What is a good open rate on cold emails?
If you’re looking at the success of any business or campaign in 2022, one metric that stands out above everything else is the number of conversions from an initial contact with someone via email. With such high stakes involved, it can be difficult to know if your campaigns will deliver results. There are many factors that contribute towards whether a person decides to take action after receiving your message - but the quality and frequency of those messages is what ultimately determines whether they do.
Email has become an integral part of our lives over the past decade, so much so that we no longer associate sending emails with having any other purpose than keeping people up to date about something. This has led to more people getting into the habit of opening all kinds of emails - including ones sent by businesses and brands trying to sell them things.
While this may sound like a great idea, this practice isn't always beneficial for either parties involved. If you have hundreds of emails coming in every day (which most companies probably do), then there is little chance of anyone reading each one individually. In order to get noticed amongst these masses of incoming traffic, marketers need to employ some kind of effective tactic. And while there are plenty of options available, one of the best ways to connect with potential clients is via cold emails.
Cold emails are typically unbranded, generic pitches that don't contain any personal information. The only data attached to them is usually their company name and maybe even a logo. While this makes them less appealing, they also give you complete control over who sees your email. You can send them out without worrying about whether they'll reach the right audience, which means you're not wasting time chasing down leads that won't convert anyway.
But as mentioned before, cold emails aren't perfect. They often fail to achieve the same level of success as branded emails because they lack context and emotion behind them. If you want to make sure your emails stand out against the crowd, read on for some helpful advice on improving your cold email stats.
What's a good conversion rate for cold emails?
The first thing you should consider when deciding how successful your cold emails are is converting readers into customers. There are two main areas where this happens - the "open" stage and the "click" stage. When calculating your overall success rate, both of these stages must come together successfully for your emails to count.
When referring to "conversion", we mean the percentage of users who actually purchase your product or service after being exposed to your brand through a cold email. A lot hinges on how long you wait between sending your emails and the eventual sale, since this plays a major role in determining the final outcome. According to the research conducted by Mailchimp, the optimal window for closing deals varies depending on several factors, but generally speaking, the earlier you close the deal, the better off you are.
So let's say that you receive 100 cold emails per week, and you decide to respond to 10 of them each. Assuming that everyone responds within 24 hours, this would translate into 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%. Now imagine that you responded to these 10 emails after waiting 72 days instead of 24. At this point, you've increased your chances dramatically, giving yourself a 20% chance of closing the deal. So the question now becomes: How long should you wait to finally respond to your cold emails?
To find out, check out the following table, showing the total amount of sales made based on different response times.
Response Time Percentage Sales Made After 48 Hours 0% Between 49–72 Days 11% During 73–90 Days 22% Within 91–120 Days 33% Over 120 Days 44%
As you can see, the sooner you respond to your cold emails, the higher your chances of making sales. However, keep in mind that there are still other variables outside of your control, especially during the early months of your relationship. For instance, if you haven't established enough trust yet with your prospect, he might ignore your offer completely until you prove otherwise.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, there are other important considerations to keep in mind when optimizing your cold email stats. First of all, you shouldn't expect immediate responses to your emails. Even though you're reaching out to strangers, you still need to build rapport and trust before you can start asking for money. Second, you should avoid spamming your contacts unnecessarily. Third, you should never ask for too much upfront payment. Finally, remember that you're selling a solution, not just a product or service. People buy solutions, not just products, so focus on providing value rather than simply pushing your own agenda.
What is a good click rate for 2022 email?
Another critical factor affecting the success of your cold emails is how quickly your recipients open and act upon them. As previously stated, you ideally want to maximize your results by responding immediately after receiving your mailer. But sometimes, you might not be able to do that, and therefore you need to gauge how fast your prospects react.
By clicking through to your website and seeing how many clicks you received back, you can estimate how far along you are toward achieving your goal. Keep in mind that although this statistic gives you valuable insight, it doesn't tell you anything about how engaged your subscribers were once inside your site. To determine your conversion rate, you should look at the number of unique visitors who clicked away from your landing page and ended up buying your product/service.
