What should I write in outgoing mail?
When you're writing a note, it's easy enough just to address the envelope without any other information. But when you want to make sure that your message gets where it needs to go -- like with holiday cards or letters written for events at work -- there are some things you need to keep in mind about labeling envelopes correctly. Here we'll show you what each step means so that you can get your outgoing mail out on time every time.
First up is the "sender" line, which identifies who wrote the letter. The first thing you have to consider is whether this person has his own mailing address printed on the return receipt (a common practice). If they don't have their own address, then you must use either the company name or department head's name as the sender field. You also have to be careful if you're using a business reply service such as FedEx SmartPost or UPS Surepost because many services require more than one identification number before sending something through. In those cases, only the last four digits of the account numbers count toward the total number needed [sources: USPS, FedEx].
Next comes the actual envelope itself. Do you know how much postage you'll need? It depends on how far away the recipient lives and whether you plan to ship by regular post versus private delivery. For example, if you live in New York City but someone in Philadelphia needs the package, you may not need as much postage as you would if you were shipping via overnight airmail. And remember that international postal rates vary widely depending on location, weight and size of the item being sent.
You might think you'd save money by having multiple people sign up to receive your card, but the U.S. Postal Service charges extra for that service anyway. When you use the same rate per piece regardless of quantity ordered, all members of the household share the cost. So unless everyone receiving the gift wants the card, you might want to stick with one signature per card instead of several signatures.
Now let's look at what goes inside the envelope. First, choose between putting stamps directly onto the envelope or printing a pre-stamped envelope. Some companies prefer the latter method because it ensures that the correct amount of postage will fit into the window once the stamp is removed. However, you can still buy stamps individually and place them yourself, especially if you're doing bulk mailing. As always, check the guidelines posted outside the mailbox to determine how large your stamps should be.
Finally, add the date! This helps ensure timely arrival of your correspondence. Use the day and month of event, followed by year. Be aware that if you're mailing internationally, the local convention for dates doesn't apply here -- you simply put the country code after the month and preceding the day. Also include the ZIP code if necessary, although in most situations today it isn't required.
If you haven't used e-mail recently, now's probably a good time to catch up. Read How E-Mail Works for tips on personalizing messages and basic etiquette rules. Then read on to find out what else you need to take care of when preparing to mail off a physical letter.
What do you write on mail to send?
How do you write a sender and receiver?
Where do you write the sender on a letter?
What do you write on a sender?
The next thing you have to worry about is actually addressing the letter. There's no hard-and-fast rule regarding what to write here. Your best bet is to start with your full legal name, including middle initial(s) if appropriate. Next, list your title or position at work, then your street address. After that, you can list your city, state, zip code and phone number. Finally, finish off with your home address. Depending upon your job situation, you may wish to provide additional contact information, such as email address, fax number, pager or mobile telephone number.
For packages mailed online, be sure to include tracking information in case there are problems delivering your order. You can also attach a copy of your ID along with the order form -- again, the better organized your records, the easier it will be for the recipient to track your shipment.
As mentioned earlier, if you're sending mail for an organization, be sure to include both the group name and the individual name. Make sure that you type everything correctly, though -- otherwise, you won't get credit for the letter.
And finally, for those times when you've had too many coffee breaks that morning, it never hurts to double-check your spelling! Take advantage of spell checkers available for almost every computer program and word processing app. They're built right in. Just click on Tools or Edit menu items in WordPerfect Office 6, Microsoft Word 2007, Apple Pages 5, Quark Express 4, OpenOffice 1.1.4., Corel WordPro 9 and Adobe Writer 7.0.2. Or try Google Docs, another popular web application.
What do you write on mail to send?
Once you've got the basics nailed down, the real fun begins. Now you have to decide exactly how you'll deliver your missive. Will it arrive in one piece? What kind of packaging will hold it securely while keeping the contents protected? Which carrier delivers fastest? These questions are answered in Part 2 of this article series.
