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What is LinkedIn marketing blog?

What is LinkedIn marketing blog?

LinkedIn has become one of the best places to market yourself or your business online. The platform offers an array of tools designed specifically for businesses looking to get noticed in today’s crowded digital marketplace.

If you have already started using some of these tools, then it might be time to think about expanding your efforts beyond social media, email campaigns, content creation, website design, SEO, etc., with LinkedIn Marketing -- which includes blogging!

LinkedIn advertising is not just limited to paid campaigns like display ads and sponsored posts. There are also several other ways to use LinkedIn to boost your visibility and drive traffic through organic search results. In this guide we will explore how blogs fit into all those different aspects of LinkedIn marketing.

Can you put your blog on LinkedIn?

Yes! As long as your blog is publicly accessible (i.e. you don't need to log in), you should be able to share links to your articles via the Share button at the top right corner of many pages on LinkedIn. This feature allows users to quickly access information from external sites they find interesting without having to leave their profile page. You can even embed videos directly within your articles.

However, if you want to fully leverage the power of LinkedIn's blogging tool, you'll probably want to create a separate account. That way, you won't lose any of your existing followers when you switch over to writing more professionally-oriented pieces.

How do I promote my article on LinkedIn?

You can easily link back to individual blog posts from your personal profile page, so there really isn't much else you need to worry about here. However, you may run into issues linking back to specific sections of your blog. For example, if you write multiple articles related to a particular topic, but only publish them under different titles, you'd likely want to avoid creating a "blog" section altogether. Instead, consider grouping each set of articles together under a single title, such as "Five Ways To Grow Your Business With Social Media".

One potential workaround would be to include a link pointing readers elsewhere after reading your piece, such as to another part of your site. If you're trying to build up your brand identity while keeping things simple, however, it might make sense to simply keep all your blog posts grouped together under a single domain name.

Should I post my blog as articles on LinkedIn?

It depends. Some people prefer to keep their blog separate from their professional persona, while others see no value in maintaining two accounts. It ultimately comes down to what makes most sense for you personally -- and whether you've got enough experience to know what works and doesn't work well across both platforms.

For instance, you could start out posting regularly on your own blog but slowly transition towards publishing more frequently on LinkedIn. Or perhaps you've been sharing longer form content on Medium for years now and feel comfortable building out your presence on LinkedIn gradually.

Either way, remember that you can always go back later and delete old posts once you decide to stop updating your blog. And if you ever decide to completely remove your blog entirely, LinkedIn does allow you to download everything you wrote onto your computer. Just click the cog icon next to the Share button on your home screen and select Download All Content.

How effective is LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

There are numerous reasons why you'd choose to invest in LinkedIn marketing rather than traditional forms of outreach like cold calling or sending emails. One major advantage is that you can target prospects who have visited certain websites before. LinkedIn lets you connect with individuals based on common interests, job titles, industry affiliations, and more.

In addition to targeting qualified leads, LinkedIn gives you direct control over where you appear in search engine rankings. You can influence your ranking manually by tweaking your profile, adding relevant keywords, optimizing your company logo, and ensuring that your bio matches your overall branding message.

When done properly, LinkedIn marketing can help increase sales, generate positive word-of-mouth referrals, and establish credibility among customers. Plus, LinkedIn provides a wealth of analytics data that you can mine to track campaign performance over time.

Keep in mind, though, that despite its popularity, LinkedIn still lags behind Google or Facebook in terms of sheer reach. So, unless you plan on spending hundreds of hours every month managing your entire network, you may want to focus your efforts on reaching a smaller audience first.

And lastly, let's talk about privacy. While LinkedIn claims that all profiles remain private until approved by a user, recent reports indicate otherwise. According to Wired, a study conducted by Stanford University found evidence suggesting that a small number of high-profile members had their entire networks exposed to public view without permission.

So, if you haven't yet signed up for a LinkedIn Premium account, now might be a good time to give it a try and learn more about protecting your reputation online.

How do I get started with the LinkedIn Marketing Blog

The first step to getting published at the LinkedIn Marketing Blog is to make sure you are a member of the site (sign up here). If you aren't yet a member then it's time to sign-up before trying out any posts.

Once you've signed up, you'll be able to see all the other content already posted around the web. This will give you a good idea of what types of topics people like to read about. You should also head over to the "Submit" tab at the top left corner of the page where you can find some interesting ways to add value to the community.

You can submit blog posts via email, which makes sharing much easier. It's important to keep things brief so they don't end up being too wordy. As long as you have something useful to say, there's no reason not to share it!