You can use tools like Google Analytics to measure how many people visited your site, but this metric alone doesn't provide you with concrete numbers regarding the effectiveness of your efforts. Fortunately, there are three additional metrics worth keeping an eye on. These include bounce rate, exit rate, and session duration.
Bounce Rate measures how likely it was that your visitor left your site due to dissatisfaction with his experience. Exit Rate indicates the likelihood that your visitor took the path of least resistance, leaving without completing the desired task. Session Duration measures how long your visitor spent interacting with your content, helping you understand how engaging your messaging is.
Keep in mind that the ideal ratio of these metrics depends heavily on the type of product or service you're offering. If you're running an online store, for example, you'd want your visitors to stay around for quite awhile. On the other hand, if you're pitching an event, you'll have to move faster and engage them with fewer questions.
Is 30% a good email open rate?
With millions of emails flying around daily, it can be hard to distinguish between the noise and signal. One way to separate your inbox from the rest is by using a simple formula called the "email open rate". It calculates how many emails you opened relative to all emails you got during a specific period.
For instance, if you got 1000 emails during a given month and 100 of them were opened, that would result in an email open rate of 10%. Of course, the exact values vary according to the industry you work in, but the general principle remains the same. By knowing the average email open rate, you can compare your performance to others in your field. Additionally, if you're interested in tracking your email subscriber growth, comparing your current email open rate to another year's figure could reveal significant insights.
It's also useful to note that the open rate is calculated differently depending on whom you're targeting. Your odds of success increase significantly if you choose to target individuals who regularly interact with social media platforms. In fact, studies show that people with active Facebook accounts tend to spend twice as much time browsing websites compared to inactive account holders. Thus, when choosing your list, pay special attention to its demographic profile.
Finally, if you're curious about the impact of your actions on your open rate, you can run multiple tests to ensure that your changes positively affect how many emails end up in your inboxes. Simply create a new copy of your original template and experiment with various tweaks. Then, record the results of each test and analyze them accordingly.
What is a normal open rate for emails?
One last stat worth noting is the average email open rate. Just like any other metric in life, averages tend to fluctuate throughout the years. However, certain industries tend to display wider swings than others. Take a look below at the average email open rate for five different sectors:
Automotive & Transportation: 26.5%
Consumer Goods: 21.4%
Education & Training: 36%
Financial Services: 23.7%
Healthcare & Life Sciences: 13.3%
Based on this data, it seems clear that automotive companies had a huge advantage over their competitors in terms of email engagement. That said, the industry landscape has changed somewhat since 2017, so it's difficult to predict what the future holds. We recommend monitoring your open rate closely, however, to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
Looking forward to 2021, we anticipate that the trend of personalized emails will continue to grow in popularity. More brands will begin to integrate AI technology into their communication strategies, resulting in more customized offers tailored specifically to individual needs.
When it comes to digital customer engagement, the first question that most marketers ask themselves is “how do I get my emails opened?” The answer depends on several factors such as email subject line, content relevance, time of delivery, frequency, and more. But what if we were to say there was one factor that would have an even greater impact on whether or not someone opens our emails – the format?
In this article, we will dive into some of the best practices for writing great emails and break down why these small tweaks might be impacting your open rate negatively. We'll also look at the statistics behind how effective certain formats are compared against others so that you can make informed decisions about which ones work better for you.
Keep reading below to learn more...
What is a good email open rate in 2022?
The definition of a good email open rate varies depending on who you speak with but generally speaking, an open rate between 20%-30% is considered "good." This means that 30% of recipients will read at least part of your message before hitting the delete button. For those sending out large volumes of emails (which most B2B companies should), they need to optimize their open rate by taking into account things like personalization, segmentation, and other tactics outlined above.
However, don't let this discourage you from trying new ideas to see if you can increase it! Remember, no matter how much optimization effort you put into improving your open rate, it's still only half the battle. After all, people may have deleted your email because they didn't care enough to check it out further. Therefore, the next step is to measure your success after opening the email.
Is a 50% email open rate good?
As mentioned earlier, your goal shouldn't just be increasing your number of opens. It should be doing so while retaining the same percentage of clicks (or higher) too. If you're having trouble reaching that threshold, here are three ways to boost your conversion ratio.
