How do I cancel LinkedIn premium on my phone?
LinkedIn has introduced its new paid membership service called LinkedIn Learning which allows users access to thousands of courses for $29 per month or $25 annually. If this isn’t enough, you might also want to consider subscribing to LinkedIn premium, which costs $15 monthly or $13 yearly (or $7 a week).
The good news is that if you do subscribe to both services at once, you will only have to pay one fee each month – however there are some caveats that make cancelling either option tricky. So what should you know about LinkedIn premium and learning before making your choice? We'll answer all your questions here.
How do I cancel my premium LinkedIn account on my Iphone?
To begin with, we need to understand why you would even bother signing up for such an expensive package in the first place. If you're looking for a job then you probably won't find many openings unless you've already got connections. A lot of people use LinkedIn as a tool to connect with others, so it makes sense to spend money on these subscriptions when you don't really need them.
However, if you aren't currently working full-time, then you may be able to save yourself some cash by opting out of LinkedIn altogether. You could go back to seeing posts from friends and family who haven't upgraded their accounts yet without having to pay anything extra. The same goes for groups - if you're not active within any groups on LinkedIn, you shouldn't feel compelled to upgrade.
In addition, you can always opt into other social networks like Facebook where you can see more content than just updates from your contacts. And finally, if you're still interested in finding jobs, you can easily sign up for Indeed, Monster, Simply Hired, CareerBuilder and Glassdoor, among others. Each offer similar features to LinkedIn, but they cost much less.
So now let's look at how to cancel LinkedIn premium on iPhone.
First, open Apple ID settings and scroll down until you reach Account & payment information. Click on the Payment Details button next to Credit Card Information and select Edit. Under Subscription Plans, click Cancel Plan. In the pop-up window, choose Cancel All and enter your confirmation code. Next, tap Continue Editing Options and uncheck everything except Forgot Password under Your Profile Information. When finished, hit Save Changes.
Now log in again to LinkedIn and follow the instructions above. However, instead of tapping Cancel All, you must tap Delete Plan. This will remove all of your current plans including your current subscription status. From here, you can add another plan and start over!
Can I unsubscribe from LinkedIn premium?
Unfortunately, no. But you can downgrade your account to a cheaper version of LinkedIn premium. To do this, head to Settings " My Info " Membership Status and set Payment Method to Monthly Plan. Once you've done this, you can change your plan back to the basic one whenever you wish.
How hard is it to cancel LinkedIn premium?
Canceling LinkedIn premium through the website is actually pretty simple. Just visit and follow the steps outlined below. Unfortunately, if you'd rather quit LinkedIn completely, you cannot do this through the official site. Instead, you can contact customer support directly and request to terminate your account.
When you call customer service, you'll likely hear something along the lines of "We regret to inform you that our records indicate that your account was cancelled." They will ask you for your username and password, and confirm whether you wish to keep those details private. After confirming, they will send you a cancellation email.
Can you cancel LinkedIn premium before trial ends?
Yes, although you need to act fast. If you decide to stop the trial period early, you can't simply cancel your subscription because you will lose access to certain tools like Groups, Pulse and Jobs Board. However, you can take advantage of the 30 days grace period mentioned on the homepage of LinkedIn. During this time, you can cancel your account and avoid paying for a year.
Once you finish the trial, you can delete your account permanently and receive a refund. However, if you wait too long, you risk losing valuable data.
Can you cancel LinkedIn premium after free trial ends?
No, unfortunately. As soon as the trial period expires, you will automatically become a member of LinkedIn premium. It doesn't matter if you chose to continue the trial or cancel it, you'll end up being charged.
But you can try to convince LinkedIn to reverse course. If you believe that you made a mistake by choosing to cancel during the trial period, you can contact their Customer Support team. According to LinkedIn, representatives are available Monday through Friday between 8am to 6pm EST.
Once you explain your situation, most likely you will receive a response asking you to provide further proof of your identity and location. After doing this, you can submit a dispute form online. Keep in mind that LinkedIn will never force you to pay for a product you didn't intend to buy in the first place.
As you can see, it's important to remember that LinkedIn is designed to help you build connections. Therefore, you should focus on improving your skills and expanding your network while keeping away from unnecessary fees.