When submitting your article, you may want to consider adding tags such as “social media,” “marketing,” and/or “business.” These tags help readers easily filter through relevant information within their feed. Tags can work wonders if used correctly.

After you publish your article, you'll receive a notification letting you know when someone reads it. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean everyone who views your blog will comment – just that they did. However, comments from others provide great insight into how valuable your article was for them.

If you're curious about the type of feedback

Marketing blogs are the perfect way to keep up with industry news and stay on top of trending topics in your field. But what exactly does it mean to be a "blogger"? Is there any difference between a blogger and an influencer? And how should you go about writing one? Here's everything you need to know about blogging as part of your LinkedIn marketing plan.

LinkedIn has long been known as an excellent place to network and connect with prospective clients and partners - but now its platform also offers great opportunities for businesses looking to engage more directly with other professionals. One of these ways is through LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, which includes tools such as Sales Navigator, Lead Generation Hub, Sponsored Content Manager, and many others.

But while some companies might think they don't have time to invest in this kind of marketing, the truth is that a strong social media presence (like yours) will pay dividends over time. As well as helping you build relationships with potential customers, it also gives you access to valuable insights from those who use similar products or services -- whether they're direct competitors or not.

In fact, according to data compiled from around 1 million users, over 70% of people say they'd be interested in learning more about brands they love via their favorite social networks. And if you're already using content-driven posts and videos to share information with prospects, followers, and even friends, then why stop at just traditional marketing channels like email lists and websites when you could also look into leveraging LinkedIn's own digital advertising options?

If you've never heard of LinkedIn Ads before, here's all you need to know about them. Then we'll explain how you can use them effectively in your business' marketing plans.

Read on to find out everything there is to know about LinkedIn marketing!

What is a marketing blog?

A marketing blog is essentially a regular type of website where you publish articles containing helpful tips and advice for readers. It may relate to your company's core expertise, or provide useful resources for your target audience. You could write about anything from customer service best practices to hiring tips for your IT department. The key thing is that you want each article to contain value for your reader(s).

You could consider yourself a 'professional blogger', meaning someone whose primary focus is sharing knowledge and offering practical advice rather than promoting a specific brand or product. If so, you'll probably be familiar with popular sites like Medium and Quora, both of which offer free platforms for publishing original material online.

However, if you're less experienced with blogging you might feel intimidated by the prospect of creating something entirely unique every single day. That said, there's no point getting too caught up worrying about things like SEO or design because you can always hire experts to help you get started.

As well as providing quality content, you can also benefit from having a profile on LinkedIn itself. This means you can add links back to relevant pages within your site, making your page appear higher up in search engine results. Additionally, you can promote your work across Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Snapchat!

How do I write a marketing blog?

There really isn't much to it! All you need is a little bit of creativity mixed with solid research skills. While you won't necessarily have to create a completely groundbreaking post each week, you still need to come up with something interesting enough for your readers to appreciate.

Here are three steps you can follow to make sure you hit the mark:

Find a topic that interests you personally. Whether it's a problem you encounter regularly as a professional or an area of interest you have outside of work, try brainstorming different angles you could cover. Perhaps you can relate it to a current project or client challenge, or perhaps you can turn it into a funny anecdote. Whatever angle you choose, remember that the goal is to entertain your audience, so avoid being too serious.

Research your chosen subject thoroughly. Find credible sources that support your claims (or disprove them), and make sure you cite your sources correctly. For example, if you're talking about the benefits of certain software applications, check out reviews from reputable review sites like Capterra or Gartner.

Write down your findings and present them clearly. Don't worry if you end up spending several hours researching and composing a detailed piece. In reality, most bloggers spend only minutes working on a new post, which means you shouldn't expect to churn out high volume of content very quickly either. Instead, concentrate on crafting a few pieces per month that will become increasingly better with practice.

What makes a good marketing blog?

Since blogging involves a lot of self-promotion, it's important to put effort into ensuring your posts attract attention. A great first step would be to join groups related to your niche. Next, you can start building trust among members of those communities by contributing thoughtfully and engaging frequently. Finally, include calls to action throughout your posts, encouraging visitors to sign up for newsletters or subscribe to your mailing list.

While you're busy networking, you can also use LinkedIn to boost traffic to your blog. By scheduling regular updates to your account, you can ensure that everyone knows you're active in the community, thus increasing engagement rates for future posts. Another option is to schedule guest author spots on other blogs, giving you exposure without taking away from your main efforts.

Finally, while you're thinking about the next big idea you want to tackle, don't forget to ask yourself: Would anyone else be interested in reading my thoughts on this topic? Remember, the goal is to inspire people to learn more about your offerings, not simply sell stuff. So instead of focusing on the latest sales pitch, consider what you could teach others based on your experience.

