that unlike computer browsers, mobile devices don’t generally allow users to disable images. Thus, if you really must prevent an image from loading, you’ll have to resort to disabling third party tools that force images to load. Luckily, there exist several useful extensions that enable you to turn images off temporarily. Here are a few examples:
Disable Photos extension — Allows you to hide images indefinitely.
Force Hide Images extension — Allows you to toggle images on and off manually.
Hide Images From Emails [No Longer Available] — Disables images permanently.
How can I add a logo to my Gmail signature for free?
While creating a new Gmail signature is relatively straightforward, attaching logos to individual threads can sometimes prove troublesome. Thankfully, there exists a quick and painless alternative. First, download the Unsplash Free Logo Maker tool. Once downloaded, run the executable program and input your desired dimensions. On the resulting pop-up window, click Create New… and give your creation a unique ID. Copy and paste your URL link into the space provided. Input your desired width and height values. Hit Start Uploading. Wait for the process to complete, and voila! There you have it. It’s that easy.
Alternatively, you could attach various sizes of photos to the body of your emails, rather than embedding separate images. Doing so provides users with greater flexibility to alter the layout of their signatures according to their preferences. Just remember to leave room for the recipient to crop unwanted portions.
If you use a Gmail account, then chances are good that one of these days someone will send or receive an email with a message like this:
Dear [insert name here],
Thank you for sending us another order! We're glad we could help you out again and look forward to seeing more from you soon. If there's anything else we can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.
Sincerely,The Team at [Insert Company Name Here]
This is a common template used by many companies when they want to thank their customers for business. The problem is, it doesn't always work as expected if you've customized your settings so far. In some cases, even though you have set up a custom signature under Settings & General " Signatures you may find yourself wondering why your company logo doesn't appear next to your emails. And in other cases, where the default text looks fine but images won't load, things can get frustrating pretty quickly. Let's take a closer look to see what might be causing those problems.
How do I get my signature to show up on Gmail?
To start off let's make sure you know exactly which signatures you should enable. You need to go into your Google Contacts page (Google Contacts) and select the Contact Details tab. On the right side panel click Edit info. This will bring up a window titled My Info where you should scroll down until you reach Signature. Click edit underneath each section to change the setting to either Text Only or Email + Attachment.
Text only means that while you type your signature, it will display immediately below your typed signature. When you hit enter, it will automatically move over to the bottom of the screen. Email plus attachment allows you to add attachments from Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, etc. It also lets you create multiple signatures per contact, meaning you can customize different ones depending upon who sent you the email. For example, maybe you have one for family members and friends versus clients.
Once you've decided whether you want to include any attachments or not, just check the box next to Signature field. Finally, ensure Show signature option is checked before hitting Save changes. Once you've done all this, you'll notice when composing new messages that your signature has changed accordingly. Now you can begin tweaking your profile to make sure everything works properly.
Why isn't my signature showing on my email?
There are several reasons why your Gmail signature might not be loading correctly. First, try turning automatic syncing off. Go to More Options " Advanced options " Automatic Synchronization. Make sure both boxes labeled Send Mail As...and Receive Other People's Messages are unchecked. Also, uncheck Enable smart replies. Turning these features back on after disabling them could cause issues. Next, try updating Chrome to its latest version because some browsers such as Safari don't support HTML5 elements required for rich formatting. Finally, check to make sure your browser supports HTML 5.0.1.
You can verify this by going to About:flags in the address bar and checking Enabled WebGL Support. Alternatively, open chrome://compatibility/ to view information about your current browser compatibility settings.
Another reason your signature might not be displaying is due to an outdated or incorrect signature file. Check to make sure you aren't using an old style.css file instead of a newer format. To do this, navigate to your Gmail inbox and hover over the downward-facing arrow below your subject line. A popup menu will pop up. Choose Stylesheet. Then choose View Source. You should see something similar to the code above. Find the class attribute and replace ".signature" with "".signature." After doing this, refresh Gmail and see if the issue persists.
Finally, if none of these solutions work, try signing out of your Google Account and logging back in. That should fix most errors.
Why is the image in my signature not appearing?
Images in Gmail signatures sometimes fail to load. Sometimes, this is caused by having too large an image size. Or perhaps your image path contains spaces. Try converting your image to Base64 encoding first to avoid problems. There are two main ways to convert an image to base 64 -- online tools or through desktop apps. Online tools tend to offer better conversion rates than native applications. You can use a number of services including Img2Base64 (free), ImageOptim ($5), or TinyPNG Optimizer (Free). Just upload your picture to whichever tool you decide to use, download the resulting data, and paste it into the appropriate place within Gmail.