1. How To Cancel Your Subscription From The App
To get rid of your subscription from the app, follow these steps:
Open up your profile page in the app by swiping down at the top-right corner and tapping “Profile.
Tap on the blue button that says “Subscriptions & Billing > Account Settings.
Scroll all the way down until you see “Premium Services." Tap here.
Here, tap on "Cancel Subscription" under the section labeled “Manage My Subscriptions”.
A pop-up will appear asking if you wish to continue with the cancellation process. Choose Yes. If not, choose No.
On the next screen, enter your email address and password. Then tap Next.
The confirmation window will then show up. Here, simply click Confirm.
Your subscription will be canceled within 24 hours. You will no longer receive any emails about upcoming events and offers.
2. How To Unsubscribe In A Browser
When you sign up for any online product or service, there are two ways that you can opt out from receiving emails and marketing messages.
Change your email address – This is where most people start when they try to unsubscribe in an email client like Outlook Express or Thunderbird. Unfortunately, if you have multiple accounts with different email addresses attached to them, it will be difficult to manage all these subscriptions at one place.
Unsubscribe through web browser – You don’t need to worry about managing multiple email addresses here because once you visit the website, you will see a link marked “Email Subscriptions” under the “My Account” section. When clicked, this will take you to another page where you can change or delete your subscriptions.
To unsubscribe via the web browser, follow the steps below:
Accessing the Email Subscription Page - Visit the URL If you haven’t made this account yet, click Create Your Profile first before proceeding further.
Click Manage My Emails & Preferences in the top menu bar.
In the next window, you will find links for changing or deleting existing email subscriptions along with other options such as adding additional email addresses.
Select Delete All Subscriptions and then Confirm deletion by clicking OK button.
Note that even after deleting your subscriptions, you may continue to receive promotional messages till expiration date set by LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with over 400 million members around the globe. The company offers a range of paid membership options including standard accounts, business-focused subscriptions that include access to research tools and professional networking features, as well as more expensive monthly or annual plans. You might be wondering if there’s anything you can do about canceling your LinkedIn subscription if you don’t want to pay any more money – so we have all the answers here.
If you're new to LinkedIn and looking to see what it has to offer, then you should probably consider signing up for an account now. If not, though, why sign up when you could just use the website instead? It doesn’t matter whether you use a desktop browser or a smartphone, because both platforms are accessible from anywhere. But if you prefer to stay connected through your iPhone or Android device, you may find yourself frustrated by the lack of support offered for the platform.
This article will look at exactly why you cannot delete your LinkedIn Premium subscription within the iOS app itself, and what you need to know before you make the decision to spend $99 per month on the service. We also explain how you can cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription without having to buy a whole year in advance.
Why can't I cancel LinkedIn premium?
The first thing you should know about LinkedIn Premium is that its cancellation process isn’t available directly on the app. Instead, you must visit the following URL to log into your account and manage your billing details: This means that you won’t be able to perform this action while using the app (unless you’re signed out).
Furthermore, even if you had clicked ‘Cancel Subscription’ on the homepage of the app, you would still need to go back to the same link in order to actually cancel your payment plan. So, no matter which route you take, you’ll always end up going outside of the app to complete your task.
Is it hard to cancel LinkedIn premium?
One of the reasons why you can’t cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription inside the app is due to the fact that the page redirecting you to login uses JavaScript code to prevent you from accessing certain elements of the site. For example, if you try to click Cancel Account on the home screen of the app, you receive a message saying that the feature was disabled until further notice.
Similarly, attempting to navigate past the URL provided earlier (which is only visible once logged in) results in the same error message appearing. In other words, this method is effectively blocked unless you open the site in another tab or window.
Another reason why you cannot cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription from the app is that the cancellation process requires you to provide some additional information such as your email address and password. While this information appears to be stored securely behind a CAPTCHA system, those who rely solely on their smartphones to carry out tasks like these may struggle to successfully pass them.
In addition, many users report being unable to cancel their Premium subscription due to technical issues. As previously mentioned, this happens because the URL used to cancel your subscription contains JavaScript code that prevents you from logging in.