Is a blog considered marketing?

It depends on whom you ask! Some people see a blog purely as another form of promotional activity, whereas others view it as a separate entity altogether. Either way, it's easy to see how a blog can fit seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy.

For instance, let's assume you run a small manufacturing firm specializing in custom metal products. Your blog serves as a resource hub for your industry, allowing you to educate your customers about the various types of materials you use and the process used to produce them. Meanwhile, your team members contribute weekly articles discussing recent developments in the sector. This helps establish a reputation for reliability amongst your existing base of loyal clients, while attracting new leads who aren't yet aware of your offerings.

So yes, you could argue that a blog falls under the umbrella of 'digital marketing'. However, since content creation doesn't require any special equipment or training beyond a laptop and internet connection, it's certainly possible to maintain a successful blog alongside your offline activities.

And hey, you don't even have to stop posting once you close shop for the night...

We hope this guide helped you understand the basics behind LinkedIn marketing blogs. Now that you know how to set up a profile and begin writing, it's time to explore our recommendations below.

1. Share your stories.

People enjoy hearing personal accounts of success. If you're lucky, you might hear about someone else's triumphs along the way. Sharing your experiences allows others to empathize and identify with you, which creates stronger bonds with your audience.

This is especially true if you're operating a family business or operate in a highly competitive market. When you show that you face challenges and overcome obstacles, it demonstrates that you're human and approachable. People respect that authenticity.

2. Be authentic.

Don't fall into the trap of trying to mimic famous personalities. No matter how much you admire Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or Steve Jobs, they were able to succeed thanks to years of hard work and dedication. By contrast, you're likely going to struggle to achieve greatness overnight.

Instead of copying other people's styles, focus on developing your own voice. Try to convey your personality in your writing style and tone. Instead of speaking in formal language, speak naturally and honestly. Keep your tone friendly and conversational, and use simple sentences and short paragraphs whenever possible. Above all, express empathy towards your readers. They're the ones who will decide whether you deserve their loyalty.

3. Offer real insight.

Your blog shouldn't merely consist of empty fluff designed to fill your feed. Sure, you can occasionally sprinkle in fun facts to liven things up, but the bulk of your posts should serve a purpose. Consider what problems your readers face and what challenges they're struggling against. What questions do they have? How can you solve them? Use your blog to answer these questions and give your readers a chance to learn from your wisdom.

4. Focus on quality.

When you're establishing yourself as a reliable source of information, it pays to prioritize accuracy above all else. Make sure you cite your sources properly and doublecheck everything you write before pressing send. Also, avoid including unnecessary jargon, slang phrases, or overly complex explanations. Lastly, avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement. Even though it's tempting to lift passages from books or online publications, doing so could get you sued.

5. Stay consistent.

LinkedIn recently launched its first-ever Marketing Blog, which will feature posts from LinkedIn's top marketers. The company says this move has been in the works since 2017, when it began experimenting with publishing content on Medium. But now the company is taking things one step further and launching an official marketing blog.

This means you'll be able to find more articles about how to use LinkedIn Ads or tips for creating better LinkedIn profiles -- but there's also going to be plenty of insight into best practices for B2B marketing as well. A few months ago, we shared some ways you could leverage LinkedIn Groups to drive leads and sales. And while many businesses have embraced these tactics, they're still not enough if you want to win over customers who aren't actively looking for products or services related to yours. To get ahead, you need to show them why their next purchase should come through your website instead of someone else's. That includes making sure your brand identity shines across all channels (and especially social media).

In short, a good marketing blog can help you reach out to people who may never even think about buying from you. It can give you something to talk about during meetings, answer questions about your business and build relationships with potential clients before they know you exist. If you create quality content regularly, people might start trusting you. They could see value in working with you -- even if they don't buy anything today.

That said, building a successful marketing blog takes time and effort. So, here are three steps you should consider before diving in.

What kind of marketing are blogs?

First up, let's define exactly what "blog" means. Technically speaking, any piece of writing that isn't part of a traditional news site is called a "website." This term applies specifically to online publications where readers post comments under each article. When you write a blog, you publish regular updates so other users can read them. You'll often include links back to your website so visitors can learn more about you.

But beyond those basics, there are several different types of blogs. For example, you can choose between a personal style blog, a corporate blog or a mix of both. Personal ones tend to focus on what matters most to you personally -- like fashion, travel or self improvement. Corporate blogs provide information for employees or partners. Mixes usually combine elements of both styles. In terms of audience, personal blogs typically attract individuals, whereas corporate ones appeal to companies and organizations.