How do you write a sender and receiver?
OK, so you've addressed the envelope, inserted stamps, labeled the box carefully and scheduled a pickup time and drop-off point. You've got a great idea for a new product launch, but you're worried about making sure your customers hear about it quickly. Maybe you want to avoid clogging up inboxes with emails announcing upcoming sales. Whatever your reasons, follow our instructions below to make sure your correspondence arrives properly packaged.
Begin by identifying the parties involved. Is it a simple purchase, or are you dealing with a lot of different people across various departments? A general format works well, such as Dear Customer Name XX, Sales Department YY. Include names, titles and addresses for anyone whose response you expect. Keep the rest brief except for the final salutation. Most important, however, is ensuring that you identify the party responsible for responding to your question. Don't assume that the sender knows whom he or she answers to. To complicate matters further, some organizations assign numerous employees to handle specific projects. One employee may end up taking responsibility for answering inquiries about your project, while others may actually deal with the issue themselves. That's why it's vital to convey proper authority. State the role played by the sender in your opening salvo.
Then, as with the sender line, give the recipient's mailing address. Start with the street address and ZIP code, then move on to providing the area code if applicable. Again, be sure to pay attention to the conventions outlined in Part 1 of this article series.
Take special care with your closing lines. Always close on a friendly, formal tone. Remember to say Thank You, Regards, With appreciation, Best regards, etc. Avoid strong language or profanity, and steer clear of abbreviations. Try to stay within two points per sentence. If possible, insert a period after punctuation marks. Never cross over sentences or paragraphs with tabs, dashes or underscores.
In addition to standard formats, you may encounter oddball requests for specialized packaging. Consider looking around town for alternatives, since sometimes the cheapest solution is usually the best option.
Where do you write the sender on a letter?
So you've mastered the art of composing a cover sheet, internal correspondence and packing slip, and you understand how to mark your outgoing mail correctly. Great job! Now sit back and relax. We've taken care of the boring parts. All you need to concern yourself with is waiting patiently until the moment the package leaves your desk and makes its way to the nearest sorting machine.
But wait, aren't you forgetting the most essential part of your trip to the post office? Where does the Post Office logo appear on the envelope? Turns out, it appears above the left hand side top corner, and it looks sort of like a capital L with the horizontal bar coming out slightly underneath the bottom of the vertical portion. It's called the cancellation loop, and it indicates that you're canceling the original mailpiece. Once you complete the transaction, the clerk will tear off the original entry and staple a new one beneath it.
This handy tool allows you to cancel incoming mailpieces. Simply remove the canceled notice from the envelope and file it immediately. If you leave the paper attached to the mailer, the cancellation will eventually fall off.
When sending a package, it's customary to include a note with the address on the outside so that lost packages can be returned if necessary. But when mailing something less urgent like a simple postcard or letter, what exactly is appropriate to say?
While we may think our message needs no embellishment beyond a salutation, that's not always true -- especially for letters containing sensitive information. Here's some basic advice about what language to use depending on the situation.
First things first, don't forget the return address! It might seem obvious but many people overlook this crucial step. If you're writing to someone who lives far away, make sure to put their name, city and state. And make sure to include your own full home address as well. This way, they'll know where to look if they need to contact you again. In addition, include any relevant phone numbers (including mobile) just in case.
Don't overdo it. Most importantly, keep your sentences short and sweet. There's nothing wrong with using formal language, but try to avoid long paragraphs since most postal workers have plenty to read while sorting through incoming mail. Also, consider including a signature block at the end of the letter. Not only does it add professionalism, it also ensures that nobody else can sign your name without permission. Some envelopes are equipped with clear windows that allow them to be easily opened by hand -- which means there's no room for handwriting inside.
If possible, stick to one subject per letter. While it's OK to break up a longer correspondence into multiple letters, a single sheet can get confusing if crammed with too much info. Keep your messages streamlined and focused on one topic. Otherwise, you risk having important words disappear beneath mountains of text.