After making sure your image loads successfully, double check to make sure that the correct dimensions were selected during uploading. Some sites allow users to resize images without losing quality. However, others require specific widths and heights. Unfortunately, resizing images often results in blurry files unless you pay close attention to the original resolution. You can solve this problem easily by selecting the Original Size radio button while editing images on various photo sharing platforms.
It’s worth mentioning that some people report that certain fonts simply refuse to load inside Gmail. So if you run into font rendering problems, try enabling webfonts. Head to Settings & Labs and turn on Use Web Fonts.
Why is image in email signature not showing?
Sometimes images in signatures simply disappear. Usually, this happens when you attempt to embed a URL link to an external site. Images embedded via URLs tend to break if they contain special characters. Therefore, you should remove any instances of "%26", "/", "#", "?", "?", "*", "+", "-", ".", "_", and "|". By removing these symbols from the image source, you tell Gmail to ignore them completely. Of course, you shouldn't rely solely on this method since it's possible that future versions of Gmail will disable this feature altogether.
One final thing to keep in mind is that older versions of Microsoft Outlook had a bug whereby they wouldn't accept links containing question marks. Fortunately, this seems to no longer happen. But still, if you ever come across this issue, you can manually adjust the hyperlink parameters in Google Contacts. Simply highlight the problematic area, head to Tools & Hyperlinks, and delete whatever content exists between quotation marks.
Have questions about adding a signature to Gmail? Ask away in the comments below and we'll see what we can do.
If you're like me, when you send out emails on any subject matter whatsoever, you usually include what's called a "signature". You can think of it as your name and contact information -- your full business card if you will. It might also contain links or other useful info for recipients who want more details about yourself.
And here's where things get confusing...when you compose messages in Gmail (or Outlook), by default there is no space at the end of your message for adding your signature. So then, why doesn't your signature appear automatically every time you send off an e-mail? And even worse, sometimes it displays but with some weird formatting errors. Here are all the ways to fix this problem.
I've personally experienced these issues myself several times over the years, and each time I was very frustrated because Google's support system didn't really have answers for me. If I couldn't find solutions for others, imagine how difficult it must be! But now I'm going to share everything I know with you and hopefully make your life easier.
So first thing's first: What exactly is a signature anyway? Think of it as your entire biography. Your goal should always be to provide helpful information to people who don't already know much about you. That way they won't feel lost after receiving your email. For example, maybe someone wants to hire you based on what they read from your LinkedIn profile. Or perhaps they just saw something cool you wrote on Twitter and want to see more from you. Whatever the case may be, having a good bio helps them decide whether to take action.
In addition to including relevant content, many people use their signatures to advertise themselves. They use this opportunity to promote products and services, tell readers about upcoming events, call attention to new projects, etc. The purpose shouldn't necessarily be to sell stuff right away, however. Instead focus on providing value and making sure your reader perceives you as being extremely knowledgeable. This strategy is better suited for long term relationships rather than short-term monetary gain.
Now let's talk specifics. In order to understand how to customize your own signature, we need to examine how Gmail handles signatures. When you type anything into its search bar, Gmail searches through your inbox looking for matches. Whenever it finds one, it replaces that instance with whatever else comes afterwards. Thus, if you only ever respond to emails in which you include a certain phrase such as "Dear [name]," Gmail makes those instances stand alone without any context.
But suppose you wanted to change this behavior using filters or smart mailers. How would you go about doing that? Well, the solution is actually quite simple. All you'd have to do is create rules within Gmail's settings. Rules basically work like filters except instead of searching for specific phrases, they look for patterns.
For example, say you're trying to maintain two different profiles online. One is a personal profile that contains mostly private information while the other is a professional profile you post publicly. To avoid confusion, you could set up rules so that most of your public posts use a special template that includes your name, photo, location, website link, social media accounts, phone number, etc., whereas the rest of your online activity uses another format.
The same applies to sending out emails. Let's say you want to configure a rule whereby your signature appears only in outgoing messages related to your career field. Then simply select a pattern that looks similar to the following screenshot and choose Create filter with this query.
Then hit Apply Filter and voila! Now your signature will only appear for outgoing messages regarding your job title and industry. Once again, the possibilities are literally endless. Just remember not to accidentally apply the changes to incoming messages. Also note that unlike filtering, setting rules has zero effect upon existing messages. Therefore, if you wish to modify how your signature behaves already inside a particular conversation thread, first close the window.
