Can you add multiple emails to Contact form 7?
Contact forms have been around for years and they still remain as an effective marketing tool. A good quality, well-designed contact form can attract more leads than any other type of advertisement or promotion. By offering visitors a quick way to get in touch with you, it gives them confidence that their query is important enough to warrant contacting you directly. It also helps you build trust and credibility among potential customers.
However, creating a customised form can be time consuming if there are too many fields on the page. This means having to go through each field individually while typing out the details. There may also be cases where some users might not want to fill up every single field but instead just select certain ones which they feel pertain most to themselves. To overcome these issues, you could use a WordPress Plugin called Contact Form 7. With its simple user interface, it allows you to easily design professional looking forms without knowing much about coding. In fact, using such plugins has become so popular nowadays because of its simplicity and ease of use.
In this article, we shall discuss the different ways by which you can set up a Contact Form 7 template with multiple recipient addresses. The options available include assigning email addresses to existing contacts, adding new contacts and setting up a multistep form. Let's start off with creating a contact form template with multiple recipients...
How do I create a contact form with multiple recipients?
The first thing you would need to do after installing the plugin (or uploading via FTP) into your WP site is log in to your admin panel. Once logged in, click on Settings " Forms.
From here, under Email Templates, choose Create New Template from scratch. Then name your template something sensible like 'Multiple Recipient'. Click Save when done. Now, return back to the previous screen where you see All Available Options - Add New Option. Ensure that Set Unique Label is checked. You should now see four separate boxes labelled Name, Type, Value & Required underneath your newly created option box. Enter a suitable label for each of these sections and hit save again. Return once more to the main settings area and find the section titled Emails. Here you should see only two options - Default and Multiple Recipients. Make sure the latter is selected. Hit save again.
Now, open your theme editor by clicking Appearance " Editor. Go down to Header.php and locate the meta tag named wpcf7_recipients. Change the number 3 to whatever total amount of people you wish to receive messages from. For example, if you wanted 10 people to receive mail, change the value inside the brackets to 10. When finished, press update php file to ensure changes take effect immediately. If you don't know what a header file is, read our beginners' guide to themes and learn everything you need to know about editing core files within WordPress.
You're almost ready to test your new Contact Form 7 setup! Just visit http://yoursite/wp-content/plugins/yourpluginname/templates/multiple_email_template.html in your web browser to view. Note that if you've installed the plugin locally rather than hosting it remotely, make sure you navigate to the correct directory before accessing the template page.
It shows three empty textboxes at present, however, since you have already changed the default labels during initial configuration steps, those three slots are reserved for names, email address and message respectively. Simply enter information into each respective slot and hit submit. Your visitor should automatically be taken to a thank you confirmation page. They'll notice that although the subject line says "Thank You", the actual content is limited to just one person being mentioned.
Note that you can manually edit each individual entry as long as you keep track of the ID numbers assigned earlier. Also note that the above method works best if you plan to send bulk emails periodically. However, if you simply want to send emails to specific individuals, you must follow the next method below...
How do I assign one email to multiple recipients?
To achieve this, head over to Admin Panel > Users > User Role Management. From here, look towards the left side column and expand the roles currently listed. Select Administrator. Scroll down until you come across Bulk Edit Roles. Under Bulk Editing, check Enable Bulk Edits. That's it! Whenever you wish to assign emails to particular users, just go ahead and perform mass edits by selecting several rows of data and hitting Update User(s). After confirming, the affected users should instantly receive the mails sent by Contact Form 7.
Let's move onto another topic. How exactly does the Contact Form 7 plugin handle multiselect dropdown lists? We'll try to answer this question next...
How do I create a multi step form in Contact Form 7?
This feature is exclusive to Contact Form 7 Professional Edition. If you haven't yet upgraded to the pro version, you can skip this part. Otherwise, let's begin. First, you need to download the zip file containing the latest release of CF7PE. Extract the folder and upload it to your sites root folder i.e. /wp-content/. Within the extracted folder, you should see a subfolder called templates. Open it up. Inside, you should see index.html. Copy this file to your host server and rename it appropriately. Next, open up your theme editor by navigating to Appearance " Theme Editor. Find the Meta Tag labeled cfpe_form_steps. Change the number 1 to 2 and increase the size of the placeholder image accordingly. Finally, copy the code provided within the file to replace the original code located right beneath the title attribute. Replace both instances of #step1# with #step2# and vice versa. Press save.