Finally, remember that postal carriers aren't mind readers. Don't assume that because your letter looks legible, it actually reads that way. Postal employees generally rely more heavily on the addresses themselves than any accompanying notes, so take care to spell names correctly and provide enough detail to ensure accuracy.
Next time, let's talk about what goes inside those envelopes.
How do I send email to someone?
In general, it's best to follow a similar format for emails as for letters. When composing a new email, start off with "Dear [name]" followed by your greeting ("Hello," "Hey" etc.) Then, explain why you're writing. Next, list out three main points based around the title of your email. For example, "Re: Your recent request regarding..." Finally, provide closure with a brief summary ("I've looked into it") and/or call-to-action ("Please find attached").
Avoid vague statements such as "Let me know." Instead, ask specific questions ("Can I count on your support?"). To prevent misunderstandings, double check your work before hitting "Send."
As for formatting, keep it clean and professional. The standard length for business emails is between 10 and 15 minutes, though shorter ones may still apply depending upon circumstances. Use proper grammar and punctuation along with capitalization throughout, and limit yourself to two pages total unless requested otherwise. Since your reader probably has other pressing matters on his or her plate, focus on keeping your prose concise and direct. Above all else, keep it short and simple.
The same rules apply to personal greetings. Start off with "Hi [first initial]!" then proceed as usual.
Personalizing your email with a handwritten signature isn't mandatory, but it helps establish credibility, shows respect for others' time, and reduces clutter. Be careful not to overuse signatures, however, as they tend to become generic after repeated usage.
Keep reading for tips on crafting letters to mailboxes.
How do you write and send an email?
Depending on your job or profession, you may have been required to compose countless emails already. You may have even sent hundreds of e-mails every week. So, how do you go about creating a good one?
Start off strong. Avoid weak phrases such as "Hope everything is going ok." Emphasize key ideas instead. Write in complete sentences rather than fragments. Try to stay away from passive voice, unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, as well as flowery wording.
Be consistent. Take extra care to proofread each draft thoroughly. Read from top to bottom and left to right. Pay attention to spelling errors, grammatical mistakes and run-on sentences. Make regular edits until you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts. Once written, never revise your original intent once published online.
Write quickly and efficiently. Efficiently composed emails tend to reduce stress and anxiety for both sender and receiver alike. Think ahead and anticipate potential problems. Ask yourself, "What would happen if X were to occur?" Wherever possible, plan ahead for contingencies.
Use tone appropriately. Tone refers to the overall mood conveyed within the style of speech used. For instance, if you want to sound confident, speak slowly and clearly. On the contrary, if you want to appear friendly and approachable, speak faster and lower your pitch.
Tone doesn’t exist independently. It depends entirely on context. As mentioned earlier, pay close attention to your vocabulary and sentence structure. Consider avoiding clichés and jargon. Remember to avoid abbreviations and acronyms unless absolutely necessary. Spellcheckers won't help here. No matter how polished your prose, misspellings and typos will come across regardless of skill level.
Maintain consistency. One person's informal is another person's formal. Never force slang or idioms onto someone whose native tongue differs greatly from yours. Always present your words as accurately and respectfully as possible. Just because you see certain terms used frequently in your field doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way.
It takes years to master perfect English. Even if you learned a second language early in life, chances are your proficiency remains limited compared to natives. That being said, strive to improve your communication skills whenever possible. Practice speaking confidently and enunciating properly. Speak slowly, loudly and distinctly. Develop healthy habits now and reap lifelong benefits later.
Read on for helpful hints on leaving outgoing mail in mailbox slots.
How do you write a letter to mail a mailbox?
Whether you live alone or share a house with roommates, opening the door for delivery folks can sometimes be a hassle. First, you must locate the correct slot, then reach up high enough to grab hold of the handle, pull upwards, flip the lock inside and release the latch. Sometimes, this requires reaching above your head. After that, you must bend forward slightly and push against whatever stands in your path. All the while, you're trying not to hit anything on the ground below.