While blogging doesn't require much technical knowledge, you'll probably benefit from having at least basic HTML skills. Otherwise, you won't be able to format text, images or videos properly. Some platforms offer free templates you can customize, though others charge a small fee per month or year depending on how much customization you'd prefer. There are lots of tools and apps available too, including WordPress, Ghost, Squarespace and Weebly.

If starting a blog seems overwhelming, don't worry. Most platforms allow you to quickly set up a test page without needing advanced coding skills. Once you've got your base laid down, you can always go back later and improve it once you feel comfortable. Plus, there are tons of resources to help you along the way. Here are just a few places to turn for expert advice:

LinkedIn Learning - Learn everything you need to know about using LinkedIn effectively. From courses to guides to live events, there's no shortage of options here.

Blogging Academy - Sign up for weekly lessons from industry experts covering everything from SEO to email marketing.

Grow Your Own Business - Our friends at HubSpot created this resource center full of helpful guides and tutorials for bloggers.

What is the purpose of LinkedIn marketing?

Next up, let's discuss the role that LinkedIn plays in your overall marketing plan. While you may already have accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, LinkedIn is unique because it helps connect professionals within specific industries. By reaching out directly to colleagues, you can establish trust faster than ever before. Then, you can share valuable insights and recommendations to advance your career prospects. As long as you follow certain guidelines, you can keep your profile professional and avoid running afoul of the platform's policies.

You can also use LinkedIn to promote yourself and your business. Since everyone uses the network for work purposes, it makes sense to make sure your own profile looks great. After all, you want prospective employers to notice you!

To accomplish this goal, you'll likely have to spend money on paid advertising. Depending on your budget, you can advertise on premium versions of the service such as LinkedIn Sponsored Updates and LinkedIn Company Pages. Or, if you have a large following on another platform, you can try cross-posting to both networks.

Here's the catch: These campaigns only work if you actually engage with followers. Don't simply blast out press releases or send canned messages. Instead, ask relevant questions and respond to feedback as soon as possible. Make it clear that you care about helping people solve problems, and you'll earn their loyalty.

How do I market my blog on LinkedIn?

Now, it's finally time to dive into how you can get started promoting your blog on LinkedIn. First off, remember that every post needs to meet the same standards as your main social profiles. You shouldn't put anything out there that would violate LinkedIn's Terms of Service. But aside from that, you have complete freedom to express yourself however you wish.

As mentioned earlier, you can opt for either a personal or corporate blog. Either choice offers ample space to tell stories that showcase your expertise and personality. On the flip side, you can also write pieces aimed at sharing general business wisdom. Just make sure you stick to subjects that relate to your target audiences.

Once you decide what type of blog you want, you'll want to pick a name for it. Think carefully before choosing one, though. Try to make it easy for people to recognize your brand and understand what you stand for. Also, make sure you register the domain name somewhere safe. That way, nobody else can claim ownership and shut you down. Finally, look closely at the URL, since you can't change that after you sign up.

After you get your domain name, you'll want to create a landing page for it. This lets you present your blog to interested parties right away. Ideally, you'll link back to your homepage whenever possible to encourage repeat visits.

Finally, you'll want to add a bio section to your profile. Use this space to introduce yourself to your connections, explain your interests and goals and list any awards or certifications you hold. Remember to stay consistent throughout your entire presence on LinkedIn.

When you're ready, you can then begin posting updates to your LinkedIn feed. Keep reading until you figure out how to format your posts correctly and then hit Enter to submit. Next, check out our guide to getting noticed on LinkedIn.

How do I announce my blog on LinkedIn?

Once you've posted your first update, you'll want to spread the word. Fortunately, LinkedIn provides plenty of opportunities to do so.

For starters, you can share your latest entry via your public profile. This option allows anyone to view your blog regardless of whether they're connected to you. However, you'll only receive a notification if you've made it visible publicly. Still, this is a strong signal that you're active and worth paying attention to.

Alternatively, you can select Direct Messages (DM) to contact individual contacts privately. Doing so gives you another chance to impress people and gain their trust. Of course, you'll have to wait longer to hear back from them.

Lastly, you can also use LinkedIn groups to communicate with fellow members. Start searching for relevant communities based on your niche and join them. Post useful content to get involved, and you'll gradually become known among your peers. After awhile, you can invite people to comment on your entries.

With luck, you'll eventually grow into a respected authority in your field. Over time, you'll develop loyal fans and generate high engagement rates. Eventually, you'll start receiving requests from recruiters and hiring managers who want to hire you. Now, that's a true success story.



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