Go forward and refresh the webpage. Upon doing so, you should see the second tab appear. Congratulations, you've successfully added a multiline form to your website. Notice that unlike the standard Contact Form 7 template discussed above, this one doesn't limit you to sending messages to only one recipient at a time. Instead, you can send emails to multiple recipients simultaneously. On top of that, it provides you greater control over the layout of tabs, buttons etc. Lastly, if you want to remove the extra tab altogether, you can either delete the entire row of code or just hide it behind a link.
Here's how you'd proceed if you wished to create a multi step form in HTML format. Firstly, create a basic HTML document with appropriate DOCTYPE declaration. Paste the following piece of code inside this document. Note that the id values used in the snippet refer to the various tabs appearing in the final result. Replace the images with yours if necessary. And finally, paste the rest of the code in the body section. This includes the links leading to subsequent pages, the button actions and the relevant CSS stylesheet. Refresh the page in your browser.
Contact Form 7 (CF7) is an awesome and easy-to-use freeform HTML5 contact form builder. It's built on jQuery, which means it runs smoothy across browsers including IE9+, Chrome 4+ and Firefox 3+. You can also use CF7 as a regular website without any plugins if that’s what you want. But most users would prefer using plugins like MailPoet or Gravity Forms instead of building forms manually.
In this article, we'll show you how to create multiple input fields inside Contact Form 7 so that you can easily manage several contacts from one place. We'll also explain how to assign different messages to each field.
First, let's see how to make a simple two-field form with Contact Form 7.
1. How Do I Edit Contact Form In WordPress?
You can find the "Settings" option under the "Mailings" submenu when editing your contact form. Here you have options to configure the appearance and behavior of your contact form. The easiest way to get there is by clicking on Customize Settings.
2. How Do I Change My Email Contact Form 7 in WordPress?
Once you open up “Customizer Settings", you’ll see three tabs - General Settings, Advanced Settings & Delivery Options. Clicking on Delivery Options brings us into the realm of mailer applications. There are many ways to customize your mailing application but we won't go through them here since they're beyond our scope. Instead, we focus only on changing the default message template.
To do this, click on "Change Message Templates". This opens up another new window where you can select a prebuilt theme for your delivery system. For example, we've selected Thunderbird because the majority of people who visit our site uses Mozilla Thunderbird as their desktop client. However, you can choose anything you wish.
When you select a theme, you'll notice that some parts of the themes' stylesheet has been replaced with placeholder images. To replace those, simply right click on any image within the stylesheet and copy its source code. Then paste it at the end of the main css file located at /wp-content/themes/"your_theme"/css/. If you don't know how to access these files, read our previous tutorial on fixing CSS issues in Wordpress. Once you finish copying over the required elements, hit save changes. Your changes should now be visible after refreshing the page.
3. Where Is The Settings Page for Contact form 7?
The first thing you need to do is enable the multi-email capability from the contact form 7 settings menu mentioned earlier. Open up your customizer settings again and scroll down until you see "Multi-Email Support." Checkmark both boxes beside Multi-Emails and Auto Responders. Now every time someone fills out your contact form, they may receive more than one response depending on whether they check either box.
4. How Do I Style A Contact form 7 Button?
Now that we've enabled multi-emails, let's start styling the buttons. Just like other native html tags, you can give your button unique classes or IDs and target specific areas of the screen with CSS. Let's say you wanted to change the background color of the submit button. All you'd need to do is add "class="color"" to the class attribute of the element. See below.
This makes sure that whenever anyone clicks on this particular button, it gets applied to that area specifically. Adding ID attributes allows you to target individual buttons with CSS. Take note that id must begin with a number while class names can be followed by letters or underscores.
Let's try adding a red background color to a few buttons. First off, lets set up our basic structure.
Then just add a class name to the group of buttons like so:
Finally, we need to apply the style sheet to the button via CSS. Add this line of code before the closing tag :
Add whatever colors you want to match your brand identity. Notice that I'm using #ff0000 for red (#000000 doesn't work). Make sure to put quotes around your hexadecimal codes otherwise it might not look good.
Here's the final result.
It works! That was pretty quick and easy wasn't it? Now that we've got the basics covered, let's move onto creating complex forms with additional sections.
5. How Can I Create Multiple Input Fields With Contact Form 7?
Using the same method described above, we'll be able to create multiple inputs fields too. So long as you keep track of the naming convention, it shouldn't take much effort. Here's how to create a 2 x 2 table of textboxes.
6. What Does Each Field Mean?
Each row represents a single input field. And each column indicates the type of data that needs to be entered. As shown above, the first row contains labels for Name, Phone Number and E-mail Address. The second row contains separate rows for e-mails and phone numbers respectively.