Now imagine doing all that while carrying groceries, wearing thick winter gloves, balancing a cup of coffee and a bag of frozen peas. Sounds painful, right? Fortunately, technology exists to simplify this process. Mailbox locks combine security features found in deadbolt locks with convenience functions typically reserved for garage doors. They require minimal effort to open and close and usually fit under the small lip surrounding mailbox openings. Locks range in price from $15 to several hundred dollars, according to customer reviews on Amazon.com.
Mailboxes today feature electronic sensors designed to detect whether or not anyone holds the handle. These systems automatically unlock the box when approached. Other models respond to wireless signals emitted by authorized users. With either option, it's advisable to change default passwords often. A few companies offer free monthly service plans that require little maintenance.
Once inside, outgoing mail becomes easy pickins'. Many homes receive daily deliveries, so organizing piles of bills, junk mail and flyers can prove difficult. Boxed magazines, catalogues and newspapers can sit forgotten until next spring. To combat this problem, purchase inexpensive plastic bins specially made for holding bulk items. Simply place unwanted papers inside and stack them neatly.
Most boxes have lids that clip shut. Others snap closed. Either type works fine. What really counts is making sure the lid stays securely fastened. Unfortunately, this happens rarely due to improper storage or lack of interest. To solve this issue, simply attach a rubber band or elastic cord to the underside of the cover. This allows owners to keep tabs on contents and prevents thieves from stealing valuable goods.
Lastly, keep in mind that USPS regulations dictate that mail cannot remain unattended for longer than five minutes. Any longer and a supervisor will arrive to verify that no harm came to your property. Thus, be vigilant.
On the following page, discover what to do if you misplace your outgoing mail.
How do I leave outgoing mail in my mailbox?
You've arrived at your local mailbox only to realize you forgot about a letter or bill sitting inside. Now what? Unless your front door opens inward, finding a replacement piece of mail can be challenging. However, most households enjoy access to a handy set of keys called a mailbox key ring (aka, a combination lock assembly), allowing them to retrieve lost or delayed mail.
Keys differ in size, shape and color. Typically, the larger and thicker the better. Keys are available separately or together as sets. Depending on the model, rings vary in price from a couple of bucks to tens of thousands of dollars. Prices depend largely on size, material, quality and brand.
You've sent out letters, cards and packages before but have always been too busy with other things to think about what goes into mailing them correctly. Now that it's approaching that point where you need to get ready to mail something, here are some guidelines on labeling envelopes and addressing emails so they'll reach their destinations without any problems.
Mail can be delivered through USPS (United States Postal Service), FedEx Ground, UPS Next Day Delivery, DHL Worldwide Express Mail International, Canada Post or private delivery services like Parcels Direct and Royal Mail POD. If you're not sure which service(s) to use, check this list at USPS.com [PDF]. And if you're using one of those shipping companies, see our guide on tracking shipments.
Keep reading to find out how to properly address an envelope for postage purposes.
How do you address a parcel for a sender?
When you ship a package by postal carrier, there is an address block on the front of the package that includes both your home address and the recipient's name. The same way we would call someone "Miss" or "Mr." when writing a letter to them, the correct term for sending a package is "Dear Sir/Madam," followed by the recipient's last name. So if your recipient has no surname listed, just use Dear Customer, rather than Dear Sir/Madam.
If you don't know the recipient's full name, you can search online via Google Maps, Bing, Yahoo! Local Search or MapQuest to find his or her street address. You can also look up customer records directly from major retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy or Macy's. Here are three websites that offer free lookup tools: Find People & Pages Online, Lookup Free Business Info and QuickLookup.