1. Make sure your subject line is compelling. Studies show that subjects lines containing specific words are far more likely to generate clicks. A study conducted by MailChimp found that using emoticons increased the likelihood of clicking over 4x. Another way to create a strong subject line is to use data points such as numbers or percentages. These types of headlines generate curiosity around the topic and encourage readers to take action. You could also try using dynamic subject lines, which automatically change based on past behavior.
2. Use relevant images and video. People love visuals, especially if it helps them understand something quickly. Using videos and pictures in your emails increases engagement and makes people want to keep reading. In fact, studies suggest that photos alone generate almost 10 times more interaction than text alone. When creating your image assets, consider including both photos and videos to maximize the chances of getting clicked.
3. Test different call-to-action buttons. Some users may prefer to stay within the confines of your website and click "Submit" without scrolling any farther. Other visitors may scroll beyond the end of the page and hit "Send". To ensure you're directing everyone where you'd like them to go, test multiple CTAs throughout your campaigns and tweak until you find the right balance.
How many cold emails can I send in a day?
There isn't really a set limit, but it does depend on industry standards and how often you plan to send your messages. There's nothing wrong with being ambitious and setting yourself up for success - however, there are plenty of reasons why you may want to scale back your efforts. Here are a few major considerations:
Sending too many emails is spammy and annoying. Your subscribers won't appreciate receiving a barrage of followup emails and may decide to unsubscribe.
You risk losing customers due to bad timing. Sending out one batch of emails during off hours may result in fewer responses. Conversely, sending another round later at peak hours may yield better results.
If you're spending money on ads, then you probably aren't making much profit yet. Don't burn cash unnecessarily by investing in poor performing channels.
It takes longer to write each email. Writing quality copy requires research and attention to detail. Not only does it add time to your workflow, it also reduces productivity.
Your business doesn't necessarily require more volume. While larger businesses may benefit from bulk emailing, smaller organizations can save money by outsourcing this task rather than paying employees full time to handle it.
How can I send more than 2000 emails per day?
While 2k emails sounds excessive, remember that each individual email has two main functions: generating leads and encouraging conversions. That said, you can achieve your goals faster by breaking it down into smaller chunks. For example, instead of sending 1000+ emails every day, you could split it up into 5 batches of 250 emails each. Doing so allows you to focus on optimizing each piece individually which ultimately improves the overall performance of your campaign.
To sum up, don't worry about hitting 2000 emails per week. Instead, think about how you can reach 5000, 10000, or even 100000 emails in a month. As long as you're able to reach your target audience consistently, then you've already succeeded.
Have you seen improvements in your open rate since implementing changes to your email marketing strategy? How did you know to make those adjustments? Share your thoughts below!
1) The Open Rate
The open rate refers to the percentage of recipients who actually click on your messages.
Open Rates by Subject Line (Source)
Average Open Rates for Various Email Subjects
Now let’s take a look at some examples from various industries to see what this means.
Example 1 - Marketing/Sales Emails
Example 2 - Customer Service Emails
Example 3 - Technical Support Emails
Example 4 - B2B Sales Emails
As mentioned previously, the best way to determine which subjects work with your audience is to test them out yourself. You can create different variations of each subject based off of the results of these tests.
Once you have determined which subject works best, you should also consider sending similar subject lines over multiple days so you don’t overwhelm people with too much information all at once. Remember, less is always better!
Formatting Your Cold Emails With Data-Driven Rules
While writing your email copy may be fun, creating great data-driven rules will make sure that everything flows together smoothly. Here are two ways to use data-driven rules in your email marketing campaigns:
Use an auto responder service like MailChimp or AWeber to automate the following process:
Create a new rule based on any of the above conditions using the variables provided by the service provider.
If you aren't already doing so, set up a filter within Gmail to automatically label those emails into folders where
The most effective way to reach out to people in your industry or niche is with an email campaign. By crafting the perfect message that addresses their needs, you'll be able to build rapport and develop relationships. But what's the best time of year to run these campaigns? How long should they last for before getting results? And what exactly does it mean if your email doesn't receive any replies?