As far as the design goes, feel free to play around with positioning and sizes to suit your preference. When entering data, remember that you cannot enter spaces between words. Also, please make sure that you follow standard conventions such as keeping capitalization consistent throughout the entire form. Otherwise, your recipient may think that something went wrong during submission.
By the way, did you ever wonder why you can only fill out 8 lines per row? Well, the reason behind this limitation lies in the fact that CF7 supports sending emails only upto 64KB total size. Any size bigger than that triggers a PHP max upload limit error and therefore stops processing altogether.
If you really want to stick with the defaults though, you could always install a library called phpqbox (a portmanteau of PHP + qBox) which does support larger attachments.
7. Why Doesn't CF7 Show Up On Submissions?
Sometimes you may encounter problems where the preview pane shows empty even after submitting the form successfully. Sometimes, this happens due to incorrectly configured security settings. Other times, it may happen because of conflicting scripts.
We recommend installing Firebug or Google Chrome developer tools extensions, as well as W3C Validator extension to catch script errors and conflicts early on. If none of these fixes work, consider contacting customer service at They provide excellent troubleshooting services for customers experiencing difficulties with their purchases.
8. How Do I Assign Different Messages To Individual Sections?
Assigning different messages to individual groups isn't very hard once you understand the concept. Basically, you need to insert logic statements based on the values of certain variables. These variables represent the section being submitted.
For instance, if you were going to display different messages for each cell of a spreadsheet, you would probably write IF functions to determine which cells contain numeric information. Similarly, if you want to handle special cases for each group of radio buttons, you would write ELSEIF statements.
Follow along with the following examples.
Notice how the elseif statement checks for $row[0]=="radio". Whenever the user selects a radio button, it passes the value of the checked item back to the database. Therefore, we can manipulate this variable further in order to display appropriate responses.
So long as you follow the rules outlined above, everything should fall nicely into place. Feel free to experiment with various conditions to figure out what exactly suits your situation best.
When it comes to sending out an email, most people would probably prefer not to have to fill out their personal information. However, there may be times when you need to ask for more than just name and address details from your readers. If that is the case, having a multi-step contact form can really help. In addition to being able to get additional information such as phone number or mailing address, they also allow users to skip through certain steps of filling up forms without losing track of which questions were already answered. This makes them ideal for use on websites where visitors often want to learn more before giving out their personal data. The following article shows three different ways to include a multi-step contact form into your website's existing design using popular plugins like Contact Form 7 (Cf7), Gravity Forms, or Forminator.
How do I create a multi step form in WordPress?
Creating a multi-part contact form requires some basic HTML knowledge. You must first decide whether you wish to go ahead with creating one yourself or if you'd rather let one of these plugins handle everything for you. We'll start by looking at how you can easily integrate Contact Form 7 with a multi-step contact form.
The process is very straightforward. After installing CF7 onto your site, head over to Settings " Plugins " Add New Plugin. Then select Contact Form 7 - Multi Step Wizard under All Available Plugins, and click Install Now. Once installed, open up Contact Form 7 settings page. Under Configure Your Submissions, scroll down until you see the section labeled Repeaters. Clicking here brings up the options panel for adding new ones. From here, choose Create New Fieldset and give it whatever title you desire. When done, hit Save Changes and Close.
Now repeat this procedure once again but instead of choosing Create New Fieldset choose Edit Existing Fieldsets. A window should pop up asking what type of field you'd like to rename your newly created repeaters to. Choose General and enter a Name for it. Hit save changes again and close. Finally, return back to Configuration Tab and now change the default text fields to match the new names you've chosen earlier. You're ready to begin testing!
Once you've gone through the initial setup, any time someone fills out your multi-step contact form, each question will automatically move forward based upon the answers given to previous ones. For example, if somebody enters their street address into the first box, they won't be asked for other details unless they answer yes or no. Likewise, if a user says they don't live alone, they won't be required to provide their apartment number unless they say otherwise. Each question has its own unique workflow so take note of how yours works.
There are several great things about using Contact Form 7 for building multi-part forms. One thing worth mentioning is the fact that you can set a custom error message for every individual question. Also, you can adjust the amount of questions per submission depending on your preferences. Lastly, you can enable/disable specific sections within the wizard according to your needs. For instance, you could turn off the privacy policy checkbox altogether if you feel that your audience understands this better without it.