However, it does appear possible to remove your LinkedIn Premium subscription entirely using the web version of the app. To begin with, you'll need to download the latest version of Chrome onto your device. Then, follow our guide on how to uninstall and reinstall apps easily. Once done, you'll be able to continue where you left off on the previous session.
Once finished, head to the above-mentioned URL again. From here, select Login & Sign Up and enter your username and password. Scroll down the page to view your profile, select Edit Profile & Settings " Billing Information, and finally change your payment status accordingly. Doing so removes your current subscription and allows you to start afresh.
Why can't I cancel my LinkedIn account?
As already noted, you cannot delete your LinkedIn Premium subscription from the app itself. However, it is possible to completely deactivate your account.
To do this, you’ll need to sign into your account from a different device, then follow the steps below to deactivate your account:
1. At the top right corner of your profile page, tap the three dots icon.
2. Select Deactivate My Account from the menu.
3. Enter your personal details under Personal Details, select Next Step, confirm your choice, and you’ll soon be redirected to the main LinkedIn webpage.
4. Click Logout on the confirmation box that pops up, confirming the removal of your account.
5. Go back to the original device where you registered your account, then log in. Your account is now inactive!
6. Make sure you never re-enable your account. Otherwise, your data will remain intact and will simply show as inactive.
How do I stop paying for LinkedIn premium?
There are two ways you can stop paying for your LinkedIn Premium subscription:
Pay upfront - One option is to set up a direct debit or standing order to cover your payments. Alternatively, you can transfer funds from your bank balance to your PayPal account.
Stop making monthly payments - Another way to cancel your subscription is to wait until the next billing period starts. Unfortunately, there’s no clear cut answer regarding how long you need to wait between each renewal date. Some people say they were charged every four months, others claim that they received notifications whenever their bill increased by £100. Either way, it seems unlikely that you’d run into problems stopping your payments.
Just remember to check your statements regularly to ensure you haven’t missed any bills. Also, keep in mind that LinkedIn’s Terms Of Service state that you agree to allow the company to charge your card without prior notification.
How do I cancel LinkedIn Learning subscriptions?
Unfortunately, you can’t cancel your LinkedIn Learning subscription either. As explained by the official LinkedIn Help Center, the company says that it provides several benefits to subscribers, meaning it is impossible to cancel individual courses without losing everything.
Therefore, if you wish to discontinue your course subscription, you’ll need to move forward with the rest of your training package. However, there is good news for anyone who has yet to purchase a full course. You can still pause and resume your lessons at any time, and you can choose to pay for each lesson individually rather than purchasing an entire course.
We've written extensively about LinkedIn Learning before, detailing how to enroll in various classes and how to learn more about the platform. Check out our dedicated article hub if you'd like to dig deeper into the subject.
How do I cancel LinkedIn premium and get refund?
When you purchased LinkedIn Premium, you agreed to terms stating that the company could automatically renew your contract every 12 months. Furthermore, you agreed to pay £69.99 ($98 / AU$119), plus VAT, annually for the privilege of continuing to use the network.
So, although LinkedIn has made it difficult to cancel your subscription, you shouldn’t feel too bad about paying the fee. After all, the company makes millions from advertising revenue alone. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with getting something useful for your efforts. And, if you really hate the service you subscribed to, you can always leave the platform forever.
LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media networks out there today. The professional networking site has about 500 million users across its various platforms. It’s also owned by Microsoft—which means it’s part of their ever-expanding family of services.
The good news for those who don’t want to pay for this service is that you can use your existing membership with no issues at all. You just need to know where to find the option in order to opt out or change any settings. In fact, if you haven’t already made an account on LinkedIn yet, we recommend signing up now because once you have access to the platform, you won’t be able to log into other sites without having an active profile. If that sounds like something you would enjoy doing, check our list of best websites to create a professional online presence.
However, if you already have a paid account but are looking to cancel it, then here’s what you need to know. We explain everything below so you can make sure you don’t miss out when you go ahead and sign up for LinkedIn Premium.
How do I cancel LinkedIn premium on mobile?