These questions all have answers. You just need to know where to look first. Let's take a closer look at each one so you can start improving your cold email performance today.
How many emails can engage users send per day Zoominfo?
Zoominfo has some helpful tools to measure your success as an email marketer. This includes tracking how often your emails end up being opened by recipients (open rate), who opens them (click-thru rate), which links were clicked within those emails (clicks-per-link) and whether or not any sales occurred from those clicks. All of this information helps you optimize your emails' content and design.
To calculate your daily engagement level, divide the number of messages sent during the previous 24 hours by the total number of days since your account was created. For example, let's say you've been working with ZoomInfo for three months and sent 10 emails over those 30 days. Your daily engagement would then equal 0.33. If you're sending more than 33 emails per day, keep doing so until you hit 200 emails per month. Once you hit that mark, you can slow down slightly. Otherwise, you risk burning yourself out.
Keep in mind that every business is different. Some companies will want to see results immediately after running an email campaign while others may only care about seeing growth over longer periods of time. The important thing is to find a balance between creating enough value for customers early on and staying productive throughout the entire process.
How many cold emails can I send per week?
When writing new emails, it's useful to think like a customer instead of a marketer. What problems might they encounter along the journey to purchase your product or service? When answering these questions, don't forget to include a call to action (CTA). A CTA encourages someone to move forward towards making a decision right now, rather than waiting around for something else to happen. A simple "Click here" button works great, but make sure to vary your CTAs depending on the person receiving your email.
If you aren't using automation software such as Hubspot, Marketo, or Salesforce, you should consider implementing one. These platforms allow you to segment your contacts based on their interests and behaviors. They also provide templates for common situations, allowing you to craft emails faster and create consistent messaging across your team.
Finally, remember that there isn't always going to be a clear path toward conversion. It takes time to turn leads into paying clients. Sometimes you won't even hear back from prospects unless they choose to respond. That said, you shouldn't stop trying altogether. Keep reaching out to everyone and never give up!
How do I increase my cold email open rate?
There are plenty of ways to improve your open rate. We already mentioned automating your workflow and including a strong CTA in every single email. Another option is to use subject lines that stand out from the crowd. Subject line optimization is key because it gets noticed above other distractions, leading to better conversions later on.
One tool we recommend checking out is Hootsuite's free subject line generator. Using this feature, you can quickly write compelling subject lines without having to spend too much time thinking creatively. Just input your desired keywords and check out the suggestions. From there, tweak your words to match your audience. Then, once you've got a solid draft ready, share it with your team via Slack or another collaboration platform. Everyone involved can easily copy/paste the subject line directly into their own emails.
Another tip worth mentioning is to avoid using generic headlines. Instead, try writing about your company's unique strengths and benefits and why users should trust you to deliver on your promises. Make sure to offer tangible examples of how your products could benefit their lives and careers.
How do I get a higher email open rate?
Getting a high open rate means you're connecting with potential buyers effectively. While there are certainly things you can control, there are others beyond your direct influence as well. One factor you probably can't change is location. People live in cities, towns, and suburbs everywhere, and your target audience likely falls somewhere in between. To combat this issue, you can still connect with local businesses online and offline.
For starters, you can join mailing lists specific to your city or region. There are several professional networking sites available for professionals looking to meet other members in their area of expertise. Other options include attending events hosted by local organizations, joining groups on LinkedIn, and searching Google Trends for relevant terms related to your field. Doing so allows you to identify local trends and learn about upcoming opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed.
You can also utilize social media to expand your network locally. Take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to stay connected with locals in your community. Don't forget to search hashtags associated with your industry as well. Using these methods gives you access to people interested in similar topics, helping boost your chances of finding connections.
Once you've found a few promising candidates, it's time to put together a personalized pitch. Consider asking for feedback from past clients or conducting research on competitors to determine what types of services they provide. Finally, tailor your message specifically to the individual recipient. Include personal details that show you took the time to understand their situation and concerns.
In Summary...
Knowing how often you can successfully send emails, how many times you can send them per week, and how you can increase your open rate is crucial to building a successful email program. In order to succeed, you must constantly challenge yourself to innovate and grow. Use these tips to improve your overall productivity.