Next, click on More actions " Settings. Scroll down until you reach Filters & Blocked Addresses. Select Manage current filters. Click on Edit next to the appropriate filter and delete the checkmark beside Include the matched address(es) under Allow replies from. Next, clear the box next to Do not mark as spam and hit Save Changes. Finally, scroll back up to the top row and repeat steps 3 and 4 above with whichever filter you want to adjust.
Once you complete these steps, Gmail will start displaying your custom signature everywhere you send emails. However, you probably noticed that it still appeared in various formats. Some were missing logos or had incorrect spacing between sections. Fortunately, we can easily remedy both problems.
First off, since our signatures typically consist of multiple lines, we often run into alignment errors due to line breaks. We can solve this issue by adjusting the height of individual rows. By default, Gmail sets this attribute to 50%, meaning that each row takes half of the available vertical space. Feel free to experiment with the values until you achieve desired results.
Secondly, because every browser renders text differently, depending on font size, color contrast levels, page brightness, etc. certain elements may seem misaligned. Luckily, this too can be fixed fairly quickly. Simply head to Tools " Developer tools and paste in the code below directly underneath the section containing the offending element.
Finally, once we've got everything aligned properly, we can move onto more advanced customization techniques. Below is an overview of what to expect.
How do I add a logo to my Gmail header?
This step requires us to insert HTML code into your signature. First, open the style sheet associated with your account. Go to Customize " Preferences " Basic tab and scroll down until you come across CSS styles labeled.mceItemActive,.mceStatusbarLtrContent,.mceStatusbarRight,.mceListBoxLeft,.mceListBoxRight,.mceBlockQuoteTable,.mcePreviewBorder. These represent the tags used to control the visual appearance of your signature. Underneath each tag, you'll see three small dots in brackets (.mceIconMarker). Hover over these icons and press Enter to reveal a menu. Choose Insert Image to upload your company logo. Repeat this procedure for all applicable tags.
Afterward, return to the main page of your signature and remove the checkmarks next to Show image 1x1 pixels and Use PNG images. Lastly, ensure that the Background Color dropdown menu says Solid Colors, followed by OK. Otherwise, Gmail will treat your newly uploaded image as transparent. Hopefully this process sounds somewhat familiar. This technique works similarly to how Gmail inserts placeholder texts into empty fields.
Note: A word of caution though. Although it seems logical, never alter the src attribute of embedded images. Doing so prevents anyone from downloading said files via file sharing sites. As a result, your friends and followers won't receive copies of your logo.
How do I add a logo to my email icon?
To accomplish this task, you'll need to download a prebuilt version of Gmail's skin. Unfortunately, you won't find a single resource explaining how to install skins on your own accord. Yet luckily, it's relatively easy to figure out.
When you visit www.google.com/gmail, copy and paste the URL of your preferred theme into your browser's Address Bar. Afterwards, log into your account. Upon opening your webmail, navigate to Mail " General " Theme Options. Find the Skin dropdown menu and select Install New Theme. Browse to wherever you downloaded the zip archive containing your chosen skin package and extract it.
Lastly, restart your computer. Afterwards, try logging into your gmail account and see if your new design took hold.
How do I add my logo to my signature?
You'll notice that we haven't discussed how to attach external documents yet. There's a reason for that. Despite our best efforts, importing images directly into your signature is impossible. Because of this limitation, the easiest method involves creating a document titled "Signature" with Microsoft Word and inserting your logo there. Then save the file locally and upload it to Dropbox. From there, drag and drop your Signature.doc file into Gmail's Attach File button located beneath the Send arrow.
Alternatively, you can manually enter the necessary HTML codes into your signature itself. However, you cannot edit any existing sentences or paragraphs. Instead, you must replace them with brand new ones specifically formatted according to the instructions provided earlier.
How do I put my logo in my email signature?
There are actually plenty of options to consider here. Let's assume you're trying to incorporate your logo into your signature at the bottom of your outgoing messages. Before proceeding further, take a moment to review the following tips.
Keep your colors consistent throughout your site - Don't mix bold blue headers with pastel pink footers. If possible, stick with either light or dark shades. Using contrasting hues creates visual clutter and distracts visitors' eyes. Additionally, keep your menus organized and clean. Long lists tend to confuse users regardless of platform, so opt for smaller menus whenever possible.
Use proper fonts - If you plan on incorporating fancy script fonts into your signature, please consult the previous tip regarding consistency. However, if you intend to use sans serif or cursive fonts, stick with basic Verdana and Georgia. Avoid heavyweights such as Times New Roman unless absolutely necessary.