The next step is to fill in all of the blanks on the address side of the package -- including the zip code. While it may seem easier to put everything in after you click "Continue To Ship," doing so makes it more difficult for the post office worker who needs to enter information later. It's best to leave space for the employee to type in the appropriate information. Also include city names, state abbreviations and country codes. Don't forget to add PO Box numbers, fax addresses, phone numbers and website URLs. For international customers, include the local currency symbol ($ instead of $). Make sure to finish off the address section by clicking "Submit Address."
Once the package leaves your hands, the job isn't over yet. There are still several ways to track your shipment once it reaches its final destination. Read on to find out how to keep tabs on your package while it travels toward its destination.
How do I create an outgoing email?
Creating an electronic message is simpler than creating an actual piece of paper because you only have to worry about formatting. In most cases, you want to start by filling in the "To:" line. This tells whoever receives your email that the email was directed specifically to him or her. When you type the person's name, make sure to format it in uppercase characters ("MR"). Once you hit Enter, Word automatically adds the rest of the address. Keep the capitalization consistent throughout the entire email -- use upper case for everyone.
Next comes the subject line. Be short and sweet -- nobody wants to read long paragraphs of text unless they absolutely have to. Start each sentence with the person's name, title or business affiliation. Write the body of the email in plain English, leaving out jargon and technical terms. Use punctuation sparingly, especially commas. Most people won't understand why you used a comma between two words in the middle of a sentence or paragraph.
Finally, take care of the signature portion of your email. Since you likely already signed off during the creation phase, simply delete the word "Sincerely" and replace it with your company logo or motto. Then end the email with "Thank-you" and your contact info. A few quick tips for crafting professional signatures: First, remember that adding graphics to your signature is optional, but having one can help increase response rates. Second, avoid typing multiple lines of personal identifying information since many spam filters flag messages containing large amounts of data. Third, try to avoid copying and pasting your signature over and over again. Instead, choose one standard signature per department and update it whenever necessary. Finally, never sign off with salutations like "Yours Truly" or "Respectfully Yours." These phrases are typically associated with handwritten signatures.
Now let's move onto the basics of composing an effective email.
What is an outgoing email address?
An outgoing email account allows users to access their accounts remotely. They usually require special software, however, and aren't widely used. Outlook Web Access (Webmail) is Microsoft's version of remote access. Gmail offers limited remote access capabilities. Other popular providers include AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Hotmail and Juno Messenger.
Outgoing email addresses serve another important purpose -- they allow recipients to reply back to you. Without them, you wouldn't be able to receive replies until you physically visit the location where you posted your letter, package or email. Many businesses require employees to have a unique email address for various reasons, including security protocols, preventing abuse and keeping work files organized. Even though they're less common now, old school email addresses are still available. Try searching for them on Twitter or Facebook.
How do you send an email for the first time?
Before actually sending an email, you must set up your computer to authenticate with servers. This prevents others from taking advantage of your account. Go to Control Panel " Network Connections and select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) under Categories. Check the box beside Host Name and type in the domain name of the site you intend to log into. Click OK and then Finish. Windows will prompt you whether you'd like to save changes to your current settings or revert to default values. Choose Default Settings and restart your system.
Microsoft recommends changing your password immediately following these events. You can change your password through Control Panel " User Accounts. Then follow these simple rules:
Never share your user ID or password.
Don't reuse passwords.
Change your password every 90 days.
As mentioned earlier, it's wise to periodically review your outgoing email habits. We don't recommend forwarding unsolicited junk mail or offensive comments to friends, family members or co-workers. Doing so could violate anti-spam laws and land you in hot water with federal officials. Before you forward anything sensitive, consider asking yourself if you really feel comfortable doing so.
For more great resources, please visit usps.gov.
Have questions about posting a letter, package or e-mail? Visit the U.S. Postal Service Ask Us page.
Learn more useful facts about mail transport at usps.com/factsheets/.
Want to know more about working with computers? Learn basic skills at uspto.gov/learning_and_resources/English/index.htm.