As far as customization goes, Contact Form 7 allows you to completely rearrange the order of the questions without changing anything else. As long as none of the boxes are left blank, the flow of the form will remain intact regardless of position.
This method is quite easy to implement and only takes a few minutes to complete. But if you find yourself needing something beyond what CF7 offers, try checking out another solution next.
How do you make a multi step form in Forminator?
Forminator is a free online service that lets anyone build professional-looking single or multistep forms quickly and effortlessly. To add a multi-step form to your site simply log into your account and search for Form Wizard, selecting the appropriate option along the way. Next, choose Create Form and then follow the prompts shown on screen. Be sure to pay attention to the instructions regarding setting up a Privacy Policy question after the last step. That is mandatory. Otherwise, your form might look pretty good but still end up getting rejected due to noncompliance.
After completing this simple process, you'll notice two new icons appear below your form. These represent the ability to either download the code directly or embed it right into your webpage. Embedding gives you greater control because you can edit the CSS file however you please. It's important to know how both work since there are slight differences between them. With direct downloads, you can tweak the appearance of your form without worrying about editing the style sheet. Furthermore, many platforms don't support embedded codes. Therefore, you'd likely opt for direct downloads whenever possible unless you plan on making heavy modifications.
To access the source code for your finished product, navigate to Code " Download Source Code. There, grab the latest version of the main stylesheet located at /includes/css/formwiz_style_v2.min.css. Now open it in your favorite web editor and copy all content inside the @font-face block. Paste it into the header area of your site and replace the original font face declaration. Make sure you place it above the div class="main". Don't forget to update the rest of the styling too.
Lastly, head over to Appearance " Design Mode and paste in your new font family. Refresh your browser. Bam---your brand spanking new form looks perfect!
How do I add a repeater to a Contact Form 7?
One common task associated with designing contact pages involves collecting addresses and telephone numbers. While technically speaking, a repeater doesn't serve much purpose besides helping you collect extra info, sometimes it's nice to be able to display multiple entries side by side. Fortunately, Contact Form 7 provides a feature called 'Repeating Groups' which allows us to accomplish this. By combining it with our multi-part form strategy, we can generate a form that contains various types of questions including those intended for full registration and others meant to gather optional pieces of information. Let's jump straight into it.
First, install cf7 on your domain. Head over to the configuration tab and locate the repeating group icon. Click on it and select Create Group... At this point, you'll be prompted to assign a name to your repeated item. Enter whatever label best suits the subject matter. On completion, you'll be taken to a menu where you can view all groups currently active on your site. Select Create Item... And voila---you have successfully added a repeater to your contact form.
However, you cannot yet test the functionality of your new group. To do so, you must visit the Style Editor. Go to Tools " Styles, and browse around until you come across the main.css file. This particular file dictates the overall aesthetics of your entire theme. Right beneath the heading "section#main", you should see a line reading "@import url("");" Replace base.css with main.css and refresh your browser. You should see your new repeater taking shape alongside all of the other items on your page. Test it out and enjoy!
It's worth noting that you can alter the colors used throughout the wizard to fit your taste. So even though the wizard defaults to blue, you can switch it to pink or red if you like. Additionally, you can disable specific portions of the interface if you feel they aren't useful enough for your purposes. For instance, you could remove the privacy policy question entirely if you think your audience isn't interested in submitting it.
Customizing the placement of elements is crucial because the goal is to maximize efficiency while minimizing confusion. Think about it this way, imagine you had to sit in front of a computer for hours answering dozens of questions. Wouldn't you want to minimize distractions as much as possible?
How do I customize a contact form 7 layout?
Unfortunately, modifying the layout of your contact form is somewhat limited compared to what you can do with standard themes. Nevertheless, you can still achieve a decent level of customization by tweaking the CSS files themselves. First, let's talk about the general layout itself. Within the includes folder you should find wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/templates/. Here, you'll discover numerous folders named after specific layouts. Open up cforms_default.html in Notepad and copy & pastethe contents therein. Navigate to your Templates folder and paste the same file into templates/, replacing the placeholder image. Doing so ensures that your template stays consistent with all future variations. Now, all that remains is to modify the CSS files accordingly. To do this, visit your Theme Options. Scroll down until you reach Customize Header Texts. Beneath that, you should see a button marked Advanced Editing. Click it and choose View Page Source. Find the lines starting with #pageContentWrapper, change them to "#headerText h1" (or whatever element you changed) and delete the hash signs (#). Refresh your browser to verify the changes. Repeat this process for all instances of "#pageContentWrapper" found within your CSS file.