Once you've got your own LinkedIn profile set up, you can start off by going to the ‘Settings' section from within the app itself. From there, you should see the button labeled as 'Premium'. Clicking this will bring up the options menu which allows you to choose whether you're willing to continue paying for the monthly fee. If not, click the red X icon next to the payment plan box. This will remove the entire subscription from your account.
Alternatively, you could simply open the app again and try logging back in under your usual credentials (if you created them during the trial period). Once logged in, you'll notice that your paid status won't appear in the dropdown menu anymore.
How do I cancel LinkedIn premium on Android?
On Android devices, you can easily manage your subscriptions through Google Play Store. Go to Settings " Accounts & sync " Subscriptions. Tap Manage subscription to view all your current payments, including LinkedIn Premium. Scroll down until you find the entry for LinkedIn Premium and tap Remove subscription.
How do I cancel LinkedIn premium on my iPhone?
With iOS 12, Apple introduced new features that let you manage different types of subscriptions directly inside the App Store. To cancel a particular subscription, head over to the “My Account" page and select the subscription you wish to stop. Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and press the blue “Remove” button. Confirm your decision by tapping “OK.”
Is LinkedIn Premium easy to cancel?
Not only does LinkedIn offer a way to cancel your subscription, but they also provide plenty of money-back guarantees. For example, if you decide you no longer want to use the service, you can contact support and ask for a full refund. They might even allow you to keep some of the time remaining on your contract. However, you may still lose access to certain features such as notifications.
In addition, while you cannot cancel LinkedIn Premium through the website, you can always call customer care. There's a dedicated number that you can dial to speak with someone on either Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm EST, or Saturday and Sunday during normal business hours. Alternatively, you can email Keep in mind that you must first upgrade to a Business or Higher level subscription before contacting support.
Still unsure whether LinkedIn Premium is right for you? Here are some reasons why you might consider getting the paid version instead of sticking with the free version.
Why use LinkedIn Premium for work purposes?
One reason is that many people believe that LinkedIn is useful for job hunting. After all, this is where employers often look for potential hires. So, if you have an impressive resume, you might think that LinkedIn Premium makes sense.
Moreover, if you're planning to move jobs soon, you might benefit from being able to search for companies based on your location. And if you're interested in finding clients outside of your local area, LinkedIn Premium helps you connect more efficiently with businesses worldwide.
Another advantage is that if you're trying to build relationships with industry experts around the world, you'll definitely want to take advantage of these benefits. Plus, you can also share content with others on LinkedIn. Of course, you can also send invitations to join groups based on your interests.
Finally, if you want to impress prospective employees, you might want to invest in LinkedIn Premium since it comes packed with additional tools. These include advanced analytics, video editing capabilities, and an enhanced collaboration feature called Chatter.
What else do you get with LinkedIn Premium?
As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn offers several advantages aside from the ones listed above. Among them are professional recommendations, career advice, and insights on trends in the workplace. On top of that, LinkedIn members can participate in company events, attend webinars, and receive exclusive deals on products and services.
To learn more about each benefit provided by LinkedIn Premium, visit the official website.
So, what happens if you forget to cancel LinkedIn Premium?
While it may seem unlikely, sometimes things happen beyond your control. Maybe you were distracted and didn't realize that you needed to cancel your subscription. Or maybe you accidentally signed up for another year and forgot to disable the auto renewal functionality. Whatever the case may be, you should never assume that LinkedIn will automatically renew your subscription. Instead, follow the steps outlined above.
LinkedIn Premium FAQ
When did LinkedIn begin offering a premium subscription tier?
LinkedIn began charging for a premium subscription tier in September 2018. Before that date, anyone could download the app but had to wait until they reached Level 1 to actually start creating profiles. At that point, however, they couldn't access certain features such as Groups or Analytics.
Can I cancel LinkedIn Learning?
Yes! But you'll probably need to purchase a separate product called LinkedIn Learning Essentials. This package includes two courses designed specifically for beginners. When you complete both lessons, you'll receive unlimited lifetime access to the rest of the library.
You can buy this package separately, or you can add it to a single year of LinkedIn Premium. Either way, you'll save $30 per month compared to buying individual courses.
Are all LinkedIn accounts required to subscribe to premium?
No. Anyone can browse the basic offerings of the network. But you'll need to upgrade to a higher membership level in order to access the premium features.